HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-04-27, Page 4PARA' GODERICH, ONT. 524-7811 4.4111III1URPN. EXPOSITOR. BEAFORTH, ONT. APRIL 27. 1972 NPLELIGHT RESTAURANT and TAVERN — ENTERTAINMENT — Friday and Saturday "CAVALIERS" Bayildld SW in Goderich — Phone 524-7711 otekvt..;•..~...viom‘N••-••••,•AA.w.N.lok.ss.o.•%•••..../A.A..•.•••• tot26 Thu. 27 Fri. 28 I s.t. 29 Semler Moine**, 0 ,INPfft Sf . 4., • Robert Redford, George Segal a Co. heist TheHotRock • minniimitnannunmannatnnonasannemmenn %%%% enenentnnansvi mmmmm • %%%%%%%%%% Sun. 30 :::.1 Tut 2 SEE NO EVIL 41 and 10 ARLINGTON PLACE Adult Entertainment woomm,•%,..mocs, L UxL " almost coL or? na,,KIIBRWE 1111111111111111111111111111111111 THIS wputt AT ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL Thurada31, PEARL Friday and Saturday HUMMINGBIRDS In the Crown Room Dining room open on Sundays from 12 noon .2..p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the evening. DANCE IN. HONOLIR -OF Warden and Mrs. Elmer Hayter FRIDAY, MAY 5 9.30 P.M. Zurich Arena Music by Boyd's Orchestra Everyone Welcome Lunch Provided Refreshritents Available Sponsored by the Township of Stanley LADIES—GIRLS . • Are you interested in • LEARNING TO- SEW Making your own clothes, do alterations and repair? Apply now and take advantage of this opportunity that As proposed to be offered at , CONESTOGA COLLEGE OF' APPLIED ARTS & TECHNOLOGY • at Clinton, ontario. "A • 28 week •course is proposed in Custom Dressmaking and Alterations. , • pay classes:'5 days a week, Monday , thr.Friday, fromv8:30 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. Adults and girls from Grade 9 and up. If interested advise course (advanced or beginner) 0 ROSS MILTON Huron Conestoga School Room 112, Air-Base, Clinton. Phone 482-3458 or TO: JOHN VANGEFFEN 71 'Chalk Street N., Seaforth: PhOne 527-1021. to; Women's Hospital Auxiliary PENNY SALE Box Furniture Store Wednesday, April 26 to Friday, May 5 — SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE — DRAW WILL BE MADE 9:00 P.M. MAY 5th TIMI AT :0 SALE STORE OR' FROM ANY AUXILIARY AMMER • ¤% • N. % %%%%%% %A.\ \ V 0 ADULT O THE [1.1[1111,11/11Hli 0 t MOST ; • FREAKED OUT • I 0' MOTORCYCLE 4 MANIACS 0 0 4 EVER 0 0 0 ASSIGNED 0 TO KILL' .0 0 0 I 0 I I • 0 1 AR 6(1 - - • RUN! %%%%% nonsienwenenna %%%%% Sun 30 ONLY .• LIMT10001 Of n COME TO f HE Lit=6.."11of 1.21 • ^ . w.n, T snow 11011 SOMETHING. ,cHor S ECRETS KAMA 'SUTRA .• OHM. OF - SNOWS SEX suit 11 A-• 1110""-- 100 / 11111. a at COIICESS10111 RD. 4 • PHONE 524 „ %%% ‘‘‘‘., WEEKENDS OPEN DRIVE-IN • GODERICH / e / / / / z / / / / / / / / JOE SOLOMON r .Fri. 28 s.,29 **********!*********Afr at FAMILY, PARADISE DANCE ON APRIL 29 — THE LORMAINS MAY 6 — THE OLD-TIME BAND Family Paradise Camping and Snowmobile Club Refreshments Available. • — Lunch Served 'DON'T FORGET.... APRIL 21-MAY 7 . - THE LIVING WATERS CRUSADE W1111... Paul Parr and the -Songmaiters EVERY NIGHT 8,P.M. AT THE Huron' Nien',s Chapel Auburi EVIL PREVAILS WHEN•GOOD MEN DO NOTHING. SDHS ° Drama Society Presents A Three Act Comedy "WHICH SHALL HE MARRY?" APRIL' 27th, 28th at 8:00 p.m. SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AdmisSion: Adults $1.00 Students 75c Children 50c Tickets available from students FIREMAN'S BALL SATURDAY APRIL 29 Music by The Bluewater Playboys HENSALL COMMUNITY ' CENTRE $3.00 per couple Dancing 10 to 1 a.m. Sponsored by Hensall Firemen Proceeds for Annual Fireworks Display Refri3shments Available Correspondent Mrs. Charles Geddes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Varley of St. Catharines were visiting with the forrner's mother, Mrs. Robert Dalrymple.- Mrs. Margaret McNairn vis- ited with her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hewlett in Toronto and while there celebrated her • sister's birthday at her son's home, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hewlett at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. John Boshart and family spent Sunday with Betty and Norman MacLean. Charles Dalrymple ims- re- turned home from Seaforth Com- MIXED DOUBLES BOWLING 'LEAGUE DANCE .FRI., APRIL 28 SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE - Music by Lou Morello Combo Dancing from 9 to 1 Adm. 3.00 per couple Refreshments Available BROWNIE'S DRISIN THEATRE CLINTON - ONTARIO Box Oafficio °pans at 8:00 p.m. First Show at 11:30 4114.41 41141.4 FRI. - SAT. - SUN. April 28-29-39 — DOUBLE FEATURE -- 1,000 CONVICTS AND A WOMAN CD*1485102 Alexandra Hay Color 90.1820.11 MI .1.1 Cs SCA CP tn. BLOOD AND LACE, ADMITTANCE R 10 141 TUNS /M0,OM. 011 OHS .., Gloria Grahame Miltod Saba Color Cartoon COMING NEXT WEEKEND: VANISHING POINT THE MARRIAGE OF A YOUNG ;STOCKBROKER QUEEN SEAFORTH THIS WEEK . . "NUDGE" Saturday Matinee Next Week STAGE DOOR In the Huron Loung *****************t**** CABARET DANCE --mil- BRODNAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE SATURDAY, APRIL 29th MUSIC BY WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA *4-44-40.**********-41-0-et*/11 Central Huron Secondary School Clinton proualy presents the musical You're a Good Man Charlie Brown ' . based on The Comic Strip "Peanuts" by Charles M. Schultz Music and Lyrics by Clark Gesner Admission -- $1.00 (this includes a draw on a three-foot stuffed "Snoopy" plus a Character cookie for each child). Thurs., April 27, Fri., April 28 and, Sat., April 29 CHSS Auditorium 8 p.m. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT lVIcAdam's Hardware Picket and Campbell Clinton News-Record Central Huron Secondary School Correspondent Mrs. Ken McKellar Mrs, Gerald Carey presided for the April meeting of the Marian iiitcbie Evening A,uxil- lary which was held in the church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Carey opened the meeting with a Nem "My Garden". Mrs. Norman Harburn read the Scripture les- son from Psalms 134 and 131, followed with the Study Book discussion, led by Mrs. Robs it Laing, dealing with the prob- lems facing the people of Africa, especially those of the lang- uage education, lack of ,skilled ANDNUALiRTA EUCHRE ORANGE HALL, SEAFORTH WED., .MAY 3 • 2 and 8 Pm Lucky Draw — Special Prins Classified Ads pay dividends. STAG• for BILL WALLACE SAT., APRIL 29 Seaforth Curling Club Admission $1.00 Manpowelf, future over popula- tion and unernigoyment. The topie prepared by Mrs. M. Lamond, was presented by- Mrs, Larry Gardiner. She pointed out the reason for the Supply Fund, and listed the various pro, jects in the world that are being financed by it. The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Frank Hamilton and Mrs. Eldon Allen gave the treasurer's report. The roll call Via,S answered by naming a good book and its author. Mrs. Gard- iner1 conducted a Bible quiz. - After being confined to sea- forth Community Hospital for a few weeks Mrs. Esther Moore returned home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto walker visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and family, London and also with Mrs. Walk- er's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Erwiy at Pqtnam. .ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL NOW FEATURING MARIA COMING'MAY I FOR ONE WEEK LISLE MATINEE 4-6 p.m. SATURDAY AFTERNOON —17 Engagement (photo by Kumano) Dr. and Mrs, J. A: Gorwill are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Janet Ruth, to Johan Hendrikus Van Rooijen, son. of Mr. and • Mrs._ H. Van Rooijen. The marriage will take place on the evening of June 23rd at First Presbyterian Church. News of EGIVIONDVILLIE 4, munity Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Coombs of Kitchener were visiting in the village this weekend. Bill MacLean has returned home for the summer after com- pleting his second year at the Lutheran University, Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rees-of St. Catharines were also 'vis- itors of Mrs. Robert Dalrymple over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woods and family were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods 0 during the weekend. Charles Greene hits returned from. Seaforth Community Hos- pital where he was a patient. Mrs: Margaret McNairn at- tended the -Barber Shop Conven- tion at Mohawk College in Ham- ilton last Sattirday, Her nephew * Terry Hewlett is a member of the Oueen City Harmonizers. He placed fourth out of fifteen. Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Coombs were in Owen Sound this week- end attending a Legion conven- tion. Miss Pat Wallace of London was visiting with Mrs. Jack dt James of Egmondville. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Chapmatt held a shunter party Friday night. There wZre sixteen girls present. Dr. Charles Moyo of Egmond- -ville is a patient in London Hos- % pital. We all wish him a speedy • recovery. Plans are getting underway for the annual chicken barbeque that is held at the Egmondville Church. Tickets are now being sold for the event. number of workers were on hand, assisting in a clean-up at the Van Egmond property on Saturday despite rain and poor weather. • Breaks bone . Mrs. wm. Walters, news cor- responderit for Winchelsea with the Huron Expositor, suffered a broken bone recently and is re- cuperating in South Huron Dis- trict Hospital, Exeter. CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRI., APRIL 28th 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES -- $75.00 Jackpot 'to Go — TWO DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION •$1.00 • Extra Cards 25e or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER ) 16 NOT PERIATITED —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156; Royal Canadian Legion Huron Hockey School HURON PARK, Ont. 0 Four Sessions • News of CromartY, Auxiliary has meeting. invite-you to The -Official Opening and Dedication of the NEW CHURCH BUILDING SUNDAY, MAY 7th, 1972 at 2 O'CLOCK The Rev. Wilson L. Morden,-B.A., President of London Conference 0 q A former minister, the Rev. E. Donald Stuart, B.D., will assist at this serVice. . • 0 0 Rev. Paul M. Packman, RA., Minister. THE SESSION AND CONGREGATION OF Complete camp program in eluding swimming, soccer, base- , ball, films and leciures. College Instructors, headed Ron MaSon, coach, Lake Superior State College and former Seafort native. ...Write or phone for details HURON HOCKEY SCHOOL Box 124, Stn. E., flarbilton; Ont. 416-189-4295, Breehures may .be obtained at} i Anstett's or O'Shea's. JULY 16 THROUGH AUGUST 12 Day Students $59 week • Family Plan Second boy $45,Third boy $3 • • er 4