HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-27, Page 1e:• 1 VOL, XXI --NO `'2 tirfr )131E WINGHAM, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY n 18N. This store talk is worse than money wasted if any ways unreliable. The I steady increasing sales proves your in terest in us! and determines the run o public opinion regarding this store and its methods. The only possible hope forer success nowadays is doing ones level best' and being sincere about it, this will always be our aim, everybody treated alike, the .child as its mother or•father.. We do not have what is called "Leaders" that is bait, thrown out with the idea of ieduoing one to buy other goods a prices to "make up," our stook andprie all through are "Leaders." In our boys olothing stock the value is surprising and let's make it very Blear. First you can depend on the cloth. the cloth is good quality, second the workmanship and out is first quality, no slop work, third, there is style, finish, taste, in every garment on our to hies. Our grocery stook is as usual full with fresh and seasonable goods. You all know our 350, tea now, everybody does Provisions of all kings. Highest price pain for Woo , molt or trade. Shop early. Secure prompt delivery. This store closes at seven. ORR The BnArr, May 19, & HLSCOCKS, Direct Importers. 1892. LOCAL NEWS —Cash for good butter and eggs at R A Graham's, Market Grocery.. —"Dick" the bc>latblack did the town up on the 24th. i —Baby carriages just to hand. 10 per f cent offor spot cash, at 8 Chino's. ospol. Temperance nee lrall,on Monday •—Remember t meetinain the Te eveniug ,next. —Girls wanted at the Queen's Hotel, Wiugham. Good wages. }Ve understi id that B Willson, Beg, has disposed .of 1 • s farm, which is situated inside the corporation to Mr D Stewart, cattle dealer. • —A complete assortment of garden and vegetable see ,bv the ounce, pound or parcel, at Chisholm's Cerner Drug Store. Mr W A Meeks tionlet, will give on tainments iu Wiugl ing, June 7th, until town baud —The engagement of do Company to give a town, under the auspioy has beeu withdrawn on vival meetiugs being outinued in town. Opening the dramatic eloeu- of his popular enter- o, on Tuesday even - r the auspices of the Ilie Baird Drama- eek's concerts in of the Fireinen account of the re- Work has comm ced on the exoavating of le new Cburc of England- --"Topsy," th ruuning mare owned by, oatts e Bros, of his town neared third money in Loud !, on May 24th. —Ur a D Long is -•\Varxxn—A good\smart boy to learn business again, afte the printing business, apply at this office, vere illness. --The County Co Moll will meet in God - oriel', ou Tuesday, roue 7th. —The earth will Lie the greatest distance from the sun on th morning of July 6. MrWF13 g to the app gallery by bavi —The editor; turn thanks to mess of speckle okensbire is greatly add- --The election fu ranee of bis photograph ship, resulted in t to it re -papered: Kerr, editor of the f the Tines desires to re-' 50 tr Wm Sheridau for a fine 0 The ?donut h'oreat trout. stand last week in an 50n rAs an inducement Represeritatire is gre CENTS new subscribers, pea we offer the Tiiu:s till the 1st .of January, 1 3, for 50 cents. Send in the names. While angled at work in the •.Unip#' field's corner to th aotory, on IN -day last, Mr John .Terif oorjier. 11Zr J51 i Elder: heed-a thorougbbre r and Crossley conducted from Mr James Ellios neaday afternoon, at Brus- calf is a beauty. e Methodist church was once. '--Cedar Blocks ha• e been placed ou the ground for building acrossing from Duf. Bak f H amt •lt hie to attend to bis several ivvelte of se+ russels for the Reeve - election of Mr W se, by a majority of —The paint b sh is transterwing the appearance of se oral pieces in town. • —The editor o the Trams is still cou- lined to his bed, ut is a little better than, —A large numb r of Good. Teniplars from town attended t e Distriot meeting Blyth ou Friday 1 t, epreaantailve chine to •: »larged form. The ly improved in op- . had the mrsfos nue to have a board strlire .Zj him in the fay. —Revs Hu service on W - eels. The la packed. It w2.a a moat wonderful service —tor first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the place, only two doors north of the old stand and between Ross' book- stpre and Halsted & Soott's,bank. —Mr W H tilts, of Kincardine, will open out a ate of boots and shoes in Mr John Martin' old stand, on Wednesday, June 8thi itch for his advertisement next wee —A mass eking for children and young people on hursday afternoon, at 4.15 o'clock, to h it Rev Walter'J Currie, a re- turned Afr ' an Misssionary. Collection for mission —W F Brockenahirs has a lot of Oil Paintings; also,a few Beautiful Artotypes, which he is selling very cheap. I have a large stook of Moulding on hand; and I a making Pioture Frames to order. Ph tograpby in alr its branches from minis• tures to life size. Call and see what I'have csl when in town. W F Bnxssatii&.;.,,..._. Beaver Block, Wiugham. —Rev Walter, Currie, a returned mis- sionary from Ci amba, Africa, will lecture ou his African e periences, .in the Congre" gatioual church Wingbam, ou Thursday evening, June 2 d. Silver collection.' —The Spri field Star has auspended publication. e owner says:. "The pat- ronage bestowe by the community was not sufficient o pay running expenses." Cheek may ru a newspalner for a while,as it can any of r business, but a dry of reokoaing is su e soon to come. 50 CENTS—As an inducement to new subscribers, we offer the Tiaras till the eat of January, 1893; for 50 cents. Send in the names. —The following i the Gospel Temp held in the Tempe evening, May 30th Selection i ...Orchestra Hym; n o on this ttown, has pug• Holstein heifer calf , of Blnegale. The —An examination o andidates for third °lase certificates will b held in the public sabool.here, commenoi on July 11th, at 8.45 a m. Upon a>r pli tion the depart- ment has kindly grant 1 permission. It will be quite a, convenien a for those in the the town and immediate ioiuity: E. H. DETER, Undertaker and Erubalmier,haa opened out, a first class undertaking parlor, opposite Chisholm's Drug Store, Wiugham, and is prepared to take charge of anything in that line that may be entrusted to him, having put in a stock equal to anything outside of the city, both in taste and quality. Prices very moderate. First class hearse in at- tendance. E. H. Maven. Tho Queens Birthday. The Queen's birthday was celebrated in Wiugham, on Tuesdi,y last, iu v, becoming manner. Before no'iu they. was a fair crowd in the town, acid there was a num- ber went to the par to witness the foot ball match between he Brickyards and Ironsides, which resu ted in favor of the Ironsides by 'a score of;1 to 0.- At four $'clock, the Ironsides and Wiuham, play- ed, which resulted i a tie he games and sports took place in they irk, and the prises were awarded s fol ws Putting 16 lb shot, 9 iew,J Dingman; one hundred yard , H Thomson, J Johnston; Two hu dred yard race, T Johnston, H Tho ; Boys rave under 15, W Risdon, M' son ; Girls race, 8 Agnew, J Me aiu ; Half mile race, H Jones, W M ay; tending jump, J W MoBain, Agnew; Standing hop, step and jum . J W Mo aiu, T Agnew; Run- ning ju p, ,r W Mc fain, W Blatchford; n' g hop, step a d jump, R Linton, J Bain ; Bimini high jump, J Ding- , T Aguew ; Boat race, B Russel, A Gregor. Che lacrosse mat h between the Kin- cardine and Winch m clubs, resulted in favor of the town club by 2 goals to 1. The town band contributed very much tc ....., Mr Cline the eujoyment of ..Mr Gallagher that was to have b .Mr Cline and Family .Rev Mr Carter, Gorrie hall, did not come Orchestra went of the Baird 7 Ru. the programme for w ranee meeting, to be ma nee Hall, on Monday Ms Weil e to hear them n the near'future. Reading of Scrip - Prayer ;T: R trains for 'Toronto and east Solo leave Wiugham at 6.30 a m and 11.10 a 15 Minutes Addie via W G, & B Division, and at 6.45 a m music and 3.411 p m; via Clinton and Guelph. to Minutes'Adnce Gond eonnectione by all; trains. Selection • Its and Mrs Towles'mud Mr.' J Ilona. Pledge Signing )0010t nth sail from New YorMnn Thursday next, Benediction : for England on a please, health, -benefit trip. They will visit England,Ireland, Scotland and Wales. 11Ir..Homuth will a1ti Visit Germany. I3r Towler will visit iieVeral of the hospitals, o'l the: Old Country While away. —There are .n$ rears for the >ce+, and hope they •will;: or remit by mail. 'e 1f1 lr61re in dr - ii Honey, p"tf:onoe, —PAir'rn.e v9pw.P7Ret,i`,'fire doant kno mutoh abut ad lirtisiug," ays one of our knights of,the brush, "but of 1 doant kno abut painting ¢int wuth uoing. I kant peel se good as sum but 1 k n paint a house in first class stile a oheap any man alive you can bet youre butes on that. Let me, figure on the nett job of p nting you, haw. Ile astonish ytir," says the ainter. —SA>"t1RnXY Nxo*rr BAno.X.`t (•jotarrRn.— Those who &ate to gee us last Saturda,yy night understand 'what our ideau lf- ing cheap meat's. Don't miss Sting night at M. IL Moirriioo s, The races tole bpi in Wingbam on ruetlday, Puna 28th, pr .. ones. There will be 1? ihand, dale and inspect goods and get ro am :• s 'u t' re last weak.. —ThA evangelise midst for the' pas Sunday evening cl1'uroh. —The game law amended at the late session of the Legisl- ture contains the fol„ lowing provisions : \' he open season for deer will be only tw.ti weeks, from Novem. ber 1st to November 1. th instead of Octo- ber loth to Novembe 15th. ' One person is forbidden to kill m, a than two deer. except wheuthe auima(: are cu bis own property. No parson o1 common carrier will be allowed to trans rt deer carcases except from November 1 ; till November ducks will be- lie number one 3fi0: The ex. odcook and all Is iso forbidden. ail, snipe, tur- ibited for two 22nd. The open seasonf gin on September 1st, and man may kill is limited t portation of ducks, quail, other game birds and auf The purchase or sale of q key and woodcock is pro years. New tfgdarttd ing and ir,Ariitture Eatan- Ma IRx•; .;exx 'Honnsoly has opened his Furniture and Undertaking establish- ment in the old tiurniture store, nearly he day. The concert en• given in the town I owing to the engage- ramatic Company be- 50 {.CENTS we offer the Tines 1893, for 60 cents.. who have been in our four weeks, close ou n the Presbyteriau _As an inducement to new subscribers, till the let of January,. Send in the names. —A meting of Turnberry Agridu the Directors of the . ural Society will be • held in Swarts' hot I, on Saturday, May - 28th, at 1 o'clock p —The Northwest ransportation Coy's fine steamers, "Monarch" and "United Empire" are now running regularly be. tween Sarnia and Sault Ste Marie, Port Arthur, Fort William and Duluth, making close conueetion for all points in Manitoba, British Columbia, Pacific Coast, Western States, etc. These Steamers are the high- est classed, most powerful and moat com- fortably equipped on the lakes. Passau - gem leaving Wingbam by 3.45 G. T. R. afternoon train connect, with boat leaving Sarnia same evening. For stateroom reservation, lowest rates, sailing dates and all information, call ou G. T. R. Agent; Wingbam Di=triot Meeting. 1J The ministerial se Sian of the Wiugham District meeting of e Methodist ohnreh was held on Wedge: ay afternoon in the town of Wingbam, Rev S Sellery, B D, presiding. Rev I B Wallwin, B A, of Bluevale, was elect= Secretary and Rev.F Swann, of AubOr Assistant Secretary. The questions relatiig to the ministers of the Distriot were as ed and satisfactorily answered. A resolu ion of sympathy wax. passed to Rev J L IL`rr, of Brussels, who has been laid aside f k Berne mouths owing to the growth of a eat mot ou his right eye, which cataract he ha removed last fall. Thursday morning at 9 o'clock the lay representatives took t eir places along with their paabors and th work of the past year came up for view. There were present : Revs S Sell y, B D, J A Mc, Lachlan, M A, E A S aw, G I` Salton, R Paul, W Otterwell, J Ferguson,' W F Campbell, Ph B; F S.; aun, J H Dyke and I B Wallwin ; also `r 'fowler, W B Orr, ,John Bray, W H H . r, Wm Pollard.. John Wilford and T Jenk us. ing cancelled. Th lucky ticket for the gold watch was not sold. A' an inducement 50 CENTS—to snew subscribers, we offer the Times till the 1st of January, 1803, for 50 cents. Send in the names. Persola.'1le. Mr Win Armour,' 'Mildmay, spent Sunday in, town..M J L Coutts, of St Thomas, spent a few • aye in town this • week..Miss Laura B A wn, of Wroxeter, was visiting at Mr Anderson's, this e M TE 13 ° f 0 eville opposite the Queen's Hotel, Winghant, and brig a full stock of Furniture, but to `be a sue• Mouldings, and Undertaking goads on Edell iu urges. - The following, is the p toe. ;Vet t1 prices. Pictures Framing done promptly Trotting and peeing, .tl,:.`Grisil Race and well. Special attention given to Trot or pees, for horses $mind within 15 robbing and repairing, and guarantee all miles of Wingham,' 1st ay, 1092, thld work dense, Having had 1 xperience %n the furniture and un ing busi- ,have never won money in ny race, $50; teas, I am sure I earl •give'iaisfaotion. I Mile Race—Bast 2 in 8, 0; Free•for. A splendid new hearse for hire. 011—Trot and pati #r0 lr It r IlenseteOrr k.. rs ow s, o raga we l , is visiting her paren in town this week. ..Mr Geo Donaldson of Listowel, was in town on Monday.. ' 'a J E Hunter, spent Monday with his w and family in St Thomas..Me Jas Bryan, of the Lucknow Sentinel, was in town on Friday..Mrs L Winter, of Listowel and Mr Geo May- nard of Toronto, wer the guests of Mrs E, Elliott, this week . ;e iss Lillie Swabb, of Loudon' is visit g at Mrs d'ehn Norris' this week.. Mr'' oNVaut,tepresent- ing the Lonbon Adve .iserx'wks ie town last weok..Miss Ella ing friends in Rapid 0 ttobt Swanton is . v Geerge, in town th Hay, of Listowel, ie town this week..1St fob, is visiting his in. town this we iuuknow spe mono , Oh vi it y ,1• itin Y C .11:IO 1u1E 0;. preaching pl e, 23 ; Su teachere ea rs and office 9J ; Bohol scholars who took mperanoe pee The Divancee stood s follow» t M' support, $16,840, 1 awing a de" 378;, Misaiou try, 1,490; . Super fund, 31;07; Ede ' Bong}, $135; gent; 9.40; olrurc relief, $13; school aid, 91.7; 8 teutation, $9; Missionary Soviet , $132; Sunda purposes, 31;102; 'pworth Lenge Ladies' Aid, 3472 ' Trustee Boards, all other purpose $437. The o are omitted for sit e of brevity. Rev J Ferguson nd • Rev I J3 will move this ye and Bev NY' may also move. a Entitle to the Bes#w. All are entitled s, the best their will buy, so every, amily should he, onoe, a bottle of tl best family. re Syrup of Figs, to &eanse the eystern costive or bilious.{ For sale in 75e b by all loading druists. . Hunte and Groemles', As we near the close of the fourth last week of the vangelistic services, find the attendan a and. jlterest still the increase. La t limo 1 -ay was a d uever to be forgott n In the mornieg,t evangelists preach to large audiences i the Congregatioual nd Baptist churche The town hall was again packed nn th afternoon. Tho ap ndid a ss o£ kG Crossley, on "Myst' ries in;,;+;the physic% and spiritual world,' was listeued to wits' rapt attention. Th s address will belt fruit in time to own , At the same boa the Methodist churn was packed with audience of ladies a `d boys and girls, nsk listened with deep i terest to a timely an practical address frit Mr Hunter. In th ;evening the largest oagregatiou that h yet greeted the es ngelists, met in t Presbyterian church Mr Crossley preac ed with power and J. a following is a1E list of circuits and notion and want'' number of member': solved to consecrate themselves to G Wiugham, '285 , Loudesboro, - . The announcement hat Mr Crossley wpbs; Teeswater, 171 Blyth. $90 preach ou "Dauein "ou Monday etienfn Wroxeter, 178 Aelgrav ee drew an audience a ost • as large . as "t;hati Brussels, 204 Belgrave, 170 1, Walou, 165 • Bluevale, ' 198 of Sunday eveuio . The subject Wal,. The total thereat?. after removals, &c, handled with mark ability and ue doubt u were deducted amounted to upwards of the sermon will be ,reductive of gond re - 100. •y who heard thialee- A resolution w gain fndulgiug in tliis; circuit askingthe T is a mystery indeed.:` be once more After a lengthy di cussion it was decided sults. Bow any la presented from Walton: mon could think of ackson's appointrtnent .so-called amusemen tanned to. their circuit,: This (Friday) aft evangelists will add the school childre church. Next Su' held as follows : In' ter will preach in.. and Mr Crossley in Watson and Mr Mc pulpits. In the aft mass meeting of then in the Presbyterian that no action be ton will reeomme Mon at the hands mittee. Rev W F Cam elected as repres` Committee ; riga Kerr, of Brussel Committee; Re J Teeswater, and the Epworth Le Towler, of Wing Committee. The following represent the Di ference, one lav ken at present. Wal d to special considera- f the Stationing Corm bell. Pit B, of Blyth, wan tative on the Stationing G F Salton and W H on the Sunday school A McLachlan, M A, of m Pollard, of Waiton,on ue Committee; and Dr am, on the Missionary aymeu were chosen to riot at the comiug Con- u for each minister Wiugham, dohlNeelands and W Fes - sant. Teeswater, Geo; Wroxeter, John Brussels, T Ile W H Lerr. , Walton, Wm PO Londesboro,,:l as Blyth, N H You Auburn, W J Joh Belgrays, Wm W Bltiovale, T Jenlci The Ball District i s In Brussels. A hear ek Mr parsed to the Wingh brother' hospitality. o. . y Itel J T Pepper ardb rithwaite. and John Mills. sten. y noon at 4 o'clock; the ess a mass meeting et iu the Methodist day seryioes will . be the mottling Mr Hunt .{ e Methodist church e Presbyterian. Mi regor will exchange rnon at.4 o'clock, a' ichitdteh.,wyill be held .. ucgh tube addressed •' by the evangelists. n the evening a grand foretvell meeting will be be belie in the 'Pres- byterian church Ite ly Qxpec.. ted that before the c me confident of the meetings nearly 400 persons, will have presented themselves as seekers of salvation. • _;; evangelists leave fr their hom:d, i Thomas, ou Monda4morning o train.—(Jost. 1i air a"ud> LilltWel. v. W.. A,-O00c, of Dore fester, ocg spied the'pttlpit itt Enos ch, ab no; •Sunauy last.--4Ftllt W: Godfrey, tuition agent, bits returned' home::ft1m -k , recent trip to the west, --The. :tet Till' . began a,'week'-silt e town hall her, tedneaday "veiling ,40 e annual meeting of -l. tot of the Methodist in the Methodist , and Wetlttekdaa : .. Wm, l lliott lefts'... eery Were. hirt.tt#'r i• nu ou the Sth ft'nm Air. iT* Herb Medicine C tertniuments in t opting will be i•held coMmencing on vote el thanks ivae nt last weal:,--- TI m people -fur their. the Li itowai lista ohur h,.'vas belt nears ; +o copied church oii'uesd f this I• lei we ° aster Tho following parte fatting relatives fn from the t cheaules con "lease, of t;loder- for the pant year on,. Mr W H•Wkllatee, litters, 10 ; superannua't Mr 404 Ainoaid, of ers, 19; exhorters, 9; lee few d: t ton this '74; ropredentabfves, reingtheDistrict .o ligfwee„ or of active mitt foreman of thn t 4; local preset. .isrusbea -Heara r s "1 is iii and h °.Messed a t50 ncrs ars 82; t,bovarzts \Cession pf Iii m