HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-03-30, Page 12PAYS YOU HIGHEST INTEREST bn Guaranteed Investment Ceriificaies GIC's Are Fully Guaranteed Term Deposits for periods of.1 - 5 years for CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Contact your LOCAL FINANCIAL —ADVISOR . or . 69 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 1 1-416-360-1770 4 We Put the Smile Back in Your Wardrobe with Dry Cleaning ri's time to have those clothes cleaned & press- ed for the coming sea- son. Be ready . . look great! Come in sooli expect a professional, job. "YOUR HOME-TOWN CLEANER" PICK - UP and DELIVERY Flannery Cleaner For information locally, contact: Dublin JOHN 1i. MOORE Mitchell • 345-2512 HOLLAND and MOORE INSURANCE 348-9067 • Phone 527-'0250. Seaforth (1#1 SOLID VINYL SIDING • DOES NOT dent like metal —high impact-resistance • NEVER needs paint—durability is built in,,not painted On • SOLID color clear through-40-times thicker than a coat of paint • Mars, scars, abrasiOns don't show • DOES NOT conduct electricity or attract lightning • InSulates against cold or heat • LAMIME GUARANTEE LONDON BUILDING 'PRODUCTS 25% OFF with this coupon If forwarded Within dayk Clip the enclosed couporrfor a free estimate or for more in- formation. Fcirward to LONDON BUILDING PRODUCTS, BOX 2065,c/o HURON EXPOSITOR, Print Name Print Address Phone Niimher Rce Area Wedding • GAERTNER - DENNIS SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET • Fresh-Killed Roas.ting--5-6 CHICKENS lbs. Lean Butt PORK CHOPS Sliced Pork LIVER 2 lbs. 69c Fresh-Killed — 6-9 lbs. TURKEY Available . — • Store Open 'Ti! 7 p.m. Thursday, March 30 Schneider's Skinless WIENERS Tasty BOLOGNA • EasterNovelties 15c - 35c - 59c - 89c ' • and $1.39 and up Jelly, Cream ' and Marshniallov, Easter Eggs MOIR'S BOXED CHOCOLATES from 1.19 „ ......... 44444.4440••••• Parkview United Church, Stratford was the setting for the marriage of Geraldine Myrtle Dennis, Hamilton, Ontario, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis, Stratford, Ontario to Helmut Mathias Gaertner, ?London, Ontario, son of Mr. and Mrs. • Louis Halas, Simcoe, Ontario on March 11, 1972 with, Rev. John Davies-;Stratford, of- ficiating. • The bride, given in marriage .by her father, wore a gown of Alencon lace, with Empire waist and slightly A-line skirt, long slender sleeves with blue satin trim. The organza yoke, com- pleted with high ruffled neck- line held .the chapel, train in Place. The mantilla of silk illusion bordered with blue rib- bon and alencon lace fell grace-- . fully over the train. Mrs. Keith Tolton, Stratford, sister of the bride, was the maid of. honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Ruth Ritchie and Miss Rose MacIsaac of Hamilton, Ont. The bridesmaids wore gowns of sapphire'-blue velvet with a con- trasting bodice of capri blue georgette. Contrasting blue smocking and, ruffles edged the with the 8th and 16th Unit of the snowmobile party to Family U.C.W. catering. Paradise Park and taking in the • Chairman W. J. Leeming pre- weekly dance there were Mr. and sided. Rev. D. Docken welcomed Mrs. Mac Sholdice, Mr. and Mrs. the guests, cub leaders, fathers Murray Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Joe and boys. Steffler, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dins- Those seated at the head table more and Toronto friends, and were the guest speaker, Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin. McCall, Brussels, and the group Mr. and Mrs, Walter Bewley committee, James Smith, Mrs. visited Mr. and Mrs. wm. Hum- Stewart Humphries, Mrs. Ron phreys in Palmerston. Bill Campbell Jr.,' Stewart Dennis and Rev. Docken. Godkin, 'viss attended the Beef Be William nn e Bennett, , Laverne McCall, 1311 1 Lobb and Herb Tra- J. Leeming, Murray Pro- Doug. Mitchell proposed a ducers curling bonspiel at toast to the fathers and Neil Mc- Wingham sponsored by Jim Gavin replied. James Smith Coultes of Belgrave, where they thanked the 8th. and 16th unit won three games and the high ladies who catered to the banquet, plus to win the trophy. The guest speaker was intro- .Paul Humphries was a pat- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shortreed, Bill Coutts, Walton were among R.R.3,• Walton and Mr. and Mrs. the passengers who went by bus Bill Smith, Mitchell have on a holiday cruise to Florida. arrived home from a motor trip Murray and Sandra Sholdice to Nashville, Tenn. where they visited their grandparents Mr. also attended the GrandOle Opry. and Mrs. James Keys., Seaforth. . Stewart McCall, WatsonReid, Mr. and Mrs,. Torrence Dun- Bob Wilson and Bill Campbell das attended a get-to-gether on Jr. attended the Canada Packers Friday evening at the home of bonspiel in Goderich, where they Mr. and' Mrs: William Stutz, won third prize. • • honoring Mr. Stutz on his rec- Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Riley, ent receiving of his "Call to the Winthrop and Mr. and Mrs. Ba.r." Graham Sholdice, Walton, spent Jack McCall, Guelph spent a a few days in Toronto recently. few days with his parents, Mr. CUBS HAVE FATHER, Dinner guests with Mr. and and Mrs. Stewart McCall and SON BANQUET M-rs. Neil McGavin were Mr. and Murray. -Mrs. Bill Dinsmore of Brampton Mr. and Mrs. Don Achilles the Thereannua annual fatherwere and 30 present en t for banquet ,,, Ty M R.. 1, accompanied by friends from the and family visited Mr; and Mrs. n the Walton United Church base- Toronto area. on -..,.,.goal, Blyth. Among those included in a Visiting Mr. and s Mrs. Mac CUB SUNDAY The Suncily service at Duff's United Church, Walton, was sponsored by the Walton Group Scout, Committee, consisting of W. J. Leeming, Mrs. Ron Bennett Mrs. Stewart Humphries, Murray Dennis, Jim Smith, Laverne God- kin and Rev. D. Docken. The Wolf Cub Pack-filed into the church with their leaders, Howard Hackwell, Doug. Kirkby and William Humphries. Group committee sprsors cub Sunday of cKillop, and Mr. and Mrs. Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall ` Sholdice were-Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Cardiff, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knight , Brussels, -Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kirkby, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin, Mr. and Mrs. JoeStef- fler, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hackwell, Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nash, Stoney Creek. . Miss Brenda pewley, nurse- in-training at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, visited at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bewley. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart' SteV- enson and Anna Lee visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs..Allan McCall ond Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson and Ronald. • lent in. Clinton Public Hospital . Mr. and Mrs. Ron, Ennis, where lie had his tonsils re- moved. Mr. and' Mrs. John Currie, Cheryl and Rhonda visited Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall Anci'Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson and Ronald, Thase participating in a bon- spiel in the Seaforth Curling Rink were Ron Bennett, Watson Reid, Herb Travis's, Doug. Kirkby, Graham Sholdice, Bill Robertson, Doug. Riley; Nelson Marks, Bill Campbell Jr., Howard Hackwell, Don McDonald and Ken McDonald when approx- imately 40 people sat down to a beef' dinder prepared by Stewart McCall _and Stewart Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dank Jr. and family of. Frankford visited last • Friday. night with Mr. and Mxs. Fred Dunk, prior td their leaving on a motor trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. James Keys, Seaforth, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice, Mur- ray and Sandra on thl occasion of Murray's birthday. 'Mrs. Frank Burke, 'Sheila and Stephen visited during the holiday week 'with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether, Steven and John. Those who visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Achilles and family on the occasion of their son Danny's birthday, were Terry Williamson, Michael Ryan, Peter Bennett, Murray Sholdice, Greg Humphries and Carl McCallum__ Misses Lynn Taylor, Lucknow and Debbie Achilles, Fergus,' spent the holiday week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Achilles. , • Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rock visited with John Rinn, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London.ann • y :Achilles is spending a p few days of the holidays at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnbn and Ian of Goderich, visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hackivell and family. Mr.- and Mrs. Murray Hue, ther, Mr-, and Mr's. Ken McDonald. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCut- cheon visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Knight.Go Mr. den Valley visited on „ and Mrs. ,Clements Stutz of Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. 'par- rence Dundas. Miss Ruthie Thamer under- went a tonsilectomy in Seaforth Community Hospital. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lou Kirkby, London visited friends and rel- atives in the'Walton area. Dr. and Mrs. Glen Oliver and family, London, Mr. and MrsL Ken Campbell and family, Mr: 'and Mrs. Archie Somerville Capades recently in London. surance. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY SEAFORTH• BRANCH SEAFORTH CAMPAIGN STARTS SOON with a cheek•-up and a cheque cuffs of sheer full sleeves, man- darin neckline and created a bib effect in. front bodice. The maid of honour wore the reverse. of the other attendants. • Miss Elaine Dennis was the, flower girl. Mr. Larry Gaertner, Simcoe, brother of the groom, was the best man and the ushers were Mr. James De Pass, Hamilton and Mr. Arle Van Dyk, London. Kevin Agar was the ring bearer. After their wedding trip to Florida, U.S.A., 'the couple will reside at 400,Beaverbrae Drive, #102, London, Ontario. Prior to the wedding showers were given by Mrs. Louis Halas; mother of the groom, Simcoe;' Mrs. Peter Ewaskin, sister of the groom, Stoney Creek; and Mrs. Jack Bosnian, • friend of the bride at Walton, Ontario. • The bride 'is a graduate of Seaforth District High School and Stratford, School. of Nursing and is employed at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London while the groom is employed as a policeman with the London City Police Force. Steven, Leanne and Sherri, Whitby spent holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ennis. Laurie and Kevin Smith Spent holidays with their grandparents Mr. and Mr& clarence Dennis, Moncrief. Mr. and Mrs. Hill • Hoick, Goderich and Mr. and Mrs.-Don McDonald visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nash of Stoney Creek were guests for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mccavin and family. Gary Bennett, London visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bennett and Joan. CWL Has Meeting. St. James C.W.L. met Tues- day evening when the President, Mrs. John Maloney, opened the meeting with prayer. Plans were made for the annual meeting and pot luck sup- per on April 4. The mystery. prize' was won by Mrs. Jas. Kelly. Parish visitors for March are Mrs. G. Van den Hengel and Mrs. H. Swartz. Mrs. Mary Murray showed slides of her trip' to Ireland and spoke most interestingly about it: 127.411* INR9.14 EXPOOtToli, SEAFORTH, ONT, MARGOI 3t?, 1972 ARNOLD STINNISSEN ‘"a ticaith and Accment — Registereeketinarnent Pensions — Income Tax Deductable Registered Retirement Annuities Represenit fr Sun Life Assurance Company . of Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAFORTH ...sesemwok.- duced by Laverne Godkin and thanked on behalf of everyone present by Murray Dennis. A film was Shown on Buster Keatop followed by.. the Cub Promise being said by the cub ' members. CUB SOCIAL EVENING The Wolf Cub Pack held a social evening in the basement of the church on Wednesday evening. • There were eight tables of euchre in play, with prize' win- ners being - High Lady - Mrs. Harold Wilson, Low Lady Mrs. Russell Marks, High man- W , J. 'Leeming, Low man - Harvey Craig. There were three tables of crockinole in play, winners being, High - Murray McCall, Low - Jim McDonald Jr. ' CHURCH SERVICE. Mr. L. 13, Plumsteel, prin- cipal of Seaforth High School Was in attendance -at the Laity Sunday morning service at Duff's united Church, Walton when Rev. D. Docken and Mr. Plumsteel presented a Dialogue "The Role of the Laity". Those assisting in the ser- vice'• were Mrs. Ron Bennett, Mrs. waiter Bewley and Em- merson Mitchell. Hymns were sung from the printed song sheets assisted by Rev. Docken with his guitar. Mrs. Ian Wilbee assisted on the organ when the choir contrib- uted an anthem.,„ • Lunch was served by the Wal- ton Unit, assisted by the 8th and 16th Units. . Easter Services and the Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper will be observed next Sunday morn- ing.. . PERSONALS • Miss Sandra Watson, nurp- ih-training at St'.' Joseph's Hos- pital, London is spending this week, holidaying with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald wat- son, David, Anne and Mary and her grandparents, Mr., and Mrs. Earl Watson. Weekend visitors with 'Mrs. W. C. •Hackwell were Mr. and MrS. Ed Smith, Sandra, Monica and Paul of London and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIlwain, Mark and David of Seaforth. • Mr. Herb Traviss attended the beef dinner in Seaforth Curling Rink following the Feed Dealers Curling Bonspiel. Mr. apd Mrs. Frank Skinner, Brussels, visited Mr. and ,Mrs. Ge'ralCi Ryan and family and also accompanied the Ryan family when they attended the Ice 00. News of Watteo OUR GOAL THIS YEAR $2000 yr ,4111411•In AGENTS: JAMES KEYS, RR 1, Seafortiki V. J. LANE, RR 5, Seaforth;. WM. LEIPER, RR 1, Loridesboijo; SELWYN BAKER, Brussels; HAROLD SQUIRES, RR 3, Clinton; K. J. ETUE, Seaforth; DONALD G. EATON, Seaforth. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE — Main Street, Seaforth — Phone 527-0400 Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer FIRE, EXTENDED COVERAGE; WINDSTORM, THEFT, PROPERTY DAMAGE, LIABILITY, ETC. — COMPLETE FARM COVERAGE, including Machin. err and Livestock Floaters. — URBAN PROPERTY -- We now offer•Composite Dwelling Insurance as well as Hameownersk —"SUMMER 'COTTAGES, TRAILER HOMES, CHURCHES, HALLS. ".~.040404************em*****,••••‘- for a HAPPY -EASTER LARONE'S • Easter Cards by Coutts Hallmark mad Rustcraft, PersOnal and Religious, 15c -25c 35c - 50c • Ladies' Hosiery, 49c to $1.00 • Ladies' Lingerie • Spring Fabrics, Sewing Supplies • _Complete line Children's Spring Hosiery • Children's Underwear by Lady Bird CHEREO'S Homemade' Line Visit Our Record Bar ,?? .1 crone's e.• 1404)1i 5 AND ST Al'IONER1 ST„()ili, The Friendly Store 117 Seaforth — "the friendly town" ment Monday evening of last week . tt ar