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Wingham Times, 1892-05-13, Page 3
G :11 ns is, a ng :he in - i 1Zub• 1 Sore ions of on will LIMITED NTe 11M11.77 wan., TEMPERANCE COLUMN. POVERTY. Poverty is hiconveliierrt, „ .__._�..._. ....._._.__ __.. Although 'tisnodisgrace, It4sponrdbllity of Moderato Prtnlrers. r, it isdifficult to eonvinoe many therwise excellent people that there guy harm in tatting an occasional glass of wine or any other intoxicating beverage at the table or elsewhere, says the Christian at Work. They never drink to excess, it is said, and why should they deprive themselves o£ a harmless indulgence because other men are to weals too control their apple tires, This is the usual argument, but in tate preseut situation of things it is at least a cruel, selfish, unchristian argument. !,t is the old cry in th I my brother's her's keeper q It is a shoe that pinches hard And checks) our onward pace. It hinders us when we aspire To something we think better, And binder us to another course As tight as any fetter. Tho' some have burst the iron band To raise above their stal:ion, To be admired and honored By the noble of the nation. There are others whose ambition Should help them to succeed ; .And how it they do not , Is very strange indeed, Perhaps they cannot bear success, Or they may have work'to do In the station they still occupy • Bleat s just as good and true, unmanly and It is not needful to bo rich Iu order to be good ; a new form,snn Among the poor are noble ones Paul answered 'Tis fully understood. that most effectively when he said, 1f meat tnaketh my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the 'world last- eth, There is true manliness in this, the true Christian spirit. I will cleuv my- self, the apostle rni lit have added, •even so harmless and se important an article of-foud as meat if it shall cause my brother to stumble and fall into '` sin. It is not absolutely essential that I should eat weal to sustain my lift. There are plenty of other kinds of food good and wholesome to which I may t resort. 1 will restrict myself to these if by so doing 1 can save a singe one of my fellow men from a life of sin and Shame. Would that the moderate 'drinker would apply such logic .as this to himself A shabby dress or faded coat, .i Kayido a loyal heart; Pine clothing does not help us To out a noble part. So, we'll make the best of poverty Though it is hard to bear : While in the battle for the right We try to ,take our share, 'Pride Wheel Tires, Alms. It contains, instead of the usual numerate, twelve small but distract silhouette figures, beginning with a woman with a very sinall child in her arms, At 1 o'clock the little mother end: her miniature baby are clearly depicted, the infant being in long clothes. At 2 o'eleck the sante figure appears, but the child has per• eeptibly grown. At 8 o'clock the mother is still the same, but the baby is in abort clothes. At 4 the child _ again nppears, and so ou up to 8 o'clock when he goes to school for the first titae. At 0 lip is seen in college frown,standing beside the now elderly mother. At 10 the deathbed is brought to view,tlie young than taking leave of his loved parent. At 11 he is aged with the snows of many winters. At 12 lie stakes his final appearance, an old and decrepit • specimen of'hu- iesanity, prying for the end. During the next 12 hours the sante scenes are again enacted. The Itttle machine is t la wonder all around. }ar.:74,k'. APPLICATIONS. THOROUGHLY Rly S uFL C.AXEN. Toronto, Travelling Paw, neer A,^.out, e P R.. nays: Anrr.Landrutrisaperretrrmovcroi'ntiu• druli—Its action la mar/Mons—in my own tato tt for appUratione noway thoroughly removed GUARANTEED o'crpaivo dundruir accumulation but plopped Aitrmg of tbo batr, ratio It eta ion but pxewuft d a vtpiUle gtoa1b. Restores Fading hair faits original' color. Stops falling of hair, Keeps the Scalp clean, Makes hair soft and Pliable . Promotes Growth. A Blessing to Every Household, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. These remedies bare stood the test of fifty years experience, and aro pronounced the best Medicines for Family use, PIL1 LS 1 -Purity the blooj,Jcorrect all disorders of the LiVlilt, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND LOW ri 8 ttct invaluable in all complaints iucidcntal to females of all ages. The great destroyers of the coremon --Boots and Shoes at cost prices, at Sel_ earth roads are water and narrowIery.tE Temple's, John Martin's old stand, wheel tires, It a deep side ditch -could Mow to Keep Eyos Bright• be maintained on each side of the or;. ,A b'ranchtvotuan who knows what dinury dirt road and kept clear so as o receive and carry off the running water, the quality of the road would be improved in most cases 100 per cent. This is a point which farmers seem to be meagerly understand, or at all events, one which they 'rarely put to practical use. Water has no place in any roar!; good or bad. It is more hurtful than any other agent of de- struction. It should be carried off and out of every road as Soon as it fads, if possible. • Now as' to wheel tires. Every road becomes smooth by the applicas tion of a roller, and this smoothing pttocesa in hastened or retarded by the quality of the roller itself. If \you have a wheel tire 34. inches wide, like those upon your farm wagon, every time you go down the road with a ton of produce your wrigon' wheels Sink in the soft mud, foeln ruts, and tend to keep the read in a rough condition. Your 1!r inch roller will not probably eiert its rolling qualities until the loud becomes nearly dry. A wider wheel tire would serve your purpose much •better ; and if the farmers of this .country would use wheel .tires three at four inches witle,as are used abroad your dirt road would be rolled into passable conaitioes in huff tha time that is now respired to accomplish this result. Next to water, nothing is 80 destruc- tive of a gond road surface as a heavy vehicle running ou narrow wheels. It has been proven over and over again .that wheels with 4. inch tires cause only one•half the wear on the road young we say, employ all your spare time •that results front'thg use of wheels learning to draw. A.11ownoidle minutes. An Enterprising Motel Man. It is stated that a hotel man in Toronto has posted up a notice stating that alt diners at his place who use. Burdock Blood Bitter to tone up their appetite and streugth, will be charged 30 per cent extra. We do no know how true this is, but B. B. B. undoubtedly does the work and does it quickly and well. 3 The Spring 'Gardening Fever. The gardening fever is upon us, .As a community we have got it just the same as last spring. For the next two weeks seedmen will continue to yank highly illustrated envelopes out of the pigeon -holed boxes and exehange•them for the ten centses of the :infected •uiti ' eons, The hardware man will trot out all sort:; of hues., rakes, spades and', fancy apparatus for tickling the cuticle of Mother Earth and Cause her to break forth into 'daisies end t,ielons and thing, The only gook that has any pull with us now is the seedmau's coloredcatalogue with the scarlet .gladiolus on the front cover and the fearful and, wonderfni tomato an the back -not to meuti0n the striped ,pan. sies and other deliriums, inside. The -high temperature period of the garden. ring fever is a realm of pnre delight, but it is apt to end in chills. Turn the Rascals .014S. • Wo refer to such rascals , as dyspepsia, .bad.blood, biliousness, eoustipation, sick .headache,otc., infesting the human system, Turn them out and keep them out -by us - fag Burd'o`ck Blood Bitters„the natural Poe to disease, which invigorates, tones .and strengthens the entire system. Some Uses for Salt. Few people realize the value of salt. It can be used in many ways about alae house and. is indispensable as a medi- eine, A little salt rubbed on cups will take orf tea sthins. It put in white wash it will make it stick better. Iised as a tooth powder it will keep. the teeth white and the gums !card and rosy. Salt and water 18 000 of the best gargles for sore throat and is a preventative of diphtheria if taken hi time, Salt and water tvill clean willow furniture, if applied with a brash and then rubbed dry. If hs'?d in thea moatif after !raving a tooth ixtractetl, it will stop the bleeding, Oalieo and all prints will hold their color and look brighter if rinsed in salt water° Silk handkerchiefs and ribbons (should be washed in salt water and ironed while wet, to obtain the beat results. she's talking about has this to say on the subject of eyes : Monthly Prises for goys and turns. Tho "Sunlight” Soap Co., Toronto, outer the fol. lowing prises every month till further notice, to boys and girls under 16, residing in the Province of Ontario, who send the greatest number of "Sun. Right" wrappers 1 tist, Plc; 11'466; 3rd, 753; 9th, m1; lith to14th, a handsome hook; end a pretty picture to those who tend met leas than 15 wrap ors. fiend wrappers to'•Sunlight" Soap Ohflee, 43 Scott 8t., Toronto, not later than 29th ot each month, and rived Morelmtttien" silo give full name, ad- avd f y� Winners' ter. rr� it ,c ti ,�„ 1l' n -es erns TIS OI TIVI,3- '•T Is the only reliable retuedy, for bad logs, scars, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR Intek C1111IS, SC. RS TII1t0ATS, couulIS, nOLI;S, GOUT. ItgEi'SIATISM, GLADULAR SWELLINGS AND ALL SKIN DISEASES IT !IAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 583, Oxford Street, London, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. - l. Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Never rub your eyes, nor allow your children to do so from their cradles. Veils are had for the sight, especially those spotted or covered with a pat tern ; so eschew trips when you can, or near the softest, clearest•net when obliged to do so, Never read in bed or when lying on y sofa Sit with your back to the light when engaged in reading or working,. Pirie blues and greeds are the most restful w .Il papers for the eyes,tvhsreas rud in exceedingly fatiguing, 'Do not read, write nr work longer than two hours together without resting your eyes and closiu4 them fully five minutes, Ile most careful to live in a dry house roll dry soil. Attend to the .digestion, for clic not -A1i)t•ln declare his blindness to proceed from the, effects of dy.,pepsta ? If the eyes be weak bathe thein in ft lidein of soft water, in which a pinch of table salt a'id a desert spaonful of brandy has been added. The Art of Drawing. To be able to draw well imparts to a person accuracy and correctness of obser- vation; it is a valuable adjunct to an education; it conduces to make us more correct and certain as to what we do; it is a great helpmeet to the memory. How frequently it happens that in making an explanation of a new idea or object, if immediately placed on paper in the shape of a rough sketch or diagram, the whole thing appefirs clearer to the mind than if described without anything to give an idea of the shape of the object. To the — Scientific American. tires ` The Bead Surgeon. Of the Lubou Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chrouio Tq g y �y diseases peculiar to man. Men, youug,old, d a A. CLINE & CO, or middle..aged, who find themselve ucrv. oath, weak and exhausted, who are broken STONE BLOCK, down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: !!ental deprossiou, premature old age,loss of vital. ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness Sole Agents for dente. of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions. lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimples ou the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, spooks boa fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles,eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby aCheap Trip to Europe. Editor James of "The Statesmau,"J3ow- .mau,ville; goes to Europe nearly every summer in charge of a tourist party and Inas got travel in the old laud reduced to a. system and the expenses down very fine. He leas issued a pamphlet containing cheap exeursiou rates and telling how aid when to go, what to wear, what baggage to take and other useful information for ocean travellers, I3,e has the lowest rates with steamship and railway lines, hotels, etc, and all who buy tickets from him get the benefit. He is agent for leading steamship flues nailing from New York, Halifax anti Montreal and does a big ticket business all the year 'round. He leaves with his tourist party for 1802 about July 1st for tetrip through Scotlaud and Englaud. Mrs Aimee will acdotnptwy kiln. Wo want auy of our readers who join Mr a'ames' party to send us for publication letters descriptive of their travels and we will gladly mail the paper to them during their absence if they will Kiva us their address. In writing address, WI A James, pub:isiter,. Bowmanville, Out, and do us the favor of mentioning this paper to hint', A Wonderful Tittle -piece. A. wonderful piece of mechanism, consisting, of a watch dial of unique construction has been finished and put on exhibition by ono of the deft` fingered artists belonging to one of the Ana tAi , >+ pkartat _ Wh14110.4Ity BURDOCK BLOODI iT T E S TICE: Gil',9ID.iii\ICom° STAR TO HEALTH. CatlISTIPATION, 11 POS/TIVE, CURE POJ ,Ts C1C©.ir. r'trLA, LtA'D BLOOD, 'oUL 'nis®ku,u, ILIOTI NXiSiib, (.1:::1 all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the CTO O AO ;'C'W ::' :: o 2 BLOOD. L.B.B. acts on all the organs of the lx;c''- t•) regular action, - to c -engthen, purify and tone, and to _ : •.- o r.`-1 impure accumulations of ...o±id -m tter from a Common 1'i: ;tic a the vrorst Scrofulous Sore. Thousands of reliable men and \rorit'. n testify to its g::'cciin the above diseases. Is it not worth r.: ienet a trial in your cines s' $1 per bottle, 6 for $5, or less than xc. a dose. TRY If arta Al G - he convinced that (JE, est align 11ii 1i11r, We wish to inform the public that we have these Woolen Stills in A 1 running order, end will this: season giro special attention to 0 bartui1e 0 S® WORK; • 13 the finest Wa l Finish known. RUBBER PAINT is the best in • the world. \Vinhhatn, musoles, desire to sleep,failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness ,.f hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,exestability of temper, sunken eyes surrouudecl with LaAlr1a:t molls, oily looking &kin, eto, are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured, The ,spring or vital force having lost ftstensiou every function wanes iu oousequence. '!'hose who through abuse committed ill ignorance may be permanently cured, Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man, hooka sent fere sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness,palpittes tion, skin beate, bot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beate strong. rapid and irregular, the seeondhetrt neat tfuioker than the first,paia about the breast bone, ate, can positively • be cured. No care, no pay. Send for book. Addends M., V LU BON, 21 Madden. e11 Ave. 'To tato, Ormiela, HALSTED &SCOTT; W I N G H A IVl . in all its branches, and will keep in stock class of first-class goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, 0 Stocking Yarns &c., &c., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex chancre for wool. Customers front a distance can have their roll home with them the some day. - tarllighost marhot price in rash for Moreltanr...4! Wool. INGL S it CO'Y.t. lctnghan BANK OF IAMII. .tON JE3A..1\TICMRS. I Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, $600,0 President --Joie r STUART. Josephine Street • - W?'laham, lint, Vice-President—A. G. ItA11s.11. J. A. IlAtsrso, .1. W. son,DIRECTORS mount Forest, I,istowet. i Ione t 'soaps, Ott AS. Grnxrsv, Otto 11oAcrr, A. woob, A.13. Lias (Toronto), Deposits Received and interest allowed. Money Advanced to 'Farmers and Business Men,. Ou long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security, Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to alt parts of Canada its reasonable charges. Spoeial Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts olid Notes. Agents in Canada -•The Merchants' Dank of Canada Otlice Eleurs—Front,9 a, in. to 5 p, ns. A. B. SMIfp1, Agent. Cashier --a. Ttiatn tmLt, Savings rian1t--Hours,10 to ;. ;Saturdays, 1. Deposits of al and upwards received and Into atlotvot�. Special Deposits Also received ut curt rates et interest. Drafts el. Groat liritahr aid the tutted ;9tt bought and sold l3, WILLSON, Aaiatt 11tL�'EIt St DIC1?;IN8ON, Solicitors. ,iV[r=+ney to Loato. 'a t Notel Notes Discounted AT REASONAI'il:t 1 IcA Money adva,ecd en Mortgages at6per ems privilege of paying at the end ot any year. 1 and accounts eofleetsd. JI ROUT. IwIr Urrn n.--13tater Meek, Wtni ham. Ott,