HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-20, Page 8ving your hit', of Ow This is the proper time when everybody it for and additional dash ightnesa in his domes - ftYes, it is an excellent st now, if not you fool the pleasant season ,linahine for particularly nature is brightening up se la a reproach. You will your good taste revolts. sw Carpets and curtains ten it up, but you hesitate alder the eost,tbat isright, four doubts on this point away to thorough , sates- Ixalnine goods and prices goo's. GOODS STORE, gaining •e rapid than any other our well pleased cus- tingly recommend our satisfactory pike to Is and silks.. nd praise running fea- 'uep is the extensive ado -clothing now in totly forcash and. enables us to offer . All goodsmarked ey refunded at all as recommended not enough to datunt;o the soeioty, it will WINGI14.111 11141.1Z ETS. l t1n nod tel bntlf, A busy life is t4 r. , It's, Tums, :slay 19, Is92 on a t1 orreet4d l.y 1 I eans, Produce Dealer. snits ;unt 1 tt;',tit:nt evil. Letter to wtttcll ! y 1°0 ue husitcl,• 2 2 5 to 2 2 i ' prhtg ,.No to i;2 oars, r , Marley u 0`u to to ptav, 110 to 9 itnttrt., tub • 13 to 13 do Rafts, 13 to 13 i 17;;;;a per dozen 0 to 9 Wood per cord, 1 60 to 1 71 Ms per ton, 8 09 to 8 90 , Potatoes, • 16 to 20 by the s:ck than to run into the gateway of fully. 'There is no better spot fo thisughtful rc•udiug than iu the quiet of the sick room. The hour gltt.s of f. jf ler tithe and the I.cythe of his relative, death, both creatures of man, aro a never endiug re- buke to westeful liven. Another objection 13, thea societies are secret. Their meetings are private. If this be worth anything its a charge then the church is gailty in all its counts of indicttneut, The church has secrets and pass words. "To him that overoometh 1 wilt give to eat of the hidden ulauu, and I will give him a white stoue and iu the stone a new name written, which no man kuoweth saving bo that re- ceiveth it." To the world or uoiuitiatecl, we say, "I have ►neat to cat that ye know not of." iVe are secret, yet free to all who are worthy. We accept or reject as our judgment dictates. The unworthy cannot receive our true secrete even though they join us. They get the shadow but none of the substauce. So we judge that pure Oddfellowship is only for the pure. You can look back upon a history all told of 147 years and trace a progress upward to- ward greater strength and purity. Time was when Oddfellows met over the public louse and finished the pernsal of a pure ritual, with potent draughts of liquid hell, but they have gone from that now. No more have they such unhallowed associa- ions as lodges. Iu their corporate capacity they have shaken their skirts from such ontaminatiou. Hand in hand with other nstitutious they are climbing theladder of rogress. Brethrenin the ministry of pub- icneed, take courage in the 73rd birtnday f the Graft of 13altitnore and the 49th atal day of Canada's connection. Your mission is a. noble one. Exalt it in your hands and bearts,in gratitude acknowledge the gooduess of God, and With fresh inspira tion go forth to hope and to achieve. Ever lift up the banner' of truth under it. Let it be to you the holy' of !folies unsullied by the taint of falsehood. Let it be supported by OIj the ranks of love. Those iu the iuuer court g cognize its potency and power ; and up- dby the Denisons of the outer cotirt of udship. And may it ever be yours to lble to. say, "The blessing of him. that steady to perish came upon me," and I aused the widows heart to sing for joy." clN0.00'S., P • -41 IMO nd dy you ow in beautiful me yet, 50.CENTS—to s an ue w subscribers t we offer the Trans till the let of January, 1893, for lift cents. Send in the names. . DEEP COOL. BARK WANTED. ,1500 Cords Hemlock Bark Wanted at the Wingham Tannery. $5.00 EER CORD Now that the warm weather 18 coming you would do well to lccep in mind that 1 ant prepared to supply Will be paid on delivery. ; you with ice durint; the smother months. at low rates. Also, wood delivered to any part of the town. JOIIN GRAY, Shuter et., Whrghatn. Parties peeling 15 cords or over, call deliver half in summer and balance in McLEAN & SON, pndter, if desired, and same price will be DEALERS IN. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Wood, &C. A. large stock of all above on band and will be sold at close prices. MoLEAN & SON. Wingham, May 12th, 1892. TOWN OF WINGHAM. COURT OF REVISION. Notice fa hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assessment !toll for the Town of Wh,gham, of the present year, will hold its first sitting in the Council Chamber, On Monday, May 30th, 1892, at 7.30 o'clock p. nt. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. J. B. FERGUSON, Wingham, May 13th, 1802. Clerk. • Township o Turnberry. COURT 0 REVISION. Notice is hereby gen hat the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll r. the Township of Turn - berry, of the present y r. will greet in McDonald's Hall, Blucvale, On Monday, May 23rd, 1892, at 1 'clock p, m. All parties Mere; will please take notice and govern themselves a ordingly. , Tnruberry, May 1$GE t , 1892. J BURTp.CSlerk. BORN. MARTIN—In Howick, on the 7th iust, �t eof Mr SamuelMari daugh- ter. h wife Martin; a dau„h ter. ' AVIoLAuourArt —in Gorrie, on the 9th inst, the wife of Mr Nelson McLaughlin, druggist; :a. daughter. Bush -fin Ilowick, ou the 10th inst, the wife ,of Mr Geer Rush, 12th con; a daughlet. 4* AI MNS—In Blyth, on tl1'$r8th inst, the w fe of John Mains; a daughter. CooPER—In Howick, on the 30th ult, the wife of Mr John Cooper; a son. Cil1aNINGI1Abt--.In Howick, on the 4th inst, the wife ot'•Mr Andrew Cunning- ham; a son., • VINOENT—•In.Beupsels on the 8th inst, the wife of Mr R>G"Vinciit; a son. YOUNG—In Moosomiti, N W T, on tbe 3rd Inst, the wife of, Mr J II Young, formerly of Brussels; a son. -you, audi t of,the lip# ye,;did. it rep ye `did is ,pain r tit f lied on the rly; of .your to credit to ;ahy ' society. to ,d of praise; to another, be-. y a different name. Full and with sotrow thatyour.— , the neglected° du.tj% Of the , !lave': failed iu our dutv,God furendeavora to. do yours. • 'w•in the full vigor'of Man - on the roadway.td:J'erusalem elsirrying One' df' the badges beg•tiiGney for the 'relief ausl, children :of ti at city. .$'ti , see a tle !king u6 ow. DIED. MCLAUGHLIN—In Grey, on .the 5th inst, Jessie, eldest daughter of John Mc- Lauchlin, aged 36 years and 5 months. DIPPLE—In Listowel, on the 9th inst, Emma,,daughter of Mr Samuel Dipple, aged 3 years, 6 months and 23 days. 89, vi' owrind de, • . Her bus- i> r -:about to be it these debts, =rounding be- ef empty oil d and leer boy aha, the-ser'ant tso tee v4. - reat multitude hill a des and.through +4l ion is got elf down yoioe' says, "give,the aia'a table js spread on ittttire,. with e.1,loun teous .-'oilmen" td child - e that doles- this 7 And .down, through mand,alas, so often am to eat." How 3 church or society. 'doing of Him that e upon me ; and I to sing for joy." ought to boar upon thein with justice mer pledged to the , because of de- belief is, that hutch does when a maul n separate and his ruest can oh and are the eased is. • The Council of theCorporation of the County of Boron will meet in the court house, Goderich, on Tuesday. )wte 7th, 1892, at 3o'clock m m. W. LANE Co. Clerk. Goderich, May 20th, 1892, ANOBBY SUIT. THOS. LESLIE I•f3 in a position to furnish such to all who give him a call. Having now on hand a very large stook of FASHIONABLE GOODS, Suitable for all classes of people—over 200 pieces to choose from—the most fas- tidious may SUJIT themselves, and at prices that defy competition. ''The stock comprises all kinds of goods usuallkarried in a first-class merchant tailoring establishment, and will well repay a look through. Only first-class hands employed, and Work turned out on short notice. I.lealemrbar the If+,and—Optosite the Queen's 1'iotel, jziitaie, i 4 Trios. azszt . 1 i FOR SALE, CHEAP. Twenty-five strong colonies of well bred Italian Bees, in first-class movable frame hives and on now, straight built comb. All must be sold this spring, as I cannot attend to them. W. J. ROE, D. D, s., Philadelphia, Pa. Apply at Apiary, Lot 10, 2nd. Line, Mores. PROF. SCOTT MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff and Tonic•Sol.F a Notation. Open for engagements for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms moderate. Apply at MRS. II. MORROW'S, 24 Shuter St, Wingham. NO ICE. As I have given p business in Wing - ham, all accounts ue to mo. must be settled on or bef e the 1st of June next. Mr Frank Seller is authorized to re- ceive payment a give receipts for same . at my old stand Wingham. Dated this 4th day of May, 1892. JOHN MARTIN. ZETLAND PUMP WORKS. I wish to intimate to the people of Zetland and surrounding country that I have commenced the manufacture of all kinds of WOODEN PUMPS, and can supply them on the shortest notice. Will also be in a position tosupply Iron and Force Pumps to order. Repairing attended to, Zetland, May lth, 1b91. Prices reasonable, JOHN PELTON. • Township of st Wawanosh. COURT 0 REVISION. The flrat sitting of t o Court for the Revision of the Assessment 11o11 o the Township of East Wawa - nosh will be 'held at he Council Room, Marnoch 1' 0, 1,ot 34, Conessi 0,. on . Thureilay,,: 26th May, 1892 at 11 o'clock a m, o which all persons interested, will please take not c, and govern themselves ac- cordingly. P PORTERFIEb}'Tp Cleric. Clerk's Office, E Wawanosh, May 2ni1,1892. JAS. MURRAY & CO. WINGHAM FOUNDRY, Manufacturers of and dealers in GRAIN DRILLS and SEEDERS, PLOWS, GANG PLOWS, WIND .MILLS, ROLLERS, MOWLI.ts, do., CUTAWAY and DEADER SPADE ,turtnoWS. - General Foundry Work, Repairs, dc. '.Tire Platforms and 'fire t1psetters for 331a4k4mithit. •,. dA:S' t,'MAT & CC),,•, HORSEMEN The Great Roadster Stallion, CARLISLE, —13020,— Will be at SWARTZ'S HOTEL, WINGHANM, WEDNESDAY NIGHT Of Each Week WINGHAM TANNING CO. during the season. Parties having mares to breed should not book them before see-- lug this grand big horse. Wingham, April 5th, 1892. OOL WANTED. Having laid in a full stock of Mill Flannels, Blankets, Tweeds, Sheetings, Yarns, &c., I am in a position to handle any quantity or Wool. TE PTEAAI Having cleared out a number of lines at a PRICE, we offer you specially 200 PAIRS LADIES' KID SHOES. What do you think of a Lady's Dongola Kid at $•1.25 ? These goods are all made on the most approved lasts and this spring's goods. We guarantee to save you from 75 cents to $1 per pair on these lines. DRESS GOODS.—We have received a Repeat Order of those two lines of double width, suitings-15 pieces—all shades and the same price. BLACK GOODS.—Ours are decidedly high class stuff—an assort- ment not generally kept—and within tlfe price of all. Groceries, Beans, Honey; Farmers' Pork, &c. Respectfully yours, GED_ E_ KING_ FURNITURE . DELIVERED FREE. Not only can you buy Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Lounges, Mattresses, Chairs, Tables, leo„ cheap• but when bought in quantities they will be delivered and set up in your homes free, anywhere within 10 miles of Wingham. PORTRAIT ENLARGEMENTS. I have made arrangements with one of the best artists in the Dominion for doing Portrait Enlarge- ments (any size) in Air -Brush, India Ink and Water Colors. Before giving your order to anyone for such call at my store, see eeit,ples and get prices for the very best. PICTURE FRAMING. All styles and sizes of Picture and Wreath Frames made to order. Lots of Mouldings to choose from. UNDERTAKING. Notwithstanding all the opposition in this line, I mn still hero in Wingham prepared to, do as 1 have been doing for the past ten years. S_ GRACE Y May =13, 1802. Undertaker and Furniture healer. WINGHAM MARBLE WORKS. NE LTJ- FIR1V1_ MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS., of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Mr T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth. Parties requiring work in their line will do well by calling on them or seeing one of their agents before purchasing. You will and our prices arc away down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed. We will use none but the very best stock and by square dealing hope tsecure a liberal share of the public patronage. bir T T Watson, who has been running the business for theleast year, will represent us on the road. Call ani see our.stock and prices. MILLINERY.. VANSTONE BROS. MISS A. BOYD Wishes to intimate to the ladies of Wingham and and surrounding country that her stock of SP1NG AND SUMMER MILLINERY has been received and opened up, consisting of Pattern Hats and Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, Laces; Ribbons, Chiffon Laces, Gauzes, &c. The stock 1s well assorted and contains all the fashionable styles for this year, • 1\1" "Y- GOODS_ A large stock ou baud, composed of CHINELLE CORDS FANCY CHINA SILKS,• TASSELS FELTS, EMBROIDERY SILKS, FILLOSELS,. WASHING SILKS, RIBBONSEEN, Sze MANTLE DEPARTMENT. . The Mantle Department contains a varied assortment of MANTLE,. atom., SILKS, SATINS, SATIN BROCADES PLUSHES, VELVETS, 8zc., to choose from. ' MANTLE MAKING A SPECIALTY. Pdrfect Fit, Latest Styles. Stamping Lone to Order. nvited. place—l'i'st door north of I. It. Munshaw's jewelry store, An inspection i Remember the Wingbam,.A rid 4.. •ti }