HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-20, Page 4IIAMS, ST *No - a GIST''. rusempalk tipprearlir7rwittrof 011111111"1""It Buren rreebytery, The regnlar 11/tay meeting of the Presbytery of Huron was held in Knox church, Isonclesboo, last Tues.. day, the Moderator, J S Henderson, of Hensel!, presiding. During the forenoon all the ordinary business was disposed of. Mr Fletcher reported that he had obtained from the Home Mittel= Fund the grants asked for by the presbytery, viz, $800 to Bayfield and Bethany, and $250 for Grand Bend and Corbett. The names and ELEGRAPH CO. atanding of students within the bounds were reported, and the Committee on wick House, Superiutendence of Students were in- structed to assign to them subjects • for discoursee to be presented at the — - Ont. July meeting. The Finance Com- mittee, through its convener, Mr Robert Henderson, of Bayfield, pre- algoam Eim es sented a tabulated statement of finan- cial returns from congregations within • the bounds. The Presbytery ordered it to be printed and distributed among the congregations. Mr Fletcher was re•appoieted Convener of the Presby- tery's Home Mission Committee, and represeneive of the Presbytery in the Aasembly's Home Mission Committee. tiller,brother of Mrs It was decided to hold the next regular 1 line, has been very meeting in ,Goderich. three weeks. For .In the afternoon the public services le did not taste solid in connection with the induction of continually vomiting Mr James A. Hamilton into the pas- ly he visited a doctor in toratcharge of Burns church, Hullett, gave him .immediate and Knox cleurch, Londesboro, took now convalescing fast. platie. Mr J A McDonald, of Narna, s ago he was afflicted preached to: a large congregation, ' in trouble but a trip to the which both sections of the charge were ennipletely restored him represeuted, his text being Matt. 16, health.—Mrs Wm 26. Mr Stewart, of Clinton, by ap- btlier of Mr Quintine pointment of Presbytery, after naming line, jersey poerly at the principal steps which ,had 'been trots is l.lieutnatieni taken towards filling the vaeancy, old age. tier re- inducted a Mr Hamilton according to ttful.—Mrs Geo Henders the usual form. By similar appoint - is at present confined to ment Mr Simpson, of Brucefield, ed- it a vereesevere attack of 'drciesed the newly inducted minister, -Needham, of Egmondville, the let ion. r„ MAY 20, 1892. the bowels. We hope and of her reeovery.—Mi e011 7, 3rd hue, was not very Brussels. sbeing afflicted With re' polls. He is new Howe & Co, of the wollen — Mr rthur WiL ave had a new boiler placed in bee jug the) mill.—Tbe workmen are busy aeevork on Postmaster Farrow's new ors -brick residence.—Mr Geo Teskey, of :Kincardine, has accepted a situation at Ronald's Fire Engine Works, and will move his fannly .to town.—Jas weeks` Clegg shipped to car load of prime y mace; cattle from here, nn Wednesday, of ere fortunate iast week. --W J Norton and Frank h before the rains Kelly, have one to Middleton, where they have secured situations.—It is not so lucky are heir way rejoicing ; expected that the first dividend in melody remarks at connection with the McIntosh & Mc• - • Taggart private batik will be made in the course of a few weeks. Immed- .iately thereafter the persona interested l'enSwater. will receive their share.—At a meet. e young peopldrove ing of Smith, Malcolm & Gibsoit'e e' m on Thersday night creditors, on Tuesday of last week, Crossley and Hunter. Messrs A Cousley, • A Strachan and haprnan • is' taking in a John Elliott, were appointed inspecs trains in the persoli of tors.— At the regular meeting of onsiderable excitement Court Pince Alexandea, ..%o 24, U 0 e arrest. of the Field 13', the following officers Iv ere elected : lig weigh scales, selling —Bro Noble Gerry, 0 R; Bro N for 2,500 lbs and also Flatt, V 0 R; Bro Rev W T Cleff, et.' Rica tes. A n.tuber Chaplain ; .Bro Walter Smith, R S ; aid teem. Bro A Koenig, F S ; Bro Wm Blush- . Walkerton ill, Trees ; Bro Jessie Whistle, S W ; dabe, They Bre John Xirliconnel, J \V; Bro Geo th Rogers, S B ; Bro R J ; c r them."43P Graham 'aud McKelvey, Phy- st eyes of the siOi4PAselis, and A. Keening 1,,us gharg„, are the delegates to ihes,Iligh Court, Id not shield which meets to Stratford -tin June 14th. Listowel. The workmen have commenced work cleaning up the ruins of the old Com- mercial hotel.—Messrs Scott & Jones shipped three cerload of hogs to To- routo on Monday of last week. -- Messrs Gillies & Martial, agricultural implement manufactures, Teeswater, have purchased the old foundry build- ing and plant from J 0 Hay, ef Listowel, who bought it at auction on April 29. This firm are to take charge bunediately, and expect to build up a large branch trade. —Banner says : A pecutarly'stid accident happened to• a young daughter of Samuel Dipple, Bismarck street, on Monday abed one o'clock. The little girl,named Emma, about three years old, was playing out- side !bear a ,tstern in which there was a small 6peeittg used for drawing water and tiecidently fell i. The child was missed a short time after. wards. A search being made she was found floating in the wateriliat though ening of lest week, inedleal aid was at once called in it -towtgbad the oppor was too late. . The Amenat took plaee CoTaluetor Snider Ttesday afternoon, This distressing lettere, "Life oil occident was a severe shock to the w. meet." Mr pareers. and much sympathy is fe t he misfortutie' to' for them in their aftlictiote and more and ebei t week, -..Me Of the 40,00frsettlers who have ar 1, is vieit• lived ie Mattittibit this season 1.150 —Mrs 13 were from (4r t Britain. 280 from the o the ,Mitritious riteee, 300 &ma t ee tr. ch an offence nvention of held in the Werluesday, '11 be present ions held .at ,ts-e;PeS ined vely. her r,1i &-5biie School, for about two ion of the lungs. have purchased ill begin open)... ill tbe run for a ;op. Mr Cavell Johnston again after be- larlie Steele s seen on our no piece like J Stephens tvbere he has whiter oti one tr garrtston, Huron Item% A lire broke out. 'bout 2.80 o'clock The drygoods dorsi; iu Qiinton have ' Monday morning in the large furniture all arranged to close at 7 p nt for factory of Dowling & Leighton, de- the surnmer mantles stroying the principal part of the machine's? and workmen's tools, dry A. flock of eix ewes. belonging to L Shouldice Tu luneber and furntture in course eltersmith gave birth to completion. The firemen, headed by Qf no less than 16 lambs this spring. the proprietor, Ex -Mayor Dowling, Reeve Manning, of Clinton, who has did excellent work cual succeeded in been sojourning „in Florida the past confining it to one or two sections of tew months, Ain return home in a the building. Fortunately the morn- week or so. ing wau calm, else the loss would have The Corner Stones of the Methodist been. terrible, the factory being in a church in Gerrie, will be laid on the central part of the town. It is the lat of July next, on which occasion a largest here. The loss is a serious great demonstration will be held. one both to the.firea and town, so many men being thrown out of em- ployinent, but hoped are entertained that -the firm will soon be in running order again. There is some insurance, but at present the amouut is not known. The cause of the fire is not definitely known. . • BIM. Mr. Geo. Powell is confiued to his bed with kidney trouble.—Mr. Melly, butcher, has solar recovered from his recent accident as to be able to be out. —Dr. Sloan, of Toronto, formerly of this place, was in town last week. —Our hand mule its first appear- ance on the street on Friday evening. Tne boys are doing well under the death which sad event occured last leadership of Mr.Satnuel Gidley.—The week. Mrs, Haetine°s died on Tuesday entertainment given by Prof. IVIeSke and Me. Hastings 4o11ewing three days on Friday evening, in Industry Hail, after. They' .were both interred in under the auspices of the 0 0 F, was Bay field cemetery. a success. The professor sustained his Rev J S Cook, of Ripley, formerly reputation as an elocutionist and kept of Henault' has successfully passed his his iudience sometimes in roars of examination as an M A and has the laughter and at other time almost on B D examination well under way. the verge of teals. His rendering of He passed his Ph B examination a "The Raven" was exceptionally good. year ago. HS is to be congratulated We understand lie is to he here again .on his success, as it is the result of soon and we guarantee him a warm hard study, besides ateendion to his reception.—The Epworth League So- pastoral duties. ciety visited the sister society in On - In a letter received from Mr Mark tario St church, Clinton, on Tuesday - this week. The members of Bissett, of Stockton, California, for- eveningrnerly of Exeter, dated April 28th, he tile Myth Society were to give the says : Strawberries have been on the pregraunne for the evening.—The meeting of the 1 0 G T was held on market here for ftilly a month, also • green pets and .now potatoes. In two Monday night this week on account of weeks more we will have cherries and She* District Lodge meeting here on apricots, and by the 1st of June we Fridays-ktrs Scott, Grand &poen. tendert of Juvenile Temples, will ad- ' will have ripe peaches. dress the tempters oh Fridley, at the Mrs Christopher Johnston, for many years a .well known resident of Sea. forth, died at he residence of her neice, Miss Laurie, in Derhy,EngIand, on the 25tIr April, The old lady went to England' about' six months ago, to spend her declining, years with relatives there, and was well and kindly cared for. Rachel, the little five-year:old daughtek of Mr Gee Leith, Blyth,is the victim of a painful and dangeroussuis. take. Th a other day while at her graudmother's, Mrs Eggert's, she went to get ddrink and mistaking a pail of verystrong lye for the water pail, drank a considerable quantity. The child is in a very critical condition. On Tuesday afternoon of last week Mr, Bruce, Clinton, removed no loss than thirty-two teeth from one indivi- dual, at a sitting. A grade cow belonging to Mr Edward McQuillan, of West Wawa- uosh, on Monday of last week,dropped a bull calf that weighed a trife over 111 pounds. Mr.David Campbell, of Walton, has gone on a trip to the old country. He expects,to be away about two months,' and will visit Glasgow, Edinburgh and his birthplace, Campbelltown. The numerous friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hastings, of the 3rd concession, Stanley, will regret to learn of their district ineeting.—Several of "the boys" drove to Whigharn on Sunday to hear the evangelists,Nlessrs Crossley and Hunter. They say they enjoyed the meetings very much.—Miss Feline Floody is very seriously indisposed at present.—Miss A Moffat was in Clinton on Saturday. — Mr and Mrs Geo Shipley, of akilsic Craig, are visitiug at Mr Gregor McGowan's this week.— Mr J Sloan paid Clinton a visit last week. ,• spraying Trees With Poison. There has been a good deal said recently with reference to the charge that American apples are- tainted with poison used in destroying insects. It has been pretty -clearly established that Canadian fruit is tree from any such defect. The advice however, of Prof Penton of the 0 A College, is well worthy of being carefully heeded. He tells the fruit growers never to spray trees in bloom. This is a simple rule which can easily be prone in mind and the observance of it, inay preserve the reputation of Canadian fruit.' A very 'littie poison may destsoy the marketable value of apples although it does not render them injurious. In the case of some suspected apples, for instance it was shown that eight tons Wm Campbell,of North Main street, Seafortli, met with a painfet accident on Monday evening. He was up in an apple tree removing some of the limbs, when he noticed a cow corning into his lawn. In hurrying down to drive out the cow, he missed his foot- ing and fell head foremost to the ground. He was stunned by the fell and had his face badly cut, but was not otherwise seriously injured. Mr James Snell, of Hullett, the well [mown stock breeder, has just sold his famous thoughbred Durham cow, Lady Jane She has been a pretty profitable investment, having would yield a dose of poison. Spray- raised about $1,000 worth • of calves, ing is more dangerous to credit than and being now with calf. Mr• John to life. White, of Tuderscnith, was the par. chaser,and he may yet make a similar Fatal Shooting o.oeident amount from her, as she is a splendid SHAKESPEARE, May 16,—A 61011 animal. ,accident occured near this place on Mr George Westacott, of Hullett, Saturday afternoon. Two boys, aged last Saturday delivered to J. W Irwin, six and eight years, sons of Joseph the groCer, Olinton, a quantity of Dedricli, got possession of an old. hens' eg fashioned pistol, unknown to their per doze parents, which had been loaded for a i pound, •long time, and in handling, it was 1 dozen. discharged into the abdomen of the , that wen younger, who died yesterday after jshiohat noon. ! the price that the f ner is certa' The marriage of a couple of wilier- by the chane ok buyine Ante of the Salvation Army took lape and gettingtvalue in eec at the hatraelce, Clinton, on Tuesday stead of by • he dozen, wh morning. The contracting parties i same figure irrespective were Mr Thee Raney, of Blyth, and weight. • Mrs Bolton, of Clinton, formerly of! Exeter Captain Auetin, of Myth NeWs Items. and Captain heal of Clinton, There are 1.000 patients Aided as groomsman -and bridesmaid, Hamilton insane asylum reapectively. Rev W Shilton of R.attenhuiy-at Methodist church, 1,01,„ A Deserontos Junction formed the eereniony, assisted by named Airliatelt accidently Major Baugh, one of the staff officers toryU1his le4s "”1 whit from London. A sumptuous dinner with n iaeli-knile. He bled was proyided at a private residenee for Walkeetou will speed $1, the ing party, and at the e demonstrationlin June. Ho tiee. barritiolts save band competition, etc., will b era features of s which w ighed 84 ounces , and rece ved G cents per r equivalen to13 cents per. r. S. Glidd4 delivered some 42 ounces to the dozen, he same rate would bring pretty well. This shows ly benefited by weight rdance, in 111111111111111. GORDON & McINTYRE, A Talk With Our Customers, House Cfeaning, with its attendant worries, anxieties and perplexities—its removals and replacing a new carpet for this room, and a change of curtains for that,—will be upon us in a few days; and we wish to say to the Ladies, either of the town or country, that we aro pre- pared to the utmost of our ability to help them over this trying eeason, by submitting for their inspection and se- lection a very nice assortment of Carpets, in Brussels, Tapestries, All Wool and Unions, of different weights and prices, The most interesting part of this talk with you is that the prices are all in your faveour. ft TAIRS—Yes, we have them in great variety, either by the [minor by the yard, in white and cream Laces, Alse, very pretty patterns and shades in Art Mus- linn Prints aro receiving considerable at- tention, notwithstanding the chilly weather. The reasons aro that they are very pretty and cheap. We give you a most cordial invitation to call and soled the best, the newest and most stylish. Boots, Shoes and Slippers, at reason- , able prices. We are constantly turning out very nobby, well -made and faultlese-fitting suite, but our prices are remarkably low. We buy right, therefore we can sell right. • In Teas, Sugars and general groceries, we always lead; still giving twenty-five pounds of a pure, bright sugar nate $1. Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs, Cured Meats, &c. GORDON & McINTYRE. The Big Brown Anchor. Winghang April 21st, 1892. The first wool of the season was brought on the Guelph market on Mon- day last, 500 lbs. unwashed Oxford Down. The price paid was 24c. per Alex, Anderson the defaulting book- keeper of the Macdonald Maunfactur- ing Company, Stratford, who has been in goal there since March 17, was, ori Tuesday last, sentenced to six months more at hard labor. A twelve year.old boy named Jos Budjero, of Orillia, committed suscide by gouging himself with a trace chain in his ?ethr's stable on Tuesday last, He was dead when found. Disap- pointment at the refusal of a request is the only known cause. The personal expenses of Hon. J. C. Patterson, in the late election, are published as $1,371, of (which nearly $400 was forlivery hire, over $200 for telegraphing and nearly $200 for printing, and over $100 for hall rent. Those of Mr Cameron are given as $481, of which 8268 was for livery, $104 for 'minting, itc., $67 for tele- graphing and $87 rent of halls, with a few incidentals. —Vs bile under the influence of liquor Henry Schillenbery, a farmer, grabbed two $5 bills from the top of a desk in a Stratford store. Re was arrested, and the magistrate ordered him to pay the costs of the trial, amounting to nearly $2a, and give bail, hi.nself in $1,000 and a surety of $500, to appear for eentence when called upon, and to maintain a.condi- tion of strict sobriety for live years, or go to the Central Prison for six months. The prisouer decided to give bail for re -appearance and good COD - duet. Schillenberg subsequently en- tered into a bond to forfeit the suin of .$1,000 should he touch a drop of any intoxicating liquors for a period of five years, laid in the event of his doing So to deliver, himself up to be sentenoed to six months' imprisonniene in the Central Prison,and he took his solemn oath to observe the bond. The tWelve-year-old son • of J. E. Moorehouse, South London, had a very narrow escape with his life one day last week. He was engaged pick- ing water cress along the Clinks of the river when he came across a jar and picad it up. Another boy was stand- ing on the opposite bank and saw Moorehouse with the jar called over. to him to 'put it, down or I will shoot you," Almost, immediately 'thereafter the rascal puttee the trigger of a email revolver and discharged it, the bullet striking eloorehouse behind the left ear. Fortunately the force of the leaden messenger was about spent when it reached its victim, itud strik- all got the ng e. bone glanced upward about two i 1. if size Or inches and lodged in the flesh. Had it struck a quartet. of an inch lower the effect would have been very serious, but the ladie all right again. A doctor extracted the bulletand dressed the wetted. Who the cuirrit was that fired the shot is not known. oung man tut an ar. Ladies appreciate Anti -Dandruff from at present he clay. bit tlihg the feet that it not only thereughly removes 0 a Dandruff with three applications, bat stops 0 oneal:ene eraeing^, pliable without leavinnfrkLsyititiarlaifetatainnidi pr •. of a dreesiug being Med—clear eryetel, ifetai:Ilitoilurligtu•ionflatlei6e.bleTiar,ordestores Whig hair to t,ou oea, it is a valueble toileeprepere-