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WIN GUAII, ONT., FRIDAY, 1V1A.Y 1;.i, 1892..
The quality of our Carpets has been
growing with the quantity. The newest
designs are hate ready for your inspec-
tion and your buying. They come to us
in aired importations from abroad and
from the makers at home. Carpets can
be ordered now and held until want-
ed ; out and matched to your order,
' 'The Laoe Curtains, Curtain Netts and'
Art Muslim are going rapidly and are
giving satisfaction to the most exacting.
Gloves to match any costume -that's
the burden of our message to you to -day
-in Kid, Fish or Silk.
' Everybody wears Hose. We have got
a full range, every size, ribbed and plain,
st and we want to tell .you that we will
guarantee every pair fast black, anclie it
is not so, we will return your money.
That means a great deal.
Wo do not forget you, men. We've
got everything you want. Our Gent's
Furnishings were never so complete and
our ordered department is rushing.
Groceries, fresh and complete as ever.
Shop early. Secure prompt delivery.
This store closes at seven.
a „a •P
iseeser""4.1" ;"*ssereltc.SA.
• Direct Importers
es The BEAR, April 21, 1892.
-Read S. Grao 'a advertisement iu
another column.
-Cash for good butter and eggs at R A.
G banes, Market Grocery,
is piepared to deliver .
nmer to parties.requiring
-Mr. john Gr
oe during the
the mune:
-Good brick house to rent iu the north
end of the town. .Apply to
The firstsittii of the Court of Revision
forthe towu of ingham will be held ou
the 80th hasten
-Call at Gannett's for 13inders,Mowers,
Horse Rakes and Plows, from the best
makers in Cauada.
-Last Monde being a holiday lis Listo.
wel, e, load of y ng men from that town
drove over and peut the day iu Wiliglia,m•
-"Spare the ar ertisernent aud epoil
the business," 28 tI latest axiom.
• -Sasoansir N Baueans Coux•rea,
Every person sl Id see the goods on this
counter; very pecial prices at
-The aid walks have been repaired
several plan on Josephine street, and a
piece of new sidewalk was laid in front of
Mr A, Galbri ith's "store. •
-11 the p-rty who took a soft felt bat,
No (lis from be miniaters' vestry of the
Presbyteria Ns:el-lurch and left a No 7 hat in
its stead, s ould leave his name at this
once the challenge will be made. The hat
has the lett rs El. S: in pencil. mark in the
ins'cle of t lining.•
A dm go has been made in the
ing of t C. P. R. trains that will be
appreciat-d by the public. All trains
are now _ run into Winghatia. Trains
for Oran ;eville, Toronto,&a., leave Wing -
ham at330 a. m. and 2.35 p. m., and for
Glenan n and Teeswater at 1.23 and
10.50 p.
-Por first -claws tailoring and' ohm
gents' furnishings, try 'Webster & Ces
Remember the place, only two deed north
of the old stand and between Rosebook-
store and Halsted & Scott's bank,
-Prof Scott int dm getting up a cantata •
(Britannia and he Daughters) beginning
of June. This w 1 be a musical treat for
Vac) people:141:M &am. Particulars later
50 CENTS —tAos naenw isnutuaccAterlist,
we offer the Twee till the ist of Jantiary
180 , for 50 cents. Send in the nenee.
"'fMr. H. Davis ceived a or Joadiof
ettle from the Toronto marka, on
Thursday. He tends putting thane on
his farm to fatt .
H Baird- mimetic Company will be
in the town 11 , Wiugliam, for a week,
comnieueing y 23rd. This Coinpany is
well known i town and requires no cow
mendation a our builds.
--I have soreething new in Soufflers,
different tram any, other. Call and see
t em before buying. W Gan:erre.
')-Mr Geo. Phi pen, sr., long a resident
' of Lower Wiugh m, died 0.13 Friday last,
after an illness some, weeks, in his 76th
'10.1r. The fune al took place. on Sunday
last 4lien a la ntiinbar were peififent,
g1,(Aia upfamily to
has issued a new notice
se.. It says : "Passengers
seat room for one. Bag -
eels that eahrt be ,placed
t, or in the • peasengesa.por-
arcel bracket, muet not be'
o car. All baskets, baggage
that cannot be' stored as above,
o the car will be removed."
i -rber Day- riday last -was not ob-
^sAerved in Wingb in this year,
-Do'you want•any foot wee.r...at cost?
Now is your chance, at Sollery rtz Temple's,
sign f the Red Flag.
Alexander ay*, :M. D., bee been &p-
ointed tisso'ci te ebroner for the county of
Hurams • .
- Gailliett oau supply you with Fleury
and Hilborne, of Ayr, Plows.
- "Gipsy Maxi ' did Wingliam'cliiting
the past week. II ays hie varnish canitot
be beaten. , . •."...:,
. 4. . . • •
....138,1) Y. ettOtr ittgea juSli 4 to hand. 10 Par
pent off for. not eas/a.at ; 8 Ganers'is,
-There are stil a few who ere in eV -
rears tor the Tine , We need the money,
and hope they WI call and pay up at once,
or remit by Milli .. .
- -Boots aud Shoes at.east pgrirleaat Bel -
'err," Temple's, 30: Ar.tfUli old stand.
- Saturclar. had a friendly
'call from Meakt• tCJantpbe11 and B F
Brock, of Listb Sy were returning
from, Teuswater,' heteAlley had be pay
ing the Masonic; odge df that village an
official visit,' Me Campbell being tlie•D D
G al for thie,d
-A cointeeteMteadrtment of garden
and vegetable ased,bv the ounce, pound
or parcel, at Cliieholin'a' Corner Drug
-Seeding operation*, ilseae.bout finished
n this section, some ; fah* :rs having fin
fished several woke ago. The weather
beiug so very cold during 1 prll, there ha
not been a great deal of arowth. Mr B
Willson informs us that ail lis grain is up
and that some he sowed abut six week
ago looks very well.
-G T It trains for Toronto and eas
leave Wingham at 6,20 a m and 11,10 u m
via V G & B Division, and at 6.45 a m
and 8.46 p m, via Clinton and Guelph.
Geed connections by all trains.
tritium his dem
-The G. T.
'regarding bag,
are entitled t
gage and p
under ear se
tion of the
taken into
and parce
if taken 11
-W F Brockenshire has a lot of Oil
▪ Paintings; alma few Beautiful Lartotypea,
winch he is selling very cheap. I have a
largenook of Moulding on hand, and I tem
tography in all its branches from minia.
tures to.life size. Call au& see what I have
when in town. W F BROCKENSHIRE.
-Beaver Block, Wingham.
aking Picture Frames to order, Pho-
-There were tliree uew members ad-
mitted at the mec
• Lodge, I. 0. G.
last. Delegate
a District Lodge
in Blyth, on
. lodge is entitl
a number was
appointed to
lug, which
Swaim and
their home in Fergus,
f the reverend go
thought of Rattling in
be with their daugbt
lery,but ether enesid
to go to Ferguit
dance there wheat; •
ifs intend making
an old field of labor
man's, They had
Vingham, so as to
, Mrs (Rev) S Sel-
rains induced them
as purchased a reel -
et hope. he and his
many happy years.
lug of Auchor .of Hope
ou Tuesday evening
were appointed for the
eeting, which will be -held
riday, 20th instant. The
to 21 delegates, and that
eeted. Five delegates were
attend the grand Lodge meet
will be held in Guelph, on
Tuesday, Jr'.e
-Theben ranee and public achdol having
examinatio ,s will be held this year at
Goderich Exeter Dungannon Zurith
Clinton, S - forth, Wingham, Brussels and
ommenoing on Tuesday, June
primary juiiior leaving and pass
matriculcsion examinations, which will be
held at oderich, Clinton and Seaforth,
will commence on Monday, July 11111; and
the senio - leaving and honor mattieulatiou
examine ions, at the same places, will
good lady will on* conimen o Veduesday, July 26th.
28111. Th
-I hava the Ifeigest and best selected
.itook of Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets Entitled to Me Best
that has ever becMsahown in town; away . All are entitled to the beat their money
down in price. ftiraiiti see them, will buy, so every family should have, at
• Nr -T YaTes, ome'
once a bottle of the best family remedy,
The China H,
' Syrup of Vise, to cleanse the system when
-The hest opportunity ever offered thecostive or bilious. For sale hi 76e bottles
cople of Ontario t; see for themselves at by all leading druggists. '
small cost all 0 s different sights and
arming operations in Mituitobit, is now be -
ng offered "iby 11/ . It. Littlehales, whe!,
ill give an eshibi ion iu the town bet'
;0 S--
As an inducement
to new subscribers,
we offer the Tines till the lat of JantiaiSr‘se
1893, for 50 ceate. Send in the uarnes,
-Preparation are being pushed ahead
or the 24th of f1ay celebration., Kin-
cardine and W ngham lacrosse tea=
will cross stick The Baird Dramatic
Company wilishi ye charge of theeven-
ing entertainme4, tlsat Company having
arranged with t1 Fire Brigade to give
six•entertainme -s under their auspices.
Tho first entorta nment will be given on
Monday evening May, 23rd, when the
celebrated play, Under the Shadows of
a Honie," will be presented.
-The Northwest Transportation Coy's
flue steamer, "Monarch" and "United
Einpire" are now running regularly fte-
tween Sarnia and Sault
Arthur, Fort William and Duluth, Making
..f,cir aalliFieoinsoffitistM,weistoteban,
British Statessete, 12:Tliiese Steamers are' the higt-
eat claarrea, most powerful and most com-
fqt4lelt-Sqnipperl on the lakes. Passen-
gers 'Wring Wingliam by 3.45 G. T. R.
afternoon train connect with boat leaving
Sarnia same evening. For stateroom
reservation, lowest rates, sailing dates and
all information, call on G. T. It. Ageut.
• Scott, ok Toronto, Provincial
Superintendent of Juvenile Temples, / 0
G T, will visit Wiz thain on Thursday, the
n Tuesday night, lie 17th instant. T 10th instant, and n 'dress the Members of
ewe have been I doe by the best artists the Juvenile Term Le a ,s1 o'clock p at, in
tile ountry. T ti lamps are the most the Temperance 1 all. . She will also de-
vverf il and illum listed by gas, *Inch is livered an addiesreon eniperance, in the
re 3 around ill it large tufts. This same place, at le,'bock p tn. Wire Scott
'aertunity pat none !Mould miss. is a fluent spea r and those attending
p 15e., thiblic and high tehool may expect a rat treat. A eollectiou will
.P cents. ' be taken at the lose.-
83 ,
Dominion Da in Wingkam.
There will be a g and celebration in
Wingham on July 1 t,under the auspices
of District No. 1 Canadian Order of
Foresters. The D' trict is a very large
one, extending to incardine and God-
erieh on the west; 'ort Elgin, Wiarton
and Orangeville, o i the north; Drayton
and Stratford on t east, and Exeter on
the south, in whin there are upwards of
100 Courts of tbe Order, comprising a
membership of be wean 2,000 and 3,000.
At a meeting held few days ago, COM-
mittees were appo sted to took after the
different departme ts of this celebration,
and a*programme as outlined, the par-
ticulars of which ill be given in future
issues. As soon as arrangements are
completed, poster: will be issued. Court
Maitland, of this town,. will have full
control of the elebration, which is a
guarantee that it vill be one of which no
Forester or eitize of Wingham will feel
The Pulie Seim
meeting on Tnesd
Messrs Gordou,Gal
and Clarke. In t
chairman, Ur Go
chair, The minut
were road and app
report of atteud
read, as follows:
IMPT. 110178.
1 16
2 19
3 '28
4 29
ohool Board.
Board held its May
y evening. Present-
absence of Mr Belh
Ion was voted to the
s of previous meeting
eyed. The Principal's.
ea during April, was
ints, TOTA.t. AV'0.
28 39 80
22 41 35
20 • 43 31
81 60 47
il , !:•1 35
68 61
7 21. 80 71 66
8 57 56 118 71
257 50 507 003
He also reported be promotion *maim.
ations during the gist temple of weeks
The report was ad pted on motiou. The
teachers and officer salaries for the moutl
'wore ordered to be paid.
by T Abraham, SON eded by W Mooretha
the Seeretary be sstrueted to dreav an
order r for payment .1 account for repairing
'blackboards wheat a ke
ecount is presented
-Carried. As ace tint of T A. Milts fo
$13,23 for supplies, s at laid over till nex
meeting The Dos. 4.then adjourned.
-Mr It iI1Ihad the first ice cream of
the memo, 001 Monday, 9111 haat, Ile is
always alive t the wants of the people,and
has for thapas four years been the first
to supply the p blic with ice cream.
-Don't forgei to go and spend two hours
iu Manitoba and the North-West on Tues-
day night next. The views, are all as nat-
ural as life. T1 e treat of the sown.
Admission 15c., public- and high school
pupils 10 cents.
-The latest a ditiou to our exchange
list is The Templar published by the Royal
Templar Puhlishi g House, Hamilton. It
is a live temperasse sheet, full of infertile-
tiou for temperan workers, 'and elthla
receive the hearty support of all engaged in
temperance work. It will be published
weekly. We wish it success.
• •.' -•
-The annual m .eting of Winghani.Dies
trict of the Method at church will be beld
in Wingham on Wr nesday and Thursday.
18th uud 19th of lay. The ministerial
session will open at 1 o'clock on Wediks:.
day and the lay rearesentatives will hike
eii place ThursoeY -at 0 a in. In this
trict there are nil circuits and faurteee
mieisters jour of tNe 1 t* beiug the
retired list.,
Promotion sencaminations.
During the. past' •eek, the promotion ex-
amivatione ' have •• :seen held in the live
lower departments of the public sobnol.
The following pui ils were promoted in
order of merit : .
From 8111 to 7111..epertment, beiug hem
part I to II -Beat ice Anderson, Russia
Jermyn, May Coo James PleGillivraY;
David Davidson, W lie Davidsou, Harry
Stiles, Charlie Hutt u, Jeuuie Lee, Rows,
Swautois, Tena Si peon, Russel Greig,
Geo Moir, Fred R sel, Maggie Bradley,
Pringle Murray, Ja nes Begley, Bertie
Millar, 011ie Beene , Roy Smyth, 011ie
Mainprize, Charlie en, Mike Flanagan,
Roy Inglis, Bertie i tehell, iennie Sur-,
ray, Chester Davis.-
From 7111 to 6111 de artmegt-john Jerk
ores,' jounie McKinl y, Willie Lediet, Wia•
fred Gillespie, Edna. Brown, ,Willie Raby,
Tommie King, Willi: Sanderson,. Donald -
Stewart, Newman •Wellwood, Maggie Me-
Donogh, C Wightm a, Arlie Hill, George
Gray, John Kenne y, Lennie A.uderson,
Roy Forster. Wil ie Kling, Fred Coed,
LizzieBarbour,Kat HcGregor,EvaGreceya
Luella Elliott, Wes ey Wade. • ..
Frnm part II to • ad book, iu 6th depart-
ment- Norma Clega, 'Willie Rodgers, 011ie
jenkins. Arthur IfaIlwain, Clifford Kirke,
Mary Begley, Prat Saint, Nellie Bradley,
Gracie Bailees, ,I) n Collins, Ethel Mus-
grove;Edom Bu f a a Marsales, Morris
Ross, Jennie Mouk Hattie Ferguson,Jessie
Hamilton, Erskine Itussal,Robbie Mauuels
Mary Wallace. .
From 6111 to 5t -i depastinent -Maggie
Smith, 'Willie Fiel s, Edith Barbour, Vida
Hiscocks, Ida Cool, Maggie Kennedy, Geo
Kling, A Doubled/le, Willie Aikeus, Jennie
McMath, Mabel ree.ver, Willie Dawson,
Matthew Fergus e, Jessie Gray, Carl
Burkholder, Jessi Mitcbell,VictorJerniyie
Willie Watson, , y Mattison, Amelia, Mc-
Gillivray, Helena Allan, Russell Wilson)
na, C s in
Jennie Murray,
Froin ath to 4t1 department. Second to
Third Reader - Maggie Tibbs,. Robbie
Aikens, Gladys leen, Gib Ireland, Ernie
Higdon, Willie Menk,Frank McGuire,Cam,
eron Monk, Melvii Kerr, Arthur Hutton,
Olive Moore, Jeffinamond,joeie Korman)
Mand Welsh, 81 Jerityn, Rena Moore'
john Pattison, M Henderson, Scott Gore
don, Maud Xerr W Doubleday, Arthur
Angus, Nellie It& , Gladys giscocirs, Ida
Holmes, David rahain, Annie Ritchie+
J4clgar McGuire, J sin Stewart,Harry Carr'
Roy Gordon.
From 4th to Sr
Bed br-Prankie
James M0KI11Ia3
Morten, Harry A
• Kent, Winnie Se
Hunter an Crossley.
Tho union evangel'ttie services, under
this direction of kessrs. Hunter and
.Prossley, are being .:eintinued with in-
creasuig interest an success. Last an -
day mornieg-, Mr H nterpreached in the
Baptist and Mr Oro slay in the Canna-
gationa). church. he ministers of the
other churches ccupied their own
pulpits. The ser ice on Sunday after-
noon, in the town all, for mon only, was
a service never to/be forgotten, Tho hall
was crowded. oh intensely practical
and pre-etninent y valuable addresses as
wore given by tie evangelists on this ocs
casket, it is safe :o say,wero never listened
to by an =lief ce in Wingham. • Only'
the day of•etern 'Ay will reveal the prac-
tical results o this Sunday afternoon
service. Sunda evening, the Presbyter-
ian church was rowded to overflowing
by a deeply i terested audience, Mr.
Crossley poin to out the way of salvation
with great (ilea miss and power. The
service in the ethodist church, at the
same hour, was Iso well attended. Mr.
Watson preach 1 a very able, interesting
and practical s mon. In the after ser-
vice a number -pressed a desire for mil-
vation. The se vices this week thus far
have been well ttended and. many are
coming to God.
Next Sunday morning, Mr. Crossley
will preach in th Methodist Church and .
Alre-Heinter PreelaYearien,117:1V16:'7''
Quarrie in the ptist and Mr. Sellers,'
in the Congregat nal. Another service
will bo held in t town hall, Sunday
afternoon at 4 clic ck, for mon only. In
the evening, the e 'angelists will conduct
the services in Us Presbyterian church.
There will be sery ce also in the Congre-
gational church at the sauce hour, con-
ducted by Mr, IVIc -regor and Mr.Watsow
The meetings wi 1 be continued hest
*week in the Presb terian church. Let
the chtirclies expec showers of bltkig
department, 3rd Jr to
Clegg, Charlie Deans,
Annie Basics, 4oetou
sley, Lloyd Sills, Bettie
dry, Alex Stewart, ,Johu
Baxter, Joe 1Ioc4son, Bella. Coutts, Mary
Huggan, Bettie rrie, Tena
Robbie Willson Harry Auderson, Dave
Undertaker and iihnhalinerlias opened ant
t a first class utheartelting parlor, opposite
• Chisholin's Drt. Store, Wing -hem, and is
prepared to takescharge of anything iu that
lints thab tray b entrusted tohim, having
„ put in a steck e al to anything outmde of
• the city, both in taste and quelity. Prices
very moderate. First ekes hearso in at.
R.tt Devea,
Fel mats.
• Mr Clark Elder, ho has just finiehed
a course at the Cen ral Business Colleges
Stratford, s home isiting his parents..
Mr 3. E. Wilson, P G. C. T. of the 1-0.
G. T., of Galt, spe a few hours in town
oa Tuesday...Mes -a. H. Gummer, editor
of the 'Herald, Gu ph, and E. Gartutigi
of Brantford, Gen ral Organizer of the
Cnnadian Order Foresters, spent a
couple of days in own during the week,
the guests of M John Neelands-Miss
Isa Gordon left t wn on Wednesday for
a two weeks' visi to her brother Rollie,
and friends in T %Ito. .Mrs T teslie is
visiting her da htor, Mrs MoD•Fleas-
ing, in Listowe this week.. Conductor.
Snider and fami y left for their new ladino
in Toronto, on uesday..Mr Rollie Beats
tio was in Brus.els this week,. on find-
ness..R017 Mr leaderson, of Kincardine,
spent a few dam in town this week...Mr
John n Lowis, st Barnstable,Devonsinre,
England, a nephew of Mr E 0 Clarke,
arrived in Win hanson Tuesday evening
last. He inteltS making Wingham his
future home.
Now 'Undertaking and rtudtttro
Mn Euz.rir nondsoll has opened his
Furniture Atnd Undertaking establish.,
went in the old furniture store, neatly
opposite the .QUeen's Hotl, Winghturs;
and has a full stook of Furnitimky
Mouldings, and "Undertaking goo**.
hand. Call and inspect goods and ifee
prices. Picture Framing done promptly
and well. Special attention given to •
jobbing and repairing., and guarantee all
work done. Itavifig had long experience
in the furniture and undertaking busi-
qess,.1 ant sure 1 eari giVs, faltulaction.
splendid now hearse for lure.
Ret.nit lIoneso2S
50 -ifs an hultieement
CENTS --10 DEN subscribers,.
we offer the Tams till the 1.st of 'Tannery,
1803, for 50 cents. bond in the names.