HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-20, Page 7The Worst of all the Isms. Don't talk about your political lams, said a facetious old valetudinarian, I tell you there's rlo ism on earth so bad as Rheumatism. The venerable suffer- er was right, St. Lawrence's gridiron or Quatimozin'.a pallet of lire was not more emphatically a bed of torment than the couch of the martyr to rheu- math's), It is generally considered by the faculty one of the most obstinate as well as oue of toe most painful of maladies, and it certainly does resist all ordinary remendies with extroor. Binary pertinacity, Lkill and science,. however, in this age of progress, seem to master all opposition; and even this painful disease, entrenched among the muscles, and interknit, as it were,with the sinews and tendons of our frames, h compelled to yield •to the curatives they have provided. We have it on unquestionable authority—the testimony of patients themselves—that rheumatism,however deeply seated, may be cured by the regular and persistent application of Holloway's Ointment. This, we feel assured, will be welcome intelligence to thousands of sufferers, bedridden by the disease, or limping with stiffen- ed joints • along the pathway to the tomb. In a elirnate where the quick- silver sometimes makes a leap of thirty degrees up or down, the complaint is of course a prevalent one ; and in our new settlements at the west, along/the alluvial borders of our great rivers, in the hemlock swamp's of the south, and in ,all low and damp locations, few persons reach the age of .forty years without a rheumatic visitation. It is olear, therefore, that a preparation which will afford immediate relief,. and effect eventually a thorough cure of the complaint,must be of especial value to the people of all countries. We cannot reasonably doubt, in view of the well -attested statements which have been' laid before us, sustained as they are by circumstances within our own knowledge, that the Ointment re• feared to will effect that object; and among all the benefits which the dis- coveries of that celebrated physician .and philanthropist have conferred upon mankind, this is certainly not the least important. Many an industrious tiller of the soil, whose services are needed in the field,is at this inoment languish ing on a bed of sickness ; the hands that shohld guide the plow or grasp the spade rendered powerless by rheu matism. Many a toiler in every branch of productive labor is similarly situated ; and We can imagine with what joy these sufferers would hail the means of immediate cure. To all such we feel justified in. recommending this balsamic remedy, the application of which, with the aid of a few doses of Holloway's Pills to regulate the inter. nal organs, would, we feel assured, restore them to strength and useful. ness.—Daily Argus. Iron Rust and Fires. A writer in Iron says that if oxide of iron is placed in contact, with tim- ber excluded from the atmollphere,and is subjected to a slightly increased temperature, the oxide will. part with its oxygen, and be converted into fine particles of metallic iron. • These particles have a strong affinity for oxygen, and if afterward exposed to the action of the atmosphere will absorb oxygen so rapidly as to become suddenly red-hot. A sufficient quan- tity of such red ' hot particles will produce a temperature far beyond the ignition point of dry timber. Wherever iron pipes are employed for the circulation of any heated med- ium, whether water, air, or stee :a, and are allowed to become rusty in close contact with timber, it is only neces- sary for the particles of metallic iron to be exposed to the air—which may be done by the mere expansiop or con- traction of the pipes—in order to start a flame. Many of the •fires which occur so regnlarly at the beginning of winter may be due to this unsuspected cause. Racing With Wolves. Many a thrilling tale has been told by travelers of a race with wolves across the frozen steppes of Russia. Sometimes only the picked bones of the hapless traveler are found to tell the utile, In our country thousands are engaged in a l fe•and.deatlr race against the wolf • Consumption. The best weapon with which to fight the foe, is Dr. t'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery, This renowned remedy has cured myriads of cases when. all other medicines and doctors had failed. It is the greatest bloc .purifier and restorer of strength known to the world, For all forms of scrofulous affeations (and consumption is one of bttatlr.), ib hi U. equated as a rtiinedy. About Crawlus Ontone.. Mr. R. 1?, Wilson, of London, r`lias made what is claimed by good author- ity to be a very important discovery in growing onion seed. Having bought some black onion seed to sow in his garden, lie was advised by a neighbor not to sow it, as he had doubts about its being good seed. In speaking of the maggot, which is the enemy of the onion growers, the neighbor expressed his opinion that the little white grub came from the top of the onion and worked its way down to the bulb. Mr. Wilson studied over the matter, and finally the thought struck him that the flower of the onion must have been stung by the insect which lays the larva, and that the maggot was in embryo in the onion seed. To prove what he thought was the theory he took some of the suspected seed, and Miter keeping it iu lukewarm water,for a few days, saw the little maggot emerge from about one seed in every 20. If this theory be true, and the test is on exhibition,it is an important discovery. • Gardeners have now only to thoroughly soak their onion seed, and then apply some liquid, such as coal oil, to kill the maggot, and there will then be no danger from it. Lead- ing seedsmen and entomologists agree with Mr Wilson's theory, hat the gentleman is to be ,satulated on working out the practical solution at this time. • The question of the hour—What time is it S Cure for Chapped Sands. DEAn bras,—I think it is a privilege to reoommeud Hagyard's Yellow Oil as asure cure for chapped frauds, swelliugs, sore throat, etc. I recomrneud it to all. Mits. Geo. WAnu, Josephine, Ont. When one jumps at a conclusion lie rarely reaches Itch, Mange and 'Scratches of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Soldby A. L. Hamilton. When a man 'gets his religion right his horse ;loon finds it out. Tired, languid people who lack energy and appetite should take Burdock Blood Bitters, the best tonin strengthener and purifier extant. • Men will worship the ground a girl walks on if she has good corner lots. "Having used Burdock Blood Bitters for general debility, weakness and lack of ap- petite, I found it a safe cure." HENRY H0WABD, BOwmauVllle, Ont. There are some people who think the music never amounts, to_mucq ex- cept when they play first fiddle. English Spavin Linfmont removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps hnd Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifies,Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 050 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever knowr.. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. • Good Oid Lady (to tramp at door) Are you a 'pions man ? Tremp—I think so mum ; I love pie. • A. Audette, proprietor of the House of Commons barber shop, Ottawa, says : A number of my customers are using Anti - Dandruff, and it gives the best of satisfac- tion and I consider it a success for the purposes advertised. Money is not exactly a religious ar- ticle, but still it has a denomination of its own. • A Polos From Scotland. DEAR Snis, —I eau highly recemmend Hagvard's Pectoral Balsam... It cured my daughter of a cough she had been troubled with since childhood. She is now twelve years old. Miss. M. I4AlncirrrD, Scotland, Ont. It is. usually the man who has a head like a cork that gets along best .in the swim. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS. --- Diseases and casualties incidental to youth may be safely treated by the use of these excellent Medicaments according to the printed directions folded round each pot and llox. Nor is this Ointment alone applicable to external ailments ; conjointly with the Pills it exorcises the most salutary influence in clinking inflamations situated in the interior of the body ; when rubbed upon the back and chest it gives the most sensible relief in asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, and threating consumption, Holloway's remedies aro especially serviceable in liver and stomach complaints. For, the euro of bad legs, all sorts of wounds, Sores, Bind likewise scrofula and scorbutic afl'eotions,this Ointment produces a cooling and soothing feel- ing most aodept*bln to the s fferer, e'y 4uPiso's Remedy for Catarrh is the hest, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. eqtiM'AN-41�ar. sold by druggists or sent by mull, Sa. E, 'V. IIuzelthls.\Varren, Pa. WONDER IN 11 ELLRND e A Representative Farmer Speaks. MR. C. C. HAUN. The following remarkable facts are fully certified to as being undeniably correct in every particular. Mr. Haun is well known in the vicinity, having resided here over fifty years, and is highly respected as a man of the strictest honor, whoseword is as good as his bond. As will be seen from his letter, four physicians had attended him, and it was only after lig had given up hope of cure that he decided to try Burdock Blood Bitters on the recommendation of a neighbor who had been cured of a similar disease by its use. Mr. Hann writes as follows : DEAF Sins,—I think I have been one of the worst sufferers you have yet heard of, having been six yearrs� in the hands of four of our best doctors'avithout obtaining permanent relief, but continually growing worse, until almost beyond hope of re- covery, I tried your Bitt s and got relief in a few days. Every or an of my body was deranged, the liver en rged, hardened and torpid, the heart and igestive organs seriously deranged, it large 'abscess in my back, followed by paralysis, of the right leg. in fact the lower half ofip�ntry body was entirely useless. After using Burdock Blood Bitters forst few days the abscess burst, discharging fully five a�41arts of pus in two hours. , I felt as if I h d received a shock from a powerful battery. My re- covery after this was steady and the cure permanent, seeing that for the four years ranee I have had as good healthas• ever I had. I still take an occasional bottle, not that I need it but because I wish to keep my system in perfect working order. I can think of no more remarkable case than. what I have myself passed through, and no words can express my thankfulness for such perfect recovery. C. C. HAux, . Welland P.O. In this connection the following letter from T. Cumines, Esq., a leading druggist of Welland, Ont., speaks for itself: Me srs. T. Milburn & Co., Toronto. GExmcarax,—I have been personally acquainted with Mr. C. C. Haun for the last 20 years, and have always found him a very reliable man. You may place the utmost confidence in anything he says with regard to your medicine. He has on many occasions within the last four years told mo that it was marvellous the way the Burdock Blood Bitters hhta cured him, and that ho now felt as able ie do a day'§ work as he ever felt in his Although quite well he still takes so rq'e B. B. B. occasionally, as he says, to ep him in perfect health. Yours truly, Tnossss CvarrxEs, Welland, Ont: The steadily increasingsale of B. B. B., the length of time it has been before the people, and the fact that it cures to stay cured, attest the sterling merit of this monarch of medicines, the people's favorite blood purifier, tonic and regulator. 4117 Y0. "i1V F 0114rS. WTI • E. 6offirpoit 'MAIM ADYEf TJ: NIENT INif LONDON FREE MEV • CAN SUPPLYfi VIGOR OF MEN Cnelly, Quickly, Pertnanchtty Restored. R'ealtoren Nervo,rsucna, Debility'. and all the train of evils trent early errors Or later excessoe the• resttlts of overwork, asivkness worry, etc ran strength,. deyelopmeut enc{ tone grveit to ovary organ rind portion of the body. Simple. natural In hods, )mmedinto nnprovesnestkseen. Pallor. imriosslhlo. 2.000 refers. Res. pek sytl> tiode and proofs rani . vranaids teas. Ali rt • ORDE.RE,. IN--,._ CLOTHT1 WEBSTER'.S� HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, • Cheap for KASH, AT-- WEBST.EIt'S • H �(CSfoER STEEL FRAME GRAN. O25,os er Drills and Seeders with our Pos Feed in Use in Canada. X0 ,,e2L..`\111111 `\1!x.1 ,,.11�11\1..,,,,r ,1„1, {slog ,..Lm._... t,` a ••++c.car GUARANTEED THE REST IN THE WORLD, and the on run the desired depth in hard and soft ground while moving. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that sows all ki depth desired in all kinds of soil. VIE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that con• da THE HOOSIER 15 THE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEE just the depth you want it in hard or soft soil. Juga THE HOOSIER COMBINED DRILL with cultivator to ment made with teeth on independent draw bars that motion. Tis Hoosrsn !slighter on the horses than an Homan that other drills do not have are worth more t. THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be changed from drill to made. Send for our new illustrated catalogue and testi infringe our patents. NOXON BROS. MF The financial standing of this Company is first-class, they JOH Also, dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implement &c., all from the best makers in Canada. Stoves, Stoves, All intending purchasers of sto winter will save money by buying from Having bought a very large variety HEATING AND COOK to choose from Every stove guaranteed against to give complete satisfaction. D. BUT