HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-03-23, Page 12A Report Fr lom Queens Park by Murray Gannt;M.P.P. • I 4 4, CLASSIFIED ADS 21. Tenders Wanted TENDER FOR HOUSE DEMOLITION Tenders for demolition of ST. PATRICKS RECTORY Dublin, Ontario will be received by the undersigned up until 5:00 p.m., Thursday,' March 30, 1972. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further detallscontact 23. Business Directory G. A, WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth SEAFORTH . ELECTRONICS NW' FROM 7 p.m. •to 9 p.m ZENITH & PHI LCC, DEALER 4c. Service to all niakes - T.V's., Radios, .Etc. 17 Sparling St. - Phone 527-1150 23-25-tf PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ontario Telephone 262-5515, Hensall 23-25-tf R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Phones: . Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 • 23-25-tf WTHWELL'S Auctioneers & Appraisers Licensed and Bonded Ontario wide Auction Service. Phone Collect 482-3120:' 23-25-tf The Regular Meeting of Hul- lett Township Council was held in the Londeshoro Community Hall with Reeve Hugh Flynn and all Councillors present. Motions adopted included: - that we grapt a Building Per- , mit to E. Collins to erect a house on Lot 21, Con 1, Hul- lett Township. - that we write off the tax pen- alty due on East 1,2 of Lot 9, Conc. 1, in the amount of $2.52. - that we give a grant of $100.00 that a By-Law to impose spec- to Seaforth, Clinton and Blyth Agricultural Societies for 1972 when requested. Millson Drainage. Works. that we give a Grant to Huron Plowmen's Association for the sum of $25.00, for the year ial annual drainage rates upon 1972. land in respect of which money that we open the Tenders on the Warble Fly program - one is borrowed under the Tile tender for Sprayer; biro for Drainage Act 1971, having been Inspector; and four to supply read and passed. powder. that we grant permission to that we accept the Tender of Blyth Agricultural Society to Murray Reid to supply the sell Lottery ticketS within the Warble Fly Powder at $4.50 Township of Hullett. per 15 lb. bag and .48c per lb. that we set March 20 for the Reading of the- Report on the that we accept the Tender-of FEAST Your eyes and WIN YOUR CHILD'S HEART with Boxed Easter Chocolate Novelties from our Candy Shop Priced from 49c . NEW- AT STEDMANS Harvey Woods UNDERWEAR and SOCKS- for men and boys, Top quality at reasonable Prices; 9 See our line up of great Spring DRESSES for every size 7-15, 12-20, 14 1/4 -241/a in the ever popular crimplene. Buy now and SAVE 10% 'on Regular Priced Dresses. Jim Leishman to spray cattle in Hullett at .10 per head per spray. - that we accept the Tender of C. Yuill as Warble Fly Spray Inspector at rate of MOO per hour and .080 per mile. - that we instruct the Road Sup- erintendent to apply for gravel " tenders for approximately 16,000 yds of 5/8 in. gravel. - that we set the price of Warble Fly Spraying at .24 per head per spray. Accounts paid included; Gen- eral account, $1,1,729.87, Road Account, $6,215.43 and Drains Account; $215.00. Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are acaimplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527- 0240. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE .CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 . THREE FIRST CALF HOLSTEIN HEIFERS Due Now KEN SMITH 345-2238 This week the hottest issue before the House was the Work- men's Compensation Board which newspaper stories suggested had dropped at leap $560,000 in pen- altiep against General Motors and Ford during the past two years. The stories claimed the pen- alties had been cancelled after the two firms withdrew from a group of industries concerned with the Beard's efficiency and fairness. The Workmen's Compen- sation Board presented Ford with a $260,206 bill and word went out that G.M. was next with a $300,000 penalty. Smiles - • • • • Two ladies were discussing the art of "gift buying. "I've decided 'to buy my husband a lawn mower for Father's Day."' "That's nice," replied the other. "I got one for Mother's Day." The maid rushed into the room and cried: "Hurry, ma'am, your Inisband's lying unconscious • in the hall beside a large round box with a piece of paper cbut,- ched in his hand." "How exciting," enthused the lady, "my fur coat has arriyed." The autb salesman announced to his son that there would soon be a new baby in the house. "I suppose," said the little fel.- low, "that means I'll have to be traded in." An ardent golfer was on the putting green when suddenly a woman came running up.the fair- way dressed in a wedding gown. "How could you do this to me?" she cried. "Listen," he said, never taking his eye off the ball, told you , only if it rained." The penalties were Cancel- led nine months later, on appeal, when Ford promised it would improve' its safety programme. Meanwhile Dalton Bales,Ont- ario's Attorney General, has dented that a deal was niade with a former Vice-Chairman of the Workmen's Compensation Board, by which the man was paid full salary fer two years after he resigned. Mr. Bales said Mr. Cauley was paid about $54,000 when he resigned from the W.G.13., but this was not salary, it was for accumulated 'sick credits and .holidays which Mr. Cauley hadn't taken in his 25 years with the Board. Mr. Cauley has said he was paid $62,000 for 28 months in which he didn't work. He is waiting for a cheque for about $28,580 to cover 29 weeks' holi- day pay • plus the six-. months' maximum accumulated sick leaye benefits. The Workmen's Compen- • sation Board has now been called to come before the Natural Re- sources Committee on the 29th March to explain matters asso- ciated with these two incidents. I took part in the Throne Debate this week, and,, this af- forded me an opportunity -to speak on the need for passen- ger rail service into our part of the country. _ Most people find the bus ser- vice totally unsatisfactory and the railway provides. the only other means of public transport- ation. I suggested ifthe Govern- ment of Canada was worried about the extent to which it would. have to subsidize such service, then it could reduce the $166 million subsidy it provides for the C.B.C. by $1 million and apply that money to providing passenger rail service into the area. I also pointed out that in 19'70, of the 921 new medical doctors registered to practice in Ontario only 37 per cent were Ontario graduates. Over 50 per cent of the M.D.s came in from other countries while the re- mainder' came from other prov- inces. At the same time, in 1969 Ontario Medical Schools rejec- ted 36 per cent of applicants whom they considered . accep- table but for whome there were no places. Close to 200 Ontario students were denied this pro- fessional education for which they were considered qualified. It is obvious that Ontario has elected to provide increased medical manpower needs through immigration. I find this totally unacceptable and I hope the Prov- ince wil 1 take steps to correct the situation immediately. 22. pegal Notices - NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL JOSEPH NAGLE All persons having claims against .the Estate of Michael Joseph Nagle,. late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 20th day of November, 1967, are,hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the, undersigned on -or before the 13th day of April, 1972, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaf6rth, Ontario this 20th flay of March, 1972. McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, &c.„ Seaforth, Ontario . Solicitors for' the Executor. • . 22-28-3 3'. Business Directory W. 'J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR -.Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 23-25-tf Auctioneer FARM AND FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465. - Monkton 23-25-tf The family of the late James Coutts wish to express their appreciation to the many friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, cards, messages `of sympathy and the donations to the cancer society. Special thanks to Dr. Underwood, nurses of the hospital, Rev. Reuber, Box Funeral Home and anyone who , helped at Mrs. Wm. Wilbee's home, and the pallbearers and flower girls. 24-28-1 The family of the late Frank Lamont wish to express their appreciatiOn to many relatives, friends and 'neighbours for the' beautiful floral tributes, cards, messages of sympathy, donations to the• Heart ,Fund, Cancer Society, The p ionder Mausoleum Fund and'the many acts of kind- ness shown us. Special thanks to Rev. T. Mulholland and the Box Funeral Home, pallbearers and the Ladies • _Legion Auxiliary. Your kifidnege at this time will always be remembered. - Agnes Lamont and Family. 24-28x1 I wish to thank my, friends and relatives for cards and gifts I received while I was in hospital,. Special thanks to Drs. Moyo and.. Malkus and tlie nurses. - Master McNichol. 24-28x1 I would like to thank my parents, relatives and friends for their visits, gifts and cards while I was a patient in Seaforth Com- munify Hospital." Special thanks to Dr. Moyo and Dr. Malkus and , to Mrs. McCreight and fny class- mates in Grade 6. - Cynthia Ann Looby. , 24-28-1 25. In Memoriam KEHN - In loVing Memory} of our dear brother, Micheal, who passed away one year ago March 23, 1971. Gone is the face we loved so dear Silent, the voice, we loved to hear Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for thought to reach. - Always remembered and sadly missed by brothers Edward, Frank, sisters, Mary, Margaret and" Joyce. 25-28-1 2,7. Births HUGILL - To Mr. and Mr s. -Wayne Hugill, Seaforth, Ontario at Seaforth Community Hospital; on March 19, 1972, a daughter, Jennifer Lynn. 28x1 HORAil , - To Mr. and Mr's. Ray- mond Horan, R.R.#1, Dublin, at Seaforth Community Hospital, on March 20, 1972, a son, Tason Raymond. 28x1 - 1—THE M.URON EXPOSITOR, SEAFQRTH, ONT.. MARCH , 1972 Hullet council accepts to tenders Printed Polyester GRANNY GOWN for the "NOW LOOK" of cottons and sailcloth ' PRICED FROM, 6 .98 Ladies' sizes S,-M. L. Spruce up your wardrobe with accessories like a new HANDBAG in white From or straws . will be arriving Monday, March 27th. Mop early for • best selection. Sew your way into Spring with bargains like this from our fabric department 54" wide in.. spring fresh prints ideal for tops and dresses. Reg.-3.69 yd Join the BUNNY .DRAWING CONTEST Rules posted in the store HAVE YOUR INCOME TAX PREPARED EARLY — Guaranteed Service — Phone Today for an Appointment Ronnenberg. Insurance Agency OPEN IN 'BRUSSELS - TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS MONKTON OFFICE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK, PHONES: Brussels 887-6663 Monkton 347-2241 - INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS - • Our terms are annual, not three years in advance, TREASURE, HUNT ,.,The Easter Bunny., has arrived early at Stedmans and has hidden many extra speCials for-you throughout the store. Look' for the purple and yellow price signs on Thursday, March 30, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m; TREASURE CHEST Somewhere in our store is a chest Varied with 10 Silver Dollars. FIND IT and IT IS YOURS! Just one of our great specials PLASTIC DRAPES 34 CLOSED ,GOOD FRIDAY FATHER G. DILL St. Patricks Rectory Dublin, Ontario. 21-28-1 SAVE 10% On Your Easter Candy Purchases' PZIEIPOMMIMMICIIMIMIMIMEMainantoatneminik LISTEN For Our 5 MINUTE SPECIALS Throughout the Evening 4 JOHN. E.' LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Only Seaforth Office • , Wed., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 530p.m. Thursday evenings Monday only - Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 23-25-tf .24. Card of Thanks I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank all those who sent cards and flowers and took time off to visit me while I was in the hospital. I would especially like to thank the doctors and nurses for the wonderful care I got there.— - Mrs. Fred (V1) Glanvil1e. 24-28x1 • I would like to thank my friends, relatives and neighbours for visits, flowers and cards while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,. London. It was deeply apprec- iated. - Mrs. Virginia `Dalton. 24-28x1 .... . ,