HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-05-25, Page 16'Somebody Wants What You Don't Need': SELL Through Huron Expositor Ctassified Want Ads • Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m., Monday, JUNE .5TH , 1972 for the construction of Branch • No. 3 of the POLLARD MUNICIPAL DRAIN in the Town- ship of Grey which consists of 3,383 lineal feet of closed drain and 224 lineal feet of open drain. The work will. also include supplying and installing two catch basins and one Junction box. plans and specifications may be seen at the Township Office, Ethel, Ontario. The township to supply the tile and pipe. Tenders to be' accom- panied by a certified cheque for 10% of amount of tender. Com- pletion date to be stated on tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. E. M. CARDIFF Clerk, Township of Grey Ethel, Ontario. 21-36 -2 DRAIN TENDER Township of Hullett SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned uhtil 12.00 o'clock noon, Monday, June 5th, 1972 for construction of the HALLAM DRAINAGE WORKS Extent of Work: 300 lineal feet of open drain (325 cu. yds.) 6,961 lineal feet of closed drain (21" - 6") 9 Catch Basins 1 Junction Box County Road Crossing (Boring) Township to supply C.M.P. Only. Certified cheque for $500.00, or 10% to accompany each, Tender. Lowest or any Tender not nec- essarily accepted. Tender Forms and further particulars may be obtained at the Clerk's Office. CLARE VINCENT Clerk Box 293,Londesboro,Ont. 21.-37-2 22. Le- gal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF PATRICK JOSEPH MALONEY. LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF DUBLIN, IN THE COUNTY OF PERTH All pergons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars o4 their claims to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of June, 1972, after which date,, the assets 'will be distributed. • DONNELLY a MURPHY 18 The Square Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 22-36-3 21. Tenders Wanted TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5p.m. local time on June 1, 1972 for the re- painting of the exterior woodwork of 3t. Peter's Lutheran Church Parsonage, Brodhagen. ° Please tender for labour and • Materials, stating.the brand name of good quality material and a tender for labour only. Work to be completed by June 24, 1972 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. EARL BENNEWIES, Chairman Property Committee R. R. #1, BOrnholm, Qnt. 21-36-2 DRAIN TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of LORETTA JULIA HOLLAND All persons having claims against the Estate of Loretta Julia Holland, late of the Village of in..the. County of Perth, Housewife, deceased, whqdied on the 28th day of April., 1972, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of June, 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 9th day of May, 1972. MCCONNELL & STEWART „ Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-35-3 24. Bus. Directory - SEAFORTH ELECTRONICS ZENITH & PHI LcO' DEALER Service to all makes - T.V's., Radios, Etc. 17 Sperling St. - phone 527-1150 -23-34-tf G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent FpWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 52'7-1390 - Seaforth 23-34-tf W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EM3ALMER ANb FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 23-34-tf . LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ontario Telephone 262-5515, 'Hensall 23-34-if d R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME • phones: Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 21-34-te JOHN E. CONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST' By Appointment Only Seaforth Office' Wed., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday evenings Monday only - Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 23-34 :tf 22. Legal Notices 23. Bus. Directory Auctioneer FARM AND FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED ," R. G. GETHKE phetie 347-2465 - Monkten 23-34- tf RICHARD LOBS EXPERIENCED • AUCTIONEER d APPRAISER CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482-7898 or 482— .9431. 23-35-tf 24. Cards of Thanks I would like to say a special thank you to Dr. Moyo, nurses and staff of Seaforth Community Hos- pital and Royal Canadian Legion 156 for the kindness shown to me while I was a patient. - Herb Trapnell. 24-37-1 The family of the late Nellie Kraemer wish" to express sin- cere thanks and deep apprecia- tion to friends, neighbours and relatives for flowers and messages of sympathy at the time of their bereavement. A special thanks to Drs. Malkus, Roth- Moyo 'and Moyo, nurses and staff of Seaforth Corrimunity Hos- pital, Rev. Reuber, the, R. S. Box Funeral Home and the ladies of the LOBA No. 712, Seaforth. 244711 My sincert thanks to all who visited me, sent cards, flo‘Vers and treats while I was a patient in hospital. A:special thanks to Box. Ambulance, Drs. Underwood. and Brady and the nursing staff,' also Rev, Mulholland and Rev. Reuber. It was all very much appreciated. - Clara Little. , 24-37-1 • The family of the late Mrs. Sarah E. McIver wish to ex- press their deep appreciation to all friends and neighbors with vecial thanks to, Mrs.Jean Hildebrand for their many acts of kindness to her. Also a 'special ',Thank You" to Dr. Moyo and the nurses of the Seaforth Hospital. To the friends who remembered her with spiritual and floral tribnte's. Everything was gieatly appreciated. 24-37-1 My sincere thanks to all -who visited me, sent cards , flowers and treats while a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Moyo and the 'nursing staff. It was all appreciated. - Adin Forbes. 24-37x1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston, Varna, Ontaro, 'wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Mary Lou to Ronald Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry of Blyth, Ontario. The wedding will take place Saturday, June 24, 1972 at three o'clock in Varna United Church. 26' 37x1 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smith wish to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Elizabeth Ann to Earl William Hoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hoy, Goderich, Ontario. Wedding to take place on Saturday, June 10 at 3 P.M. Bethel Penticostal Church, Goderich. 26-37x1 Mrs. Murray MatFadden, Stratford, Ontario is pleased to announce the engagement of her eldest daughter, Katharine Jane to Gary Dbuglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koehler,R.R.#4, Walton, Ont. The wedding to take place June 10., in Cavan United Church, Winthrop. 26-37x1 Mr.,and Mrs. Milton-Berger wish to announce .the forthc'bming marriage of their daughter, Donna May of San Diego, California to Lieutenant Phillip Hubb, also of San Diego. The marriage. will take place June 17, 1972. 26-37-1 27, Births BRANDON - To Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Brandon (nee Susan Dale), R.11.4, Clinton. in Clinton Public Hospital, Sunday May 21st a daughter. 27-37x1 NORM WHITING, LICENSED AUCTIONEER: & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE; ANYWHERE • We give complete sale service. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER 23-35-tf NOTICE " TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY WEEDS TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Notice is hereby given to all pereks in possession of land in accordance with the Weed Control Act, of the Province of Ontario, Sections 3, 13, and 19, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of the Township of Hibbert are destroyed by the date of June 10, 1972 and 'throughout the season, the Municipality may epter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the 'arid in taxes, as set out in the Act. Passed by the Agricultural Committee of Perth County- Anyone dumping weed seeds or refuse on Municipal Roads will be liable to a fine of up to $100.00 and legal costs for guilty offenders. (Roy Robinson, Warden) • THE COOPERATION OF ALL RATE PAYERS IS EARNESTLY SOLICITED, CHARLES FRIEND, CLERK TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT JAMES HOLMES WEED INSPECTOR 'FOR PERTH COUNTY 22-36-1 PERCY WRIGHT 26. Personal 00 Bring your • old' worn-out jeans , and tops (clean) and we'll give off when you buy a LONDON LOOK TOP or JEANS W. Westerhoff Seaforth Phone 527=0070 Open All Day Wednesday — Friday 'tit 9 p.m. Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall A farewell party was held in the Walton Community Hall on Receilies Dr, of. Divinity At the Spring Convocation of Emmanuel College, Toronto, the degree of Doctor of Divinity (hen- oris 'causa) was conferred on Rev. R. Gordon Hazlewood by Victoria University. The Rev. Hazlewood has been minister of Binkley United Church, Hamilton, for the past thirteen years and prior to that served at Berupiller and on the Walton Charge and at Mount ForeSt. During his student ministi y he served on the Apsley charge near Peterborough, " where the married the former Helen Lean. They have a family of two, Lane who teaches music for the Hamil- ton Board of Education, and Lynda (Mrs. Thomas Harrower) who teacheS in Burlington. The Rev. Hazlewood was Chairman of the Settlement Committee of Hamil- ton Conference, Chairman of Hamilton Presbytery and Presi- dent of the Hamilton Conference' On Sunday, May 14, a Recog- - nition Sunday was arranged at Binkley Church which was attended by members from all the churches that Rev. Hazlewood had served, representatives from other faiths, and from many other churches in the city and relatives and friends from many other parts of the province and the United States: Of interest to many of the Brussels people was the attendance of the Ret.,and Mrs. Iner Basinger who were at the United Church for a Mission a few Years ago. Among the many gifts ROI. Hazlewood re- eived was a "Citizen of Distinction" Plaque from the City of Hamilton, the first such honour which has been given, which was presentedby the acting Mayor, Controller Ann Jones. Unit Meets The McKillop Unit of the U.C. W. held the May meeting in Duff's United Church on Tuesday even- ing with 10 members present. Mrs. Norman Schade was in charge of devotions and opened with a reading, "A Co-operator's Garden." Hymn, "Happy the Wile when God is there" was sung with Mrs. Neil McGavin as pianist. Mrs. Keith Rock read the scripture from Luke 8: 4-15; followed by, the meditation, "The Church in Thy House" which was given by Mrs. Stewart McCall. Mrs. Norman Schade led inpray- er followed by the offering. Mrs. Merton Hackwell gave the topic which was on Africa. "What a friend we have in Jesus" was sung. Mrs. John Burch, conducted the business thanking everyone who had 'helped in the devotions. The minutes were read ,by the secretary, Mrs. Glen McNichol followed by the roll call. Mrs. Merton Hackwell gave'the treas- urer's report. Worship service for the' Walton U.C.W. meeting at the church on June 7th was •plannpri.. Tuesday evening , May 16th, for Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bury, RR 1, Blyth who have sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. JohnWerrsmann and family. The Bury family plans to return to Belgium. The evening was spent playing euchre. with 10 tables in play. Prize winners were: high lady, Mrs. Earl Watson; "Low lady, Mrs. Gerry Hefferon,; high man, Wilfred Shortreed; low man, Harvey McClure, An address was read by'Rich- ard Hadley and a set of luggage was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Bury-from their friends and neighbours by Allan Searle. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stimore of Stratford visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid. Miss Brenda Bewley, London, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bewley. Visiting recently with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zeintarski at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether and funny were: Mrs. Pete Dobson and Mrs. Hartley Fischer ,Listowel; Mrs. Lloyd Armstrong, Zurich;. Mrs. ,Jack 'Taylor, Brucefield; Mrs. Grant Smith, Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. 'Bill Taylor and family, Lueknowt; Mrs. Ron Williamson and Denise, Walton; Mrs. Anson -Coleman; Mr. and Mrs. Wat Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes and Margery, Clinton. Warren Brown of Toronto visited last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coutts, Walton and Mrs. James Coutts, Seaforth, visited on Mother's Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "James Cameron, Sarnia,. Mrs. Coutts remained for a holiday. Keith Clark is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital following appendicitis last Tues- day evening, we wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Dun- das, Wilton, Mr. and Mrs.'Bill Stutz, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. - Wolfe Stutz, Waterloo, visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Clements Stutz of Grand Valley. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shortreed over the holiday week- end were: Mr. and Mrs. Gary. Goodman, Andrew and Erin of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mas- sie and family of Petrolia. and Miss Carol Shortreed of London._ Mr. and Mrs. Ray "Huether, Steven and John visited orf"Meth- er's Day with Mr. and Mrs.Wat- son Webster, Clinton and attend- ed the special service at Ontario United Church. Rev., Derwyn Docken is at- tending , the Annual London Con- ference this week, which is being held at the Centennial Hall in London, when all clergy and lay delegates of the United Church in South Western Ontario will attend the three day session. The Walton Midgets played Several games of ball in Shakes peare On Victoria Day and won the tournament. . Jack McCall has. received . word that he has successfully passed his years term at Guelph University which he completed 'a few weeks ago. NEED A NErf 19, Notices We' will SERVICE all types of LAWN MOWERS and TILLERS CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE F. W. Tilley Seaforth, Ont. 19-35:-2 SPRING CHECK OVER TIME " Front-End Alignment • ONLY $9,95 On most makes of cars (Parts & Installation Extra) CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE F. W. Tilley, Seaforth, Ont. Bruss els student graduates Graduation"' Exercises' were held 'in War Memorial. Hall, University Of Guelph for the 1972 class of St. Joseph's Hos- pital School •of Nursing of Guelph on Friday, May 19 when Miss Joyce Edna Hu'ether of Brussels and thirty-stx other graduates of the Two-Plus-One Year programme receivdd their R.N, Degrees, Reverend J. J. Dwyer, Director of Catholic Soc- ial Services of Hamilton pres- ented the address to the Graduating Class. Samuel R. Luker ,was chairman for the occasion. Others from this area in.the class included Misses 'Jo-Anne Fantuz, Millbank; Mat•garet Hal- lahan, Blyth; Margaret Jeffray, Wroxeter; Diane King, Tees- water; Janice..(Ross) Petty, for:- merly of Molesworth and now of Guelph, Dorothy Tessel, Lista-, wel; Mary Elizabeth Topham, Fordwich. Miss Huether received an award from the Business and Professional Women's Club of Gu'elptv for the greatest contri- bution to the. Student Associa- tion. A luncheon and reception fol- lowed in the Amber Capola Hotel and later dancing at Paradise Gardens concluded the da y's festivities. Guests who attended ,.,,„were Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McDonald; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Huether and Joan, Mr.' and Mrs. Adrian Mc- Taggart; Mr. and Mri. Glen Hue- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mc- Donald; Mr. and Mrs. Don Mc- Donald; Mr. and • Mrs. Brian` Huether and Sandra; Mr. and Mrs. Mac McIntosh, Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tipple andItodgeim Oakville; Mrs.Lyle Evans and Heather, Kitchener; and Miss Barbara Bryans of London' 4 for 790 lb. $1.49 Tang ORANGE CRYSTALS Maple Leaf CANNED HAMS Seaforth If ----- 3 MODELS FINGER TOUCH STARTING! „• 21" Self-Propelled, Recoil Start. • 21" Finger Touch Push, Recoil Start. • 19" Finger Touch Push, Recoil Start. ( grass catcher included). You Name the Date and We'll . Demonstrate! FINGER INCENT FARM E9UIPMENT LTD. Our Motto:— "AFTER WE ,SELL — WE SERVICE" AYR - GALT - SEAFORTH Phonv 527-012 « • S EAFORTH UPERIOR TORE SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY • Facelle -Royale BATHROOM TISSUE Del Monte, PEACH HALVES ii‘eittIA77`,?" COCKTAIL Superior SUGAR DONUTS • • U.S. No, 1 FRESH CORN U.S. No. 1 California NEW POTATOES Schneider's FRESH 'CHICKEN WINGS 1!). 390 Schneider's — 6-os. ASSORTED COOKED MEATS 3 for 990 Schneider's FRIED CHICKEN LEGS lb. 990 .• • OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Ontario No., 1 CUCUMBERS 3 for 950 28-oz. 430 19-oz. 350 2 for 490 6 for 550 2 for 390 10 lbs. 790 14.,THE HURON EXPOSIT() sE*FoRTii,r MAY 25, 1972 Mrs (of Walton Family sells farm, community marks departure SPRAYER- We carry a complete stock of GOLDEN ARROW . and CALSA SPRAYERS IN STOCK USED EQUIPMENT Number of used spreaders Lely-trail type fertilizer spreader 11-ft KongsKilde Cultivator SPECIAL -- 10-ft. packer McGAVIN'S FARM EQUIPMENT "Serving the District Since:1936" 527-0245„-- WALTON 477,4'71111011