HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-27, Page 3A Motilter €vrtd, titer 03r -
The another and boy were waiting
' for elle train in the Albany station,
when the dullness was broken by a
funny figure of an old womau,in rusty
gown, a eatshin muff and tiffet, and
a black bonnet made of as many odds
and ends as a magpie's .nest, and her
false front askew. She kept chewing
on nothing, working her umbrella, and.
opening and shutting the other hand
in its black glove in the aimless way
of old people,
The high school girls begun to titter.
and make joke to eaeh other, watching
the old lady far to openly for good
manners, or any manners as all:
• The young lady in the smart tailor
suit who gives reaeiugs at Sunday
school concerts, smiled back at them
and studied the old creature with a
satiric eye.
The boy began to laugh quietly with.
the rest.
Do look, mother. Isn't she funny ?
Did you ever see such a sight?
Iueemtiatencr. livery urian who does not labor and
lay up a fortune may pause absolute -
There are many people who pride
themselves on what they call thein .
consistency ; who claim that, its they
are now, they were in the beginning,
and ever shall be.
These self-styled consistent people
(who are always the most ignorant as
well as the vainest of mankind) are,
in truth, the most inconsistent of
mortals, inasmuch tis consistenoy•is
shown in nothing more than in ohanga
and improvement,
When a man says, Sir I think now
just as 1 did twenty years ago; 1 never
change my opinions, sir ! You may
safely writethat man dowu as an ass
who is laboring under tip hallucination
that he is an orllele of wisdom,
Although a sensible man if not
given to fickleness, ,lie is ever growing
in knowledge and constantly modify-
ing his opinions, as a mighty river
turns with its channel and thereby.
maintains a vigor and healthful cur-
rent; but your unchanging man whose
suilbring CO his daughter's future hus-
ily discouraged.
The elan with the cracked voice al- Theee i'etnedles•bave stood Metes; of rifts year's experience, and arc pronounced the best Dir
The mother glanced delicately and colndosition of conceit and ignorance
turned her eyes. Poor lady, she said. is stereotyped, is no better than a sul-
He was silent, oonsiderju len fool festering in the sun and feed-
ing upon its own stagnation,.
If I hadn't you, she , went on, and
had lest all my money, and grieved
over all I had lost, in money and
friends, lilr'my mind was touched, and
I lived alone among queer people. 1
might look ,lust like that woman. She
must have been very good. looking
when she was young.
The boy's mouth twitched as he
turned his gaze from the poi,erty piece,
as•some of the girls called Iter, to his
pleasant mother, and as the old lady
went prowling about looking for some-
thing, tt light step was at her side, a
cap raised and a kindly, boyish voice
asked : Can 1 do anything for you,
I was looking for some place to buy
some checkern,ints, said the old soul,
noddting carelessly and blinking with.
weak Eyes. 1 lake che,kermints if
they're Boston bought, but I don't
seem to see any, and there used to be
a boy with n basket come round in tho
Fitchburg depot,and T thought. maybe
1 could find hint here.
Shall I get yon some at the fruit
'stall ? said the buy politely to her, but
with a Clashing glance at the giggling
girls, which somehow did not make
thein feel proud of themselves.
. The the mother watehed her • boy
lead the old woman to the candy stall
and stand by her courteously, pointing
out this and suggesting the other, till
she made her -fumbling purchases,. and
• escort her across the hurrying passage
to ber sent in the, train, out of his own
compassionate young heart.
My dear boy 1 was all she said as
he came back to her, bat itwas breath
ed in a voice of inusic, and she locked
most happy.
The boy stood close to his mother,
thoughtfully, one hand just striving to
caress her. Their train called, he
picked up /her patce'ls and rnarcied.
protectinaly by her.
You have a boy, mother, who will
take care of you, lifting his eyes to
hers at the gate —St. Louis Republic.
A Blessi .g to Ikery Household,
ways rnslsts upon leading the singing,
"How delicious is the winning
Of a Ides at love's beginning," --
sings the poet, and his sentiment is
true with one possible exception. If
either party flee the catarrh,even love's
kissloses its sweetness. Dr. Sage's
Oatart'h Itemedy is a sure cure for
this repulsive and distressing affliction
3y its ntild,'sootilirtg, antieeptio,cleari•
ing and healiug properties, it cures the
worst oases. $500 reward ()tiered for
an incurable ease.
Get Plenty. of Sleep.
Sleep is a "natare's balmy restorer.'
The old saw, "six hours for the wise
and eight for children and fools," is
nonsense. During growth, proper
phpslcal development, especially of the
brain demands plenty of sleep; and
the more nervous or precocious the
child,' the more sleep should be the
rule. If uotwe may expect premature
death, or an early and too intellectual
growth. Until the fifteenth year is
reached, there should be ten hours'
sleep ; from 15 to 20, nine hours; and
after maturity, while each may judge
for himself, eight hours is a good rule.
Plenty of refreshing sleep will prevent
more nervous derangements than Medi-
cine will cure,—Kansas Medical jowr-
,Fandly use.
Purity the blood," correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, *KIDNEYS AND CO11' 1
Invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of; all ages.
Is the only reliable remedy for baud legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds, FOR i RONC111a.Ia
DISEASES IT CAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 7r), New Oxford. Late 053, Oxford Street
and sold by all Medicine Yendors,throoghout the world.
t "Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. ' TI the add
not 5135 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
To prevent the hair from falling out,
also to encourage a new growth, wet
the head well every night, before go-
ing to bed, with a solution of salt,
made by adding two teaspoonfuls of
this condiment to a pint of water, e
A bad little, boy rubbed cayenne
pepper well over the back of his jacket.
The schoolinaater thrashed bim brisk-
ly, but.
school immediately,
to run to the nearest chemist for. eye -
Johnny, you may give me the name
of some wild flower, said the teacher
in botany. Johnny thought awhile
and then said : Well, 1 reckon Injun
meal comes as near being wild flour as
any thing I know of. '
The tallest trees of the world are
the gum trees of Victoria, Australia.
In some places they average 300 feet
high.- The longest prostrated one
measured 470 feet,tend 81 feet in girth
near the roots.
German railway directors are ex-
perimenting with rails made of paper,
which ere said to he, as superior to
steel rails n, paper car wheels are to
those made of iron.
Teacher--fohnny, why is George
Brown absent
Johnny --Why, George Prown says
his sister's got a cold. But dat nine
llothiti' ; elle o' lliy sister's is got de
smallpox, and t'other, title le measles,
but I coaly' all the same.
According to the builetnn issneri by
the American Gedgraphical 1 i:: iety
there is no immediate danger of the
present generation tieing crowded off
the continent 11 five acres of ground
were allotted to each person, the three
Americas could aceoinodate at least
2,000,000.000 people.
P. Modern Husband. '
He had married well, 'extremely wel
yet there were times when ho would
have preferred paying his own expenses
and remained at home.. This night
she wanted to drag him to the theatre
and he was stubborn.
What', the play ? he inquired,
A. lioderu Husband, she told hire
V hat's it like ?
.1 don't know, she replied putting on
her gloves, but if it is anything like its
title 1 presume the woman constitutes
the leading support.
Then it was the iron entered into
his soul and he ,entered a soleal:n vow
that if he ever married agllin he'cl get
a woman so poor that she would even
have to borrow +rouble of him.
HOLLowAY''s PILL.; =Hale Cnnstitu.,
tions.—When ,5he human frame, has
become debilitated front the effects of
exposure, excesses, or neglect, these
Pills will repair tie mischief 1f they
be taken according to the lucid direc-
tions wrapped round each box, Hollo-
way's Pills exert the runst exemplary
tonic qualities in all cases of nervous
depression, whereby the vital powers
are awakened, and the circulation is
rendered iauguid and uneasy. They
improve the Appetite, strengthen the
Choap Trip to Europe, digestion, regulate the liver, laid act
Editor ;Tames of'alto Statesman," Bow- as gentle aperients. The Pills are
mauville, goes to Europe nearly every suited to all ages and all habits A
summer in ehargo of a tourist party and patient writes; "Your Pills to be valued
has got travel An the old land reduced to a , require only to he known. During
system and the expenses down very fico. many years I sought a remedy In vain, eeeondlle'irtbeatgniclterthan the first,pain
Ile has isijned apamphlet containing cheap was daily becoming weaker, when your , about the breast bone, etc, can positively
exeursiou rates and telling how erre when Pills soon restored oreme." be cured. No euro, no pay. bend for book. Addre,ss M. V LUBON, 21 Macrlon-
to go, what to wear, what baggage to take ell Ave. Toronto, Canticle.
and other useful information for ocean It is easy for the small boy to make - - - •
travellers. lie has the lowest rates with a clean breast of it, but the rttb tonnes
steamship and railway lines, hotels, etc, when yott want him to wash his neck,
and all who buy tickets from him get the
benefit. He is agent for leading steamship ' Husband, if you want your wife to
11nes sailiug from New York, Halifax and , believe in your religion, don't look like
Montreal and does a big ticket business a graveyard when breakfast is late.
all the year round. Ho leaves Vrith his
tourist party for 1892 about July 1st No Indian wigwam has been struck'
for a trip through Scotland and England. by lightning since the dawn of history
Mrs James will aecompany him. We and no Indian has beau killed by light -
want any of our readers who join Mr James' Hing 1"or more •
tl►un Y()0 years.
party to send uti for publication letters
descriptive of their travels and we will Sa!lie Green -.Belle Brown doesn't
gladly mail the paper tothen during their tdmire herself befortl the mirror as
absence if they will give ns their address. Often as she used to. Minnie Thorn --
In writing irddrees,111 A Janes, pub,isherr-
13owtnauville, Out, and do us the favor of 1 guess her, new eyeglasses have great.
mentioning this paper to hien, .ly improved her sight.
Tho Stead Surgeon.
Of the Lubotr Medical Company is now at
Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted
either in person or by letter on all chronic
diseases peculiar to man. Men, young,old,
or widdle.•aged, who tied thewselve nerv-
ous, weak and exhausted, who aro broken
down from excess or overwork, resulting in
many of the following symptoms: Mental :
deprossion, premature old Lege,loss of vital•
ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness I
of sight, palpitation of the heart, omissions'
lack of euerltr,y, pain in the kidneys, head-
ache, pimples on the face or body, itching
or peculiar seusatiou about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be-,
fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles,eye
lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits
of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness
of the scalp and apiue, weak• and flabby
muscles, desire to sleep,failure to be rested
by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing,
loss of Joice, desire for soli tude,exci tability
of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with
LEADEN IUCLE, oily looking skin, etc, are
all syniptoms of nervous debility that lead
to insanity and death unless cured. The
spring or vital force having lost its tension
every function wanes iu consequence.
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorance may be permanently cured.
Send your address for book on all diseases
peculiar to meet. Books Sent free sealed.
Heart disease, the symptoms of which are
faint spells, purple lips, numbneee,palpitae
tion, slob beats, hot flushes, rush of blood
to the heaa, dull pain iu the heart with
beats strong, rapid and irregular, the
All then caret he Apol•
los of strength and form,
hot all tuayy have robust
health, Strong 100vos
and clear minas, Our
traatluent stakes aitch
men. The inrthoelsare
oft r otrn a xei nsively,nnd
*bore anything' is left
to ou�stiif
andel! tp
train or evils
fromoariy errors orl Ater
excesses the result of
Ote.,3otever CmoS,
uy Punstrenttth, develop
moat . Anti' one jeivepn to every: organ and
nnartlOrt oftho bo r. EiirnplfY,.tlatur 3 tothodr•
1mntndtaw int ,toverilout beet! + $inlpro Sut'
o�nible. 11,00(1 It 01111060. O , ,splen$«
Pone crud proofs reaped pleated) ftee, ,Audra tt
]itlttYli bil tp1t !AL COt0 OUP" AL01 &It
Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation,
Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad
Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all
disorders oft: the . Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
Ripens Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu-
tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediaterelief. Sold by
druggists. A trial bottle sent by mall on receipt of xs cents. Address
to Spruce Street, New York City. '
"PB cl^a ' 'Pre• 3A, • SCROD ULA,
liwla.; ETNIATISI,C9
and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the
67 O ACH, LIVER, C::QWLd'rq
B.B.B. acts on all the organs'of the body to produce r: zullar action,
to ^°r.:ugthen, purify and tone, and to remove ail impure 'accumulations os
rap±:id ratter from a Common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sorer
Thousands of reliable ten and women testify to its g,_::' .cft:c-7..
.lc above diseases. Is it not worth at least a trial in y oL.r :csr
$x per bottle, 6 for $5, or less than Ie. a dose.
�W 3 db1f11•il•.
Capital, $1,200,000. I1ebt,1000,000,
President—J pits STUART.
Viee•Presidont—A. 0, 11ev8At.
7011x PROCTOR, (;SEAN, OURx1SY, Geo ROACH, A. T .-
i WOOD, A. Il. Lan (Toronto).
Cashier --J. TUItNBULL.
Savings Bank-iiours,1) to 3 ; Saturdays, to
1. Deposits of 51 and upwards roosts ed and interest
Spocial Deposits also received at current
rates of interest.
QDrafts on Great Britain and the United States
bought and sold
D. Wtt.:.l.X.iol`I, AaE:ir.
• MLYBIt s:DICIIiv`�3(71,
• _.. _....�. ce Soher'tut,
GEORGE THOMSO roprietor.
Money to Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advatwed on "3tfortgriget tit a per tatted th
prri illegeecceloof paayyingg at, the end of shy year. hole*
7k0�'jt+� Stria ivl .
nsta sesn Awarsliteek. WinritaMr Ont.
DinTher of all kinds,
Ulirst-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
Car Load Orders a Siteciaity
WOOl') delivered to any part i.t
qr t rdera br nil promptly attended to.
01.01ta tri tSki.