HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-20, Page 6years old, the refuse of poultry yards Am Cants all over•tbe land, too oldmany o them to lay, and others after laying all winter are sent to market because they are not broody and have ceased to lay ; verily these ars toothsome birds (?) for an epicure, (To bo continued.) The Provincial Treasurer has issued a circular pointing out some of the apeoial clauses in the recent amend- ment to the Liquor License Act. The fees to be paid for transfers and re- movals have been increased. Druggists are now liable to a fine for not enter- ing on their books sales of liquor, and increased penalties are provided for against those who purchase liquors for habitual drunkards. All brewers and distillers must take out a license, and the fee for the sanie is $250. The fol lowing important clauses of the amend- ment is particularly referred to On the trial of any proceeding, matter or question under any Act of the Legisla- ture of Ontario, or on the trial of any such proeeeding, matter, or question, before any justice of the peace, mayor, police magistrate, in any matter cog- nizable by such justice, mayor or police magistrate, the party opposing or defending, or the wife or husband of the person opposing or defedding,shall be competent and compellable to give evidence therein. The Hook and Ladder Service in New York. There is generally a misconception f the poultry and capita under such ese prices for sub r adult. the relatively large he product of the South, and perhaps may be considered at tandard. Our pre - of about sixty-five two children ten ual'to one adult, has peer of sixty million each the consumption gg, in round figures, e to $386.000,000 e present time this ut three times the produnt of pig times the annual lip, six to seven duct of all or silver ual to the value But, we depend ggs on the hens of rk and Holland. tnndard of the con - `Arae, is .a fait , is at present con). l.In, ` th a very severe at't'if�k=.�,t' dit. to what is meant by a hook and if the bowels. We h'tpe and 14-- company. The use of the lad- 7 of her re3overy.—Mr con r, 3rd line, was not very being afflicted with pelts. He is now rthur mil. ing t60,1)lements used for scaling walls, and n.: "dates back from mediaeval times. The °r li scaling ladders are' made of a single to length of tough wood, with the rungs at right angles with it, and passing through it. Its upper end terrninat.es with a metal hook, which permits it to be attached to .the window sills or coping of e. house. In 'ordinary cases !adders are used, but there are many fires where, in order to obtain access to the upper portions of a house, the hook becomes a necessity. Ladders are,not always long enough to reach the desired heights, and then the hook supplement them. }look and ladder companies are es- sentially life-saving in their duties. To roll each fire battalion in New York there :.0 ures to Cana- are generally assigned two Hook and thirty- -- Mr bee bee t once understood, and the ne- of it; the hook is an implement o pull dowel portions of buildings . The hook is among the oldest ;000 ,prices ; v. «kof food• t in 'the' aggregate to `But some "doubting say that there are thous- ople who do not eat an ting this to be e fact.that many roan two to four ter very largely may articles of each. day, such offee, custards. ladder companies. There are at R11 aV�rag6 six to forty hook and ladder machines, er' - li erson though they may not be all in service p „ $Wpc,. _to. ay at one time, some being under repair. dale t'n , ,.s To a,hook and ladder company there tl-tiles' 's given an average of twelve men, and tie.F.I ,gases 112; l en -as (no tee'n. • T -on iniCanada were These men represent the pick of the r ti/ty for a year, the service as to physique. All of then) did amo`ut to the enor- have passed through the school of in - ,416,5.45. struction,and have been specially train - dna of the largest ed for'their duties. It is not coolness alone that is xequisite,but that perfect ultry and eggs in ton, that a constant reliance which comes from well-trained bods, has a ten muscles: increasethe On the apparatus is carried in addi- the proAbility " tion to the ladders, which, with their market is very re- extentions, are ninety feet long, a mes Rankin who is number of hooks, with axes, crowbars, ONTO E1'JO'YS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever jgo- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy I:nown. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. .Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. LOUISVILLE, ZY. :1.1.ITT YORK. N. Yi .`Ort years ��eRr�avis� am k(iUer Has demonstrated its wonderful power of KILLING EXTERNAL and.INTERNAL PAM No wonder then that it is found on 'The Surgeon's Shelf The Mother's Cupboard The Traveler's Valise, The Soldier's Knapsack The Sailor's Chest The Cowboy's Saddle The Farmer's Stable The Pioneer's Cabin The Sportsman's Grip The Cyclist's Bundle ASK FOR THE NEW "BIG 25c. BOTTLE." rgest breeder of market ropes, live saving nets, and fire exting- ttishers. On account of the extreme • H PURE says that years no' SWEET length. of the ladders the apparatus is 1 into the business, length. LASTING Boston, and almost extended,and there is a steering -wheel, actng on the back axie, which enables to buy his ducks,- i .,, � -t• the truck to turn sharp corners. The PP a. stock of twelve the H birds, ho finds k three horses attached to such a begin; machine must be of the best, for every Minute lost in,reaching a eentre of conflagration means Chances of death, or destruction of property. •— �iarper's We'k/;J ,DELICATE 55 MURRAY' & LA TMAN'S orders, Other large anilar testimony to choice - choice goods ; and ,find no diffeulty offered at good elaegr, town room for poor Co it for anybody tenet In Canada et t anfortemitely n hence the ry roan and h rl Abrtetr To MOtiIais.-'-Are yen disturbed at nrght and broke; Of your refit by a seek child suffering er.d crying site pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at fined and get r. bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrnp" for Children Teething, Its vaiue is inoa1 cul• able, It will roilet0 the root little euffernr ,rv.'e V. Immediately, Depen upon it, mothers; there is no 1c,. v N1lrit mistake aunt it.' I cures Dysentery and I)larrhate, OOvotI'tb sellers a the Stoi andlDovrcls, euros Wind Cfilie,; y% „-y, M D41,0 sellers the hunts, , laces Inflatnlrlatlon. and frlves JCr,I,L'i,ir tore and .no y to ho whole system. "kers. Why rod Rooth, _ . rup" let children teething 11 the .., a and ix the preenrtpidon of errs of amble hymMCteate anti newton in i RICH RARE PUNGENT WATER W Pfi STILL HOLbS THE FIRST PLACE ieryi L ' IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF : IMITATIONS. FRAGRANT -4 el, Inde BEANS area new die+ cute the mors ears of eb ty, Loot worst and 'or mind` . treed - -""'",,. ®7U�:,t Yr:Rr L. P. it. TIMJ TABU)). - Trains arrive and depart at follon•s ; LEAVING ARRIVING 5:35 a, in ....For Toronto 6:35 e. in. 2:00 p. 1» t' 2:00 p.m 2:00 p, nl For Toeswatcr 2:00 10:55 p, in " 10;65 ' Q•R A 1:Q' TRUNK .Etr'Y' A. 0, STRATIIDEE, AOpxT, Wrxones. Through tickets to fill points in America—North- Wedt Pacific Const, oto., via the shortest and all popular routes, Baggage checked through to destination. Lowestfreight rates to all pointe —TIME TABLE, LEAVE %INOHHAN. ARRIVE AT vet:n oAN, 0:30 a.nl.Toronto, Gue1ph,Palmeraton, &o. 3:311/.1n. 11:10 " " " " 10;20 3:45 p.m. " " Clinton, " 7:35 " Palmerston, Mixed 10:35 nam, 6:45 Ran London, &c 11:00 " 3:20 p.m. " 7:55 p.m 11:10 a.m....., .. Kincardine, &o „ 0:30 a.rn, 3:40 p.m '• 11:10 " 10,10 " 7:10 p.m ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail re,ularly from PORTLAND AND HALIFAX To LIVER-. POOL via Londonderry. DURING TIM WINTER MONTHS. Cabin, 340 and'upwards. Second Cabin, P26. Steerage at low rates. No Cattle Carried. STATE' LINE. j SERVICE OF ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. • NEW YORK &. GLASGOW Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, 840 and - npwardlr. Second Cabin, 825. Steerage at low rates. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS, WINGUAM. Scientific American 'Agency for,; CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS DESIGN PATENTg • COPYRIGHTS, eta. For information and free Handbook write t0 MMUNN & 361 BROADWAY NEW Yong. Oldest bureau CO,for securing patents in America.. Every patent taken critt by us is brought before the Public by a notice Oren free of charge lathe •of zientlft�C• ltxe can Largest circulation of any`yclontiflper in the world. Splendidly illustrgtped.o�1 o intelllul sent ear;x$150 six mwithout Addres3MUNNs% av�, MnDLISUERS. 861 Broadway. IVO York. oti cr TRADE /SLE! rl To General Merchu(s and Boot and Shoe Stores. In connection with piy' Leather Bubiness I keep a full stock o[ SHOE''n� DRESSING, Hathaway; Whitmore•s, Zanoni, Frehch Dressing, Eclipse, Bixb 's, Perfect Kid, etc, in 1Q, 15 and 250 sizes, by titer gross or dozen. Jncq"uot's French Blacking ant Gray's climax waterproof. .!f ACF in Leaner, Horsehide, English Rip, Pdrpoiso, &c. Cotte and Rifle. in all lengths. ri Bu on fasteners and setts, cork solos,iiec. SHOE LEATHER, Simon Ahna, bal and al and.Mezzonied Kip and Calf ; also native kip and upper. Spanish,' and slaughter sole. HARNESS LEATHER; Best brands on band in oak and hemlock. Special stock for traces In oak. Patronage solicited. Prices guaranteed. A postal card will secure quotations or a call from my travel- ler. W. J. CHAPMAN, Tanner and Leather Merchant, W Iso HAid. HALSTED&SCOTT ANKERS_ Josephine Street • - 'Winerham, Ont, J. A. IIALSI'ED, Mount Forest. Deposits Received and $ anted, Moneyl:Advance� to Farmers and t1� Busines` Men, On long short time, i endorsed notes or collat al security. tie dotes bought at a fair dilation, Mo y remitted to all parts of anada at reason bee charges. Special ttention G�Sren to Col- leetln Accounts rr d Notes. J. W. SCOTT, I,istawei. Interest ;Agents in nada—The Motohants' Bank t; of Canada Office ,Hours --1.4011119 a. m, IO 510. m. 'l A, E. Sl1fI TH, 1 1 Agent. 1 JOSEPH COWA CLIME OTH set/Mt 0 v. Counr, Cc tlune:r, TONE1.E � GJ • t?tinaoe int co. — I$ PUBLISUEA— EVERY FItIDAX MORNING —AT TUE— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, ONTARIO, Subscription price, $l per year, in advance ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 yr. 1 0 mo, 1 3 mo. 1 Ino. One Column 000 00 588 00 520 00 86 00 Halt35 00 0 00 12 00 5 00 " 2 Quarter " 20.00 12 00 7 00 4 00 Ono inch 5 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Legal and other casual advertisements, Sc. per lint for Bret insertion, and 3o. por line foreacll subsequent Insertion, Local notices 10e, per line for first insertion, and 50. per line for emehsubsequent insorticr.. No local notice will be charged less than 25c. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situatiene. and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 81 per month Houses and Farms for Sale. not exceeding 8 lines. 51 for first month, 50c. per subsequent month These terns will No strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or lot longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will he Inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must bo in the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT • PROPRIETOR AND PURLOINER DR, MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, ONTARIO W. B. TOILER, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Up•staire, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham, Ont. OFFICE IIowts,-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. in., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. DR. J. A. MELDRUM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence --Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WINanAAI - ONr Z). VANSTONE. 11LL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Etc Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. OFFICE -Beaver Block WixoorAM, ONT -J. A. IIORTON BARRISTER &c•, Wingham • Ontario MEYER & DICKINSON, • H. W.C. MEYER Q. C. i E. L. DIOKINSot7L B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etch So licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba, Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 5!} per cent. Money invested for private persona, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba arid the North. west. Office—Kent', Block, V.iingllam. DENTISTRY,- J .8. J ERODIE, W 1N611 AM, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestlnaterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraotion of teeth by the use of Electric. ity or Vegetable Vapor. TAKE NoTOE.—I Will extract teeth for 25 conte each. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, 11'hngbnnn. Will visit Gorrie lst and 3rd Mondays of each month. • JCIIN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT wINQI1A.I, . • PDEANS. Jn., WisenAM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON, Sales attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. ONTARIO JOHN CURIRIE, WINontax,,ONT., LIOENSED AUCTIONEER FOR 'TUE COUNTY OF IIunON. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attend- ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, LIOENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTIES HURON AND BRUCE, All sales attended to promptly and on tho.Shortee t Notice. Charges Moderato and Satfsfeetion Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at the TINES' etfce - , WrNOIrAN ONl' DOLTOdt HAA TKINN P. fa & D. to 8vRvmoas AND CIVIL ENoixee, LISTOWEL AND %%INGIIAM. Ali orders lett at the ctfice of the Tines will re- ceive prompt attention PAxrESON, BA1611'r Or Mourn DIVISION COURT, lsatrtn Or MAR. RtAG� Ltc*ssrs. WINnitAM OND. TEE MISSES WATSON. STRUCTION given on Pi • . o, Organ", mita. Also hl armony. cube an Mania sVrerrt . ' e the ARM-