HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-13, Page 4Ea WILLIAMS . (crude), 894,647 barrels,value $1,209,-
����� 568 ; mica, 250 tats, value $31,200;
0 salt, 44,107 tons, value 1157,000 ;
gypsum, 5,350 tons, nine $12,200 ;
-.- AI" u - and phosphate, 4,!)00 tons, valve $50,•
800. There were also produced build-
D R G IST, lug stone of a total value of $1,000,-
000 ; 48,221 bbls of cement, valued at
$44,501 ; lime, 2,a50,000 bushels, of a
ACT. C. It W. T��.�OOA��� �� value of $300,000 ; 100,000,000
, et -mit -non bricks, value of $950,000;
14,9255 toes, value x;04 475; petroleum Culross.
clip. Brunswick
Wilugham, -
pressed brick, roofing tile and terra
wise, . cotta, of a value of $150,699 ; drain
- tile, $90,000 ; sewer tile, $270,000 ;
��• pottery, $45,500. The total value of
the mineral production in Ontario for
kikf� yyr�c�y the year was $4,750,673, and the cost
t to o lfli trim t5 of labor, exclusive of the production of
petroleum, salt and pottery, $1,059,-
141. . '
Mu S H BLm t, in a recent speech,
in referring to the Redistribution Bill,
said : The Government made' no
attempt at an equitable redistribution,
as honest men would do. The unit of
representation was about 23,000. But
they left uitou;rhed . Brockville with.
15,000, Card well with 15,000, Fron tenae
10,000, Leeds and Grenville 13,000,
Lennox 14,000, Peterboro West 15,-
000, Peel 15,000. They made no
attempt at equalization by joining any
of these with otliers. Then they left
one Member for North Essex 31,000,
one for Kent 31,000, one for East
relento 43,000, ono for West York
41,000, one for East York 35,000.
No attempt was made to remedy
these anomalies. In Quebec the
gerrymandering was something terri-
ble. in other Provinces it was course
than in Ontario. The people" of Ca-
nada are living under a so called can,
stitntionat government. These men
in power delight to shout about the
constitution, the British constitution,
but that is the way they deal with the
constitution, that is the way they
attack the constitution, that is the
way they invade the constitution
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1892. ,
ll it MACLEAN, the Oonservittive
candidate, was elected in East York,
en Wednesday, by 227 Majority.
Tun southern and western states
have been experiencing great floods
:during the past week. Great damage
has been done in many places.
Plume Edward Island Legislative
Assembly is trying to abolish the
Legislative Council, but the Lieuten-
ant -Governor has refused to give his
assent to the Lill abolishing it.
dime news to live stock raisers and
shippers was received from Englaud
'tike. week, .all restrictions have been
removed in England and Scotland,
:and O median cattle cane now move
Treely through, those countries.
Tag Dominion Government voted
clown the resolution asking for an
investigation into the conduct of Judge
iliot, with a view to his ia peacli-
eeent. No .other result was anticipated
tfter-the Government's action on the
Bron charges.
MR. CuAr..nToN has given notice in
ate House of Commons of the follow -
?to /notion : "That the state of publie
'pinion upon the question of the pro-
•:ibition and sate of intoxicating liquors
171 beverage purposes 'should be as-
irtained by a reference of the question
a the electors of Canada at the polls."
Toa Ottawa correspondent of the
i.ontreal Witness says it is the inten-
3n of the Liberals to send a petition
e the Governor-General setting forth
Litt the Redistribution Bal, Ly failing
;; readjust the representatiou equit-
t3ty,. violates the clear provisions of
e British North America. Act and is
refore unconstitutional, alio that
tworks an injustice to the minority
Ponos a Telegram • (independent
%rervative) : "The redistribution of
892 is in spirit just es mean, just as
crttpulc us, as the gerrymander of
a32 'the difference is all in the two
°Johns, Sir John the First° did
pretend that be was doing right
'n he was doing wrong. Sir John
Second commits a crime as if he
performinx a signal act of virtue.
worse the measure which he
ties, or the t'anse for which he
e, the more candidly eirtuttns
the Minister oa. Justine become itl
h: It is all a vain and empty
na(•, and this redistribution is
of of its vanity and insincerity.
,act can telly be justified as a ptece
tillrty strategy. The Government,
it was intrusted with authority
dietticr the conutry, was expected
1 justly veith the Opposition..
has not done, and the Ministry
stent,g enough to do right is
enough to tfettli to crash by tin.
var:s all Opposition that it eau
ou ire ruerita''
4,,,e tirst annual report of lir 131ete,
I1il :r. taint tninee for Ontario, gives
il, y'; ing summitry of the mi coral
,,; :'r ions, of it value' of $ °324,240, of
me tons, containing about
f niakel, were .purchased by
13(latee Government for the
of armor plate; silver,
•1 ower wingham•
. The . following is tee report of
Lower \Vinghairi public school.for'the
month of April. leetrauce class -
marks obtainable 336 -Flo Green
820, Attie King 289, Luke King 247,
Rachel .bey 265. Sr 4th -marks ob-
tainable 328 -flop Nettertield 290,
May Linklater 227, Lorne Macdonald
219, Frank Hill, 214, Minnie Lido -
later 192: Jr 4th -marls obtainable
302 -Jessie Mcllwain 288, John Mur-
dock 232, Nellie Beckett 172. Sr Srcl
-marksobtainable 36i-J(
nnte Deg
316, Mable Halstead 305,, Milton
Graham 158, Roble' Currie 108. Jr
Ord - marks obtainable 410 -Nellie
Martin 876, Phos Stark • 370, Jas
Lockeridae 381, Oliver Watson 258.
Eadie Welsh 201, Minnie Prior 158.
Sr 2nd -marks obtainable 434 -Ros-
anna Johnston 379, Minnie Campbell
375. Jennie Campbell 371, Geo Elford
317, Jno Ding 314, ida Murdoch 308,
Nellie Graham 283, Mary :Macdonald
276, Annie Patterson 239, Julia
Linklater 229. Jr and -merits oh
tainal& 440, -Geo Ansley 41.5, •Jno
• Potter 382, Geo Johnston 376, Geo
Campbell 373, ; Edgerton Wellwood
358, laannie Green 354, Hannah
England 313, Benson Cruickshank
305, Annie Graham 278.
l'he following is the weekly report
for the week ending May 8th :( En-
trance class--Geography-let, Attie
King ; 2nd, Lnke Kin;; Sr 4th -
Geography - 1st, Hop Nettertield ;
2nd, 13ella Morrison ; 8rd, May Link -
later. Jr 4th --lett, Jessie i%lcIlwair,
and•Norvat Itiortison (equal); 2nd,
Nellie Beckett 3rd, Jno Murdoch.
Sr 3rd--lst, Milton Graham ; 2ud,
Jennie Dey; 8rd, Robt Currie. Jr
3rd -1st, Jas Lockeridge; and, Nellie
Martin 3rd, 'Thos Stark. Sr 2nd -
1st Ida Murdoch;. 2nd, Rosanna t
Johnston; 3rd, Julia Linkleter avid t
Minnie Campbell (equal). Jr 2nd-- s
1st, Geo Ansley: 2nd, Benson Cruick
shanty; 8rd, Gen Johnston.
W;l1 Hanna's'', Teacher.
(Intended for last tarso.)
Mr Geo Crowe has been seriously
indisposed for a few slays. --Last week
Mr J McRao's both teams ran away
at the same time, m the same field
completely demolishing n roller and
a set of iron harrows, to whiob they
were respectively hitched, and this
week, one of them tried to skip out
with the plough, -On the 3rd 'Inst
What might have proved a sad fatality
happened at Mr Robert alarshall's,but
which proved to be a miraculous
escape. It appears that Mr Martha!
was cutting staw with a machine for
the purpose, driven with an ordinary
horsepower, when his daughter, a miss
of ten years, who was watching the
proweeding, came ton near and he4
dress caught on one of the spindles
and stripped her completely bare.
The, space between the spindle being
too stuall for her•to pass through, is
what saved 'her.
• The Directors of the Culross Mutual
Fire Insurance Company met in the
town hall, Teeswater,April 30th,1892.
Members all present. President in
the chair. The minutes of previous
meeting read and adopted. 'Kirkland
-Little-That all applications for
insurance -in agents hat,ds-be now
laid before the Directors for examina-
tion -- Carried. Kirkland - Arm-
strolg-That having examined 21 up -
plications and found them satisfactory,
the President and Secretary shall pre-
pare and issue policies for same-
Carriea. • Little - Re.id-That the
Treasurer pay to Mr James Wallace
the sum of $471, being compensation
in full for damages sustained by him
owing to a fire which occurred on his
property on lot 1S, uon 11, Turuberry,
on the 2nd day of April; the Treasurer
is also hereby instructed to withdraw
from the Bank of Hamilton, \Viutiham,
the sum of $497 for,peytnr•nt of above
claim and, other current expenses --
Carried. 1iirl:land-Little-That, the
Treasurer pay to Messrs Smith and
McRae the sun, of $2 each, being the
amount of their accounts for inspecting
and reporting ori lire on lot 18, con
11, Turnberry-Carried. Armstrong
--Kirkland-That this Board d5 now
adjourn to meet again, on the last
Saturday of May, at 2 o'clock, p in, in
Teeswater town hall -Carried.
Anna. AD MSON, Secretary.
• Rev. Mr. shucks, of Stratford, wilt
deliver the last lecture of the Epworth
League course, in the Methodist
church. Subject : Snobs. -Professor
Meeks will give au elocutionary en-
tertainment in industry Hall, on Fri-
day evening, the 13th inst., under the
auspices of the Canadian Order of
Foresters. The Professor has. been
highly recommended, so that a treat is
in store for those wlio may hear him.
Some of our btisines:s men have waded
handsome awnings to their stores,
which are greatly improved thereby.
--Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McLean return-
ed last Thursday eve ning from Toron-
to, where they had been visiting for at
short time. --Mrs. Purvis returned on
Saturday evening from Toronto, whither
she was called to attend the funeral of
her brother.- Miss Kate Ootloton, who
has been visiting friends in Stratford,
returned borne last week. -Miss Sarah
Stewart, of Loodoshnro, spent Sunday
with her sister, ,lies..., McOlarty,-
Miss L. McDonogh•was visiting friend.
its Wingham last week. -Mr, Oliver
Moore, of Clinton, spent a few days
at his uncle's, Mr. Jas. Moore's, last
week; --Mrs. Menzies, of East Wawa -
nosh, was visiting her brother, Mr,
Geo. Powell, last week. -Mr. Suther-
land, of Kirkton, is visiting bis son-
in-law, Dr. Ferguson, at present.-
Mr. J. A Taylor, wbo,for some years
has been in Brandon, Mau., is at pre-
sent visiting his home and friends here.
-Miss Cooper, of Clinton, spent Sun-
day with Miss Floody.-Messrs. Kits
and Young, of Clinton, were in town
last week.
Mr Jas Elliot, of Turnherry, near
this place, bas hat #splendid luck with
tis thoroughbred Holsteins this year.
His imported row dropped a pair of
win heifers,nn Friday last. Another
horonghbred cow also had twins a
bort time ago, and a Holstein grade
cow also had twin calves this spring.
"1'lrus far, Mr Elliot has one bull and
hree heifer calves this season .from
cis thoroughbred stools.
Presbytery of Maitland.
Met at \Vhigham, May 10, 1892
Rev. T. Davidson, Moderator. The
• Congregation of Teeswater was trans-
ferred from the Presbytery of Bruce to
this Presbytery by the Synod of Ham-
, ikon and London at its late meeting
at Stratford and Mr Malcom/ and leis.
Elder were welcomed by. the court.
Mission Maps of India were distribut-
ea to the congregations, and as four
additional maps`are required to supply
eayh congregation with one, the alerts
was instructed to procure the number
11tr Thonies Epplett has a new
blacksmith shop erected on his farm, 1
and ie now prepared to slo all hind of J
work in treat line. -Mrs Robert Camp- s
hell, of Crosshili,. and Iter brother, Mr
\leKny, are visiting friends here.- I
1 Messrs 1 McTavish and J 111cMilian, y
of liameet"ad, spent a few days last s
week visiting friends bore: -Mr D Me a
lavish. of .North +'asthope, and his o
>.ister, Miss Ella McTav'ish,spent a few s
days wih friends here. c
A young man nag/ed Boht J Core
/ett, who as been living with Mr 0
wines, no the 2nd concession, tor
eine tune past, was found dead in the
barn on Monday evening of brat week,
Te had been stilljeot to fits front his
oath up and hid mind had become
omewhat deranged in consequence, 1
nd it is supposed be expired wiritn in
ne of these paroxysms. He wag :r,
on of Mr John Corbett on the ninth•, i
required. The following session re
cords ;vere produced for examination
and on the report of the committee
appointed to examine thein were
Jattested as carefully and correctly
1 kept, viz: Wroxeter, Lucknow, Bel -
1 grave, Molesworth, Cranbroolt and
Ethel. The following Theological
students were reported as residing
svitlifn the bounds of the Presbytery :
alessrs .R: F. Oatneron, Cranbrook,and
E. A. Mackenzie, B. A., Lucknow.
The Finance committee reported the
Presbytery Jhsnd to be in a satisfae
tory condition. Mr. .Russ presented
a petition- from the Young Peoples'
Suciety of Christiau Endeavor of Mel•
ville church, Brussels, asking the
Presbytery to "overture the General
Assembly to take steps to accomplish
the federation of the various Young
Peoples' Societies bo the line of
Christian Endeavor, with a common
constitution. The petition was traus-
misted by the sessinn with approval
and was favorably entertained by the
Presbytery. The Presbytery resolved
to overture the General Assembly to
appoint a special committee to frame
a suitable constitution for a Young
• Peoples' Christian Union, more or less
similar to what now exists in the Es-
tablished and ]i'ree Church of Scot-
land, or on the general lines of the
United Society of Christian Endeavor
of the United States, and to submit
the same, with recommendations, to
the next General Assembly with a
view to definite action. Messrs Ross
and Davidson were appointed to sup•
port the overture before 'the Gensra
Ass. tnbly. The Rev. Me.. Stewart, of
Belmore, being present, was invited
.to sit as a corresponding member.
Mr. Stevenson, Oont'ener of the coin-
mittee previously appointed, presented
a most excellent and exhaustive report
on the Statistical and Financial re-
tains of the congregations, and the
thanks of the Presbytery were tender-
ed to Mr.1$tevensot. for his services.
A reference from the session of Wing -
ham congregation was presented by
Mr. McQuurrie as Moderator of the
session. Parties were heard, and
after some consideration, it was re-
solved that the matter be laid on the
table till next meeting of the Presby-
tery, and that the following, committee
-Messis Murray, MacNalbb, Steven.
'801:1, Douglas and A Campbell -be
appointed to frame a deliverance on
the whole question of the reference
and to, submit the same to the
next meeting of the Presbytery.
At this stage, the Moderator was
obliged the leave for home aid Rev.A.,
Stevenson was appointed Moderator
pro tem. The committee at the special
meeting at Stratford, to confer with
the session at Lecknow congregation,
reported favorably of the result of the
conference with w t t the said session. illy
Ross was appointed to support the
application of the Presbytery before
the Assembly on behalf of Rev. 1).
Davidson, for leave, to retire from
active w)rlt of the ministry and to
place his name on the list of Annui-
tants on the Aged aux Infirm Minis-
ters' Fund. A 4nedicnl certifi-
cate forwarded by Mr. Davidson
was , read and ordered to be
transmitted to the Assembly. Mr
Stevenson, cunvener of committee
previously appointed tel consider Mr.
Douglas' overture to the General
Assembly, iu regard to the procedure
of business in that eourt, reported and
presented the overture as prepared by
the committee, illy. Douglas was
heard in support of the overture and
aftet some consideration it was Agreed
that Mr, Dpuglas be allowed to hold
ova his overture until nest meeting
of the Presbytery. Intimation war
received from thefollowing?resbyteries
of their intention to ask leave of the
General Assembly to receive as minis-
ters of this chtirell the ministers
named below ; The Presbytery of
Wallace, to receive the Rev. A. Gray,
of the Presbyterian Uhurrh In the
United States; Winnipeg, to receive
the Rev, Jelin Wallace Nelson, of the
Presbyterian Church in the United
St„ tes ; London, to receive the Rev,
Martin Lowry, of the Presbyterian I
Church in the United States, also the I
Rev, Jnaeph Elliott, of ' the Presby-'
gnat) Church in the United S'utes.1
Mr Hartley resigned his appointment
as commissioner tothe General Assent- •
Ay tinct -the Rev. A. 1x'. McLean was
appointed commissioner in hie stead.
A Tall( With Cur Customers.
House Cleaning, with its attendant
worries, anxieties and perplexities -its ^s
removals and replacing a now carpet for.
this room, and a change of curtains for../'
that, -will be upon us in a few days;
and wo wish to say to the Ladies, either
of the town or country, that we are pre-
pared to the utmost of our ability to
help thorn over this trying season, by.
submitting for their inspection and se.
lootion a very nice assortment of Carpets,
in Brussels, Tapestries, All Wool and
Unions, of different weights and prices.
Tho most interesting part of this tally
with you is that the prices are all in your
CURTAINS -170S, we have them in great
variety, Dither by the pair or by the yard,
in white and cream Laces. Also,' very
pretty patterns and shades in Art Mus -
Prints aro receiving considerable at-
tention, notwithstanding the chilly
weather. The reasons are that they are
very pretty and cheap. We give you 'a
most cordial invitation to eall and select
the beat, the newest and most stylish,
Boots, Shoes and Slippers, at reason-
able prices.
We are constantly turning out very
nobby, well -made and faultless -fitting
suits, but our prices are remarkably low.
We buy right, therefore we can sell
In Tons, Sugars Sud general groceries,
we always lead: still giving twenty-five
pounds of a pure, bright sugar for $1.
Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs,
Cured Moats, &o.
The Big Brown Anchor.
Wingh am, April 21st, 1892.
The report of the deputation to Lang-
:,ide was considered. It was agreed
that the supply of Langside be left in
the hands of the ;Moderator of their
Session and that the congregation be
asked to co;,ttit,ute fur supply 'as
liberal as their eircurr, t+ensues will
allow. It is expected that the H. M.
0 will supplement their uontr'ibution
by $2 per Sabaath, when supplied re-
gularly. The next meeting of the
Presbytery will be held at \Vinghatn,
July 12th, at 11.15 a, tn. •
Pres. Clerk.
Lucknow, May llth, 1892.
A couple of sinntl frame buildings
owneu by Mr. Shepherd and occupied
by )Blackwell, V. S.,and Evans,barber,
were burned out early Tuesday morn-
ing, the contents being destroyed.
The Old Royal Hotel was also badly
damaged. --The officers o'ect of Olin-
tion St,rr Ledge I. 0. G. T. for the
ensuiu term are R Holmes, 0. T. ;
G. Swallow, P. 0. T.; Miss M \\'ash-
ington, V. T, ; H. 13 Chant, See.;
Al. May, F. S. ; Miss L White,
Treas. ; R. Mower), Lamp.; G. Wal-
la^e, M ; Miss Galloway, Organist.
Ten new members were added at the
last meeting, and the lodge, although
only three months old, is regarded as
one of the most prosl.erous in the
county. --The following are the officers
of the 0. 0. F. for the ensuing term :
0. R , T. le Fortune ; V. 0. R., R.
Horsley; R. S•, H. Stauburv; F. S.,
''w. ,tones ; 'I'v'es., W. Young ; (Thep..
I. Dodd ; S. iV., H. Cook ; J. 1V., N.
Fair ; S. 13., J. 13. Kennedy ; J. B.,
0. N. Wilson,
The following are the officers of the
Belgray., Larl;e of 1. 0. G. T. for the
present quarter : C. T., J. \Vightman ;
V. T., F. McCrea; ? S., A. Littlefair;
Treas., Mrs. \Viebtman ; R. S., D.
McCallum; A. S., E. Wilkinson; Chap.,
J. Campbell; P, 0.7:., D. Meiklejobn;
H., N. Brandon ; D. M., F. Stubbs ;
G M. Russell ; S , J. Agnew ; S.. of
. J. T., K. Wit;btinnn ; Lodge Deputy,
G. W. Wilkinson ; Delegate to Grand
Lodge, G. W. Wilkinson. --My. G. A. `-
Hood has returned home from Wing -
ham to look after hie father's 'farm.---•
Mr. George Proctor's children have
been Fick of scarlet fever but are re -
Covering. -Mr. and Mrs, Downey and
family spent Saturday and Sunday
un(ier the parental roof in Howick
township. -Quite a number of our
villagers went to hear Messrs, Flutter
and Crossley preach in Winghatn,
on Sunday. -Tho Belgrave L 0. G. T.
have arranged with Mrs Scott, of
Toronto, to deliver a lecture on Tem-
per•ance, on Wednesday, the •18th of
Hey, le the l'or•esters' hall, A silver
collection will be taken up.
-A min't`ater annoyed by tobacco
chewing thus spoke to his congrega-
tion: Tike your .quid of tobacco out
of your month on entering the house
of God, and gently lay it on the outer
edge of the side walk or on the fence.
It will positively lie' there when yon
go out, for a rat won't take it, ti cat
won't take it, a. dog won't take it,
neither will a hog ; you are certain of
your, quid when you go after it, Not
the filthiest vi'rinin on earth would
touch it.
A 4 -