HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-06-29, Page 10• raraigir''
PerWaps the
birds in the trees
don't realize it
but everybody else does
tst meIPPV
.61 • European Swimwear
• Maternity Sportswear
• Golf Togs
• Kaiser Hosiery Including Supp-Hose
• Exclusive Sportswear and dresses
• Unusual gifts and jewellery
I A neW'shop in Piille'Tree surroundings ."
Hours of Business
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday
(10:00a.m. t06:00.p.m.
Tuesday and Friday
10:00 a.m. to9:00 p.m.
VA miles south of Grand Bend Traffic Lights *r.
on east 'side Highway 21
E. McIlroy - 519 -238-2818 RR 2, Grand Bend
Are you thinking about building a
DriVing Shed or Lean-to?
For an excellent job at a rea sonable price
RR No. 2, Clinton
Opening June 29
Nvorr Wait Disney'4
29-30 ,lUN. 1 'JUL.'
They look pretty happy these methberi of the Brussels• Centennial committee. And .well they
should. The Centennial program they have put together is a fitting recognitiOn of Brussels 1,00th birthday. "
Members •of the committee Shown with general chairman Hugh Pearson are: 1st. row (left)
Vera' Hastings, Sarah Stephenson, general chairman Hugh Pearson, Mary Lowe, Hazel Matheson;
2nd. row - -D.A.Rann, Dave MeCutcheon; Max Watt, Gord Workman, George Mutter; 3rd. row -
Ralph Pearson, Henry Exel, Harold Bridge, Ross. McCall, Wayne Lowe. (Absent at other meetings
when the picture Was taken were Reeve Jack McCutcheon and Bill Mcwhirter) (Staff Photo)
Welcome mat is out for visitors to
Brussels' 100th birthday party
T1K4 '111111 ett:0
444. west., By MAMA 41,,01 0.11,141,0,0,4 CO NC
Wan 0,04,
Saturday Matinee at
1:30 p.m.
One showing nightly at 8 p.m.
Mrs. Wm. Walters.
Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne
spent Friday in Exeter with Mr..
and Mr Ross Ross Mathers, Larry
and Mark
Mrs. Tom Campbell- and Mrs,
Hazel Coward, Mrs. Phil Hern,
Mrs. Freeman Horne and Mrs.
Sanford Hutton visited on Mon-
day evening with Mr. and. Mrs,
wm. Walters.
Mrs. Phil Hern and Greg
and Mrs. Gary Simpson and Scott
spent a few days this past week
at Chesley Lake.
Mrs. Gordon Prance visited
on Tuesday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Walters.
Mr. Ray Clarke of St. Marys
visited on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Walters and Danny.
Mr. and Mrs. George l'rayne
spent Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs.
Ross Mathers and boys 'of Exe-
ter who also had as their guests
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson,
Leslie and Linda of Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day-
man and family of Kippen , and
Miss Wendy Ryckman of Exeter .
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Walters and Danny.
Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn,
spent the weekend at Ottawa.
Mr. Laurie Dayman of Kippen
visited a few days with Mrs. Wm.
Walters and Danny.
4vIr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton
and Diane visited over the week-
end at Listowel with. relatives.
Mr. Wni. Taylor is spending
three weeks in. Scotland with
relatives. .
Mr. arid Mrs. George Fyayne
visited on Saturday evening' with
Mrs. Wm. Walters and Laurie
DaYrnan.Bill waiters, Wm. Ei‘ Mr. r-
ington and Tom Yellow spent a
few days at French River.
t4- rs litIR-Oil• EXPOSITOR, tiAFORT11, CINT,7,11,INR 29, 1972
Chairman' D'ORLEAN' SILLS Commissioner ROGER WHITMAN
Mayor, F, C. J. SILLS ' WALTER SCOTT, Manager
Present rates now in effect
First 100 K.W.H. @ 4.4e per K.W.H.
Next 400 K.W.H. @ 2.00 per K.W.H.
Next 1000 K.W.H. @ per K.W.H.
• -Balance 6 Lie per" K.W.H.
• the increase in the cost of the power we buy.
.Now OntarlO Hydro has raised the cost of the.poWer we buy from them by 7.8 per cent. There
no longer is any alternative. We must• go to you, the consumer, to offset this increase in hydro .
Rates, in•4terms of,, the service electricity provides you ,will still be low. However,'com-
mewing September 1' next billings will show an average increa,se .of 7.9 per cent to reflect
24 hours a day seven days a week. When you flick a switch it's our job to see that the lightscome
on. This, of course, means that we must keep your equipment in A 1 condition and thoroughly
up to date to make sure we can meet the demands you may make on us-.
That's why we face the ever present problem of updating equipment and building new lines.
That is the problem we face. We find each year that added alnounts we pay for labor, for
tiriansportationir for eqUipment and-supplies are a little' bit-bigger.: *So far by the strictest economy"'
and careful management we 'have found it possible to operate within our existing revenue despite
increasing costs.
Present rates now in effect
First • 100 K.W.H. @ 4,40 per K.W.H.
Next 400 K.W.H. @ 2.00 per K.W.H.
Balance @ f.I0 per •K.W.H: •-•
Present rates now in effect
First 50 K.W.H. @ 4.00 per 1C. W.H.
Balance @ 1.10 per KW.H.
One month minimum bill for all ,Domestic Consumers $3.00. Rate subject to 5% late
- payment charge.
Present rates now in ffec
First • 50 K.W,H. @ 5.0
Next 200 'K.W.H. @
Next 9,750 K.W.B. 1.f4 Balance CO .60
Demand charge over 50 K.W.H. is $2.00 per
50 K.W.H. is $2.10 per K.W. per month.
Monthly minimum hill $3.00. Rate subject to 5% late payment charge.
We at the P.H.C. have a great responsibility. As your custodians we must be at your service '
Consumer's with metered water heaters having elements of 1000/3000 watts or over,
the following rates will apply on and after August 1, 1970.
All Electric Homes Rate Schedule for One Month
General Service Rate Schedule for One Month
Domestic. Rate. Schedule .for Two Months -.
per K. W.H.
per K.W.H,
per. K.W.R.
per K. W.H.
K. W. per month. Demand charge over
Rates effective August 1, 1970
First 50 K.W.H. @ 5.O per K.W.H.
Balance @ 1.2d per K.W.H.
Rates effective August 1, 1970
First 100 K.W.H. per K.W.H.
Next 400 K.W.H. 2.30 per K.W.H.
Balance „ 6 1.2d per K. VZ.11.'
Rates effective August 1, 1970
First 50 K.W.H. @ 5.00 per K.W.H.
Next 200 K.W.H. @ 2.4 per K. W:H.
Next 9750 K.W.H. @ 1.650per K.W.H.
Balance @ .65¢ per K.W.H.
Rates effective August 1. 1970
First 100 K. W.11: @ 4,4 per K.W.B.
Next 400 K.W.H. @ 2.30 per K.W.H.
Balance @ 1.4 Per K. W.H.
4.4www.o.re roors....••••••1.1.41,..sinarear,
visitors that are head Service and a combined open
air service -gets underway in
Victoria Park in the evening.
Monday is horse'race day with
a full program scheduled for that
afternoon. A series of ball
games continues .throughout the
Centennial and a midway and
rides will operate continuously
in Victoria. Park. • -
The Lions Crlub is sponsoring
breakfasts each morning at the
Lions Park commencing at '7
The Centennial celebration
Daniel Burns, 80, of 59 East
William St., died in Seaforth
Community Hospital on Friday
after a short illness.
Born in Hibbert Township,
he was the son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Patrick Burns. He was
educated in Burns school. He was
married to the former Lillian
Kenny of McKilloP Township.
He - is survived by his wife,
daughters, Mrs. Jane Holtz-
hauer of Galt, Mrs. Rose Mor-
rison of Windsor; Sons, Ken-
neth" of Goderich, Harry, of Kit-
chener, Joseph of Staffa and Ferg-
us of Hamilton, and several
The body was at the G.A.
Whitney funeral home until 10:30
a.m.. Tuesday when reMoval was
made to St. James Roman Cath-
olic Church for requiem high
mass at 11 a.m. Rev. Harry
Laragh officiated assisted by Fr.
Fenney of London.
Burial followed in St. Pat-
rick's Cemetery, Dublin, Pall-
bearers were Lavern Morrison,
Dan Burns, Fergus Burns, Joe • •
Burns, Norval Elliott, Bert Ma-
Harry Hector Pethick, 68,
of RR 1, Seaforth, died Friday -
in Seaforth Community Hos-
pital following a two-month ill-
Formerly on the staff of CFB ,
Clinton, he, has beeh retired since
He was born in „Seaforth, a
son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
.George Pethick, of Seaforth,
Mr. Pethick married Thelma
Jean Wakefield of Kinburn. He
was a member of the Orange
Lodge, and served in the army in
the Second World War.
Surviving are his wife; daugh-
ters, Janice, Ruth and Gladys,
and a son, George, all at home;
sisters, Mrs. Frank (Thelma)
Brugger, Miss Jeannette Peth-
ick, both of Seaforth.
The body was at the R. S.
Box funeral home; Seaforth where '
_the funeral service was heldSat- e
urday at 2 p.m. with Rev, T,C.
Mulholland officiating. Burial
was in Maitlandbank cemetery. 7
Pallbearers were Russell Car-
ter, Ken Thompson, Wilfred
News of
Mrs. Hugh Berry
Mr. and ,Mrs. A. Cribbon,
Toronto spent last week with Mrs.
A. Paterson and Mrs. Cribbon's
mother, Mrs. B. Sholdice.
Quite a number of Bruce-
field citizens' were in Londen
on Sunday. They will appear on
Act Fast in the near future.
Mrs. Wm. Clark has moved
into the house of Mr. E, Sil-
lery. We welcome Mrs. Clark,
to Tuckersmith.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper
spent Sunday with their son, Mr.
Bert Pepper and family, Neu-
Every week more and more
people discover what mighty jobs
are accomplished by low , cost
Expositor Want. Ads. -Dial 527-
The flags are flying, tne sands of
decorations are up,„ the homes are expected.
tidied, lawns raked and grass cut, A highlight is the parade -
extra cooking and refreshments Saturday afternoon when John
are on hand as Brussels people Ainley, great-grandson -of the
get ready for their 100th birthday founder of Brussels will act as
PhrtSr. parade marshall. Following the
The Centennial program on parade official Centennial cere-
which committees have been hard monies are set for Victoria Park.
at work for more than a year A Centennial plaque presented
gets underway ThurSday night by the Historical Sites People
with a ball game inVictOria Park of Ontario erected in front of the
followed by a ceremony at. Library, will be unveiled on
Brussels Public School when a Friday night.
plaque ,will be unveiled. Sunday will see crowded
From then until Monday night churches in the morning with will end Monday night with fire- Scott, William MiUson,
there-are...few-idle mom ents-for -speoial- Gentennial-serviees-plan- -works-at-10- oteleek. - Donald
either those responsible for the . ned in each. ' In the atterfioon
varied program or for the thou- the LegiOn is sponsoring
• Flowerbearers were Hebert
Wi ncheisea
Wakefield and Brian Pigg.
Russell Butler, 80,- Lot 11,
Con. n, Hibbert Township, died
in the South Huron Hospital, Exe-
ter, Thursday.
He was the son of the late '
Mr. and Mrs. William Butler,
and lived an the same farm all
his life.'
He was a member of the
United Church, Staffa.
He is survived by a sister,
Mrs. D. M. (Jennie) Fisher,
The funeral service was held
at the Heath-Leslie.. Funeral
home, Mitchell, Saturday at 2
p.m. and burial was in Staffa
Brooches - Necklaces - Pierced Earrings
CROWN LYNN (ironstone)'
20-pc. Sets -- 1/2 PRICE
Regular' $15 95 to $21.95
NOW $8 and. $11
Open Tonight and Friday Night Till 9 p.m.