HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-05-25, Page 3NE Bridal shower A shower was held in the basement of the church in honour of Mrs. Jim Bowman, the former Joan Alexander who was married recently. Mrs. Jessie Hillen opened the shower with "0 Canada". Mrs. Grace Smith was Pianist. Jill Wheatley sang a solo with the audience joining in the chorus "Enjoy Yourself". The "Silver Strings" contributed different numbers. Joan Thomp- son sang a solo accompanying herself on the guitar. Jill Wheat- ley sang a solo accompanied by Grace Smith "Careless Hands". Contests were conducted by Jessie Hillen and Gail Glanville. Ruth Campbell gave two, enjoy- able readings. Blanch Dalton read the address to Joan and she was pre- sented with many gifts. After Joan thanked the 'ladies for the gifts lunch was served. la 4' OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED WE HAVE ALL YOUR Spray Needs FOR ALL YOUR CROPS ATRAZINE and oil concentrates - DON'T FORGET YOUR LAWN NOW is the time to weed and feed your lawn PHONE $27-1910 BEFORE YOU BUY TRUCKS 2- 19(0 GMC one ton stakes with duals, 12 ft. body. 350 engine, ' 2- 1969 GMC 950 Series Cab 81 Chassis 350 engine, 5 speed Trans, 1- 1968 Ford 16ft. stake, 5 speed trans- •••••••imomoges•OMmimammoirm. 1- 1968 GMC 950 V T 8 5 *speed .-with 15-ft. 'stake 1- 069 GMC 3/4 Ton pickup 1- 1968 1 ton pickup BANK RATE FINANCING on all models - new and used Comes To Brussels Motors This means added gavings when you purchase a new or used car, Compare our average interest rate of 11.78% over 36 months. No down payment on approval credit. See Our Selection 4 8 1971 Models Chevs, Pontiacs, Buick, Sky Larks, ' Ford, Mustangs, ,Pintos, etc.. AU AT with pS mostly 8's. 10 19'72 Models Chev. Impalas Har ops, equipped. 1970 Models Chevs', Pontiacs, Vallants, Fords and Plymouths. MANY 1969 Models chevs, pontiacs .and Fords, (35 units choice of makes. from 1965 to 1968) • • • • • fp , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1- 1969 Ford 2 T.D. 19passenger Country • • 1970- Ford Station wagon . Squire • • • 1- 1968 Ford Custom 500, 10 passenger . • . • i BRIUSSELS _MOTORS i BRUSSELS ,- ONTARIO • • • • • PHONE 8874173 "The Horne of Better Used Cars” OPEN EVERY EVENING f * • • OOOO ***Seems 4400005505 OOOOOOOOOO ••••••••••••••••••••••••4, NUTRITE Premium Fertilizer 5 STAR and 3 STAR SPECIALS for CORN and BEANS ROBERT BEUERMAN Phone 346-2467 — ER 4, Walton • BAGS IN STOCK BULK AVAILABLE AT MITCHELL and EXETER ALSO unuirugus .",ammalmon.wagto.4, CONTACT: • A. News of • CROMARTY UN/TED CHURCH WOMEN The United Church Women of Cavan United Church met in the basement of the church with Mrs. Robert Campbell presiding. Thank you notes were read from Mrs. Gall Glanville and Mrs. Doug Boyd and a letter ▪ was read from our little adop- ted boy in Korea. Mrs. Frank 'Riley presided for the worship service and op- ened the meeting with a reading. Mrs. Donald Dodds -read the scripture. Mrs. Riley took the study on Africa and spoke on the north part of Africa and the Sahara Desert. Mrs. Riley closed the meeting with prayer. A social hour was spent with Unit 4 serving a lovely desert lunch. The June meeting on June 7th will feature a bazaar and, bake sale. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bottoset, Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ugene St. Louis and family. Visiting . in the same home is Miss FrAncine Sors, who „ is Correspondent Mrs.Robert 1111110Y "." ' This week the Minister of Agriculture and Food announced the intention of the Government to itnplement a programme of guaranteed bank loans to assist Industrial Milk Producers in the Province to purchase market sharing quota to which is attach- ed subsidy eligibility quota from the Canadian Dairy Commission. The Minister indicated -that'. the Government was interested in maintaining and expanding the industrial milk industry in Ontar- io and wanted to make sure that no producer was deprived of mar- ket sharing quota because of lack of operating capital. That being so, the Minister said that the programme will con- sist Of chartered bank loans with the Government of Ontario guar- anteeing. these loans. The Idans. will be at prime interest rates plus 1 per cent repayable at any time without penalty. In answer to a series of ques- tions from the Minister of Reven- ue disclosed that in April 1971 the .Department agreed to a proposi- tion of the Department of Nation- al Revenue that they co-operate in the eatablishment of a nation- with empire waistlines, long bell sleeves trimmed with white daisies with pink centres and wore daisies in their hair. They carried .daisies and pink mums. The groomsman was Miles Little, Seaforth and the guests were ushered by Douglas Dale, Seaforth, brother of the bride and Larry Coughtrey,' Kippen,, brother of the groom. Mrs. John Buchannan, Goderich was the soloist and was accompanied by the organist, Mrs. Alice Styles. • The reception was held at the Golf and Country Club. For their wedding trip, the bride travelled in a floor-length hot pant ensemble with Empire waist, white top with long sheer sleeves and a blue skirt. The blue shorts were trimmed with embroidered lace. The couple will reside in Seaforth. Prior to the wedding, the bride was honoured by hdfriends and relatives at the home of Mrs. John Adams, Seaforth, with a shower. Rules of road apply to all farm vehicles If road travel is extensive, install side mirrors on the trac- tor. When traffic builds up be- hind, be courteous. Pull over to the side of the road to allow cars and trucks to go by. If it is not possible to drive on the shoulder, stop; Never drive with the tractor half an and half off the road. Motorists are then for- ced into approaching, lane of traffic to pass. When operating farm equip- merit at night , make sure that headlights and taillights are in working order. Replace burned- out bulbs and . broken lenses. Wagons and other hitched ve- hicles should carry reflectors as well as the SMV ,sign to give adequate warning to oncoming traffic. When making turns across a lane- of traffic, check behind to make sure that no vehicle is overtaking or pulling out to pass.' Rules of the road applying,... to motor vehicles, also apply to farm vehicles when they are on the road. Correspondent Mrs. Ken McKellar Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gard- iner, Ron, Robbie and Brenda o were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lindsay. and Sereno Sue at St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weitz- man of Niagara Falls, .U.S.A. are visiting relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Splane and daughter, Beverley of London spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore of Lindsay visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and David and with Mrs. Esther Moore who is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mrs. Shirley Elliott and family of Essex spent the holiday weekend with her parents,,,Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and other Eirer wondered what kids in a city do all day, anyway? Ever • wished you could show a city friend Inst how much work goes into getting that milk from the cow to the carton? Probably you have. But then, did you ever consider how much territory 100 acres is to some- • one that has to share 1 acre with several, .hundred other people? Or how much a dog can mean to someone who doesn't have 75 other animals around all the time. Wondering... questioning discovering and most impor- • tant, understanding. That's the Idea behind the Urban-Rural Ex- change,• a program that from its "birth pains" in 1971, has led to "learning thiough doing" for the urban-rural visitors and for the prograrn" co-ordiriatorse.'' About 2000 of urban Ontar- io's youth, aged 12 to 15 will apply through their schools to spend a week in July or August on a farm near their homes. Where desired, return visits R. the urban community will be ar- ranged by the area co-ordinator for any rural hosts in that 12 to 15 year-old range who are inter- ested in sharing the "learning aspects" of the program. --The whole idea is to help im- prove nnderstanding between On- tario's rural and urban popula- tions to 'increase the knowledge of and personal experience with each other. • To achieve this, all partici- pants will be).expected'ito,be tively involved. US the Zegillar , of the host family and the visitor will be treated as a "member" of the family. The purpose of relaliVes. the regular Sunday serVice in Cromarty church was cancelled. The Sunday School classes were conducted at the regular hour. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing, Lorraine and Peter, Mrs. J.R. Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing, Marilyn , Margaret and Murray visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Riehl and fam- ily, RR 5, Stratford. " Mr. Alex Ramsey has re- turned home from Westminster Hospital, London where he was a patient for a few weeks. Cathy Aiken and Jane Binning of Mitchell visited during the weekend with Jane's grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. Owing to the anniversary ser- vice in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall at which Rev. .Dennis Clark of Atwood Presby- terian Church was guest speaker, the program is not to create a task force or a holiday, but to. expose the visitor to the normal activities of his or her new en- vironment to learn. Both exchange es & host tam- Hies (urban and rural ) will be- insured for accident and liability. "Communication" and "en- vironment" have become the catch words Of the sixties and seventies. The Urban-Rural Ex- change Program offers a chance to find' out what they mean by experiencing them, rather than Just by reading about them in a dictionary. , More information and appli- cation forms may be obtained from Dianne Fines, co-ordinator for Elgin, Huron and Middlesex counties, who can be contacted through the Agricultural office in those three counties. .The program originated through the Interdepartmental Cominittee on Youth of the On- tario government. The Extension and Home Economics Branches of the Ontario Ministry Of Agri- culture and Food hold the res- ponsibility for activation of the Program. Food `forum The Ministry of Agriculture and Food will present ,a Food Forum demonstration, "A Dot-- lar's, Worth of Meat", on June 1st in the -Clinton High . School at 8:00 p.m. ' Ho'rne EcOnomists will dem- onstrate meat dishes that will serve four and cost one dollar or less according to Catherine M. Hunt, Home Economist for Huron. COUGHTREY - DALE The double-ring marriage ceremony of Shirley Ha Darlene Dale and .James Patrick Cough- trey was performed by Father Laragh at • St. James Roman Catholic Church on April" 28th, 1972 at 7 P.M. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dale, Sea- forth, Ontario and the groom is the son of Mrs. Jean Coughtrey, Kippen and the late Mr.,James j,. Coughtrey. • The bride given in marriage' by her father, chose a long white gown , with embroidered panel skirt, fitted bodice; embroidered neckline and long sleeves: Her shoulder-length veil was held by a crown of pearls and sequins: She carried pink sweetheart' roses, white daisies and maiden hair fern. Bonnie Bennewies, Seaforth, aunt of the bride, was the maid 'of honor and the bridesmaids was Deborah Dale, Seaforth, sister of the bride and Karen Dale, • cousin of the bride,, was the flower girl. They were dressed -alike in hot pink gowns Vehicle operators must keep their heads when travelling on the road, says Hal Wright, farm safety specialist. The increase in custom work and use of acreage away from the home farm has increased the number of farm vehicles o p the road and the fre- quency of accidents. The Slow Moving Vehicle warning sign, a red and fluorescent orange triangle, must be attached at the required' the' 'vehicle. This is by law. Hold Euchre A' successful euchre was held at the Orange Hall with 12 tables in the afternoon and 17 tables in the evening. Prizes won included; (afternoon) Ladies High, Mrs. Jean Cairns; Lone Hands; Mrs. Jen McArthur ; Low, Mrs. Eva Cox; Lucky' Tally, Mrs. Barb Routledge.(Evening)Ladies High, Mrs. Hunt Mitchell; LOne Hands, Mrs. Andrew Turnbull; Low, Mrs. Mabel Higgerson.; Lucky chair, Zack McSpaciden; Gent's High, Bob Smith; ,Lone heeds, Andy Crozier; Low, John Reid. "Your' scream was , tetapos, . . . pur screech was small pox." al real estate data bank. The purpose of the bank is to store and monitor all real estate transaction informatiory around valuation day for taXation admin- istration. The project . is in the pilot Stage, and the Department of Municipal Affairs and the Ontario Departinent of Revenue agreed intergovernmental co-operation an this matter. The F ederal Government rec- ognized there would_ be certain costs in extracting information and it ,has been agreed that the Province will be compensated Accordingly. The Province of Saskatchewan is currently taking part in a simi- • lar test arrangement,' Consideration of the Estim- ates is continuing with eight De- Partments gaining approval .so In ansWer to a series of ques- tens from me the Minister of Revenue disclosed that in April 1971 the Department agreed to a proposition 'of the Department of National Revenue that they co- operate in' the establishment of. a national real estate data bank. •' • • • • • • "Working With Youth for a Better Tomorrowiq 1:,' t Guaranteed For your our on INVEST Investment "CAVABLE further financial 5 year Savings information term AT adviser Certificates. ANY or tertificates. NOW TIME - . write „,„ Guaranteed Ask about contact STANDARD TRUST , 214 Bay Street, Tororcto 1 . 'A FfDERALLY -CHARTERED COMPANY . MEMEER CANADA DEPOSIt INSURANCE CORPORATION Certificates Available , Thru: RONNENBERG 1INSURANa AGENCY . MONKTON • Phone 347-2241 - Office Open Monday Through Saturday Brussels Office Open Tues., and Friday .,-Phone 887-6663 HOLLAND & MOORE • „INSURANCE Dublin, 345'-2612 — Mitchell 348-906T • DONALD G. EATON . INSURANCE v AGENCY Phone 537-1610 - ..—. Seafoirth LTD. a What do city kids do in hot summer months? HOMEOWNERS C ALLCALL to 10 p.m. — $2,000 - $50,000 Obtain all the cash you need and reduce yout payments by. OS much as half with' a 2nd or 3rd' snortgaigie on, sensible terms. Can to 10 p.m. today for helpful, courteous, service. PROMPT INVESTMENT CORP., 330 Bay St., Toronto Call Collect 366-9586 — Evenings 231-0146. spending a few days before re- turning to her home in Windsor. Miss Brenda Hodge visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.'Wil liam Hodge and attended Mrs, Jim BorMan's shower. Brenda is working-In Tillsonburg. Mr. alit! Mrs. Bob Harris and Vicky visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Maxwell, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. Darrill Parker, Staffa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert HtilleY. Mrs. RoberVilulley, Sandy-,- David, Debbie and Danny visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl siernon .and a birthday, supper was en- joyed *for Sandy Hulley. A Report From Queens Park by Murray Gaunt,M.P.P. • ^ STATION WAGONS • • • • • 44#4,ir Guits.r • Mgordion snd.Theory op•rdnos now avoilobto for lesP,e1 In eur ;Moen SiV4- 41I Primary apttude tie'sts gAvca at no dia_rge • Instruments rpaned /or 110112'e-we • Participation in bands, orchestra% ,g,ling%1;0 • Weekly report cards * Musical books and lesson mate 'rial-MAPPTIe4 • Students prepared for Ontario ConserVa, tory Exams. Call now and urrange YOUR frOe musical aptitude test. Digcuss your youngsters future in music with one of our teachers. D. Harloff, B. Johnson, UT-0168. Ontario Conservatory of Mimic