HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-05-18, Page 7Grey sets light assessment
ResoliAtions passed as foil- frontage affected by the new
lows: street lighting in Cranbrook.
- -Grey- Counc a- ma-Y-meet---Council - decided. It _also was
ing, agreed to be a special ben- agreed that membership in the-
efiting municipality forthe Upper amount of $10.00 be paid to the
Middle Maitland Water Re- Huron County Municipal Officers'
Sources Project of the Maitland Association.
, —The SeafortliCommunity,Hos,
pital waS given-a grant of $60.00
for the capital program and Huron
County Historical Society a grant
of $10.00.
Accounts paid included Gen-
eral, $2,719.52 and Roads and
Bridges, $2,379.71 for a total of
Valley .. Conservation- -Author ity.-
The council accepted the per-, centage cost distribution scheme
for the project as presented by
the Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority in April.
Lands and buildings, other
than residential, will be assessed
to a depth of 200 feet along the
1970 Volkswagen, one owner, 27,000 miles
1969 Datsun, new paint
1969 Olds. Convertable, one owner, 40,000 mi.
1968 Chevrolet impala Wagon, new motor
1967 Meteor, one owner, air conditioning
1963 Volvo, like new
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Bring this ad With you and SAVE an
— Also See Our —
(Grades 11 & 12: Mathematics,
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The Clintoh Centre offers individualized learning..in
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News of Sf4ff.
Farm ly, goth rs for
90th .birthd.ay pprty
Seaforth Firemen battled a grass fire
fire under control. It was one in the series
4H girls receive
in the area west of Isabelle Street and soon had the
of grass fires that result in calls each spring. (Stiff)
' Mrs. Russel Barrows has re-
turned home after spending' the
winter months in Florida.
Mr. R.S. MacDonald has re,r
turned 'from St. Joseph's Hospital
in London where he underwent
Mrs. E.B.Judge of London
called on her Grandmother„Mrs.
John A.Mcdregor and Mrs. 1,V.E.
Butt on Sunday.
the fashions and Mrs. Lorraine
Nephew of woodstock, on ex-
hibits. 1
Miss Catherine Hunt of Clin-
. tort, home economist for Huron
County, was in charge of the
day 7 long program.
' Project for fall is-The Third
',SO 04. lEXpoMPRi.sEAFpwrii, mit,. MAY ill' itn,:44 • „. "
Mrs. John Templeman
The guest of honour, Mrs,
Mary Miller, was the recipient
of many gifts on Mother's Day
when her family surprised her
with a birthday party and smorg-
asbord dinner in the Family Life
Center, Staffa on the occassion
her 90th birthday. Mrs. Miller
'has three children (Agnes) Mrs.
Arthur Rhode, Stratford; Ray-
mond, Munro and Leslie, Staffa.
She also has 7 grandchildren and
3 great-grandchildren, all pres-
ent. Over 60 relatives attended
cira aShava,,,WhItbsy-wellace
13ruSsels, Galt, Kitchener,
London, Stratford and surround-
ing area...
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller
were guests at the Schwalm-Pegg
wedding Saturday in Stratford.
Miss Bonnie Miller, Hamil-
ton spent the weekend with her
family, Mr. and , Mrs. Clifton
Miller and Paul.
Miss Vera Hambley, Mrs.
Waiter O'Brien, Mrs. John
Drake, Mrs. Ken Mc, leod, Mrs.
Cameron Vivian, Mrs. Clifton
Miller, Mrs. Bert Dayriard,mrs.
ii rthur Kemp, Mrs. John Temple-
man, Darlene and Geraldine at-
tended a' shower at the home
of Mrs. Laverne Wallace, Crom-
arty Friday night, honouring
Miss Gail Agar, Lond on on her
forthcoming marriage.
Miss Darlene Templeman,
Waterloo was a weekend guest
of Mrs. Gerald Agar and Gail,
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and
family visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Willard, Exeter.
(Intended for last week)
Misses Rae Butson and
_ Marilyn_ Miller each. received
their provincial honours at Ach-
ievement Day on Saturday for
successfully completing, 12 clubs
in 4-H Homemaking. Accessor-
ies for the bedroom was the name
of the club. ,
Three Staffa clubs partici-
pated at achievement day. Rae
Butson and Linda Miller repre-
sented Staffa No. 1 with a dem':
onstration on bedroom accessor-
ies. Leaders for this club ,are
0 Mrs. William Butson and Mrs.
Mrs. Grace Scott.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and ,
Mr5..,Alex Gardiner were Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Readhead of Kit-
chener and Mr. and Mrs. David
Gardiner and Shaupa of Kirkton.
Mr. and Mrs. Trank Cadick
and daughter Sharon and Ray
Pousaunt of Chatham were Moth-
er's Day visitors with Mrs. Grace
Mrs. Wilmer Howatt, Lond-
esboro spent a_couple of days with
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner.
Mother's Day visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker were '
Mrs. Hugh Currie and Joanne,
Dorchester, Mrs. Jack McGhee,
Jackie, Judy and Roy, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley,
Bob, Sandra, David, Debbie .and
Danny, Winthrop, Mr. and Mrs.
L,arry Gardiner, Lisa and Steven,
Miss Sharon Cadick of Chat-
ham was guest of honor at a
Scott family gathering at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne
Wallace on Sunday when she was
presented with a bridal shower
in honor of her approaching mar-
A number of area girls re-
ceived Provincial and County
Honours certificates at the 9-H
Homemaking Club Achievement
Day program Saturday at Sea-
forth D. H. S.
"Sleepwear" !was ,the year's
project involving the 18 clubs
who participated.
Receiving provincial honors
were: Evelyn Storey, R. R.1,
Dublin; Anne Nobel, Seaforth;
Joyce Haney, Jean Devereaux,
Debbie Wallace and Josephine
Willems, all of • R.R. 4, Sea-
forth; Patricia Murrayand Rose-
mary -Vaii—Den Hengel, R.R. 5,
County honorswere present-
ed to: Diane Baird, Brucefield;
June Eggert, Sharon Glanyille
and Marjorie Jansen, all of
Egmondyille; Mary Blockeel,
R.R.1, Seaforth;.. Barbara
Maloney, Marie Therese Nash
and Joanne Van Drunen, all of
R.R. 5, Seaforth; Faye Cantelon,
and Elsie Klay.er, R.R.3, Clinton;
Barbara Smith, Seaforth; Linda
Coleman and Conny Van Dyk,
R.R. 3, Seaforth; Mary Ann Van
Bakei, St. Columban; and Debbie
Miss Frances Scott of Lon-
don spent a few days with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bin-
ning, Richard, Bob and Jane,
Mitchell were Mother's Day vis-
itors with 1VIr. and Mrs. K. Mc-
Mrs. Alex Crago, Mrs. Alan
Sommers and Richard, St. Marys
visited at the same home on
Sunday evening.
Several relatives and friends
from this area attended the fun-
eral of the late Mr. Elmer- Col-
quhoun at Clinton on Saturday.
Mrs. LaVerne Wallace ent-
ertained with a bridal shower for
her cousin, Miss Gale Agar of
London in honour of her ap-
proaching marriage.
Mr. David Scott, Son of Mr.
and Mrs. T. L. Scott, has re-:
turned home from Sarawak, Mal-
aysia, where he had been teach-
ing under CUSO for two and a
half years.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.. T.
L. Scott had a gathering of their
family, Mr. and Mrs. HughScott,
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, David '
and Alec.
, Mr. and Mrs. 'William Rol-
buck of Vermilion, Alberta vis-
ited recently with Mr. and Mrs.
T. L. Scott.
Donsers, R.R. 4, Seaforth.
The morning program
included a quiz and judging of
exhibits. Featured in the after-
noon were a fashion show, a
kit and exhibits by the 135
members in the clubs.
Home economist Shirley mc-
Allister of Zurich commen_ted on
Mr.' and Mrs. J.E.Patterson
attended the International Square
Dance Convention last week, at
McMaster University in Hamil-
• • ton.
Recent visitors at thehome of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Addison were
Mr. and Mrs Harry tewis, of
Chesley Lake Camp and Mr.
and Mrs. Carmen- Tebbutt and
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt of
the Clinton area.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dolmage
attended the baptismal service
Sunday morning at Kirkton United
Church for their grandsop,
Christopher Robert, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Brian Andersop, RR 1,
St. Marys. Also attending, Mr.
' and Mrs. Frank Anderson Sr. of
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. S aldi-
var and family of Seaforth, Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Oliver and family
of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Blake and family of Walton.
Mrs. James Coutts spend-
ing a holiday Sarnia with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. James Cameron, .. •
'Mrs. John O'Connell has re-
tired to her home in Calgary,
Alberta after spending 2 weeks
with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Houston, Egmondville.
Miss Bessie Davidson re-
ceived word of the passing of her
sister, Mrs. Mabel AllenofSask-
atoon, Sask. On Sunday, May 14,
in Mounty Royal Lodge.
Rev. Fr. Thomas gcQuald,
who has been in the British West
Indies for some time is visiting
his relatives in the district.
Frtends and neighbors
gathered at the-home of Mr. and
'Mrs. ROA. M. Scott to honour
Mr. James Hogg and MissJennie
Hogg before •they leave their
home in McKillop. The evening
was epent playing progressive •
euchre, with prize going to Mrs.
Lewis Coyne and Arthur Bender-
An address was read by Mrs.
James Keys and the presentation
-of- twe-table-4amps-and-a-mirrer-
was made by Mac SVott, Kenneth
Stewart and Wilfred Drager.
Dear Jim and Jennie;
We have gathered here this
evening to laugh and chat with you.
We are not happy about you
moving from our midst as you
have always been dependable
neighbors, whether we came to
you for help, or just to make a
friendly call. I understand,
Jennie, you liked to make friendly
calls on, your neighbors on Hallo-
ween. You were always.willing
to give of your school teaching
ability to help the children •in
the Community with their school
problems, and you never said do
to any request 'to speak or take
part with any meetings at home
or away.
And Jim when you have more
time for your hobbies of fishing,
hunting and your music - talents,
that you 'will still leave time to
keep our sawg and scissors shar-
pened, we all depend on you.
We are glad you are not so
far away that you can often re-
turn to your old neighborhood
and drop in for a cup of tea and
friendly chat of the gone by days
we will all remember so well.
We will all agree that this
little poem was written just for
• -FRIENDSH1p- • •- • -•-
I think .that God :Will never senti
A gift so precious as a friend,
A friend who always understands •
And fills each need as it demands,
Whose-Tdyty -stand the -test
. When skies are bright or over- ,
Who sees the faults that merit
But keep on loving just the same,
Who does far more than creeds.
could do
To make us good, to make us
Earths gifts a sweet. enjoyment
But only God can give a friend.
So on behalf cif everyone here
these gifts with love are given, td
remind you of your friends and
neighbors of,Mcicillop. „
Signed on behalf of your friends
• ' and ,neighbors.
• Helen Scott, Jean. Drager, ,
Clarissa Stewart, Jean Keys
riai.'-ifokg and hiS" Sister ex-
pressed their thanks for the gifts
and to everyone fOr the evening.
elects area
.Students • at Mitchell DIst-
rict High, Sehool Went to. the
polls to elect ' their head boy
and girl for the 1972-73 school
Winners were Bill, Docking,
RR 2, Dublin, a student in Grade
11Q, and June Vock, Bvodhagen,
Grade .11D.
Mrs. Ken McKellar
The Ladies' Aid meeting was
held at the home of Mrs. Gerald
Carey with Mrs. James Miller
presiding. The meeting' opened
with a piano solo by Betty Anne
Miller. Mrs. T. L. Scott gave a
meditation on Psalm 23 and the
roll call was answered by each
member showing the oldest book
in her possessien. The secre--
tary's report was given by Mrs.
John Templeman and Mrs. Eldon
* Allen gave the treasurer's
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dow
were host and hostess on Sunday
for a party to celebrate their
son Alvin's graduation from the
College of Agricultural Technol-
ogy at Centralia, and also the
birthday of Mr. Dow's mother,
Mrs. Stanley Dow. Present were
Mrs. Roy Dow, Mitchell, Mrs.
Jeanette Coltman, Toronto as
well as all the family of Mrs:
Stanley Dow and tiieir families.
Mr. and Mrs.HaroldColeman
were Sunday evening visitors with
• payable. Over thle final • five
and the maximum amount valla-
a system of government guaran-
tees on bank farmers for
tern feeders been curtailed, the
• In order that Ontario's vast
The Government of Ontario
has introduced a program to en-
courage long term expansion in
the , province's beef-calf herd.
Known as the "Ontario Beef Hei-
fer Loan Program" it consists of
loans to
the purchase of bred or open bee f
There has been increasing
pressure on Ontario beef proi.
ducers in recent years, as they
attempt to find a suitable source
of feeder cattle and calves. Ex-
pansion of feedlot operations in
,westera Canada and the decision
to market more feed grains
'through livestock has greatly re- •
duced the availability of feeders
from these traditional sources:
Not only have numbers of wes-
increased competition from prai-
rie feedlots has forced the price
sharply upward. A further com-
plication has been mounting loss-
es during shipment, as a result
of shipping,' fever or ISR"lifter
.calves arrive in the east.
potential for beef production may
be realized, Ontario will assist
farmers and livestock men to ex-
pand their breeding herds. , The
assistance Will take the form of
government guarantees on bank
loans. Farmers residing in On-
tario with a gross annual farm
inaome of $3,000 are eligible to
participate in the program. The
minimum loan is set at $2,500
ble will be $15,000. The axi-
mum loan per heifer is $250.
The guaranteed loans Will be
Spencer Jeffery. Debbie Wallace
represented Staffa No. 2 club
with an exhibit and commentary
Leaders for this club are Mrs.
Charles Douglas and Mrs. John
A demonstration was given
by Darlene Balfour and Mary
Rennie representing Staffa No. 3
with Mrs. Ross Balfour and Mrs.
Dalton Smale as leaders. Girls
from the Staff a clubs receiving
their county honours for suc-
cessfully completing six clubs
were. Joanne Rosa, Teresa Mil-
ler, Carol Miller, Ruth Temple-,
Sherle #ley and Gait Har-
A community shower honour-
ing Margaret Lynn Worden on
her forthcomihg marriage was
held Monday evening in theStaffa
Faintly Life Cehter. A varied
program of instrumentals, tap
dancing, solos and readings were
enjoyed, following which Bonnie
Miller read an address of good
wishes. Margie was the recipient
of many gifts.
Mrs. Jim Richard and Brad-
ley, Bowinanville visited for a
few 'days with Mr. Alvin Worden
and 13111. '
Mrs. John Templeman at-.
tended a,Perth County Rally exec-
utive meeting in Stratford 'on
Steven Vivian is a patient in
South Huron Hospital, Exeter with
a broken leg.
Mrs. Harold Parsons and baby
son returned home from Seaferth
Community ,Hospital the end of the
George Vivian is a patient
in St. Joseph Hospital, London
where he underwent surgery last
Misses Edna and JanetMiller
of London spent the weekeud with
th `eir parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Miller.
' Quite 'a number of mothers and
grandmothers from the commun-
ity attended the grade 2 Grand-
parents Day at "Upper Thames
Elementary School on Wednesday
and' participated in the events
taking place.
Program to encourage
beef .herd expansion.
for a term of seven years, bear-
ing interest at the current prime
rate plus 1 per •cent. During the
first two Years of the program,
in other words until the heifers
production , interes only will be
may be expected, to. come into
years, of the loan, equal payments
of principal plus interest will be
paid. ,, The cattle purchased or
their 'offspring will be security
for the loans, and the animals
must be properly identified and
protected by a comprehensive
liability insurance policy. The.
full amount of the loan may be
repaid at any time.without not-
ice or penalty. The program is
retroactive to April 1, 1972.
"For some time now, we
have felt that something should
be done to instill both confidence
and enthusiasm in the beef cow-
calf industry in Ontario", said
Hon. William A. Stewart, Minis-
ter of Agriculture and Food, in
announcing the 'program. "We
have discussed several propos-
als with the Ontario Beef Improv-
ment. Association., and we now
feel we have something meaning
ful to offer the industry. We
have the feedlot capacity in On-
tario, we have the silage, the
grain, and the expertise to feed
these cattle to market weight.
Given this stlinultft, we are hope-
fuliarmers -will respond to meet
the needs of the fc...ding industry.
The future for beef production
in Ontario appears to Le strong."
Information and application
forms may he o'tained at the
county and district bffices of the
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
arid Food.
News of Cromarty.
Members exhibit oldest books
• •
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Pullman
of London called on friends in
town. •
Mrs. Stewart visited the Malton Mitchell HS Last week Rev. J, Ure and '
Airport to meet the former's
cousin, Mrs. Abe Goodmurphy
and her husband, who had just
returned from a two-weeks yisit
to Scotland and were on their
way back to their home in Regina,
ors recently at the heme
of Rev. and Mrs. J. Ure Stewart
were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fil-
singer, of Stratford,; Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Eggert apd Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Krueter of Rostock and
Mrs. George,McKay of Hamilton
and her' daughter Miss Mary
McKay of Toronto. •
Messrs. Grant Carnochan,
Jim Dalrymple and Luke Jan-
mat left Thursday for Yellow
Knife, N.W.T., waere they are
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wil-
liamson, Stephen and Stephanie
of Weston visited her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Nott. While
here, Stephanie Alexene was bap-
tized at Egmondville United
The Public is invited to attend the
ceremonies in Connection with the
of an addition to the
,Cab, 1-0.4)40.. SZ
.04self.,A0Abo you a.wed *14 , 74,
Of ,'h011t.A0t0,:oi oei, 3nd IncerPONO-0.2),
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P4011111 INVESTMENT 941)4: 1$30, Pali* Tomato • _
Call golleci *450 Ex0,4logi P14110
Sale Siads Thursday, May llith
SAVE 15%
by Donald A. Ma' cTavi,sh, B.Paed.
AssiStant Director of the Teacher Educati+on Division of
the Ontario Department of Education and a Graduate of
Seaforth Schools.
at 8 o'clock
Following the opening ceremonies there will be an
opportunity to limed the new facilities.