HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-04-27, Page 18)0,,THE HURON R195111014 SEAFORTH, ONT., MAY 4, 1972 H ron. CAS warns of care "How old does a baby-sitter hive to be?" 4011aw old do my childrenhave to be •before I can leave them without a baby-sitter?" Children's Aid Society Work- ers, Public Health Nurses, and Social and Family Service field staff, are asked these questions repeatedly and complaints about childr,en being left unattended frequently come to the attention of . the Children's Aid Society. The provincial Child Welfare Act states "Any perspn having the care, custody, control or charge of 'a child under the age at ten years who leaves ate child unattended for an unreasonable length of time Without reason- able prevision for the supervision and safety of the child' is guilty Of an offence and o n summary conviction before-e judge la liable to a fine of not more than $100 and, for any subsequent offence, to a fine of not more than $200, or Imprisonment for a term of net more than one year". "Our Society received a flurry of complaints concerning unattended children in recent weeks", noted Mrs. E. Ross, who handles investigations con- cerning children in their own homes. While some of the corn= plaints did not warrant ongoing contact 'with the family, several investigations revealed a history Students (Continued from Page 9) Marquis - Martin Wynja and Fred Peckitt. Puss-in -Boots - Brenda Pap- ple and Deanna Barry. • prince Charming - Robert Haney and Blair Brandon. Grandmother - Mary Lynne Burke and Patsy Miller. Doll - Chrissy McGregor. Clown - Sandra youne and Joanne Nix. Soldier - Steve Talbot. French Maid '- • Cindy Mc- Naughton. Stars - Cathy Coleman and Lancia Visscher, Linda Guiche- Isar, Valerie Patter'sdn, lCim Tompkins, Marsha Pressey and Jean Schilbe. •..... •• Candy Canes - Joanne Day- man, Steye Butt, Cathy Merner, Greg Dayman, Jerry Dayman, and Alan Bell. Gingerbread Men., - Barbara Butt, Gordon Geddes, Terry Caldwell, Cary Doig, Steve Dal- las, Daryl Johnston. and Tom Telford. Tickets - Tony Dayman.' Costumes and Make-up - Cindy McNaughton and Beverly Walker, Barbara Tilley and Mar- jorie Keys. Prompters - Marilyn Taylor and Brenda Gibbings. Stage Hands •- Laurie Hend- erson and'Ralph Elliott. Ushers - Cathy Taylor, and Valerie Merner, Patti Rose, Dwight Kinsman, Charles Mus- tard and Paul Robinson.. Lights a David SallOwa. "If you must read over my shoulder . . please, 'don't read' out loud!" Scanning the Weeklies By Lee Hee In scanning- the Mitchell Advocate' we see that alms, Victor Janette Laurie of Preston, Zone representative of the C?htaria previncial- Command of the Ladies" Auxil- - Lary to the Royal Canadian Legion paid a visit to the Mitchell Auxiliary recently and emphasized that co-operation with the Legion Branch Is the keynote of success. She urged the members to give generously to the bursary fund. The Mitchell organliation has donated $175. The zone rally will be held in Fergus on June 3rd. - - - The Mitchell P.U.C. will again make instructive book covers available to the pupils of the public school. - - -Mr. Paul Ross, Mitchell, has been named chief health inspector for Perth County. The Zurich Citizen4 News reports an open house was held' recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kas Kashenty, Romeo, Michigan, to mark the 60th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Schroeder of the Dashwood area. Mrs. Kashenty is the cduple's daughter — Present and• former directors of the Hensel], District 'C-CeaDperailite paid special tribute on Thursday eight to , Bert IClopp, R.R. 3, Zurich, who retired after serving the organization for over 30 years as secretary. The debate whether to close stores on Wednesdays or Mondays, according to the Blyth Stnadard, is on again. The subject came up at the Blyth Board of Trade meeting Monday night. Although there was much discussion, it was decided to seek public opinion before taking any further steps. A letter from, the Chamber of Commerce was read asking the Board to join the Chamber. About 75 per cent of the businesses contacted agreed to join but further contacts will be made before a final decision is made in this regard. - - The new dog by-law is now in effect in the Village of Blyth. The by-law calls for the . distruction or impounding of dogs found loose in the village. ' It also makes those owners of dogs who do not keep them tied, liable for a $50 fine. Dog licences have • also been levied and the by-law came into effect on Monday. The Lucknow Sentinel reports that Lucknow Council has engaged a new clerk-treasurer to succeed Wayne Jamieson who is now deputy-treasurer of the County of— Bruce. Alfred E. Herbert of Weston will commence, his new duties on May 15th. There were five ariiiiicatiOns for the position, - - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grafton, Goderich, have leased The Sepoy Drive-In • in Lucknow from Mr. and Mrs., Oliver Glenn. - - Four area townships and the Village of Lucknow have agreed to split the total cost of the new project, a medical centre to serve the area. Lucknow will pay 30%; Ashfield, West W.awanosh and Kinloss 20% •While Huron Township cost is 10%. Estimated cost of the project is $60,000. The Clinton News-Record reports that Glenn Price was elected president of the Clinton Lions Club on Tuesday night. He succeeds A. "Red" Garon. - - - Lloyd Rumball, employed at Holmesville Valley Farms; had the misfortune of having hiS left, arm caught in a manure spreader Friday afternoon. ' The accident resulted in the amputation of the arm two and half inches above the elbow. He will be 'confined to hospital from three to five weeks. - - - George e(Short) Campbell has been named president of the Clinton Branch 140, of the Royal Canadian Legion for 1972 - 73 . - - work will begin in about two weeke. on the Cable TV system which will bring cable IT to Clint& next winter: The tower is to be built at Holmesville. - - - Ken Scott, Brucefield, was the winner of the camp , trailer in a draw Sunday afternoon at the 'Clinton Camping and Sport Show. The Wingham Advance-Times reports that the series "Talent Hunt" came to an end on Thursday evening. Win- ners ,of first prize of $50 were "The Good Intentions", a singing group' from Teeswater. Talent Hunt was sponsored by the wingham Lions Chib. The Goderich Signal-Star reports that Ggderich Animal Control Officer Dick Eisler has issue d a warning on Tuesday that a yery large dog is running at large and frequently ventures into town. Mr. Eisler pointed out that the animal may be part Wolf. - Reeve Paul Carroll and -Deptity-Reeve Dave Gower will meet with the new executive of Tinkertown to discuss the feasibility of a municipally operated nursery school. The Teeswater News reports that former arearesidentS', Mr,..and Mrs. Tom Hockley, now living in, Preston, marked' their 60th wedding „anniversary recently. Mrs. Elsie Jackson and Jim Hockley, attendants 60 years ago, were ,present for the occasion.. The couple were married in England and planned a honeymoon trip to Canada on the maiden voyage of the Titanic but were (unable to book passage as the ship was overloaded. Red Clover. Is Still The Great Soil-Boilder We have available PURE RED CLOVER and Red Clover ill Sweet Clover Mixture (for plow-down purposes) Ontario Grown Yellow Sweet CLOVER Also a Full Line of CLOVER and GRASS SEEDS R. N. ALEXANDER WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240' VEGETABLE OR TOMATO TOP VALU SOUP 10 oz. Tin 10c LIBBY'S TOMAT O CATSUP 11 oz. btt. FORD ealwaelamomeeenalamoi*Iimenemmalo00, 1972 SELECTION IS AT ITS VfitY. BEST JUST ONE 1971.CAR LEFT Come in and 'test drive the car that suits you and then let's sit down and work out a deal. USED CAR SPECIALS 1971 Ford F100 1967 Mere. Parkytne, D.P. 1970" LTD 1966 Plymouth Fury II 19t\ft Meteor, 2-dr., HT. 1966 Chev. Stationwagon /968 Ford, 4-dr., HT. 1966 Ford, 2-dr.,,RT. 1968 Volkswagen 1966 Chev. Biscayne, 4-dr. 1968 Ford Galaxie-HT. Sedan, low mileage McLAUGHLIN MOTORS Ford - Mercury Dealer PRONE 527-1140 SEAFORTI1 "If you didn't buy your lad car from us, you prob. ably paid too Much" FROZEN FOOD MAJOR SALE SILVERDALE FROZEN FROM CONCENTRATE ORANGE JUICE 311.00 • CARNATION FROZEN SHOESTRING FRENCH FRIES 2 lb,AL9, bag 12 et. Lim FOUR VARIETIES CHUN KING FROZEN CHINESE DINNERS ". 2/53c 14 77c WELCH'S FROZEN FROM CONCENTRATE GRAPE JUICE FRESH GROUND FOR YOUR 880 PATTIES LEAN GROUND CHUCK FRESH BONELESS OCEAN PERCH FILLETS. FULLY BONELESS ROLLED LAMB lb. 79 lb. 69 LB. LB. (GA HAS ONLY CANADA'S FINEST RED AND BLUE BRAND BEEF . ..... , . 1 ... ... . Seaforth IGA is open all day Wednesday and Friday night 'till 9pm lip MORE Variety To Choose From MORE kniting Perishable • ,Deporiments necessary of children being left unattended for long periods of time,r left with-babysitters who in turn left children unattended or whose competence had to be quest- ioned." "It is so seasy, under the beat of circumstances, for a child to endanger himself even when parent is in the home, let alone when the child is left unsuper- vised," she said. If a parent has flagrantly failed to provide for supervision of his child under ten years While:- out of the home, fand the child In the parent's. akenCP be injured or even die, charges could be laid before the court. A parent would have to answer Whether the child had been left unattended for an unreasonable length of time and reasonable provision for the safety and sup- ervision of the child had been made. Some people presume that as long as there is a child ten years of age in the home, they have made adequate provision' for younger children's safety and s weilld be highly supervision. questionable U e ton year old were to bee ected to watch. several other children for a bang period of time. In all likelihood the ten' year old could be - or should be - sound asleep and could not be expected to assume responsibility for younger sleep-, ing children in the case, of a sudden emergency. ' "In some situations, we have found that a parent has left a severely retarded' adult or an aged senile grandparent to care for children for a whole day or longer", commented Mrs. Rem "If the Children's Aid Society is laviged -that-a childunden ten is being left unattended, we are obliged to visit the home and inform the parent that we have received such a complaint, and in turn make certain that the child is not in need of protection, we can not reveal the name of the complainant .but can only inform ,the parent that someone is con- cerned about his child's safety. In most cases it is a friend, relative or wan t neighbor who does not to get the parent into trouble but yet feels a warning of some kind is in order. In many situations, the parent needs some assistance in making provision for babysit- ting or other care. We are notic- ing, too, more complaints in- volving the working single parent who is separated or divorced, and who does not have close friends or relatives to whom he can turn for help with his children. While we admire the efforts of such a parent to continue working, there is still a responsibility to make adeqqaae provision for the care of his child. For these sft- uations, we are hopeful daycare centres or foster day care will Iie—edevelopeci -in -the-county -to. assist such parents. Television stations often in- sert a short flash message at the end of a show, "Do you know where your children are?" While the message was designed to question parental responsibility for children out of the home in the evening. , It could equally be asked by the parent out of his home. "Do you know with whom and in what circumstances your children are",in your own home? in b by sitting v .. • Viv...* • 4 : • .namoa PRICES EfFECTIVEONTIL CLOSING . I SATURDAY, MAY 60972 I WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Illp , MORE Owner- , , Operated Stores qp . MORE Value For Your Food Dollar SHIRLEY GAY ENRICHED WHITE SLICED BREAD 24 oz. loaf Assorted Flivours DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES 12.19 oz. Pkg. US NO I SNOW.WHITE CAULIFLOWER PRODUCT OF ISRAEL LARGE SIZE JAFFA ORANGES. Doz. 89, U.S. No. I Pascal '" CELERY . ea. 33c U.S. No. 1 New Green GARBAGE- lb. 19C ea, 491 U.S. NO. I • 2 lb, bog FRESH NEW CARROTS ea. 35` LETTUCE — •— - ASSORTED (2 Years) ROSE BUSHES Corn on the Cob 5%59` CANADA NO I P.E.I. TABLE POTATOES U.S. NO. 1 CRISP HEAD 10 lb. bag 59c . TID E ' POWDERED l• ETRGENT 1. 8,: King size bok, :i4AtnOitripitr 7. ;'• :APPLESAUCE . . . To.vAmitwirortAiti. 11; 16.16 qi,iiRAL top:1,s cou*Rir RIB END PORK LOIN 'ROAST 3-3V5 lb. Avg. CENTRE Cut CHOPS FRESH LOIN PORK 89c kw) to Et UE BRAND CUT FROM THE 81 ADE BONELESS. IMPERIAL ROAST _ _ _ ib• 99c. RED OR RUA BRAND SAVOY 'TEAKS OR ROAST _.._ _ .111, 1.09 ,,,) 0II BLUE BRANIll FOR YOUR ,3130 CANADA NO, 1 ONTARIO PINK HOTHOUSE TOMATOES lb- 49.. S NO 1 GOLDEN YELLOW 1.39 ro ea. RIB STEAKS LB, 1.08 FRESH GROUND MINCED BEEF SHOULDER ROAST MESH CUT ,CHICKEN LEGS Y. lb. 65€ lb, 65c e PORK LOIN FILLET END ROAST 3-4 lb. Size