HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-03-30, Page 11AR and PAINT u BALL-MACAULAY BUILDING SUPPLIES CLINTON — 442-9514 SEAFORTH — '527-0910 HENSALL 261=2713 and ROLLER' with a minimum purchase Of one gallon of SPRED SATIN, SPRED LUSTRE or SPRED LATEX li tp oss *se" ASSORTED FLAY TOP VALU ICE CREAM 1/2 gal. cont. 78,0 NESCAFE INSTANT Co .77 MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 64 • • 32,0..40, atipr,c CHOICE—AYLMER TOMATOES 21,4,0. Wsi GERBER'S STI2AINED Mint FOOD 4"41/75 JARS,, BUTT PORTION CANADA GRADE "B" FROZEN TURKEY BROILERS 6 to9lb.sIse lb. 4 'II OPEN IN BRUSSELS - TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS MONKTON OFFICE OPEN 6 DAYS A- WEEK . PHONES: . Brussels 887-6663-: Monkton 347-2241 - INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS - • Our terms are annual, not three years in advance. Ronnenberg Insurance Agency SEAFORTH IGA Open All Day Wednesday Huron cancer group sets plans for fund raising calnpaign MORON. P5.9.SPITOIX! APAWORT00 4k0Tv 'KAMM " research to come to any real conclusion on the subject., At the business eminent chaired by Mrs. M. Durst, de- tails of the forthcorningcampaign were discussed, and Howard Aitken reported on, publicity pro- motion plans. Sunday, April 9, has been designated Daffodil Sunday, and Branch chairmen re- '',.... .'.....i. ....... ...i. 41. MORE Convenient locations MORE Meat For Your Food Dollar MORE ,Service Where II Counts Most ported everything inreadiness for a blitz to begin April 10 throughout the county. Additional business dis- cussion included tentative plans for the annual dinner 'meeting in Clinton on September 19, at which Bill Brady, radio and television personality of London, will be guest speaker. MORE Variety - 41 To Choose From MORE Exciting 110 Perishable Departments MORE Weekly Specials MORE Consumer Concern I f 4-BLOOM (5" Pot) EASTER S2 29 LILIES' FRESH (6" POT) MOMS 9 POTTED $22 ICEBERG s, LETTUCE 4: U.S. No. 11 U.S. No. I GREEN 2 9 PASCAL CELERY ONTARIO NO. 1 HOTHOUSE 2 n CUCUMBERS.%) TOMATOES IBS. ea. MEXICAN No.. 1 VINE RIPENED COLEMAN'S FULLY COOKED FOOTBALL STYLI tr FULLY COOKED READY TO EAT RED 'DR BLUE BRAND SNORT Mk ROAST Nola has R.-...d11.72. RED OR BLUE BRAND CUT FROM Mit CHUCK ID elle& 1014WESS lEt/ ROAST 116QIUe #*04.00ttfitAD By John. D. Baker Public Relations Officer Branch 156 SPORT OR BIG BUSINESS Hockey, football and baseball are the most popular sports in Canada and the United States. Is it sport when we know that the National Hockey League is paying outrageous wag-es to their players, or -are firing a coach because a certain team is not winning? Many of us begin toll suspect that the name of the game , is "win a t any price". This goes for football and base- ball also, Sports should ,.4e fun. Those • who participate should do so..for the love of it and not for mat- erial gain. We realize that with today's facilities it costs money to organize and enter into sports., These costs should be shared by the spectators. When we stop to study 'some of the rules and regulations governing sport's we, realize that it is a ruthless bus- iness. In my. opinion the men who 'play for Toronto should be cit- izens of Toronto, or for Mont- real, citizens of Montreal. This should apply in the Major Leag- ues :and right down to the Minor Leagues. How much more int- eresting if when watching your home town team you knew all 'the players were from your town. You would take more-pride ,in the team and would support it far more. Sport' is a wonderful past- time; besides it is a builder of character. This is WHY the Royal Canadian Legion and many• other service'clubs sponsor jun- ior sports. It is one of the most worthwhile services that these various clubs perform. The re- turns are a better society by ensuring that the' younger gen- eration are healthier in mind and body. They have learned that the important thing is not to • win, but to play fair and do • their Utmost. Latex\ they will find that life is one big corn- % petitipn, arid, if they try hard and are honest in all their deal- ings; they, will have played. the' gaMe by the, ,rules; also, that the measure of their success is not in dollars, but in the respect they have earned from others. PAST EVENTS . The Ladies Auxiliary held_ a mixed euchre on March 21st. It WAS reported that approxi, inately thirty-two 'attended, and seven tables of play. Legion members held a Stag Euchre on March 22nd, with 24 in attendance. On March 24tH the Legion sponsored Pee Wee hockey team played their final game in the Young Canada tournament in G od- erich' against Ridgetown. The final score was Ridgetown 4 Seaforth 3 in overtime. Bingo. last Friday, March 24th attracted seventy-eight players, and prizes to the value of $316.00 were won. Last Saturday March 25th the Legion Bowlers held their annual banquet and awards night. Approximately fifty-four at- • tended. For winners see "Down at the Lanes" by'Lee Hee. On Saturday, March 25th the Legion held a social. Approx- imately thirty couples danced to the music of the True Tones. The Ladies Auxiliary Shuffle Board championship playoffs were held at the Legion on Sat- urday March 25th. Mrs. Peg Coombs and Mrs. Barb Scott emerged as the champions. COMING EVENTS Friday - March 31st - THERE WILL BE 'NO BINGO. Thursday, April 6th - There will be an executive meeting at 8:30 p.m. Friday, April 7th - There will In Bingo as usual. Thursday, April 13th - The Gen- eral Meeting a.hd nomination will be held at 8:30 p.m. A repre sentative from the Executive of the Ladies Auxiliary will be at-.. tending a portion of the meet-. ing. Details of problems assoc- iated with cancer in Newfound- land were indicated to members of the Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society,,at a recent meet- ing in Wingham. Dr. L. Clarke, a former resi- dent of Newfoundland said there is only one radio therapy unit on the island, and in some districts one doctor serving a wide area makes cancer detection somewhat pro- blematical. He felt that in many case's, with a small amount of training on the suject, screen- ing could be carried out by nurses. Dr. Clarice said he felt that there is an environ- mentall tendency which pre- disposes people to cancer in cer- tain instances, citing one island settlement as an example. He said there was a definite famil- ial tendency to the disease,.but it would take a great deal of News of Auburn EUCHRE PARTY . A card party was held in the parish hall on Friday night with 10 tables playing. Prizes were won by: First Lady; Mrs. Audrey Higgins; High Man, John -Boyle Jr.; Second High, Miss Cathy Hallam; Second High Man, Warner Andrew; Lticky door, EdWard Noble. Mr. Con Foran and friend, of 2xeter and Miss Ann Foran of London spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Foran! Miss Betty Devereaux of Tor- onto spent the school break with her father, Gus Devereaux 'and visited- her mother in Victoria Hospital, London where she had undergone surgery last week. • Mr. Bobby Kinahan of Ridge- town College spent the week with his parents, Mr. and Mks. Bill Kinahan. Every week more .and' more People discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial. 527- 0240. MAXWELL HOUSE GROUND • COFFEE. . 1 lb. bag .8.5c MONARCH PARCHMENT WRAPPED MARGARINE . 27. TOP VALU " . CANADA GRADE "A' FRESN 'EGGS LAIP.g. ALIO ASSORTED FLAVOURS • JELLY POWDRI.S..04.9/s 1 WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBY.1. REANS 14.z.,0220 FULLY COOKED' 85c BURNS BULK 'COIL POLISH SAUSAGE FROM IMPORTED LEG OF CAMS BURNS WIENERS SUL Op. 99. tIth TO APRIL lit INCLOSPit., Owner-Operated Stores 11. MORE qp MORE Value For Your Food Dollar flIP . MORE Community Involvement Whiting Auctioneering and Appraisal Service Profit by Experience We giye complete sale service , Book your sale early to avoid conflicting dates Free service for charitable orgariizations NORM WHITING, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone collect 235-1964 Exeter TOP VALU FANCY WHOLE KERNEL. CORN 12 oz. tin 1 8c TOP YALU CHOICE ' GREEN 5/$ 11. Owe Sprain..-Whole. dr Jellied CRANBERRY SAUCE 27 o. ASSORTE:0 FiAVOLIRS DIXI sort 4.-RItts 24/1,79 TOP vAtu FROZEN Limn concentrotei ORANGE J.LI!CE1 2..,, 39. „ SMOKED in c HAM tither Hall lb. Centre Cut REGULAR CV FIRST FIVE MIS NED OR BLUE BRAND KO IAM MS ROAST OR BLUE BRAND run. ROUND BONE CUT 9 PR 4. „ WNW SWISS MAK S CHOICE SLICED CRUSHED, or TIDBITS TOP VALU 'PINEAPPLE 19 oz. tin SMOKED HAMS I1—Fink Pdifian HAM • SLICES I 1 85. AND HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT • SEND YOUR DONATION TODAY TO: CLAIR CAMPBELL, Chairman Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce AT LEAST $500 IN ADDITIONAL GIFTS AR)E REQUIRED TO MEcT THE OBJECTIVE Seaforth Lions Club Easter Seals Committee Associated With Ontario Society For Crippled Children ALCAN HEAVY DUTY 18" FOIL WRAP 25 ft. roll fps bom. EPICURE „,„, BURN'S Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLLS lb. ifel 61c`' I 79. WE SELL ONLY THE FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF! Onion° Gr own Canada Grade A TOP VALU OR CRISP TURKEY BROILERS R oc 6 tit 9 lb. Sire lb. Lb 60., TOP VALU SMALL LINK BULK PORK SAUSAGE Lb 59. VALU RtUSPIurnt Ells 1 IA. riraeact590 8"14361.111 RESERVE THE Itroto HAVE YOUR I N COME TAX PREPARED EARLY — Guaranteed Seikice - Phone Today for an Appointment