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Wingham Times, 1892-05-27, Page 6
hTV M�Fswwles�llr+!+�w>wrwirr, ...... , ? ' , .. c r ...... ra..., , - . t., 7., It. TID1Tl 7.'i1131d.l"i. % IKI iing1pul �-�"!�' 11{�;w , Ant of jfia ?.atltude. a �GJ. ll) tlYalltt0marry the girl,, said {(� ( TrainsAVI-Ne nrrlveat'd depart as follows: P 0/ �O - 419AvtXa A3511- xq Frank .Blaokwell decisively, U JJJiii.. .�,� G:001),In.,,... 1gr Tgrq„tq....,,....G:.00 P.m .. —Is riJi3L1sIIETi-- ...- I1� 2: t In ........ + ..... p.ur 'l'iteu, you'd better work the a' 1 sttattr, A tATly Y � i. , 1:o05, P.1 , , of Tce 12:x(' ”, B.T It %Tt 1o:GG P. rn „ .. o• G .' TAA' Dt01 T rO' �'ID`0, MAY 27, U92. N7,011 , advised his friend l:)iok Arclii. --Ax Till:-- "`� - bald a g " g v S (:OFFICE, JOSEpHINK STREET • - , with, higlibred, En llsil els ante, tiia G TIME AAI, ONTAUI0. W Axlimals Beal^ Paan. Got on good cerins with her mother i ��fii ; ' `r- A. C. =41irIIDEE, AOHST, wiNOnATI. � i13GIi Through tickets to all points in. Autcrlen--Norttw I tha pathetic things is the .ell Dick 1P'est,i'acilla Coast, oto„ via oho shortest and all Sulrsoriptionpricc 1perycar,Inadvnuce Work the old wOn1all, repeated i "' �/ lopular routes. Da„'„ ago chevRed through to �— r ill which the animal liingdom. , vvn rvt destination. Lowest freight rates to all points AD13.RTISING ItATFS, _ confidently .• that's o lr 1 suffering, She coil do more with a r friend Teti ^^TiM TA�I.E, bnnce I X y r. 1 3 ma. harass,, f0' instance in battle, L `' 1-HAVR wINOUAR. Ana1Vn AT w1XellAtl. Ona Colulnn $00 00 $35 00 l $20 QO 18 00 > , a:30 a.m.To4'vnto,4uclgh,Pnhnerstgn, &o, 3:3111,111, limit " 35 00 &0 00 lw 00 6 00 c' Mie first shook of a wound they iter what a line woman she is ; and 11:10 „ „ la:2a '+ cZumt'ter" 20 oa 1206 7 00 1 e.0 how sorry Oil fire you can't get her, 111,5' , I � .., 3: a6 pilo, '+ ' Clinton, • Une Inch 6 00 3 00 I 2 _ 100 o souliu. They bear the pain y y b '.' b� _:ao 7:35 .• Palmerston,llfixcd. ..10:354,711 _ . _ ____., _._._.� ___- .,...-.. but will take'tbe daughter as being (i:4Gaan...........rond0n, &c.,.. .•.11;00 Legal andoton,an lanlaavlinforea hsubsorlint elute, wondering endurance, � 5 `3� 3:20p.in. 7:56 p.m fol'firstInsertion,and3c.perlingforeachsubsequent the next lies t thing, 11:10 4.111..., .... t{incardino, &U .. 0:30 a.m. insertion, :1st night you hear a wild groan 3:30 n, 11:10 " Local notices ch per )live for sipr insertion, and I don't know but what that is, a Both the -method and results when 10•r0p" 7:10 p.m, 5e.. porihle for en rived I ees that iuser'ticr.. No local 1)e battlefield it. comes from Syrup of Figs is taken; It iii pleasaUt — nOtdv wilt bo eta of Lost, ossa then 250, good idea, hesitated Frank, - -- Advertisements Chances rated, ,Strayeeding8lons, Onellness, their loss of that g and TefreSlling too the taste, and acts •- and Business Chaucer )wanted, not gxeoedtng 8 liueb It's sure, every time, replied Dick ; , gently yet pr( tlyontheKidneys, �•�", 9` q 'A'[' �` � '�T �-1 nonpareil, sl per month Companionship which seems n p� ALLAN i� ,d 1! ,L1 iL`a Houses and Farms for Still" not exceeding 8� lines, •able t0 the Com- but don't neglect file Old filet), either. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the Sys, $1 for fltst month, 60c. per subsequent month tely indispensable These terms will be stt'ictly adhered to Take bim a box of cigars the next time tem effectually,. dispels coldly, head- ROYAL MAIL STNANNInPS• Special rates for longer advertisements, or fq1 lou)estieated animals, aches and fevers and cures �iabitual REDUCTION IN RATES. ton cor Baca ti a a broken lea for You go there, and never differ wit11 - Advertfegmeuts ane local ngtioos without specific d0„ will Oar Cy Ol' 1Cs, But the old woman is constipation. S 'rip Of Figs is the Stemmer,} sail repuiarli, from directions, will be inserted til} forbid and chargede him in p , it. only remedy of its kind ever ro- paid ,, advertisetn9nts Irtuat be - accordingly, Transitory 'stfully but uncomplainivaly PORTLAND AND -HALIFAX To LIVER inndvanco your best play. Get solid with her. dated, pleasing to the taste an acChanges for contractadvertisements muutbo In catstrlekell with steel{ or atone, POOL tiaLondunderrY. the Office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear gLt 9l) some trap from which it Fay no attention to the girl; work the cep, to the stomach, prompt in i thatweek R, ELLIOTT old woman and you're a sure winner. its action and truly beneficial In its DnR►Na 'r,na tvINTER.nfoNTIIS. � PRQrRIFrgI1 ANn PUl7LlefIER is way to freedom, crawls' tot You're a rent head, Dick, said effects, prepared only from the most Cabin, $40. and upwards: Second Cabin, . 6. Steerage at ]pw rates. No Cattle Carried. secret place and bears in silence health and reeabl. substanees,itS SERVICE OC R. MACDONALD, which we could not endure. Frani;, as a deep conviction of fife manyeacellentqualitiescommendit STATE SERVICE friend's worldly wisdo.n stole over to .all and have made. it the most ALLAN LINE i eep and other cattle meet the cTRAMSBIPS. JOSEPHINE STREET; opular remedy l.nown. Z1ZNF..r• °� t of the butcher's knife without a i"" ' p Q. of Figs i:, for Salo in ?oils NEW YORK & GLrASGOW tv1°"""' ONTARIO I'll take ou advice. And now, ane' even common poultry ell• y bottles by all leading druggists. ko and hood night, old man, I must leave you. Any reliable druggist who may not Tim LoinxondeconilCabiaF� 5�ri-Steer�eatlow tee w,III. TOIVLER, br,D.C,Ar„ ,intense agony vti ithout complaint, I Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or P dove, shot unto death, flies to � It was three months after this Inst- have it on haled 3vi11 procure it blemberCollege Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario dent before the ardent lover met the promptly for any one w'ho wishes HENRY DAVIS,�vINGIIAM. —Coroner forCountyofHuron— far off hough, and as it dies the to try it. Manufactured only by the -� office Irp•stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. $agnC10n8 QOunSeIOC again, hang, Ont. ce- is unbfoken save by the patter ri g B}t'if9D (iq� �� � core r _ oFF10R Ilou as. —9 to 12 a. m„ 1 to 0 p. m„ or at rb leaves of its own life -blood. How are vou, old man? said Dick, of d.efB RH Deuced longi t1n28 slllc0 I cern you SAN T1�t�lel,Ielr o, CAL. Scientific American Residence, Diagonal Street. ie wounded deer speeds. to some �, ..•.. „� agency for., , last, How are Voll getting along with L01J15VITrZr-, "i-�'$, Y3 71It. J. A. MELDRUM o brake, and in pitiful submission AJ honor eCollege of Toronto andsUniversity,rgeo and that little girl yuu were teffin m ® OntarirofthoofPhysi<:iansdndSurGooneot Ontario. s for death. about ? e A Ofliceaud Residenec--Cornerof Centro and Patrick lie eagle, struck ill told all,' 1i+,his I streets, formerlyoccupied by Dr. Bethune. See, here, Dick; you're an English- WINenAal ONT le la4t against the fatal sumuloI1S CAoiEAT.`„ - mall, aren't you ? demanded Frank M t j,� d TRADE MARKS, VATSTONE. re is no moau or sound of pain,, shortly. ®EsleN PATrANTS PL I};III , I i'IIIIIld� I CONY121Co-1TTv, etc. the defiant look tecer fades tim Iiti BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc 1 Yep, replied Dick loftily. CI J ;) jl�' �y'I �'I yor information and free Handbook write to V1+6. Ui)tll the IiCIB 01088 UveY thein ' a 11� Iii plJli!I(ti MUNN & CO. 3ti113uonnpatents in Atnerlaa. Private wmt Company funds to loan at lo,ecstatea Well tlieil I'll tell )on one tbill,, lif +111 oldest bureau lorse ginterest. No commission charged. Mortgages, ow'a ' ' Every patent taken out by ns is brought before and !arm propertl bou,rht and sold. i 1 to nncover again. isaid Frank, solektrIlV, for' Citi owl- ti I-tA t. li I1'('?� �`irl thopnbliebyanOtieegivonYrceoYC}Iargeint110 3' � a�l� I, b I , o • ° OFFICE—Eenvor Block 11'INaun17, UNT Offensive sero cured, f benefit, hick; surely for your own bene.y I�� I lllllliil�'� li'fil �^, �•�,��> ---- --_ __ . - _ _.�_ - r&n Sins, -I take pleasure in testifyin.,' fit, 1 won't cleuy that you have a fine III • I ulatios:ofanyScientificpaporinthe ,tie i;reat haaliug qualities of your Lmedl- Larvat o pl I ' ° l II' ward, Splendidlyy illustrated. No lntolUgent :E. Iliad the misfortune t0 our in di mind, and that your ideas about most � � � � ., �Ij III I � ';!� man should bo witbout.it. WealtlY' 1113:•00 a and through cold and neglect tt biotic } things way be perfectly sound ; but it �il I��'ll �I tE Ipl Q�ar 51.50 six mouths. Ad New at York. &C0—, (� J II I @iruzasIl>nts. 361 Broadway. New York. in a running sore, my leo became in- i " _ - ed tied very painful, and the discharge when you tactile our American girls, NEW s very offensive; variousremedies failed you fool with a sal?jeot Beyond file �� " � Ea Help mo when I had the good 1O TT l to l reach of your insular experience i Cl i J. A. MORTON BARRISTER :tc , whigham . Ontario ea tum your B. L'. fo and had stmeut, Before I had finished the 1 --•— � �? i �n BYER If; DICKINSON, lYl end bottle the dischar<„ a had stopped, I til in two weeks more uty leg was as well A tViarridge Fee. Ciouiitr� clergymen see a great (teal , ��t, e To General Merchunts and Boot and Shoo Stores. In connection with my Leather Business I kocp a W. W. C. MEYER D. C. I G. L. DlclrlrrsoN, B. A BA RRISTER8 AND SOLICITORS, Etc:, Etc., So ever. 1 feel justified ill recommending i to, the public as a curb if only given a 3 g of the colnle sicle of lith articulw p y _-- full stook of �VT�Q '��'11 ��1�v �y�(y RR�-'11�SI GY Hamilton, Cotuin, own • for taking affidavits fur biauitoba. !'nim, Town and takingitors for Bank for Vivago property bought and sold, MOO Y (private • r trial, GEO, LAURIE, i Portage la Prairie, tliau, �.sv'en country COtlples 00 1110, t0 f 0.P, 17F ®Jl J French funda)Ionned oilmortral pp security fit 5,+ per cant. Moneyin Jorprlvatopersons, upon the bet -� parsonage to 'be ed, rhe fes is ©ft in the stilly night, Hnthae+ay, w'httmaree, Zanonl, rDressing, Eclipse, Bixb1 h InoPerfects, ]{id, etc, in 10, Ill and 'L5c Jae"luot's French ested mortgage securities -without env oxpolso to the lender. Lands for ante in tlanitotla and the North• A Trick Worth Rnowing. the tiCliliSli point. Hove touch it When Cholera IVlorbuo found roe, "Pain sizes, by the gross or dozen. %av's climax waterproof. west. Lauk out .there air 1 eXofaimed one Ought Co be, avid wlnit moment to be Kiiler" fixed me right, Igor wakened those around•me. Blacking and v �- �✓ ' s Office—Kent's Block, ttiur hnn1. "a gang of painters on the L'rookiyn mivell,are attifel question at sometimes � •' DE" S.JEt2011B,tYINeuAn, idgc t0 a passentleT who was Nalkint to a blushing groom. inexperienced in to Most OLD PEOPLE are friends of in Leather, Horsehide, English I{ip, porpoise, &c. Cotton and -Rifle• in all lengths• _ - Is manntacturfng Cellirioid elates, vulcanite plates of the ]lest material an,eronsly t)ettr some fresh vv hitp the, world's wR s. A cle)-f4yfnall Ito a Fe�rry Dr°�'� S' I Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, &c. - as cheap as they can.bc got In the Donthlfon. Allwork warranted. mint. has tied the l;nutfitteen hundred times 7 Cv ® $ _ j i ' a Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Blectrie- Ivy vapor. The warning came too iate, for in country places, ioid a reporter, the t� ,x fit and Sip and Calf; orvagctable T.tRR NOTICE.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents hpn the gentleman looked at the' Other day, that the st'tndat'd, fee was Simon Ahna, gal and Splutinia also native kip and upper. Spanish and sleinghtoe each. OFFICt : In the Deaver Block, opposite the airs of his handsorap riew blue lnel- I i2ow three dollars,rising very frequent. K"ILLER sole. Brunswlckliousa. dun box coat he. discovered that it was ( } ly to five, and occasionally' to tell HARNESS LEA""�'"H leeorated. witb a bit Blotch of White { dollars, He added a story of a youo9 and often its very best friends, becauseI for many yearn they have found it a friend Best brands on hand in Cal. and hemlock. Special Wm. H. Macdonald, L: D. S., faint. fellow who declared frankly that 118 the ir_ need. Ft is a best Family Remedy stock for traces in oak. DENTIS:. Why didn't yet) call in time $ its ! could not afford to give the parson for Burns, Hruisea, Sprains, Rheumatism, patronage solicited- Pricesrtmranteed. Apostal secure quotations or a call front m1' travel- - - OFFICE, MASONS BLOCK apiil angrily. You �eP, I've rt)inerl any money, but sett him, a few days Neuralgia and Toothache. To get rid of card will lt1• opposite the Queens hotel, wingham. 'tiny coat. after,a ltu;;e,doubled•I)laded jack-l.uife, acy such pains befog, they become aches, �����&gf W. J. t� Will visit Gorrio 1st and 3rd Mondaygs It wits not guy fault, reulied the. which proved a handy tbin�f to (lave 1 o use 'PAIN KILLER. Buy is right now. Keep it near you. Tanner and Leather Yeteliant, - of each month. ilnlen, and besides that, your coot is about the house and garden. {{ g less Use it' promptly '!1119. ��IR6FTA1t. y CHN 1RITCHIE,. Clot iujnred inucl► ruined, f Six months ago, coniinuetl the Fog sale everywhere. IT 1ULLS e1 It will cost nie $5 of have it Clean- i ilergyrnan, a young farmer, bronzed, 'T GENERAL iNSlJiRANCB AGENT ' ed anyhow. � and athletic, came up to me after L )vlaTtnai, ONTARin Not a cent, said the workman. church on Sunday morningalid asiced --- , 1111 $11ow you the best way in titsi me what Iuharged for ]Harrying f„]1{s.. SAFE ��--�_� �'�""�- �� DEANS, Joy tit anAi,, world to eradicate a paint stain. I told him there was Ili) regular ��� — e 1 rr Josephine street W.l hall), Ont, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY +i3nitinn' the action to file word he—� a ' we took what wrt8 glV,eli us.. TH[. GREAT THE l -. . J. W. SOOTS sales attended to nn - y part of thO CO- Charges graspend the skirt of the $70 overcoat lie came spveial evdninhs after with a BLOOD J, A. IIALSa'7D, I. 6fount Fords'., Idstowei. Moderate. J and, to the horror of Its Owner, began blu511ino girl. 1 married them. ,after — tb rub i.he soiled spot against a clean the w.kremony I was standing by a t P 1';j ii 11~ 1 E R Deposits Iteeeived fzncl Interest JOHN CU1RRIE, WING11AU, O.tT•, surface of cloth, table preparing the certiiiiiate and my I g' i c " d!,�IA `�,� 1. allowed. LICrNSrD XXTION1Ei•;11 r•OR THE COUNTY Or llon't do that, prutestpd the gentle- wife +vaK Sigii1mv a5 a witness then noticed the youup loan col gh and ��� r��. .F;? ) ,+ -t r ? � Money Advances$ M Farmers and Businj UVRON, AllorderstleftabtheTt3lEsofliceprontptlyattettd• ad to. Terms reasonable, but the painter continued, and, then look at tile. 1 saw he had a roll elft s tl: ' � 1 }..{ ., after a few moments more of vigorous of greenbacks in his liancl and was tO 010M. I thought i yr �,� �,;t,,pi +,,: 1 ti On long or short time, on endorsed notes, or collateral security. Sale ,dotes bought TAMES Tiomro':RsoN, of rullblllg, Ile dl>;played the once Balled pt;epatln:; CUUTA the thiui_r watt odrl, but presumed he - 31 , i ;; �,,+• Ili ,y/, I ; at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all LIOEXHMD AUCTtONRERBFOR COUNTIES HURON END S dace absolute- fie© from an trace, tJ y y wanted to be sure lie hada t lost any of - y K � ,, ;�; .,,I ,, a. "' ,. i ' ' y +; ,, �+ partsof Censdaatreasonable charges. • ox All sales attended to promptly and on the Shorterc Of the pigment. his money, hie carefully unrolled a '1 ";tk,P��''r"C'I�"l L" � i Special Attention Given to G�Ol• NChargosblodoratomtd Satisfaction Guaranteed. ` Whore has .the paint gone I queried one dollar bill and laid it on the table. Then he lanced nie, 7, of 0oursA ' :. } I�+�j�l �g t ,, n: b �oj:l0.6.t� IL letting Accounts and Notes, arrangements can 11e made at the An l office Tfn7s ince alAenAnr the man, in surprise, f X rite r1 " _ CNK Said i.0thina Then lie• laid down I really don't ktow;safd fire painter, another bill utlrl looked aft rile. Still I' t ' C.Ur.E1 ALL : Agents in Canada -•Tho Merchants• Bank .-...... ..-_ .-_� _..— BOLro:I bt HAwI{rNS but I know that 1S x110 -test way III the wits dumb acrd motionless. A third 1 1 3. Q5 t3.t 'i':ie i+�k2(bi�.� of Canada P. L. & D. L'I Sunwwogs AXD CTvrL leNoticesas world to remove svery trace of fresh hill followwd 'tile second and the '�" `"""�" `"' l"'�"" ' �`" , r' � i. �, Oflioe ,I;ours--Frames a. tn. to G P. m. LIS'r01vEL ANO wINgfiAM• paint. pantowine continuert. Then, very j . I , N CA A lei A. ,h,'. SMIT$y All orders left ntthe orfico of trio xtivaa will te• If you dour t believe the truth of re thf, fourth hill Was care y,►�.-N -I s_._._ . Agent. eeive Prompt attenti6n this 'stow `est (lip tele tall of your,$100 ti y p fully spread out, so thilt the creases � -� C� PA`fEIRSON, .lis ,l try, d'sutt Ia ri put Of red paint and try could not bd 5eelt. As the fellow raid ... .,r down 1►e wlispared over in my x SER E zl�avls SEAIQe'6re t► usv► dor OSEi'it COWAN, IIAtLfrN ON ElarrTi► D►VIeYOR CUbnT, isar.En AF b1Aei+ 1t1A01' I.icwxst illi r*xpr'rirllrrrt Y:llirsrlf. { dirF•ef col ISony, dolniniA, ►Vhetti I've 1 �••ulth°t cure the worst cwm or Nrnour Mobility Lost Vigor and the C Cfollu t otg DIV. 06,61tT, 0, i lynott, ir, 1VIwo11Al�t ONT. . y given you enoutdi, shout 1 It then , Cure for Chapped iulindCte. daw,ltid upon me- he was dolilig out , A S Br,ilrng,manhon; testoretl ,rnknese of body vii mind educed by oter•*btk. or the seems or os- :, v e1[iZ`,TIOY�TLi'fIC, - -�+�••-•'• . Y},axrt files, --X thit,lt it is n priviiey;t to ff titp fed tlnrt raft wartrllg! iY r a signal b I nere.of youth, rhw iRo,n etc l �k,t,ls tura„ hb most, oa t� aiwleeer+IOa .li` atm ilsrefaarad drug rS rt? ,It O 11dt11x tlAfa" i 'LiLT"N$�S' raeommend T3aayard s yellow Oii aw asure plenty from me. Ile got it rI ht there. lla)tdlr. nwellifiita, ftero' p y r Arm rs ..Cid rt r e, +i r s r�6a, or 'SAMi �l OIY�f b1llJlsslO a1t11 Y F %I, (i..i., I;rc. NSTRUtYTTbN given sly piano ()r to find Violin. Aleoln Harrnony. r g sears far clsitpt,eu The other WIN wtffit ` back to W. threat, ate. I t600turt'le'31d it t0 Ali, ' ipeb! r die- I11trgT C*4 Taronw, 0,116 rltstor peritphlst ktkir4 WiroxteF>en, Oar. Iteeidenae an 1linni�ltreot, bppoeite the irottw• Va. Gm, $Wxuot4060'lifte; tont. ,ptlirlc!'k. , whrsrretrtbVA. L.IIAM11L'Cott. riry.'tVlnllheetr. 90' i . Ni", 'NP 41 Just to X941 +,oily ' iltonday In Imock vas heard at the of the Fulton County, l Jailer Aliller opelietl strong, rn.g(,d marl cal There was a ha;gar(I Oil the poor fe)low's fa+a It 'AIR$ Jill) Wesson, who escaped frofa time ail it week. a"O to Ilia sick bady. Jim sorry, 111r. lel fellow said in a broken you and Cap'n Morrow I heard the baby ---- He brushed a tear ail a moment until his lips -go. and went on >" I heard t4:e haby thought about wife q jlome, and I just had sorry, all, I wrote you clone it.' `They done 1, an' 1 cone back, at' mad, Coapt, Al iller dict not. - titter a word. of reproac broken fellow, There human nature about it blg,strong jailer feel mo than scolding. I'll) glial you have cc said ]Le. --Atlanta Cons A Votes from Be, DnAn 5xas,-I call lligl Harvard's Pectoral Balsat daughter of it cough she ha with since childhood. Sh( years old, D9ns. IAL FAIRCHILD, E uc7aolf..0 _" When I went to is yarnrspinner down on I was very handy aloft, to the convenient name 0 very handy that the ofiic ways calling upon lne. do this, or Jack, clo I voyage frorti 11ava12l2a tc the mates called on Jack I was n'ell nigh worn on ed to be Jaek no snore, in Philadelphia and rel days, I went to tile ship sioner's office for new he wanted a man for was then wuitina, ill the quested ins to sign my n; I cannot write', I said. Then tell .nie your nary AhazuerusVitcVau De I gravely. ' What ? Ahasuerus Vits Van D How in thunder do yet T don't know. Here, sir, said the c turning to the waiting man ought to suit you i founded name. - That's all right, said 1'11 take him. I tell you, I had peace on that voyage. Whene wanted me. to do anytlt start on my name, break and tell another man to 1 Wink they s,pspectec wrong about the name, bt caught me, A. Audette, proprietor of i Commons barber shop, Otta number of my customers at Dandruff, and it gives the b( Von and I consider it a su purposes advertised. Male Vanity. It was at a ball and the der discussion was vanil maintained that men we somewhat to vanity. The -nen are ten timee than the ladies, she rema, That's utterly impotisibl Q-1 gentlemen. The subject fts change ainutes later the lady reo The handsomest man leas it spot on Iia white Upon every gentleman wi glanced down with a saorfi Of cotllitetlanco at his veal knows.