HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-20, Page 5► .six,�� .►.I If in the English language there is a diamond in the rough, it must certainly be the homely word "STRIVE," Uncouth and unmusical, yet rich eflert has been to strive to do that which is right to our patrons, firmly believing, lie who sells that which is- of its kind finds his best advertise went MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMEN, Our Merchant Tailoring Department is now provided wi+li the most popular fabrics produced by the leading and most 'celebrated mills in the country. O in both variety and value excels that of any other shot, to be found elsewhere and which we are prepared to snake up with first-class trimmings in the latest style at prices t h at cannot fil to satisfy all parties. GENTLEMEN'S SPRING HATS, Our spring stock of gentlemen's headwear is now complete, You will find our hat department filled with the latest products of the factories in England and Am,i want to keep in fashions all and get ont; of our nobby hats and at prices that will astonish you, '1300TS AIN -D. SIHIOIS. ' 1300TS &1%TD SEI010S. In this department we outstrip all competitors. We are row showing the largest stocle in this line to be found in this part of the country, in all styles and width, to make room for another large consignment soon to arrive we have marked down our stock to prices that are bound to cause a ,ready sale, as our motto is : "Tile nin is better than the Mow shilling," Come early and often and get first choice, and bear in mind we are manufacturing to order, and for neat repairing we can't�hp heVA GENT'S FURNISHINGS, - GENT'S FC,TRNISHINC:KS. rl OitrGent's Vurnishings wilt be found complete in everything that pertains to correct dressing. We think we can suit the most fastidious. TRUNK AND VALISE .DEPARTMENT. ,Our'Trunk and Valise Departmeda will be found- adequate to accotolmodate those who are contemplating travelling. Aemember we will not be undersold. v J. J. HO U I IF zn i NOTICE TO 9,REDITORS. $50.00 FOR CHICKEN.! rT t e Matter of ATTHEW AM- To create an interest in the breeding! tL R, of the Tl wn of Wingham, of high-class poultry, Iwfll award a spa- n t County Huron, harness- tial prize of $50.00 cash to the persoin ' Iak , an In lvent. raising the heaviest .Plymouth Rock chicken hatched from eggs purchased of 'No tice i ere given, that the.nhove- nlPlymouth Rocks are unquestional-Ay Has just receh roamed Ufa a Ambler has made an the best breed of fowls known for tie assignment a under the provisions of Canadian farmer. 'Send for descriptive -p /� /� the Revised atutes of Ontario, 18871 circular of this vadalable breed of fowtls..A.MERIC.AN S.C7t` .chapter 124, amending Acts, .of all Eggs for hatching, guaranteed fresh his estate a acts, in trust dmf the and true to name, carefully packed t benefit of h' or itors.. p the usual price W A meetin of creditors of the said baskets and delivered to Express Corn - Matthew A bl t qre :y coifvaned and Corn - )any, $2.00 per sitting of 13. Address, Hunter and: Cxoael[iy � p T. A. WILLITTS, will be hel at the w office of R. Van- Breeder of Pl mouth Rock Fowls. 121 cents. The union evangelistic ' services the ,stone, itt t - Town o Wingftann, y ' Weston, Ont. bei4l, continued with constantly in -I -n Frid : the I t Of Ma. 18 2 -creasing interest and success. Vlore Y, 3 �''' 9 — — '"— than two hundred have given their` at 2 o'cloc . in the aftern n, for the ap- STORE. names as seekers of salvation, hast pointmen of Inspectr�rs a d tla:e giving�fC�`' ��D�+o£ directi ns with refrenc to the dis- NC r n� A case ®S Sunday morningthe evunrelists preach-; ,posal of id estate. ed to large and deeply interested 1'041': ' All ere it rs of the said M binow Am- ences in the Ptesbvterian and Meth -; ibler are hefeb notified to ole their 9 y,, dist cliurebes. In the afternoon! +claims ith my Solicitor, R. histone, (fast (i®1®rs ;:�,t � cents, �iTortll another meeting was held in the town' Wingh , duly certif ed by atTiel it and f ialso sta ing the nature and valu, f the hall for men only. The audience was, ;seeurit (if any) held by them, n or �qu �p� �even'larger than tile, Sunday befonug' ;before a 24th day of May,, A. D., 892. J. R. MUNSHAY1I not only the seats but all the standor- Dated at Wingham, this 3rd +tie of root), heinb occupied. These aftre, •May, A. ., 1892. T74 A 'IAV Yi.T�T �r9'9»��S a� �' ani W. J. CH_APMA-I, Legs to intimate to the people. of.`vingliam X tJtJl'�.1A .+LSC L .iL noon services cannot tail y result in; Assignee, 'ka7inoham, and general public .that he has opened out lasting good. On Sundwy eveniu;r I VANS NE, a large stock e: 1 the Presbyterian church was luore, tiSolicitor for Assignee, Win ghaw,!Ont. worth 10 to 122 cents. denslpy packed than ever. Numbems had driven twenty miles to be present. ..WATCHES, The services was one of great blessiug. LADIES, The ineetiegs this week continue to CLUCKS JPl �VELIiY , attract great crowds and many persons BEND For ST �4@ M1�d j' n0 I�.d of all ages a -re consecrating themselves ""ltltl - '" to God.&-c.; 'a rut 11h strated Catalogue of affiBs' sr<LVLI1wAI�E, �� Next S+taiaday services will be 1►pld as follows. Iva the morning illr Ylnittpr Specialties. in the store lief@y occupied by �lr. E8. will proae8t in the Congregational Diusley, and invites s,ll to call and see i ehurch, Mr Crossley in 'the Baptist goods and get prt.es. it ' ADDaMS - T MEN'S S�'I�'�' HATS at Mr Watson in the Methodst and Ur �r, McQuarrie iia the Presbyterian. In THE. PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE GD.., satisf tctiou guar nep iring teed, ittteuded to �tind ( C the afternoon at 4 o'cloel: IVlr Crossley worth $1.50. will give an ndd•rpss in the town ball 19 QUECN ST. EAST, J. R• MUNSHANV,1 to glen only, on "Mysteries in the 4-, mat-rial and spiritual world." At the TORONTO, ONT:,' Wingham, March 23, 102. J same hour Mr Horner will address a f mass meeting of the women and boys Mention this paper. ) BUTTER, EGGS, �]iTOOI,, and girls, ill the Methodist church. — _ __ �.— In the evening two services wily be Dr.0 1held, otle by the evangelists in the ��� � �� �� 2� � as cash. ' Presbyterian chnteb, the other in the ht D Al A., t, c, P. s a, A c, P. s. ai. resident conducted by a Number re the �� ® SPECT 0-1 resident ministers, Mr St !levy preach- ing. Oa Monday evening n aprmon TORONTO. ' �, o 'l'IIXS,t9T � CN,iyICi:SA TL317- y' will be preached on dancing.—Com. 1l£OVYof filo wko have bu�edpora We want your trade, CLCItO�XC RONQIIZTlS, .ODf3FiS, Dr. Baird, of Paislp Y,died last week` COLDS, O AVy Z'UT.Jf Com• 1rAST- Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says :--•- I.vt3 D1,9 SES, after they tavo triers "After spending all my money and prop, Fio has been practicing in the village what to no purpose on medical luen, for for thirty years. 8 -OT � � what tho, termed a hopeless case of con- Call and see us. 9sutnptiou, Dr. Sinclair oared mo." A man nataiEd Donald Nicholson of Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: '"When all others 'failed, Dr. Sinclair the 3rd coil of Ifinloss, a few miles cored me of fits." . T. A,v- north of Lucknow, was taken from W ,Donald, Lakefield, says :-"Da his bed on b1tiniay night last liy five Sinclairrured mo of Catarrh.' Gep. Cowed,Blyth, says :—"Dr. Sin- or aIX glen idol blacked fa Cys. Pla gee E U Nclair cured me of heart disease and drop- �t a rope aro his neo!: they dragged of Pu Cpd Live ©iI and sy, when all others failed." HOLSTEIN BOLLS FOR SALE. " him out of the house to the hank ,of a pdpROSP TES biseases of private nature brought oil.Lot No. 3, an oreek, and after completely covering —0 Liitne nni oda.— by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. 'rhe unaerslgned has for . le on Lot 10, Con, a. 11th Cola. Tu him from head to foot with a coating XT 1S zJ[osx AS 'dZAT-423L7: CONSULTATION FRET : Turnbetry, four thoroughbred rolstein hulls. Cant- :cleared; well of tar, they threw hint into the water. AS nrr XT (, A 1T9 46 used antz - • Inc trom 9 to is months old. a above mrnt+oned other 'buildin „ 1 LESII IIODiJCEIt. Xe ib nwcrt rdnrt DR, SINCI I IR will be at tl. animals aro ai] a oli marked am , ee> istered i� the timti, d lgtellol$on is acoused of threshing his crddorac Gy X'hl/sic ne. Avbid r,tt Canadlan iteerd Book. They Aaill ho sold 0104, ages 11 t�UF.,FN'S HbTFL, Win; SLIn on easytormstoaultpureha"M wife, but such vliagrareiul Cotttluct as �itutedd oo ettr,att sloth. Sort? bi/ _ `d L`N that Of Monday l'tl+flit i$ fl disgrNoe t0 sit ihru iati a! dOC atilt' ikY•oo• JAS SgeT, y n stein t'�uttlo, anv oiviliretl community. The p� ' e- so x ci v jetritetl.v[lre. , J. NE I Ith1 .. - ]lrr,tta+rat,. A trrators ~bre unknown. - ,. -- AMERICAN ...