Wingham Times, 1892-05-20, Page 3HERE Al`iDTHERE,
It was a hot day. The drowsy calm
of an august afternoon held all the.
broad acres of a farm Haat swelled into
rolling pasture land, and now and thea
waved with the yet ungarnered grain.
The binders bend over the sheaves in
the "river field," followed close upon
the old fashioned reaper. A horse -rake,
drawn by 'a worn-out, limping horse,
"I am four and twenty and so far it Labor saving machines all menu -
lute been a failure," ments to that tired feeling.
That night he sat through the raid, Itlyans Tabules: for sour stomach.
night hours, busy with a tangle of What a young man who. !tae a best
thought, He had lived in a physical girl wants is to hold his own,
world, he said, had eared for neither „dute*e•—'Phe. Hest thing we know
right nor wrong, had admitted no re- of to heal' a cut or wound is to hind
straint, felt no guidancetoward good. up the injured part with a cloth.
He Would live differently, he would saturated in Perry Davis' Fain•I eller.
makehimselt respected for his good life, Onlp 25c. for the New Big Bottle,
his justice, his honesty, his generosity, Wife—Shall T have My black silk
A to Every' o
'these remedies have stood the test pt Afty years experience, and are p
tangly Ilse..
I'urifi the bleed,' correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, Kitt
Invaluable • in all ooslplalnts incidental to females ode
TIE O21\1 -T111 -E
came after them, andthe sound of and there sometime perhaps he might fixed over, dear, or would you get a THnoATs,YCOiloflsMLnS` GOUT, LRiisMiA.TI6JI, auAI ULAI udg
moving wheels and the occasional call again look into his cousin's oyes and new one ? Husband—By all means AISLASES 1T ciAS No EQUAL, lunnufaetured onlyat 78, New Oxford, i s
and. sold by all blealcuio Vendors throughout the aorta
ISrPorhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and l;'o
not 693 Oxford :street, London, they are spurious.
ore worker to another were all the not flinch before them What was get a new one ; ic's cheaper. .
noises that reached the ears of two who
lounged close by the water side, The
birds'were songless in the beat. They
flitted through the branches, swung on
the bending boughs and glanced down
curiously at the girl and boy on the
bank, but did not sing for them.
The boy was bare-footed and lay at
full length on the grass. Hie hair was
close clipped and very fair, and his
honest, blue eyes were much too large
for his face, 'He was twisting his toes
in the long grass and jerking it out by
the roots, giving shuddering laughs as
the earth shook out and tickled the
soles of his brown little feet. The girl
sat with her lack to a maple tree, and
watched the grass -pulling with a great
deal of interest.
"Doesn't it hurt your toes ?" she
"No," replied the boy, grandly,
winding a larger whisp about his great
toe, and pulling it out with a vigor
that reddened his face. But that was
too hard work for an August day, so
.he curled his feet up,rolied over on his
back, clasped his hands•under his head
and said wistfully: "l'm tired of being
no good and just staying around here."
"What would you like to happen ?"
asked the girl,' with the interest that
suggested a faith. in happenings.
"Oh, I'd like tit have lots of money,
and have nice things to eat every day,
plum pudding and tarts and cakes and
things that are scarce up the'""' at the
house; and Ltd like to be able to go to
'all the circuses and wear Sunday elothes humanity at its best:, -:•"Cattle," was Thi Bead atiraeon.
all the week • .Money's what f want. his mental delinition,aud like the baron - Of the Lubon Medical Company is uow at
there inthat woman's eyes') he pondered.
She was his friend—it could not be
condemnation ; it was not suspicion,
but had sent him into his heart to
measure the littleness of his life. He.
was dissatisfied with it and stepped
bravely out • and up into the moral
world. But the virtues are coy. They
are not to be won by a word or look,or
brought with a beckoning finger. He
earned his reputation of !laving turned
over ti new leaf, and he wondered how
he could have lived down there among
those whom he now pitied and de-
spised. •
In the world lie moved in were earn-
est Ines and wpmen, holding good to
their hearts far its'own sake, spurning
dishonesty, applauding truth and cell-
demniug cupidity.
So far he had lived in the physical
world, and bad proved the strength of
his moral nature,but on another plane,
he saw those moving who had brought
their intelligence into thier everyday
life. He looked at gray-haired philoso-
phers and pupils, and he Raid : They
belong to still another sphere. I must
step up into that mental world. I
want the breath of their thought to
guide n'te, and the man of the 'world,.
the rigid moralist became the devoted
Worth $1O a Bottio.
DEAR Snis,—I have used Burdock Blood
Bitters for dyspepsia, and have found it to
be the best medicine I ever used. I could
not eat without suffering from a terrible
burning pain in the pit of my stomach. I
used six bottles of 13. 13.13.. and ata glad I
did so or I should have been iu my grave
to -day, it completely cured me. I take a
bottte every spring and would not be with-
out it if it Dost $10 a bottle.
• t.vui I'EnL>:x, Morley, A,lb.
Don't cry over spilt milk. Bush
around anti Lind the cat.
• Cheap Trip' to Europe.
Editor James of "Tho Statesman." Bow-
manville, goes to Europa nearly every
summer in charge of a tourist party and.
has got travel in the old laud reduced to -a
sYetem and the expenses down very fine.
He has issued a pamphlet containing cheap
excursion rates and telling how and when
to go, what to wear, what baggage to take
and other useful iuformation for ocean
travellers. He has the lowest rates with
steamship and railway lines, hotels, etc,
and all who buy tickets from, him get the
benefit. Ile is agent for leading steamship
lines sailing from New York, Halifax and
Montreal and does a big ticket business
all the year rouuci. He leaves with his
1 tourist party for 1892 about July 1st
for a trip through Scotland and England. '
Mrs James will • accompany hint We I
want any of our readers who join Mr James' i --'•—
party to send nu for publication letters ! TRy
descriptive of their travels and we will I
gladly mail the paper to them during their ;
absence if they will give us their address.;
'In writing address, M A James, pub:isher' 1
Bowmanville, Out, and do us the favor of
mentioning this paper to him.
He drew himself away from the out.
side world, hang over his books, pon-
dered, thought, read, grew in, in, in,
until lie looked from too far to see
Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, • Cone
Dyspepsia, 'Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizzi u
Complexion, Dysentery, •Offensive Breath,
disorders of the ' Stomach, Liver n • ' pw
Something that shoutd he lookedab
I �'•
into—a miscroscope.
Ripens Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate co
tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. • Give immediate relief. Sold
druggists. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of is cents. Addre
10 Spruce Stre•,t, - - New York City,;
and be convinced that
I tell you what." of old, lie ee seemed to recognize no link. Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted'; Is the finest Wall Finish known.
either in parson or bymletter ou co
The little girl looked gravely over of human nature between himself and diseases peculiar to ar. Men,alt youughr,oldnic ,1
the river and then she said: "I don't those who 'toiled with honest hands, or middle-aged, who find themselve uerv-
ons, weak and exhausted• who are broken
believe you'd .be satisfied." brave hearts and untutored heads. down fromenceesoroverwork,resultingin
- "Oh wouldn't I though ; but say, Another summer day he sat beside many of the following symptoms; Mental
let's go hone. Aunt Ilittie's eodeproasion, premature old age,loss of vital -
min' the little river. It was ltd as of sty, loss y,
just h as of memory, bad dreams, dimness `.
down toa us stories to tellof where she's that other aro ay tvlence f off d 1 . tangled of sight, palpitation of the heart, etniesious
pain in the kidue e, head»
lack of (menu, 9
been." • his brown little toes in the grass. The ache, pimples ou the face or body, itching
• grave -eyed cousin again sat beside !vim, or peculiar sensatiou about the scrotum, is the best iu the world.
wasting oti)he organs, dizziness, specks be,'
Three years passed and the fourteen- and he said : •fore the eves, twitching of the meiscles,eye
year-old lad Sift the country farm "Tiger° is nothing in life as So many cif the urs and selossre, will bashfnwn:s tenderness I
& CO
house to go tot e city. "He's sot ou live it, They wander around fur f PAINT
ew •ofthe actApaud spi
weak and flabby , i
a ,,„ muscles desire to Slee failure to be rested
d his f uncle ruefully y td t d and are no betted 'Qow b sleep constipation, 1 °` STONE
oln said
its archer , ears, lei to . n . i y seas t f tteariu"
"I don't believe his poor dead ma I have arty work, my study, nay hooks. loss of voice, desire for solitude,exottability
*vould like it. but I s'pece he'll hey to 1 dive *pant and—" of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with
go." "But that is not living," said the
At eighteen he had won a reputation woman, quietly. "You have a duty
for attention to business, and a fair your fellow -creatures. You were linked
salary. At one and twenty he was to them and you have severed the
admitted to be a prosperous g•ung bonds."
fellow. His income was a good one . He pondered. There came to him
and he liked it not because of the the remembrance of that other day,
worth it represented,but because thele when something shone in her eyes that
were so many dolisis an it. He had was noble and rend, and he said. "Is
reached the ideal world he had Mapped there a world above the mental ?
out so crudely on the river bans, and "Yes," site answered softly, "tbe
he gave all his energy to pleasure. He spiritual."
was proud of his physical strength Living for those around, recognizing
proud of his hotel, his clothes, his: the kinship of human nature ; living
ability to rank with older men in point where one can .sympathizo with others
of wealth, but the days marked no and be comforted by thein, remember -
moral development, no mortal'growth. ing the grand old law,hending towards
One day he sat by the river side a hereafter and not forgetting the Be-
again, with the sauce little cousin— ing above alt- =that was the other
grown older now. She was much the world. lie had not entered it,and the
same, sitriple•miuded, white hearted thought sorrowfully of his narrowed
and gay, with the permission of con- life,shook off the weight which self had
science and the aid of her happy heart. pressed npoii him,and with a firm step,
"You've done well ; Patti,"she said, lifted himself up into the other world,
and he sighed.' the one where dwell those who live
not to tbefnselees, but to those ith cut
"Yes, but what does it amount to, theta.-11-Iaadge Merton, in the Toronto
after all ?" he answered wearily,. tos-
sing his hair from his brow. It was
LEADEN IIICQ.E, oily looking ekiri, etc, are
all symptoms of nervous debility that lead .
to insanity and death unless cured. The
spring or vital force having lost its tension
every fu.nctiou wanes ' in consequence.
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorance may be permanently . cured.
Send your address for book on all diseases
peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed.
Heart disease, the symptoms of which are
faint spells, purple lips, uumbuess,palpittu.
Lion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush -of blood
to the head, dull pain in the heart with
beats strong. rapid and irregular, the
secoudbe'irt neat quicker than the fi_st,paita
about the breast bone, etc, can positively
be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for
book. Address M. V LUBON, 24 Macrlon-
ell Ave. Toronto, Canada.
The eyes were not so honesr,tbe mouth
not pleasant fico he lifted to hers. c strmP�liox CURED'.An old physician, retired from prattle.), Wiring
had placed th his hands by an East India missionary I
the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tho
was firmer set and less guileless in its speedy and 'permanent Oro of Consumption, Mon.chitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung
curves, Atfectionedrelso a nositive and radical euro for
Notvou6 D lilt nn� all Nerl ons Comilla tits, a cr
�1n y i it
They looked at each other for per -
having tosbcd its Wonderful curatl o posers In
thoueanda0f teach. ho hab ., a hie <iy l niako it
haps a second, iter oyes were catltri, kntwn to lits sntterl'si bellows. Actnatttl Uy this
n , n•a an dsstro tc rolleva `ltuninn bnfta•Sna• t
clear Arid grave, els were lit up with a rill db ob harttw to vc who desire i'I this
new light.
rei hAernian. French or' Luelish with bull
d one tarp acting tone n . Soot nil by
ave wasted any " ire _t : a •, ;Vin' ''..
Sole Agents for above
in all its branches, and
class of first-class
• Flannel
'' ;Blankets,;
(made trom p`ire wool :oaiy)
shams/ for w
Custon ere( #.did, is dista8.
home with thepithe sane day.
"Backache the scavengers
means the kid- of the system.
nays are in VDelay is
trouble. Dodd's dangerous. Neg-
Kidney Pillslue lected kidney
prompt relief.". roubles result
76 per cent. in Bad Blood,
oedisease is Dyspepsia, Liner
st caused by Complaint, and
disordered kid- the most dan-
nays. gerous of all,
"Mightas well Brights Disease,
try to haute a Diabetes and
healthy city Dropsy,"
without sewer- 'in e aboue
age, as ood diseases cannot
health wheffl the exist where
kidneys re Dodd's Kidney
clogged, the are pills are
Sold byrall daentbyttmll
fat lx oe set
Money to Loan on Note's.
Notes Discounted
Rt A.S 0 RA.131 " It ATE
Money advanced ort 31 sate per reit y_ eh
Hill ;e of paying at the any year.
Tons e
r. 3.'1t1i�1
Satrings B,
1. UopOsiti 0131 nn
•Special boposits.
rates of interest.
Drafts on Creat It
bought and sold
MJa/'Llt alt DI
Lumber o
Pira -cis,
far .0ad r
WOO t deliv