HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-27, Page 5TCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK Kincardine District Meetiaag. The Kincardine District held its an• neat meeting in the Lucknow Metho- dist ihurch, on May 12th and 13th, the Rev Dr Henderson, chairman of the District, presiding; 'this is the second year Dr Henderson has .had charge of the district„ who, by ,his.af- fable manner and cordiality, enjoys the respect and eeteem of all his •breth- ern, and excelis as a presiding officer. After the devotional exercises the :first duty of the day was the choice of h secretary, who also represents the District on the Statistical Oona x ittee at conference. The ballots being:cast the Rev J S Cook, M A Ph ,TU„ was de- clared elected, Rev 1' 1V Crowle, B .A, acting as assistant secretary. George W Johnston, a 'prohatio.ler of :two years, was recommended ,to be con- tinued on trial, with permission • rto attend college. On the second day the :general busi- ness of the District was done, accord- ing to the order presented by the des- cipline. The membership was report- ed as 1889 an increase:of 67. Mission- ary $980, 'end increase of i:31 ; Edu• cational $203, an increase of $31. Kincardine headed the list in mission- ary subscriptions, and Ripley in educational. The grand :total raised for, all purposes amounts to .$14,:908, or an average of $1,645 for each circuit and mission on the district. The resutt,of the elections to the Confer-; ence and its several committees were' as follows :—Lay Delegates to Con- ference — George Swann, Samuel Burwash, John Hiles, John Humber - don, James Taylor, James Bryan,; G W Cater, John Lattimore, Jobn Taylor, Robert Smith. Stationing Comrnittee—J S Coiling. S 5 Coin- mittee—J R Issac and Jas Bryan. Epworth League Cammittee—J 8' Cook, M A Ph B, and Jobb Humbert - son. Missionary Committee — Jelin Hiles. The District remains the same as last year no change iu circuits he= ing recommended. Tricks in Buying canto. A correspondent of the Acton Free Press says :—A sharp trick was played by a butcher near Arkell, a short time ago. The butcher bought some cattle for a good figure and seeing he had paid too much for them he hired an- other man to go and offer the same farmer a higher figure than he had paid, after which the butcher :went and told the man he bought the cattle from that he could not take them for about two weeks longer, when the farmer told shim he was offered more than he ° sold there for. Then the butcher said, give ins back the money I gave you to bind the bargain and you may sell them' to the man who offered more. This he did, and he is now hunting op his other buyer who is of course not to be found. It semis to us that there was Isiit in the one and halt a dozen in the other. Young. Man Drowned. O:ItILLLO, May 24.--A sad drowning accident oeou'red here can Monday night. Percy Leaper .and William Earl were returning from-Fleron inland in a sailing canoe ,just as , darkness was coming on A strong north wind was blowing and it is supposed that in crossing a shoal off Howard's point the centre -.board struck and the -canoe capsized. Both clungaio -the upturned craft for half an hour„ .when Leaper, whb is an expert swimmer, struck out for shore„ was seized with cramps and sank. Earl's cries for help were heard by Mr Bayes, of Atherley road, who went to Avis rescue. .Searching parties on land and water were at once in- stituted, but at this time no' trace of Leaper's body has been found. • :Montb97 P -rises for Boys and Girls. The "Sunlight" Soap Co., 'Toronto, *offer the fol- lowing prizes every month hill further notieo, to boys and girls under 16, residing in the P.rovineo of Ontario, who send the greatest number of "Sun. light" wrappers:: Int, 810 ; '2nd, 86 ; 3rd, $3 ; 4th, :$1; fith to 14th, a Iiandsome .Book ; and a pretty picture to those w1,o send not less than 12 wrappers. Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Office, 43 Scott St., Toronto, not later than 29th of each month, and narked "Coopetition":; also .give full name, ad- dress, age, and number of .wrappers. winners' names will be ,published in 4'nae Toronto Mail on first Saturday. in coot' month. A hive of .5„00U lees will produce about fifty pounds of honey annually. Rev. Mr.:Serwan, of Hensen, has sent in his rr:sigeatiots Ito the Board of management of St. Paul's church. there, havinit accepted :atall from a congregation ini Michigan, for, which Ile. will 1 -ave on June let. Messrs. K.lau5en and G. Petty,churchwardens. waited en the Dishop recently with a view to procuring a suceeseer. Bishop intimated that th'•re ware many vacancies throughout the country, and few candidates to fill them. They were given encouragement and it is likely that ere long the charge will be Supplied. Children Enjoy IL of pure Cod Liver 011 with fiypo- phnsphltoo of Limo and Soda Is almost as palotablo as milk. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It Is Indeed, and tho little lads and lassies who take cold easily, may bo fortified (Against a cough that might prove serious, by taking Scott's Emulsion after their meals during " the winter season. •Jdetaare of dobe itulfona and inti•tatrorW, j llObti' dt BOWNit oiievlile. - J. *T. H.OM'C,7TH (lac S4::31%T.,. $50.00 FOR A CHICKEN. To create an itnterest in the breeding of high-class poultry, 1 will award a spe- cial prize of $53.00,eash to the person raising the heaviest "Plymouth Rock chicken hatched from eggs psr'rchased of me. Plymouth Rocks are unquestionably the best breed ,of :fowls known for the Canadian farmer. Send for descriptive circular of this tsaluable breed of fowls. Eggs for hatching, 'guaranteed fresh and true to name, :carefully packed in baskets and :delivered to. Express Com- pany, $2.00 per sitting of 13. Address, T. A. WILLITTS, Breeder -of Plymouth Rock Fowls. Weston, Ont. NEW JEVELPYSTOREI d. R. M U NSHAW Begs to intimate to the people of Wingham and general public that he has opened out to largo stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, S.c, in the store lately occupied by Mr. Ed. Dingley, and invites all to ‘call and See goods and get pries. MEN'S STIFF HATS U Repairing promptly attended to and satisfaction guarenteed. worth $1.50. J'. R. MUN,SHAW Wingbam, March 23, 1802. '—�'- -A-- M±EOES Has just received a lot of beautifu AMERICAN SATEENS,all fast color the usual price 20 cents; our pric 12.',cents. a A case of AMERICAN PRINTS fast colors at 7� cents, worth 10 cents.. FLANNELETTES at 6 and 8 cents worth 10 to 121 cents. STRAW HATS,5 cents and upward.. �U U— o �Fo Dingy a _sr l ]1ID3tA.,L, C. P. SO„iMCP. S. M. SZPE C=ADS ST, TORONTO. Jonathan Bushart, Listowel; says "After spending all my money and prop- erty to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless case of con- sumption, Dr, Sinclair cured lno.” Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse says: "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of fits." 1 W. McDonald, Lnkefield, says :---"Dr. Sinclair cured lne of Catarrh." Goo. Rowed,Blyth, says : -"Dr: Sin- clair cured in ,of heart disease and drop- ' sy, when all others failed," . Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE. DR. SINCLAIR will be at the QUEEN'S HOTF.L, Wingham ON SATUDAY1 JUNE IIth, I892 at 75 cents,. BUTTER, EGGS, WOOL, all taken.. as cash. We want your 'trade. Call and see us. HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SALE, Tho undersigned has for 8010 Oft Lot le, Con. 4. Turnberry, four thoroughbred holstein bulls, tong- ing troth* to 18 months old, The above mentioned animals are all well marked end registered lb tho Canadian Herd hook. They will be sold cheap mid on oasytertng to suit purchasers. ' JAS E►LLIOT, hrtlerkr of holstein Cattle, Ilhievale, 8tit. T. A. MILLS. FOR SALE, Lot No. w and the E. 3,< of Lot No. 7 11th Con. Turnberry—l5O (Acres; 90 acres cleared; well fenced; frame house and other buildings; good 'orchard; cheap, on time. Apply to M. 0, CAlk1L%Ohr, ' Or Godorich,.. WM, MCPTHE SON, Glenfarrow P. 0.