HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-13, Page 2j` [` '1 "• Q :end were urged by ' impatient hands until he turned his head away to What is the matter, Uncle Dan 4 ,moro hiph•struug nature, and with t ug i.1111i ftlll ��a I until a faint spiral of smoke t:liowttl.1 brush the fast fulling tears from his Are you crying 'cause you are afraid to idle ar Lest intended chat, the Riot . they were netting the Ledge. The (heeps. die and be asleep in the grouud4 she olumsily the place we should avoid, --.j c, t men leaned closer in their saddles and What makes you cry.? she asked, asked, and having no answer she tried 1 All this is annoying, and ►vo wh t ,,ati)A , Al AY 18, 1t pT.� o t strained their eyes in air effort to turning*Iris face around and holding it to comfort hitt. Palling down his 1 conscientiously live to do gond rathero Rous© Cicanrne. Sing a song of cleaning house, , Packetfn1 of nails; Pour ,and twenty dust pans, Scrubbing brooms and pails; 'When the door is opened, Wife baring to sing: "Just help me move this wardrobe, here • And hang this picture, won't you, dear ! Aud take that carpet by the door, Aud stretoh this one a little more, And drive this nail nndserew this screw, And laere's.a job I have for you— 'That cupboard door will never catch, I think you'll have to fix the latch; And,O, while you're about it,John,. 1 wish you'd put this cornice on, And hang this curtain; when you're done I'Il hand you up the other one; This box has got to have a hinge; Before I can put on the fringe; And won't you mend that broken chair ? Pd like a hook put right up there; ' The wardrobe door must have a knob, And here's another little job— really hate to ask you, dear, But could you fix a bracket here ? And on it goes when these are through, And this and that and those to do, And infinitum, and moro too, And in a merry jingle, Aird isn't that enough to make . A man wish bo was single? • A CHIL,P'S FAITH, Agruup of ruiners stood near the door• `of the hotel in Bison, Illontana, and waited for -the stage to arrive. Ouly idle curiosity moved theni,for none ex- peeted friends or letters,as few cane in those early days. The stage finally swung into sight and stopped squarely ill front of the King's House. A woman stepped down, and a baby giri of perhaps tithe years was hauded to her. 'iro,n beneath the soft wrappings a pale, dalicateiy featured face vas visible to the lounging miners, and a pair of great blue eyes looked wistfully from: one.beardecl face to another. I don't see papa, she said , looking .around a second time. No,. dear,. but we will find him by and by, replied the mother as she car- ried her tenderly into the rough hotel. Can any one tell me where my bus - band nil I am Mrs Williams. Will you please tell him I am herel She 'inquired, turning to the mere wit) had rred^nt-floe doo:r� (' Yes'm, said one, I'll go and tell him, and hedmmeediately hurried down to the wash, where a number of miners were working. r Say, boys, here's a fine muddle. Jest as that Williams goes an' steals i hnssea and kits ready to swing for it. h Here comes along his wife and baby a a askin' for his,,. \'Vho's going to toll her? I ain't. H The miners stopped wdrking and . h gathered close around the meeting. She's a little mite of a woman, and h the little baby girl is sick or some - catch the first signs of commotion i the camp, They did not slacken pas as they dashed up the rocky trail nut they were in the heterogeneous collet tion of domiciles which dignified tli :fountain spur into tate name of Sprig Ledge. They asked no questions, for at a glance they comprehended that thei ride was of no avail. There was a small knot of leen yet lingering under a stunted pine tree. A dark form dangled in the shadows: They were too late. It was an easy matter to obtain per- mission to take down the body, as it saved the expeuse of burial by the Spring Ledge people. tSo,after resting their horses, they carried it back with them to Bison making; a circuitous route around the hotel and laying the body nn the bed in ou of the shanties. A consultation was ?held, and not a tints, could be found who would break the news to the widow, Dan Eloward was selected, but he shook his head dolefully. No, boys, 1 ain't no good in catkin' to wimcui i folks. If 11 can brace up I'll tell her, and if I 'can't I'll say he left camp and nobody; knows where he went. After going into ,the cabin, and straightening out the dead man to look as comfortable as possible, the rough ,Hiner made a careful toilet end went up to the hotel. He found Mrs. Williams sitting by the window, hold- ing the little one in heti arms. Did you find my pain ? questioned the child, brightening sup and holding out her white little hand towards the miner. Howard went over end took the out- stretched hand in his .`rough palm. No, baby, I didn't find your papa, lie said,feeling ill at ease as the widow's eager glance resterf'on his face. Ad- dreisit," himself to Mrs. Williams, he continued : You see, ma{am; when the ,Han :got to Spring Ledge helmet -1 Mr. Williams had just left,. and nobody � knew where he had gone. Ho was telling the truth, but it was ather a twisted sort of affair. I felt so sure of finding Mr. Williams sere or I shouldn't have started, • Etta as not been well since last winter, nd I thought that bringing her to the mountains might break up her cough. e surely left come word here before e went to Spring Ledge, did he not ? cannot quite understand what took im to that place. Do u think he will return very soon asked Mrs thide, for she looks mighty pinched Williams, looking up with her eyes Tike. filled with tears of disappointment. Th' ain't but one thing to do, as I I cealdn't say, ma'am. He might can see,said Dau. Howard, sticking his and he might not. These prospectin' spade deep in the sand and resting his ]rands on the top. Jest you go back and tell her he hag gone to another camp and we'll send a man after him. look out that none of the boys get to talking about the hangin' where she ;yaan hear thew. And the rest of us Will jump into the saddle and talce, a ]run over there to Spring Ledge and )ring him twine. It'll take lively work we get there in time. The tnessen„ er returned to the hotel delivered the word, , and ten minutes later a lozen miners, heavily armed, dashed away . with their horses the run for Spring Ledger., What strikes my gizzard is her. avin' a sick baby along with her. 1 an stand anything but that, A woman an get along here some way or other. tit we can manage things all right if e once lay hands on Williams there'll either. lloward's voice had, a.ring of So do I, she replied. A> ger a pause n e hangin'. sadness in it, which the chilli quickly she raised her eyes slowly' from the Dick William had been popular noticed. Ile was thinking oNile dead grave and looked up inti the face egg bis fellow.miners in the little man again. above hoes. 'p, and every man in the party Then I am sorry for yo and I'll Ain't it nice that I cams here and u bettvene her hands. Don't you want hands elle bolted up earnestly and said: than evil, feel discouraged with our '4.. e lug to love you ? If you was to go.to sleep 1 wouldn't let tactless selves, and often justly with 11 Yes, yes, I do, 1 waa sorry 'cause your bed be bad looking, T'd come and ! those tubers feelings are app:trantl'jH - your father ain't coming—tonight. .I make it nice with pretty flower's bee `always on draught, But how rung, e am going home note, enure I love you. You don't Dry any of us are willing to apologize) Row g So he lifted her from his tenses and more, many cheerfully use this, the first went out. £toward took hex up tenderly and means of righting wrongs ? Just why Dan Froward spent the night, at the carried her back to leer mother. It should false pride succeed in conviec., r shanty, and in the morning the body was the last excursion they made to. ing us that to assure another that we of pickt' Williams wag taken out and gether. 1, •regret the wrong and etre minded not buried in the shadow of a big rock not The cough l,ecanie: more pronounced to repeat it, is humiliating ? The ha- ter fro,n the camp. and Etta grew weak very rapidly as miliatino part of the matter is our own ir Mrs Williams seemed quite disheart- the cold weather approached. At last shortcoming in tact' and thoughtful ened, but after a few days she spoke her mother sat by the bed -side and nese, not tiro fact that we say wo see quite cheerfully of her husband's ree saw the breath flutter Feebly from her our blunder. The offense is twofold -- turn. Her time was partly taken bp' sweet baby lips. our part and our neighbor's—and it by the little daughter and in edd mo. Tell Uncle Dan I'm going to sleep, is not enough to be mentally resolved ments she devoted herself to bits of sew- and—wake—up— that the trouble shall not arise again. ing, which Dan Howard brought for The little hand greyt` very still and IThe neighbor should share this resolve; her to do for the miners. • Ile came the mother wept—alonti this mental apology. Not that apology Ilt often, uutil a firth friendship grew be- Etta had awakened in heaven. is the whole of repentance, genuine tween hit, and the frail child. Etta When Dan Howard eante to: the turning from past acts, but it is the was very loud of him audwatched for him corning, for as she grew stronger he took her in his arms and carried her on short excursions around the camp. One day she sat silent fol; a long time and then turned to the miner the floor. He had come to lent, at her whospend each day with accumulated and said. Uncle Dan, what ',.would dear little face just onrte, and then go sufferings,all of which may bo avoided you da if you was to din ? away. They left him by the dead baby by taking Holloway's Pills according The question was a him, hisli - but it was quite•like t she often put•to him. hotel to ask about his baby friend he first chord that leads quiulcly,natttrally was led into the room +hero -she lay. back frog, discordant keys to past or As they drew back the olds of lace higher' harmonies. that Mrs. Williams had laid about the sleeping child he placed one trembling 1-1ornow. 'e. PILLS. --(lure for Indi.- hartcl on the Darla and sank heavily to gestion.—Indigestion, with torpidity o the liver, is a eurse o thousands, laid on the bed. It was weeks before, organ subservient to difes'tion. Their t action is purifying, healing and I don't know, little one. I never' he recovered enough to know his strengthening. hen,ing. They may be safely thought- much of dyin'. " friends. taken without interferin ; ;vith ordiu• Well, 1'd keam, and keam, keg a -rot Mrs. Williams goes - often to a little any pursuits, or requiring mit scream).' , grave and finds fresh ;flowers on it. striction i,i diet. Tbeyquiciclyremove Then she stopped a minute and add- She never, knows wh`v a bunch of noise and giddiness in the head, and eds. No, I wouldn't eauae ou'd be in mounrain flowers and 3 dispel low spirits anti nervous fears. t, Y gJleen leaves is These balsamic Pills worts the cure such a nice place. placed on the otherwise ue lected grave without debilitating or exhausting the tier mother lead neveq; told her thati a few yards away, where a man a as system ; on the contrury,Ghey conserve there was a place called hell, and so - buried the day after she c a'h,ie to the and support the vital principle by ti l substituting pure for impure blooi. she thought of death as a surety of :camp. \) going too beautiful heaven. • 1.. . On one of these rambles he carried Q A Beau 01'1829. • When grandpa went a -wooing, Etta with hits out to the lone grave i He wore a satin vest, where her father lay and told her that A trail of running roses a man was buried there, ' - • - Embroidered on the breast. The pattern of his trousers, No, she said correcting him it's his : His linen, white and fifes, bed, and the people didn't make it Were all the latest fash In eighteen twent nice for him. 1llamma used Co take Grandpa was a fine- ne to see Baby 'Tommy's bed, and it fellow then,so the old. ladi .s say,_and ad pretty white flowers on it, and we.; he is a frne•looking old gentleman now, arried more and covered it all over' For the past score of years he has been nd made it all nice. Theca we ain't a firm believer in the merits of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It (raid to die and wake up in heaven renewed my youth, he frequently says. lieu we know that our mamma will It is the only blood -purifier aijd liver ake the bed we sleep in so pretty and invigorator guaranteed to bealit or hite. Why didn't the people m"ake cure, or money promptly refunds . It �' cures liver diseases, dyspepsia, s l Jim oful- his man's bed nice for 1 ! . 4as He one sores, skin eruptions, and all dis- bad man, and didn't love him eases of the blood. For lingering Nob so very bad, answered Howard coughs and consumption (which is ulling a deed branch from across the lung -scrofula in its early stages) it is cued. . an unparalleled remedy. 'u 0. cing young h c a a w m w a p Then I'll put some flowers on Ti,te Beauty of Apology, she said, gathering what; flowers were Scarcely a day passes but each one neat' and laying them gently on the of us is guilty, through carelessness, neglected ;rave. She was too weak to 1 r hearted ignorance, or perhaps Intention, of ti rps lasts a long. while sometimes walk !c much and so the ,beg There came to his mind the quiet of the seiner brought her the bunches while shanty, with the dead map lying with. she knelt downand arranged them. It was a beautiful 4picture—the ill. He willbe back soon, _1 know. It wouldn't do for me to think anything else, she said, rising quickly and put- ting.the girl down in a ;chair. She went out of the room, and'!as the door closed Howard thought he heard her - break down weeping. Did mamma cry ? asketi the child. No, I guess not, replied Howard, drawing a chair to the winylow. Will you talk tp rine and telt int your name 11y name is Henrietta Eloise Wil- liams, she answerd simply. 's Have you any little girls, and do you love them very much like my papa does? No, 1 have no little girls or boys I child by the neglected sleeping place of the dead,with her sweet face soften., ed by a sympathy as e'rnest as a woman's as she bent ,over her work. To Eloward she seemed ars' angel, com• forting others and not ]showing her own loss.. When he hadlbrou„ht the last handful of mountain flowers he lifted heron his lap and sett down by the grave, now covered iwith green leave's and flowers. - it Do you know that Iran who is asleep here had a little girl just about as big as you ? Sometime '$ I .feel so sorry for her, said .Howar, , stroking her soft hair and °drawing ter elose in IN ar,ns, readyto fight if neeessary. It kiss add love .on until t1pv papa put the flowers on his bed 'l illasbe he not apuxen of,. yet each one knew comes ' - t if Williams was res will think itis his own little girl. some unkind, hasty word or act against another. We - misjudge another's•word or deed,and,with,angry motives, we try to right ourselves and assert our injured dignity. . W`1lenour better nature is restored we regret that 'we were hot slow to angers, We feel mortified that our own perceptions were not keen enough -to see the,:word or deed from an impartial point of view, -and often we feel true contrition that we have cherished unjust '.sns. pieions, and voiced our thoughtsIne dignantly and harshly. There is an uneasy tugging of our eenseieuee and a hurt spot in another's Heart--tivo discords where all might have been harmonious. Or we•are so hitsy With ani? duties,so wrapped up in our efforts to get what: we wish, that we hurry along rough shod over anything or person that checks our hasty pace, We are not unkind but careless of another's share in the daily doings, - We are self-assertive, and we imagine every one else equally able to maintain himself. We are surprised to find It requires a good - deal bf effort to • kick, and it is all wasted' ufiless you have something worth kicking at. No More Bother. GENTLEniEN,—I have ed Hagyard's Yellow Oil for my chilbla s and it cured them. I have never been othered with them since. .. Itr•.orr•. Esow.i, Victoria, B,• f). The man who is tempted to borrow money needs to remember that 100 cents make a dollar in credit as in cash. Milburn's Cod Liver 011 Emulsion with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites is the surest and best cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis and alithma. Price 50o. and K,00 per bottle. Thirty actions have Leen taken out at Montreal against persgns selling lottery tickets. One ofuder was filled $40. ,Many arrests 3i11 follow, ITESTSMost women know all about the misery of wash- THE To .many it means �6f Bac55,�Icache, Sore Hands, BAC Med Rubbing over a steaming tub, and long hours. This falls to the lot of those who use poor,, cheap, and in- jurious soaps. This Soap does away with Bard Rub- bing; Tired Backs, Plot Steatri, and Sore Hands, It brings comfort toi pillions of homes, and wilt do so to yoursif you will ase 1t. Remember the ilea ourselves charged with the indifference « , is 1,usitless, and they were at our self centered course,] "• his neck. Patting up her /sweet lips putting both hands to hie face he or wo are ignorant of the tender spot, I -- horses were getting well tired she kissed the miner again and again, broke down completely. lit g, mi. euxr•toxr f avxii at s„r rearm a theb sensitive nerve, in our neighbor's sang tenon mono cued it would , She climbed up into the mikes lair 'The simple manlier in which it was tend selfishness, and to ' see another all pre- and lint her thin white hand. around said touched ilowar d's lF'eart and indignant ► TEMPERANCE COLAJMN Rospena1bfr4y or ModeratoJaariniter ,4d It is ditlicult to ec,uviiece mo therwise excellent people that th • any harm in taking an occasio glass of wine or any other intoxicat beverage at the table ar elsesvh says the Oliriatiaa at Work. 1 never drink to excess, it is said, wby should they deprive themselve a harmless indulgence because o men are to weals too control their in titer, This is the usual argument in the present situation, of things at least a cruel, selfish, uniiianly unchristian argument. It is the old cry in the new ferr I sny brother's keeper ? Paul ansv thin most effectively when he se; meat rnaketla ray brother to of e will eat no flesh while the world -eth. There is true manliness in thi true Christian spirit. I will dbu self, the apostle might have t even so harmless and sa import, • article of Toad as meat if it shall my brother to stumble and fe sin. It is not absolutely essenti .1 should -eat meat to sustain is There are plenty of other kinds good and wboleeo111 to which resort. 1 will restrict myself t if by so tieing 1 can save a sill of my fellow Men from a li:f and theme. Would that the n, drinker would apply such logic to himself Au Lrntorprtsing I3otei ti2a It is stated that a hotel mat, ill has posted up a notice stating • diners at his place who use Burdc Bitter to tone up their apps streugth, will be obarged 30 pert We do no know how true this is, B. undoubtedly does the work at quickly and well. The Spring*G,ar4ening ,ret The gardening fever is upoi a community we have got it same as last spring. For the weeks seedmen will contiuu highly illustrated envelopes pigeon -holed boxes and exoh, • for the ten centres of the ri,rf Zeus. The hardware man out all sort, of hoes, rakes, s fanny apparatus for tiekling of Mother Earth and oa break forth into ,daisies and thing. rt'hF, .only riot any pull with us now is the colored catalogue with e .gladiolus on the front co' fearful and,wourlerfnl tom back -_not to mention the e cies and other delirium11 high temperature period of .ing fever is a resin, of p but it is apt to end in chill Turntlbo Ba.sea t . We refer had .blood, biliousness, such e cousi headache.,etc., iufestiug the it Turn them out and keep the; iug I3urddck Blood Bitters„t to disease, which invigorate strengthens the entire systei Some Uses for S; Few people realize the It can be used in nlany w house and, is indispensabl eine, A little salt rubhe take off tea • stains. It wash it will make it stiol as a tooth powder it v teeth white iin,I the 1 rosy. Salt and water best gargles for sore t. preventative of diplithei time, Salt and water wi furniture, if applied wit then rubbed dry. f f heel after having a tuoth e� stop the bleeding, prints will hold their brighter if 'used in et handkerchiefs and nil washed in salt water o wet, to obtain the beg Monthly Prlsos for :s8 Tho "Sunlight” Seep (,'o., 1 lowing prises every month , boys and girls under 10, resid Ontario, who send the ,crew light” wrappers: Gist, SIN 1 831; KM to 14th, a handsome picture to those who send no send wrappers to'•.9unlixht" St., Toronto, not later then s arked 'pro�tltion"; s3 aU,orou, iaVorna88