HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-03-23, Page 11• ,„ ',„; • •".i 7114 '4.,Pc•P OS EA 91004ARtif Relief.. For • Headat. Ads:. Pii3filtable Want 0 • 1. Coming Events 11 Artietes For Sale 4. Help Wanted, •11-.-"Artieles for Sale PORTABLE spin dryer in ex- cellent condition. Great for any- one with wringer washer. Cuts drying time in half. Price $40.00 527-0839:- '11-28-1 GOLDEN Falcon, Citation, Flyte travel trailers; Baron tent trailers; Crestliner, Springbok, Chrysler boats & motors; Teets, Sleeping Bags; Trailer Parts, Hitches. Camp-Out, Sales, Ser- vice, sRentals. Hwy. 8 west. Stratford. 11-28-15 19. Notices ELECTROLUX Canada Limited Sales. and Service, authorized dealer . Alvin Riley, 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich, Phone 524-6514. 19-25-tf 20.--Auctioni Sales • 20,*..A.OetIOn. Sales„.. 20 Auction, Sales 1.6.0.F. Euchre in Lodge rooms Wednesday, March 29 at 8 P.M. 1-28-1' EGMONDVILLE United Church annual Chicken Barlieque will be held on Saturday, May 20, 1972 5 to 8 P.M. 1-28-1 RESERVE Wednesday, June 21, 1972 for the annual Ham and Strawberry Supper at Cromarty ► Presbyterian Church., 1-28-1 EASTER Cantata "Capary" Northside United Church - Good Friday 7:30 P.M. 1-28-1 PARTS PERSON Farm machinery, experience preferred. Apply • McGAV1N'S FARM EQUIPMENT Walton * 4-28-1 SPECIAL to clear - new Midget deluxe Auto Ski, 15 R.P. to clear $625, New Camaro Auto Ski 340 cc twin engine to clear $00. Family Paradise Camping 527- 0629. 11-27-2 ,Clearing. FrifrilroirEELL.51; AUCTION on ate', premises,.. :Cori,. =gay TOsrnship AUCT-I ON. _SALE - for - 2 eBaru stc oeffieplrdueefieid, Machinery,on 6 miles south of Clinton, 1 1/4 miles SATURDAY,.APRIL Consisting\ of all makaets1a2n:d30 p.in models of tractors from 30- to 100 h.p.; combines, pull type and self-propejlefi; forage harvesters; wagons; gravity boxes; seed drills; corn and bean planters; mix mills; cultivators; disks; plows; bean pullers; windrowers and scufflers. Many more implements pertaining to the farming business. Consignments accepted until March 31. Dealer consignments welcome. Terms for consignment - up to $100.00 - 10 per cent; $100.00 - $500.00 - 8 per cent; $500,00 f $1,000.00 - 6 per cent; over $1,000.00 max. $50.00. No sale - $10.00. BICK'S CUCUMBER CONTRACTS SATURDAY. APRit,.. T.H.- 11.0o c.044stiRg of:,2.,4ous c.t.wropo: • tractors, ,scaffiers„; boanpnllers; 0 run fertilizer, ruhher;-, 9 "ft, WO roller; cultivat904- threshing machine and other far* implements. Full listing nea't , week. Farm sold. ED.,,McBRII2E Proprietor Tel. pA2-5190 PERCY `1ATIell.IT Auctioneer Tel. 262-5515. 20-28-1 Deka'', Seed Corn For your seed corn requirements contact Vert) Alderdice Kippen,Phone 262-5494 ... 11-27-4 4 Experienced TRUCK DRIVER WANTED BY THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Phone 527-1244 4-28-1 1970 Yamaha 250 twin,sexcellent - gendition, 6,500 miles. fallafter 5, 887-6548. 11-28x1 Now available. MRS, G. KRAMERS 345-2643 - Dublin or PAUL KRAMERS 527-0926 Seaforth 19-28-tf Watited to Buy THRESHING machine, Mildmay or Hergott, 32 inch cylinder. Must be in good condition, also endless rubber belts 6" or. 7" wide, any length. Allan Leis, Box 526, Listowel. 12-28-4 'DANCE in the Seaforth Legion Hall on May 27th with music 4 , ey the. Blenders. Sponsored by Dublin and District Athletic Association. 1-28-1 EAVESTROUGHING - aluminum or galvanized. Estimates without obligation. R. E. Ruttan, Wing- ham, Phone 357-1077. 11-28-tf Help Wanted PART-TIME 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., typing and filing experience necessary, pre- ference will be given to applicant with dictaphone experience. UNIT I of Northside U.C.W. are" sponsoring"Luncheon is Served" on May 17th - at 6:30 P.M. at Northside United Church. Tickets are available from any member of Unit I.. 1-28x1. FREE to a good ,home, female dog' half New Fouritiland and half hound. 527-1071. 11-28-2 BUILDING repairs, home improvement, vanities, cup- boards, complete renovations, reasonable rates and will give free estimates: Contact after 6 P.M. Charles W. Krieger, Car- penter & Joiner, 104 Goderich St. E., Seaforth, Ont. phone; 527-1472. I9-28x4 14. 'Property for Sale FREE LISTINGS! It' costs nothing to list your property with us and we do all the advertising. WILLIAM M, HART Salesman Seaforth Phone 527-0870 , representing , GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LIMITED West Lorne . DISPERSAL of BEEF COW HERD for MR, JOHN SHEPHERD Lot 14, Con. 9, Hullett Twp., Huron County, 5 Miles N. of Clinton on No. 4 Hwy., then 3 miles east or 1 1/4 miles south of Londsboro, then 3 miles east. • Phone 527-0138, Allen Haugh, Sales Manager. A full listing will appear in next week's paper.. RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Brucefield 482-3120: 20-28-1 USED Televisions for sale. Phone 527-1082. 11-28-3 FINDLAY 24 inch range. Like new to clear $40. Frank Kling Ltd. 527-1320 Seaforth. 11-28-2 MEDICAL RECORD Department Seaforth COIlflUNITY HOSPITAL- Seaforth, Ontario. Please apply in own hand writing, Attention of Mrs. D. liIunroe. 4-28-1 COME to Blyth Lion's Club Bingo every Saturday nigist 8;30 131M. in the Memorial Hall. Ad- mission $1.00, 12 reg, games ▪ at $10.00 each, 2 share the wealth g ames,$25,00•special and $125.00 jackpot in 60 calls. Every time it doesn't go there is $10.00 added. 1-25-tf %Se teellre064•01210109.011111!*104110111711.21111111111t1.41411114111"111 t0allalialltelliEllisea' TR I -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax - Record Preparation Business - Farm - endividual Returns F220 Cosmetics Fashion 220 offers 'you a free home demonstration to you per- sonally or have sour friends in Each guest receives 'a per- 'Sonalized skin' tone analysis, colours and shades. Look your best in F220. Rose Kramers, 348-9908 or 345-2643. 11-28-2 WED, MARCH 29TH PRESENTATION and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevenson .4 4 (nee Kay McCowan) Friday, March 24th, Cranbrook Com- munity Centre. Music by Ken Wilbee. Ladies bring lunch. • 1-27-2 at 1:00 P.M, 50 Big Strong Hereford Cows bred Hereford, some with calves, balance due by grass time. 40 Brockle Faced and Black Cows bred Heretord,•some with calves, balance due by grass time. 20 Cha.tOlais s Hereford Short Yearlings. A real opportunity to get ,some 'good Beef Cows, well wintered, coming in at the right time of the year. Experienced BODY MECHANIC Apply to HEIJSALL MOTORS Hensall, Ontario. CLEARING 'AUCTION SALE, Of farm machinery at Lot 13, ConCession 2, Stanley TOWnship, 6 miles south of Clinton, 1 1/4 miles west of Brucefield and 1/4 mile south, on LAWRENCE BE ANE Brucefield - Phone 482-9260 19-25-tf FOUR Sealpoint Siamese kittens $5.00 each. Phone 345-2453. 11-28-1 14-28-1 Join .STEPHEN. LEWIS for dinner ' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 -at 7 p.m. HURON CENTENNIAL 4-28-1 PARISIENNE baby carriage, brawn and white, excellent cons dition. Cost $85.00 will sell for $50.00 with net acid plastic storm cover. Phone 527-0482. 11-28-1 SEPTIC TANKS- CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Hamer Dale. Seaforth. Phone Qlieiton, 482-3320. 19-25-tf SATURDAY, MARCH 25 at 11:00 A.M., TRACTORS - 990 David Brown, fully equipped, cab, dual wheels and tire chains. (700 hrs.); 990 David Brown, fully equipped; duals (500 hrs.); (Note - Tandem frame complete with hydraulic steering which converts the above tractors into a 110 H.P. four wheel drive singleunit; 990 David Brown fully equipped complete with' cab; 860"David BrciWn fully equipped, dual wheels, tire chains and "George White" hydraulic loader and leicket (optional equipment for above tractors sold separately). - , TRUCK - 1961 Ford 3 ton With hoist (as is). HARVESTING EQUIPMENT- - . Gleaner ''G' combine 'bean special' (gas) complete with cab, pickup and 6 row, 20" corn header and straw chopper; grain dryer M.C.Model B-600• continuous flow; Speed King 6" auger 52' long; Speed King 6" auger 32' long;. J & M gravity box with 9 ton wagon; 2 - '7 ton wagons with gravity boxes; Helix auger wagon, Gehl self unloading forge wagon; Kools forge blower c/w 40'- 9', pipe. , TILLAGE EQUIPMENT - "Oliver" 558 - 6 furrow plow 16" bottom with automatic resets; 21' A/C cultivator witir"Noble" harrows; A/C 12 row corn and bean planter (liquid fertilizer), I 9 1/2' Kongskilde, cultivator, 3 Pt. H. 'one way disc.; A/C 2 furrow plow; stone picker with-• hydraulic lift and dump, ' 3 sections diamond harrows. ' ., MISC, EQUIPMENT „- A /C 140 Manure spreader, Sdlson • 1000 gal. liquid malitife tank; Selson liquid manure agipump, A /C 9' - 3 Pt. H. scraper blade, Golden Arrow 250 Gal.. field sprayer with 24' booms, Lely 3 Pt.H. 2500 lbs. fertilizer spreader, 6"iGeorge White" snow blower; 7' Ford rotary power 3 pt. H. Matchinson grain cleaner, seed cleaner; 8' lawn roller; 'cement mixer; water pumps. - ' PIG & FEEDING EQUIPMENT - Mix Mill Automatic feed grinder and' distributing unit; 200' - 4" auger, pig bowls, feeders,- farrowing crates;, Gascoignes pig scale; Jamesway ‘.. feed cart, 16" barn fan; presser cleaner. .„ SHOP EQUIPMENT - 225 Amp. Lincoln 'Welder, 180 Amp Lincoln welder; Purox acetylene welding and cutting outfit; battery charger, Webster portable air compressor and paint attachments; bench Vises; skill saw-, 1/2 B & D drill; pipe cutter and threader; 12 ton hydraulic jack;, work benches;, emery; quantity of nails, bolts; rolled and flat.8teel. ' MISC. - Hydraulic rams; 3 Shur Shock electric Fencers; 2 - PTO air pumps; 32' extension ladders Shell cattle oiler, set of snap tracks; quantity of .aerators; electric motors from 1/4 - 5 HP.; A/C tractor frame and spray booms; Anhydrous tank and gauges; quantity 'of lumber; International liquid fertilizer tanks for disc; 'dry cheniical applicators for. A/C plaeter; 1350 bu.' Rosco bin; etc. etc. . „ TERMS - CASH NO RESERVE..,. ' MATURE person to supervise school age children and do house- work, 1 to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday.Phone 262-5062 evenings. 4-27x2 FARROWING crates, feed stalls, gates, carts and repair. Geo. Troyer:* 262-5282. 11-28-1, Real Estate' -I- 7. Situations Wanted RESPONSIBLE teenage girl would like a babysitting job for summer. Phone 527-1868. . 7-28-2 - TERMS: CASH - 82 Albert Street Clinton WHY PAY RENT? Reduced 'for quick sale - 4 bed- room insul sided home in Clinton. New gas furnace and water heater. Attached garage. Quick possession. ***** HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL HUGH F I LSON Phone: 666-0833 FRESH maple syrup for sale $7.00 per gallon. Percy Adams;" Blyth. Phone 523-4452 after- 5 -P.M. 11-28x2 STEWART'S seed corn, four dif- ferent varieties in stock. All were excellent yielders. Contact Clarence Regele, Phone 345- 2068. 11-27x3 SCHOOL - TOM ROBSON • Phone: 666-1967 ' 20-28-1 EXPERIENCED married• man seeking full .time , employment on farm around Seaforth Clinton area. 482-3203 after 7 P.M. 7-28-1 Clinton, Oritarie....° We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or dis- abled cows and. horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up :free of charge as a service to you. Call collect - 482-9811 days a week - 24 hours 'a day License No. 378-C-72 Call us first, you won't have to :call anyone else. 19-25-tf Brucefield Tickets $2.50 each Sponsored by Huron N.D.P. Call Donna 236-46'75 Shirley 524-6340 Paul 524-9189 1s28-1 21. Tenders Wanted es, New 3 bedrqom home near Sea- forth, with electric heat, attached garage, completely modern. ***** 50 acre farm In Hullett Town- ship with excellent buildings. Spring possession. ***** 3 bedroom home in Seaforth on 1/2 acre. of land. Reasonable pride. 8. Farm Stock for Sale' FOUR •cows due from April 15th to June 15th. p 345-2636. 8-28x1 TOWNSHIP OF FILILLETT TENDERS FOR GRAVEL For the supplying, crushing and hauling of approximately 16000 cu. yds. of 5/8" gravel and must be capable of 1000 cu. yds. a day or more..--Work. is-.te..lae done to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent. The el:ill- tract to be completed by June 15, 1972. Apply to Road Super- Intendent for contract forMs. The tenders are to be in the hands of the Road Superinten- dent ' BY APRIL '1; 197-2 at 4 P.M. and accompanied by a certified cheque of $1,000.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The accepted tender must be approved by the. De- partment of TranSportation and Communications. GEORGE HOGGART Road Superintendent Londesboro; Ont. • 21-27.- APPLES for sale. Northern Spy, Courtland, excellent quality, prices very reasonable. 'Bring -containers,, Ross Middleton Storage, 1 mile, east of Bayfield north of river. 11-27-4 Good Times Tours " March 31st - 4 day New York City tour. April 7th - 4 clay. Washington Cherry Blossom Festival Tour. April 16th - The Merle -11-aggara. Show, DetrOlf, includes Ray Price, Faron Young, Freddie Hart, Bonnie Owens. " Book. early - now filling 4th and last bus. .May 19th - 4 day Nashville, Grand Ole O'pry. May 20th - 3 day Ottawa Tulip Festival. Tour pamphlets on re- quest. Good Times Travel Agency. Phone 527-0050, Seaforth. • 1-27-tf . HOLSTEIN bull calves 527-0079. 8-28-1 I • APPLES $1.50 a bushel and up"; Spys, Kings, Delicious, Green- ings, etc. Phone 482-9141. Fred McClymont, Varna. 11-25x5 'YORK and Hardp. hog 6 months' old ready for service. Louis, O'Reilly, Phone 345-2685. 8-28-1 ***** Well located, well establihed garage business in Blyth, show- ing excellent, profit. Priced-right with good terms. ' *44*** FOOD FOR THOUGHT Huron County has the largest acreage under cultivation in Ontario. ,14-28-1 ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines avail- able at The Huron Expositor. 527 -0240, 'Seaforth. 11-2554.f '9. Poultry for Sale W ANTED „ DEAD 'or ALIVE Dead and disabled ,cows wand horses $10.00 each. $1.00 cwt. will be paid for animals from 500 lbs. to 1000 lbs. Calves' and pigs pick-up free. ° Around the clock pick-up ser- vice 7 .days a week. Call collect 887-9334. ' Lic. #273-c-70 KIMBE.R LEGHORN Day Old,. and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY *ARMS, LTD. . Seal orth Phone 527-0847 COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, MC each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-25xtf 2.. Lost, Strayed PRESTIGE- HOf1E In Hensall. Beautiful bridk home in immaculate condition. First floor - kitchen, living room, family room and powder room. Second floor - complete bath, 4 'bedrooms. Spacious grounds at rear. Completely fenced for utmost privacy. Black top drive to one car garage. Many extras included. Above average con- dition and well located. In- formation on request. GUARANTY TRUST' CO, Realtor 262-2116 NURSE'S pin from Stratford Gen- eral HosPital. Engraved on re- verse "Lois Harriston". Reward call Lois Slodgert. Box169 9-25-tf 10. Used Cars for Sale '69 Datsun, new paint job, cer- tified, 6 good tires including two snow tires. LoW mileage. 527-0818. 10-27x1 TROPICAL FISH. BUDGIES, CANARIES 4. Help Wanted . 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food ' • Supplies PERSON required to work in Seaforth Creamery. phone 527- 1244. 4-28-1 4 A complete line of pet supplies. .PAT 'S PET SHOP' 350 Main Street, Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-25-tf. 11. Articles for Sale GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seafort-a. 11-25xt! EXPERIENCED person - for full, time employment oremodern feed lot farm in Brussels area. Start 1st April. Murray Cardiff,Phone 887-6889. 4-28-2 TENDERS TOWNSHIP 'OF TUCkERSMITH Lunch available, ESTATE OF LATE tiALCOL11 DAVIDSON RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE' 19-25-tf For the supply of diesel Juel for use in the Township Road Main- tainers* The successful con- tractor will be required to supply the storage tank and electric pump to the satisfaction of the. Road Superintendent. Tenders- to be in the Road Superintendent's hands by 5:00 P.M. on -BOAT for sale. 15 ft. fiber- glass. Brunswick winner, heavy duty hull, storage -tarp, running lights, Speedometer, windshield, ski hooks; 'seats six .people, one paddle, pump, bumpers, new compass, new 6 volt battery, new stern light, 35 H.P. motor s 5 gallon 'tank with lines controls and bronze prop, with Armson tilt trailer, good tires and new license plate. ' All for under $1,000.00. Phone 482-7224. 11-27-3 Hensall,Ont, 14-26-3 NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United. Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up ' at your :farm phone by Saturday night. • --WILLIAM J. DALE Photiel" Clinton 482-9892 • 19-25-tf CLASSIFIED RATES Word Count Charges are based on the .number of words, sets of numerals such as serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as, one' word per set, Words joined by hyphens count, as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-29 words $1.25,40 per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4 per word, minimum 750 15. Property for Rent TWO bedroom heated apartment. Phone 527-1365. 15-28-1 TWO bedroom apartment on Main Street above Phillips' Fruit Market. Phone 523-1270 before 6 P.M. 15-27-tf Brticefield - 482-3120 APRIL 4, 1972 Lowest or. any tender not neces- sarily accepted. 20-27-2 ANY TREES TO CUT? WILLIAM ALBERT Phone 345-2583 19-25-tf HALF double house in Dublin. 3 bedrooms and heated.Phone 345-2754. 15-27-2 CLEARING AUCTION ..... ,„. Of farm machinery, household effects, furniture, antiques etc. at Lot 25, Con. 6, Logan., 3 3/4'mlles north and 2 1/2 , miles west of Mitchell, on SATURDAY, MARCH 25 AT, 17...30 P,M, MACHINERY - Two '1 W30 " International Harvester tractors, one good; Ford tractor, International Harvester 8 1/2 ft. cultivator, manure spreader, wagon; 6 ft. horse mower; grain auger; feed cart; air compressor and paint sprayer; sausage ,, grinder, ladders; large anvil; electric drill; bolt clippers; iron kettle; wheel puller; printing press; electric cattle clipper; steel posts; and many hand tools; 1960 Falcon car, running order, sold as is. FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Weber Heinzman piano, and • stool, China cabinet, writing desk; antique tables; brass bed; violin; guitar, trunks, one pine antique cupboard, four wash stands, dry sink, dressers, ironbede deepfreeze; refrigerator, ' round table, radio-record player; cedar chest; piceui?e frames; floor polisher; vacuum cleaner, hall tree; two washing machines; lamps, fire extinguisher, apple peeler, cherry pater, butter print; antique clock; antique sugar bowl and spoons; biscuit 4 Jar, bedding including one homemade crocheted spread; feather ticks; buffalo robe; silverware, antique cradle; high chair; doll buggy; child's rocker, cooking utensils; crocks; sealers, dishes and .glesserare including many antique pieces and many other articles too numerous to mention. Note: This Is a large offering of well kept articles so plan to attend.'Sale ostler will be machinery, and tools first followed by furniture and antiques. TERMS - Cash. No Reserve as farm is sold. MR. AND MRS. WILFRED HIEEF,BRECHT, Proprietors ALLAN NICHOLSON Road Superintendent Egmondville. 21-28-1 SEMI-DISPLAY 1972, Moto-Ski Capri 400,. twin cylinder with only 400 miles. Phone 527-0990 or 527-1892. 11 ,27-2 TWO bedroOrn house with modern kitchen and living, room, 3 piece bath, gas furnace. Phone 527- 1084. . 15-27x2 ,16. For Sale; or Rent 190 acres of land. 70 acres plqughed, 2 1/2 miles from Seaforth. Apply to Box 2064 Huron Expositor. 16-28x1 FIRST INSERTION $1.40 per column inch . SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.26 per column inch Minimum size 1 inch: Accepted In multiples of half inch LEGAL ADVERTISING - Rates on 'request. BOX ,NUMBERS to this office - 25Q per insertion BIRTHS - No charge when in minimum form. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, Car.ls of Thanks and Births (other than in minimum form) - 25 words $1.25, each additional word 2e. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 10C per line of verse. COMING EVENTS 25 words $1.25, each 'additional word No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements Township of Hay 1972 SAND 'CUSH ION TENDER' "Sealed tenders clearly marked will be received by the under- signed until Monday PLANNING your ;garden now? Visit 'our newly enlarger' iisplay of seeds asiallable in packet or bulk. Orders, taken for seed grain, hay and pasture mixtures. Your 'Surge" Milker Supply Depot. Clinton Farm and Garden Centre. 482-9333. Closed Saturday P.M. only. 11-24-6 . Every week more and more people discover VII-- mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Eipositor Want Ads. Dial 527- 0240. VACUUM CLEANERS APRIL 3RD, 1972 17. Wanted to Rent at 12 Noon eastern' standard time for the supply - and hauling Of approximately 20,000 cubic yds. of sand cushion and supply and application of water • needed. Price for water ,to be at a sate per thousand gallons. Township specifications and tender forms must be , used and may be obtained from the undersigned. Tender to 'state whet contract can be started. Lowest, or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Marked cheque for 5% of tender to accompany bid. GRASS for 45 head of cattle. Allan Hayter, -Varna. 262-5369. 17-27-2 DRY shelled corn fcfr sale in 8 -or 16 ton loads. Contact Ken R. Campbell, 527-0249, 11-23x8 Sales & Service All Makes BOB PECK VARNA' 262-5748 13-25-tf 19. Notices WHITE'S 96 BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Free cabinet with every auto-' Matte sewing machine., Free sewing chest with every zig zag sewing machine. 50% off all trims. 20% off all scissor 10% off all not .. Budget plan e„. e-Fx. SEW a'SAVE CENTRE INVEST your nemey safely where it will' earn the in est. Contact Ted Savauage Investments, Registered Retirement' and low costOccidental Term insurance. 527-1522. 19.25-tf after noon Mondays. 25 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT OF ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE 6:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, the seek following publication. DEADLINE USE EXPOSITOR -WANt- ADS Phone 527-0240 INCOME TAX RETURN S' prepared prepared ROY'S TAX SERVICE 1'7 Gibbings St. - Clinton Phone 482-9357. 19-24-4 KARL HABERER Road Superintendent 11,12 I. Zurech. WAYNE HORNER, Clerk-Treasurer Box 99, Zurich, Ont. 21-284 f tI DEADLINE TO INSERT ADS IS 5:00 P.M. - TUESDAY Phone 527-0240 or 527-0241 107 Dowme fret 2 doors with f e• on Theatre Stratford. 271-e660. i 1 26-4 R, G. GETHKE, Auctioneer - 347-2465 Not ..tbsponsible for adeldents day of sale. 20-28-1