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Wingham Times, 1892-05-13, Page 5
IA) II El ST If in the English language there is a diamond in the rough it must certainly be the homely word "STRIVE." Uncouth and unmusical, yet rich art nieanirtg. Our Wert bas been to strive to du that whieh is right to our patrons, firmly believing, he who sells that which is best of its kind finds his best advertisement in what he sells. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT • Our Merchant Tailoring Department is now provided wigi the most popular fabrics produced by the leading and most celebrated mills In the eountry. bar. in both variety and value excels that of any other shop to be found elsewhere and which we are pl°epared to make up with first-class trimmings in the latest style of at prices that cannot fit to satisfy all parties. GENTLEMEN SPR IN E E A T S . Our spring stock of gentlerren's headwear is now complete. You will find our bat department filled with the latest products of the fac•t:,riPi in England and want to loop in fashion call and get one of our nobby hats acid at prices that will astonish you. t ssi the et America. _T-10 0 TS AND SBOOTS AN • S E 0..i�� 1n this•depaubment we oartstrip all:oompetitors. We awe row showing the largest stock in this line to be found in this part of the country, in all sty[. and widtitk,ancl i. *to.make room for another large consigm:tnent soon to arrive we have marked down our stock to prices that are bound to cause a ready sale, as our motto is : "The nimble - »i as better than tyre slow shilling." Come early and often :end get first choice, and hear in mind we are manufacturing to order, and for neat repairing wo can't be heat, GF NT'S • FUR NlS.[ IN GS, 'Ou'r'Genf'I'urnisliings wilt be found complete in everything that pertains to correct dressing. GENT'S FURNISHINGS. We think we can suit the most fastidious. TRUNK AND VALISE 'DEPARTMENT. 'Our Trairrh and Val.iseDepartrnent will be found !adequate to accommodate thAe who,are contemplating travelling. Remember we will not be undersold, 'Game. 1. • The first annual meeting of the Me- ,chanies' Institute was hold last weNic.; 3n'the Matter of MATTHEW AM- BLER, total receipts during the short BLER, of the Town of Wingham, • in the time the Institute has been 'Organized Maker, an an Huron, Harness- -time Insolvent. evere $1Gi,50, including the 'Govern.; .mens grant of $150. The library con Notice is hereby given, that the above tains 225 volinues. There are 711•named Matthew Ambler has made an members. ,@.fficeis were elected for .assignment tome under the provisions of the ensuing year,as follows: Y�•resident,' :.the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Henry Harding ; Vide Pres, :Bolt ' chapter. 124, and amending Acts, of all, ,his estate and effects, in trust for the, Blow.; Sec,:S T Fennell ; Tress, W .benefit of his creditors. Doig.; Directors, N McLaughlin, A A meeting of the.ereditors of the said Dean, W 5 iGregr, Dr Tussle, W Ili Matthew Ambler is (hereby convened and (71ee17 will be held at the .law office off R. Van.- �„ Dr Artnstrong, W J Perkins, J ,stone in the Town:oo Wingham R Vti.iliiains, •5 Oampbell.---Mr L ' Campbell haspurchased a hotel in 'On Friday, the r2th of May, x892: Tees,vrtter and moved there last weak - at 2 o'clock in the afternoon; for the ap-: pointment of Inspectors and the giving. o'f, directions with reference to the dis- • 'Mho JAnnu.ei Conferenonee- .posal of said estate. .All creditors of thresaid Matthew Am- bler are hereby notified to filo their claims with my Sol"naitor, R. Vanstone, 'Wingham, duly certified by affidavit and also stating the nature and value of the security (if any) helll by them on or NOTICE TO CHE T®R ', $50.011 FUN A Theininth -session of the fluelpli .Conference of the Methodist Churoh. ‘will be 'held in -the Norfolk -street .church,t(i'uelph, •beginning ou 7Elhurs'. .day, Juae 2nd, at .L1 a ni. The pro, ,gramme•af services has been arranged 'from which we glean the followiaal;::— The Rev 1),r CR -mason will preach the. .ordination sermon -on Sunday, .11nne :5th, at 11:a gar. l iv.J W Holuies.at f7 m, followed bythe.11,ord's Supperfuon-. .ducted by Rev E .S Ftnpert., M .A.' The various pulpits of the city will be; tilled on the :Sabbath .by members .of: the Conference:, •a eeng who • ase:: Oluilmors' thureh�, Rev 113 \Vallwin:; St .Andrew's chero�h, P,ev W 0 Heat-. demon, D D i Knox ,church, Rev EP. Nostra .U.d Ca$alo glic ;Ot doles' Rogers. The temperance meeting will;i be ,addressed by Revs W Smyth, F E Nugent, and Judge Jamieson. Rev S` Sellesy, 13 D, delivers true lecture in connection with the Theological Unioaa; subject, "The :lerophecy' ofi DIE PARISIAN ,MEDICAL APPLIANCE CO., Micah." The Stationing 'Committee meets en Monday evening.; previous to openieg of Conference, to prowl.- a draft of .stations of the ministers for the coming year. The pastors: will occupy their present pulpits until the end of June and enter upon. the duties of their new charges on the fiat Sate bath in July. • To create:an•inttrrest in the breeding -of high-class .poultry, I will award a spe- �oial pri'e•of $50.00 cash to the person wising the heaviest Plymouth Rock 'ci icken .hatehed:frotn eggs purchased of sage. Plymouth Rocks are unquestionably the best breed of fowls known for the Canadian farmer. Send for descriptive eireular.of this valuable breed of fowls. Eggs for :hatohing, guaranteed fresh acid true to name, carefully peeked in baskets, and kdeeavered to Express COM - 4 .00 per sitting of 13. Address, T. A. WILLITTS, Datoed.er.of :Plymouth Rock Fowls. Weston, Ont. EtPt!,lEWfLR'f STORCI before the 24th day of May, A. D., 1802. J. R. MUig VlSHA,\ Mated at Winghaun,:this 3rd day of ���� --}�¢ Mag,:A. D.,18cJ2. FLA�.d .d.� �'. LE�.LL E at 6 and 8 W. 3 tCHJ,.PMAl\, •J3egs to intimate to the people of Wingham , � � �, Assignee, Wingham. and general pubite that he has opened out , y� Jti ,S',V.=f'citONC, a large et<rek of worth 10 to 12� cents. ..Solicitor for Assignee, Wingham, Ont. J. J. HOMUTH & SON as just received a lot ©f bea AMERICAN SATEENS,all fast c the usual price 20 Bents; our 121 cents. A case of AMERICAN PEI fast colors at d', cents, worth 10 .LADIES, SEND FOE • /IMPRESS - .Specialties. John McLean, en old resident of the township of Minto, was found dead on the morning of the 5th instant,on the Canadian PaeificcRailway track about two miles from Hamilton, Lie is supposed to have been struck by the night ,express while en his way home. 19 QUEEN ST. EAST, TORONTO, ONT. Mention this paper, ..How are yOit3?" "Nicely, Thank Iran," "`Q']ln rria s Wlaa?" "Why 't%?isa.voinito: 4n —An exchange has this to say to Which cured me of COPdSII JPSlOi ,'f. boys who stand on street corners : . Give thanks for its discover.. That it does not make you aic.c when you Why da you stand on the street take it. yr K t a two " � times corners anyway ? There are hut Give thanks. That it a three proper places, foes boys on `Sunday efficacious as the old-fashioned nights, and those are at homeand at cod liver nil. Give thanks. That f t is such a wonder - church. If you clon'V want to go to fur ficshproducor. church, stay at home. If you don't ' Give thanks. lhatitisthe best remedy ' warn to stay at home, go to' church. for r7o�rsttsjrftio�r..,i5�c»�'iiiizy • Prottchiiis,'Yasting fDi - Bert if you really will nut or cannot do either of these, for goodness sake, go for a walk or a ride, but don't 'staid on the street corners and squirt to. baser° juice. cases, Coughs and Colds. 13c sura you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at soc. and $t.oc. SCOTT & WANE, Delleville. • _, _: \V ATCHE1 , CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SIJIVEilWARE, &e.' iu the store lately occupied by Mr. Ed. Dingley, and invite' all rta call and see ► goods and get pries. 'STRAW HATS,5 cents and u MEN'S STIFF HATS at 75 Repairing promptly attended to and i 'wortq. $1.50. satisfaction guarenteed. ' J'. R. 1.1UNSFir1b\'. Wingham, March 28, 1892. rs Sinclair MDMA„ L, C. P. s o., :it C. r. s. \t. BUTTER, EGGS WOOLS all 3 i as cash. SP EJCIA.I:tIST, TORONTO, Jonathan Bushart, Listowel; says :•-- "After spending all my money and prop- erty to no purpose on medical leen, for what they termed a hopeless case of Con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs, Mary furlong, oodhouse, says: "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cored me of fits." W. McDonald, Lakofiold, says: --"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says :---"fr. Sin- clair cured mo of heart disease and drop- sy, when all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE, DR. SINCLAIR will,66 at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham p f`N TUESDAY, MAY IOth, 1892. We want your trade. Call and see us. HOLSTEIN BULLS EOR SALE. The undoestgncd has for sale on Lot 10, Con. 4. Tnenberry, four thoroughbred lrnistein bulls. tank• insf from 0 to 1S months old. The above mentioned animals are all welt marked and registered in the Canadian herd lionk. They will be sold cheap and on easy terms tosuit purchasers. JO MAIM, Breeder of "redskin Cattle, L`inevale,. Ont.' Y T. A. Mil POR SA. Lot No. 3, and the D. tii nth eon. Ti rnberry--1 D 1 clenrod; well fenced; fr+� other buildings; good oro time. Apply to M. G. CAI O Mu Olein