HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-20, Page 1VOL, XXI --NO. 21. 1111. WI r G r1 I, ONT., FRIDAY. MAY 20/ 1892, This store talk is worse than money—GGannett eau supply You with Fleury wasted if any ways unreliable. The and Tdilborne, of Ayr, Plows. steady increasing sales proves your iii terest in us an a our public opinion • regardin its methods. The only p, success nowadays is doing and, being sincere about it, this will always be our aim, everybody treated' alike, the child as its mother or father, We do not have what is called "Leaders" that is bait, thrown out with the idea of inducing one to buy other goods at prices to "make up," our stook and prices all through are "Leaders." In our boys clothing stook the value is surprising and let's make it very clear. First you can depend on the cleth. the cloth is good quality, second the workmanship and out is first quality, no slop work, third, there is style, finish, taste, in' every garment on our tables. Our grocery stook is as usual full with fresh and seasonable goods. You all know our 35o. tea now, eyerybody does Provisions of all kings. Shop early. Secure prompt delivery. This store closes at seven. t d d t • es the run of Mr John .'V•ellwood is carrying his store and arnili g, Having the misfortune hope for to be kick by a horse. level best —There are still a few who are in ar• rearsfor the Truss, We need the money, and hope they will calf and pay up at once, or remit by mail. —Baby carriages justto baud, 10 per cent off for spot cash, at $ Gainer's.. ere several . loads of people —The edito nding places in town. on Su -; confined to hi the evangelists, Crossley and}as this week's , by „the boys' soh, look any shot —On We number of Hope Lodg town ban —MrB Will n, of this town, sold his oattlepthis we There were 1.8 head of cattle and th verage weight was 1,330. —A numb of the players of the town band and B 's factory. band have or- ganized a b d under the leaderaiup of Mr D Hine d. As au: inducetrient 50 CENTS—to new subsorlbera, we offer the Tome till the 1st of d'anua•ry, 1893 for 50 cents. Saud in the names. —There from surro day to rhea Hunter p —I have something tzew in Souiilere, different from any other. Cali end see the before buying, W GANNETT, Mr Wm D mond hes hadthevacant shop opposite r J H Stephenson's oar riage shop p anted, and has opened a butcher shop n the same.1•> —SATnnnAY NIGHVBAUGAIN ClonNTER,— Those who came to see us last Saturday - night understand what our idea of'sell- ' ing cheap means. Don't miss Saturday nighat Cil:, , . MoINDOo's Mr Geo Newton, Londesboro, has r,,l purchased the barn ss business lately!; carried on by 'Mr Ma thew Ambler, from the assignee, Mr W •Qhapman, and in- tends running the is ass in Wingliam. - -Boots and hoe coat rices at Sel- ORI:; & HISCOC1tS, lery & Tempi , Jo artie's old stand. Direct Importers. The BEAT, May 19, 1892.—I h ve the 1 es't and est s °ted ' stook Dinne , Tea , an, Toile ' Sets ' that h a. ever b e show.if i town away LOCAL NEWS down n price., : C I1 and i the W T Y TEs, Th China House. -•-'Cash for good butter and ,cgs ab R A. Graham's, Market Grocery. —Mr Walter ween has bad a stone —The W C T'"J will hold their nekt foundation er ted under his dwelling regular open me ting in the Temperance house on zrMere street. Hall, on Mond -,y • evening, May' 30th, commencing at ggglock. There. is on —Call at Gannett's for Biuders,Mowers, excellent progrsmgte• being prepared. Horse Hakes and Plows, from the beat makers in Canada. Silver collection at the door. —Theentos ;;went that was to be —W F•BroeKeua1 Ws11t.s . •Jot oak Oil given the .,all, on Tuesday even-. Palatines; also,a few Peaut tel �lrtobypea,, whicklie is elliu! ve •: o lir 4,11aVidea. ing last, by i' ittlehales,'• baa been '' large stock of goading en band, and I am postponed. —Do you wan Now isyour ch sign of the ItF —Mr JohnllS artz, of the ExchanBe hotel, is having a verandah erected in front of bis ho se, which adds greatly io the appears es of the house. t'A complete assortment of garden and vegetable seeds,by the .ounce, pound or parcel, at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. -Some careles boys have the habit of whittling map a shade trees on the streets and of erwise meddling with. there. This sh old be discontinued. . —G T H trains for Toronto and east leave Wingliam at 6.30. a m and 11.10 a m via W G & B Division, and at 6.45 a m and 3.45 p m, via Clinton and Guelph. Good connections by all trains. foot wear at Cost 2 cfat Sellery & Temple's, —The W 0 T of this town, have se- cured the vac t store in Gregory's Duey Six ould you kindly insert block, nest to r Thos Leslies, tailor •shop, for a len room, on Tuesday, May the following ords so that the attention 24th. Lunch nd coffee will be served of the School toard may be directed to at all hours d ring the day. a subject del sanding their action at once. In the - 'ublic School there exists Company, was in. ,own on Wednesday..• an au. Loudon,, in,the year 174 . Whether Whether it was are be an order in c-nneotion with infective Mr Jolie Farquhskson, of Teeswater, was named afOr the Ariat .rebus who wrote ism. diseases that r1 scholars in that family in town OR We nesday..Rev Jas Mo -'800 coMmentaries on the Greek poets ,polio thus visited, timain at home until a Lauchlin, of Tee Ater, was in town this or after Aristarehus 'oho first declared 'smirchel by t.. doctor gives t tiCicate' of''" safety, This, week. that theearth revolves ;round the sun, we back by their fen -Word was _eoei d in town on Sat- in dangerous, Lite] diseases is good and • know not, but, from ei ,her, we are con- great brotherhood urdity evening last hat Mr Robt Cope- excellent. Bu sir, may I protest as a Now Undertaking and Funitnre scions of n going forth r industry in their land of Pilot .lion d Man eldest brother parent against the "Mumps" being in- lishment. of hutnauity.and yo > , lives, and anoddness in their methods the eye of loan's exf of Mrs Thos Grego y, of this town,' had chided in this riegenoy. Given a case Mn REnpI IR MGSON has �t that lits them to be e ,en in name, 'the: Y few ys illness; Deceased of a family of rine children going to Furniture and Undertakin •and throb of his bel died after a „ „meet to the old furniture founder of such a hive -f industry as the carried on a drug business n Lucknow school and Dao taking the mumps opposite the Queen's Hot, I. O. O. F. One ' of you •early mottoes the istanos is nib ed qtr for a number of ears, prior to his going just as the othe has been freed from and has a full .stock or pith of which is token Iroan the old' book. needs of your brda> ie to Manitoba a ry years ago. the embargo,it si ply means from 12 to 18 Mouldings, and Underta "Be ye wise.as serpents and harmless as vett' needls you own t• weeks of sohooli lost for them use- hand. Call and inspect gc . ,,�, pleasurable fast alsio t ala an• inducement prices. Picture Framing done pr • y doves to full of force end meaning. "lie not Uaun+ting the gray 5N CENTS-- leash When th mumps are around to uEw subsocre b, y' p and well. Special attention given to like is fox for sunning, a love for tameness,. dead .and • ehdortvdrin; We offer the `fines till the let of January, you cannot: by au h regulations prevent jobbing and repairing, and guarantee all a lamb for innocency, a lee for industry, , 1803, foe 50 Dents. Send in tho names. their spreading, for; there are always work done. Having had long experience afloat cheep for useful ass«" Here you 1:01118:1:134.4141,:, -There was one 'n w member, admit- 'cases of bralAsn scipline and one cries ein st I ansure furniture can gland ow satisfact on, leave craft. peacefulness; purity, indinstry� as d W b f►ddije ted at. the meeting f Anchor of 1Xope in a room as plot much the same as A splendid new hearse for hire. and helpfulness, that w)ieh may fill tTie de ln,ge h n1dii, i't Lodge,1 0 G T, ^ n Tuesday evening ten, If child are predisposed to Rotrit Hofasoe heart. and occupy the ti 0 of the ablest . wore for um, institeati last There was number of visiting' them they will pretty sure to have and beat of loan, In the year 1810, the are ,not rorf, die brothers and. 'silt. ra drove over from them. Let them all get through with To The sot's, graft of Oddfellowahip w s placed in the them these warfa•clays as muck as owere tt'nwe'lY nln u s Luaknorr and thre: from Bluevale. There q pee, W o want a smart, li.t� boy, in every city of BalEimore,ou Ater 20EIi,by Thomascud, �sosit tl was a programa given consisting of: sable, and don't higt;elt such a restrietive City, town and village in the Dominion . Wildeyr a son of Vulcan, a, 19th century hewn ropo.or address by ileo .vii Hughos; song by measure wtthol 0 Ao o qualification, to sell Garr for us ev /"week in the Tatars the sparks from w owanvil spread. truth twat L Ireland; : •ng by Mr J McAlpine; This is a trouble that terely calls for a year. There is moue;_ in it for such a 1 with more power an. carried more for god,,, ani duet by Mr Dos gins and Mrs Armstrong; physician acid is :otter over with while boy, and the work ca be clone after i warmth than the Honest blackon:nt a had men ; b Lurg recitation by ass McDonald; song by voting, hoping ti�t th= order will be school or on Satur.• y morning. It I any,dream of, in his nil :st movements, rotantiatst Mr 0 Johnsto,, after which the members rescinded. 1 in Mr, y. urs, doesn't cost a Cent to start, and if you 1 You have thus 78 yeaii' o oak book upon frons Luokno and a number from this a' ATEit>:'AlumtAS, snake it go your sales f rnish the capital.] and, judging from your rds, there le no practice Write to The Grip Pri for regrets, u taurlodrant w1i= ee retire oa lunchh waa prepared for Cj ... TS" 0—to n w snbsoribetg Ing 00 for particular, itt0tand Ir ere i pia nt of foreign birth,lestt �prevga p e fear fer We oda the wisitin, friends in Mr Sparling's we o th�Totes till th let of January, can send us tlif name andluta growth in this ibrae e ' L ike rr* c watc h t�14. 89t#,,for 60 oeiats. Bend ; the lismee. get Gate free/, 1 thslauf*nt Irstvi it fico. making Picture Frances to order. Pho- tographyin all its branches from minis• tures to life size.Call and see what I have when in town. W P Bnoei.ENsnnin, Beaver Block, Wiugharn. —The enter inment that was to be held by Prof H ldeeke, under the auspices of 'Pit tland Lodge, I 010. F,last. Thursday ev ing was withdrawn on ac- count of the vangelistio meetings draw- ing the peo le. We underseand be in tends cotnin to,Wingham early in June. E. H. DEVER, Undertaker and Embaltner,has opened out a. first•class undertaking parlor, opposite Chisholm's Drug Store, Wingliam, andis prepared to take charge of anything in that lino that may be' entrusted to him, having put in a stookequal to anything outside of the city, both iu taste and quality. ..'rices very moderate. First class hearse in at- tsndance. E.11. DEVER. To the Editor of tit Taves. • of the TXAZES has been bed for the past week and paper has been -published readers will have to over- �toomings. lesday evening last a goodly the members of Anchor of , I 0 G T, headed by the ERMQN • Viol." (I os.ri e, PREACaiEP To um Aisia9ER4 oz AfAITLANr amidst those i2,a r ',poor, T. o, r., ins U s.. -w. E. wArsdv. 08 ad a•monq sate , s11NDAa, NAT 1sT, )oe uant of 0141970411.4. lcly $p ob 20--13, "TV blessing, of Wel that was read?, btatrite alud ru• fsr� 1 f to perish aunt'; poo arra st.i 1 mused rho ividow a In favor with Goal,tirt^ , heart to sing t •r joy, a, Hite., and ga.1llererr aS Mere wp fird a. mau + lracting sweets inspired word, Wtro3' from woxmm ,od,. sunny nsellmories otthe usaeeidehly it ought to' past drawn f,rth, like gleams of sunshine social eagle cad draw on a stormy lay. It is agood thingfor purer ..eight, and a ltd the individut 1 who, when v efted by, sol•. The little acorn plant> row, or uud 'r the sting ai~ suffering can has grown to a l[ia,nt .aa recall come ',cod done ate lay gone days, tranaplantedtl'nto nretcel. So long as w i are in the Asa of the living, .the ,vorld. ;From'tiort and the plac i of ltopefnf fuptfeipittiou,these Cape lion; in the Boat deeds are a nectar iiiti4 bitter porions gates of San ' Francisco of conscious weakness. Asa we read of all of the ()tient, taking is that Job it we oan say, "pardonable the Vikings ine their No pride," audio vain egotism,this reproduo• sons of the ,Pac1S, marched from their lodge room to tPresbyterian church, where tion of the Last.. Now we menet all be by the breezes o the ° heard a very practical sermon. udividaalilfyt no sabeaus fall the pent up ;Q • Jobs in our upon our ca tie and carry them away, no . barriers, Entitled taq'the Best swift Light, ing messengers kiudle our and rock A 1 are entiyled to the beat their money barns and d -stroy our flocks, neither Chap oforein ,buy, so every family, should have, et deans to rco ua of orlr••l;ainels, for the and co,`a bottle of the best family remedy, simple reale 13 we have there pot ,$obwas'` trait of the Abralramio age. Thata. Isis nnot do as individuals, the w! up. Where the unit is ie. k the eumnlstive power of the ' nipossible is made possible. t; consider what we wide as Wednesday and'1'hurs. individuals. . We may be eyes to the blind k. A full, report wilt by simply le_liug a blind mau across the eek. thoroughfarelunbs to the cripple, by the was held at Korman's 'purchasing i a xililway ticket, of give; eduesday, evening of this joy in the t 'lowed Notr a by a bonnet'of •ar.rang,ements for hold- flowers and a mile of hope, or at the sick a iu Wingham. It was bed by reedit) e' half au ,hour, train, some cH the races on. Tuesday, choice author, these things costing but ngiug rich returns aud. ourselves unable :single plish any great good, it is atron .opens it doorway es ,gw -entry. .The blind is every step, is, ot. Half u whoseeng an obstacle to rereki e. it, the beggar a pittance, is not half who with money in his ea aid: The, humblest t society who pays his id when called ou for dn.ess, is a •thousand wi Syrup of Figs,•to cleanse the system when a milliouair costive or , bilious For.sale in 75e bottles whicli We• by all leading druggists' society take ,.;"1•4.1 competent b —The attune- !peeing of Wingham society the District of the �Iethottii't church was it is for us held in town of day of this we be given next: --A invert hotel*. olt . e„k t'o mak ing horse rac decided to.i� June 28th. effort, and br = line Northwest Transportation curs wherein we fin fine steamers, "Monarch' and "Uuited handed to acro Empire" are uow running regularly be-'thenthat co-op tween Sarnia and Sault Ste Marie, Port Arthur, Fort William and Dulutb,,making of hope, and inyi t clgee,conneetion for all points in Manitoba, man groping for British Columbia, Pacific Coast, `Western so blind as the m ;,$.tates, etc:. These Steamers are the high-. , in his way refuse eat classed, most powerful and wast cans- iu his ra a seekin fortubly equipped on the lakes. Passen- g gers leaving Wingham by 3.45• G• T. R. so poor as the ma afternoon train connect with boat,leaviug pocket refuses .to Sarnia same evening.. .For ietSteroom disciple of a ben reservation, lowest rates, sailing date's • and dues and Ives hie ail information, call ou G. T. It Agent, g • trifling acts of ki Per Mr and Mrs Jas spent Saturday friends in town.. Blyth Standard, , s Snnate. leagues nearer God utherland, of Gorrie, of Christ than the d Snday viwho lives in a mans [r W H uIrwin, ofsiting the pildiates bis need of ent Sundayin town.. condition and rbquir • nd the throbbing heart urge proud graudee, ou of stone aud, re- nowledge, as to the meets of his fellow - Blyth Standard• Miss C McElroy left men. Such I take it is the position of the for Wingham last week where she has Oddfellows society secured situatioi ..Mrs John Hampton, aims to de in a Doll of Listowel, spenta few days visiting which as individuals friends in town t Friend, of Brantf town spent a few .Mr W Deck, Tv ong humanity. It otiye capacity, that is members findian• 4. Till the Till the Silent, O'er t Your worst to east truth o ''The sin Are th erh. How - thetio el ity. Bo away in' sustena Ocean. sync pat week.. Mr JasH possible, and accompl hes by followingthe ret d, formerly of this teaching of its symbol -the bundle of rods by —a Herculean task, os behalf of their fel- his ays in town this week. orphans. A brief lows, their wives ant P P, of Kincardine.lance at the riso progress of Oddl- au gave the Tuna iendly call on Fridlnwshfp m America,and s ay be io place here w in tless aware that iv; waste nt stem, that was cheer e city of Loudon, San ious to ars being road ete?ir to sR.�f-lifk, t, " No 9, beiug rms, Southwar last..Rev G P Sa ,on, of Brussels, spentand now. Ail are dos a few days in tow _ this week..Mrs Jos is a graft from the par McPherson, of *uevale is visiting at bora and budded in tli Mrs J as MoLauol=tin's this week.. Mr H England, 74 years pre D Henderson, of Whitechurch was in transferred to this w town on Wednest y..Mr John A Mao- ..The Loyal Aristarehu donald, representiig the Canada Paper stituted at the Oakley --For first-class tailoring aud cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the place, only two doors north of the old stand and between Ross' book- store and Halsted & Scott's bank. e