HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-06, Page 6eingliamEtnus PRACTICAL POULTRY RAISING, I1Y Z A, WI1.142TT8 WhsTO;k, ONT. i`aID•f'k $•t MAY 3 N1. 4892, .e4DI1, RIAL NATES. A.GCQ0DI;(G to the annual report of Department of Merin* the total Naber of vessels remaining on .the utter books of the Dominion on the t December, 1891, including old d new vessels, steamers .aw) barges s 7,015, tweasuring 1,005,445 tons later -tonnage, tieing an increase of vessels and a decrease of 19,499 a tegister Ise compared with 1890. e number of steamers outne registry oks onthe sane date was 1,433, A gross :tonnage o£ 221,679 tone, meting tlw average value to be $30 ton, the value of .the registered intim af' Canada on the 31st Deeein. • Jd' 430,164,250. The num, ret eie+y )'easels built and registered 'tile Dominion of Canada during the Mut, year was. 312, measuring 52,. tons register tonnage. Estimate the value of the new tonnage at :per ton, it gives a total value. of 346;525 for new vessels. The mher of tons of new vessels 1s in. ded in the total eegiater tonnage of 05, 445, and in the total value of ,175.,250. 'Itn annual report of the Poste ster-General for the year ending e 80, 1891, has been presented to rliantent. The annual mail travel been increased from 26,498,457 to 152,543. During the year 91, .000 , letters, 20,800,000 postai ds, 25,890,000 newspapers and ceilaneous packets were carried, in mails. Ontario is credited with 000,000 letters and Quebec 28,100. The . weekly average of free ere delivered in Toronto was 85, - and in Montreal 87,448. The ober of registered letters was 3,292- a slight increase. There were cases of loss of registered letters contents, an increase of 6 over last sr; 42 of these %Isere recovered from ponsilsle officers or made good, and l8 eases the losses could not be canted for. Nearly 1,000,000 ers, 'circulars and other matter died the dead letter office at Ottawa; Hese 14,252 contained money or Iles of value. The gross revenue he department was 83,874,887; the s expenditure X4,020,789, a deficit '645,852. In the 634 savings ka there were 111,230 recounts, esenting 147,672 deposits amount - to $21,738,648, or an average to ii credit of each depositor of $195 44. he deposits reetived during the e$ over 134,000 were under 5100 rn about 12,000 over that amount. f total amount of deposits made lug the year was 86,500,392, the 1"i.tiest amount since 1884, showing lady decreasr,fdthongh the number vings banks since 1884 has Dearly ' ed, the figures being 343 and Bogus Maple Sugar. ainount of maple sugar import - tiring the last season is placed at 000 pouude The greater por- tl►te importations undergoes the of re,inelting and adulteration, 'era then places nn the market as genuine Verinont article. This tl•fnade sugar has a darker flavor d>iricer in color than that pro, from Verirtant maple slip. mak. =better for purpose', of adultera- It ' said that •the proportion of , to other substances iised re.ingiting and refining pr.ei'ss tier five, or fa ether words, that *ands of uew is illade from one roof ald,the additional four pounds )rht eonsiating of ;ltlucoae and /lade of cane sugar. Thus it posarityle by this priletlea to e4 annually front 8,000,000 to 400 .pounds of bogne maple syrup purehased Abroad. 1 (Continued,) Nova, a days we le ear fort:mos in the older provinces complain that their land is run down, and in cnnsequanae they cannot grow the crops that they .used to thirty years ago; this with the coni - petition from the immense grain fields of the Northwest, where wheat can be grown at le84 cost, in greater abun•- dance and of better quality, are fruit- ful sources of complaint.. Why not grew 'something else that will meet with li ready sale, and that; offers a reasonable.probability of being:, remunerative ? It will be generally ed. ,Witted that those farmers in Ontario and Quebec who pay the meet atten- tion to dairying and stock raising are much more auceessful in their calling than, their neighbors who depend al-. roost entirely on grain growing. I think 1, am putting it milder when I gay that very few farmers will dispute this. New we will compare cattle raising with growing spring chickens: You raise a. steer and sell him when three years old, weighing a thousand pounds, for four cents per pound live weight, thus receiving forty dollars for an ani,• teat that you have fed for thirty.six mouths and have kept housed in your barn for nearly half of that time, and wtlict, bas had to be attended either by yourself or your man, every day that it has been housed. Now what do you propose to charge for labor, to say nothing of the feed, in arriving at an estimate of the cost of that steer We will figure a little on the cost of prodilcing a thousand pounds of spring chickens: two huudrea pairs of chicks of the right breed will weigh a thousand pounds at the age of eleven weeks, and it should not cost over four cents per pound to grow thein ; leaving their total cost. exclusive of the eggs from which they were hatched, forty dol, Jars, but the cost of the eggs in an important item, you had to set them about the first of February, when they were worth thirty cents per dozen, end we will suppose than you set seven. hundred, this gives a libel al ailolvanue for infertile eggs and casualties after the chicks are hatched out, thus (nuk- ing the cost of your chicks $57.50. These chicks if placed on the Toronto or Montreal markets about the end of May will bring readily 80 cents per pair, thus realizidg the snug sunt of 160,of which $102 50 is profit, and it has taken just fourteen weeks from the time you set the eggs. Now what about that staler 1 1.1 he cost you nothing for feed, and you k how only too wellthat he did, he has still cost three years of labor, which is about equivalent, to what you get for hint. Your thousand pounds of chickens give you over 150- per cent-woro clean profit than the t31ai amount realized from the sale of your thousand pouuds of beef. You don't believe that such a price as 80 cents oath be obtained; we know that it can, but to meet your ideas of the matter we will say that you only realize 60 cents, you still have .left the respectable sum of 882.50 as clean profit. Even if you are now satisfied tlhat this price is obtained, you per:- haps er..traps doubt your ability to handle such a flock ; and we are perhaps progrese sing a little too rapidly, but I have made this aowparison of beef and poultry grossing to attract your Atten- tion to what 1 shall subsequently have to say on the suitject. 1 don't wish you to think for a moment that yon could aceomplisll this with your pees, ant methods, neither could you harvest.' forty acres of . rain Wit h),f ssistance if you used the old pickle rlffy years ago ; but the modern self binder en. nbtes you to easily 'tape:et of such a crop. You and quite convineed that modern agricultural machinery is an absolute neeessity to every fanner who desires to keep pace with his neighbors. Then why do you stilt eling to the time tluhored method:* that were in vogue wheel Noair's lone pair stepped into the Ark, in the mettegenent of (your poultry t ('To ba colatintred4 s ONNO ONION'S Bari the method and results when Syrup of Fits is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on theIICidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers =domes habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in itsaction and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many eXcelientqualitiescomnlendit to all and have made it the most popular remedy I Hawn. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75a bottles. by all leading druggists. .Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand Will proonret it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO,, /� �SAIS'In: r. -`casein, OA.Zr.�s y �/ LoItl' 1 vhY.i n, -'..M. • • •''. 5�••+i, 2 ..7. c JUST OUT! SAYE YOU SEEN IT? THE BIG BOTTLE PAL.N—KI L.LER DOUBLE THE QUANTITY OF OLO SIZE. Old Popular 250. Price. VIGOR. OF MEN- Easils. Qnieltlyo Porurnnontly Mastered. Weakness,Nnrverierte»s*. Debility. and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the rersult* of overwcrk, sickness worry, etc. run strength. development and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural ntothods, Immediate lultrovemeht$ seen. Failure impossible. 2.000 references,Book. explanations and proofs ;melted (sealed) trop. Address ea 1f1tflliffi'Uht)AL (30., U1J1'FAI,o,N.'N SAFE THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER H tti aptivrewsw SATIADAR!LLA j (Mee ALL Taints of tete 'Blood. It WTsA IN O.1', 1Z. 'Tillie'; TASttll Train„ arrive and depart sit fotloWs t ARaivrxo NAl'lxu Tai Qtita OASTIT n:• 0;00 p, in '2:49 pin 8.0.0 p. tn.... •. • ,,. ,. yor Tesswater,.,,..,,2:0U 10:50p, m " 14;55 ' A. 0. 9TRAT1lDEE More, WixoliAM, Through ticket) to all points In America -North. Matt,raffle Cent, MA, vla the shortest and all popuar routes. Baggage ehetked through to deathiatien. Lowest freight rates to all points -..,-,-„TIM TARt.E,-^.-.,- tAAyta n'i$ollAM. Mews AT W1NQtIAai. 0:90 n,ul,Toronto,Ouelph,Painiureton, h.o 3:31 p.m. 11;10 ,. ,. u n 10;20 .. 3;45 p,nt, " " Minton, ., 7:36 " Palmerston, Mixed..,... 10:30 amt. 0:45 a.m.,, .. 1.90444r, 4o 1x;00 " 3:20 pm." 7:516 p,nt lido a.tu...... ,. Kincardine, &u .. 0:30 a.m. 8:40 p.m It 11110 " ]090 " 7110 pant ALLAN T;LINE. Roam. Mem Sm,unIIire. REDUCTION IN RATES, Steamers sail rei:ularly from PORTLAND AND HALIFAX to LIVER. i POOL laLondundarry. ptu*n(e Die wu rsa 50 .roe. Cabin, 540 and upwards, Second Cabin, $25. Steeraile at low eaten, Ivo CattIp -Caren 1. 4S. TA TEt SERVICE 01' +e ALLAN I.IN STEAMSHIPS. LINE. .NEW YORE & GLA.SG via Londonderry. every Fortnight. Cabin, 040 and upwards, Second Cabin. M. Steerage at lbw rates. Apply to 3, & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS, WUiGHAbt. Selentlffo Amedeavik Agency for; ATENTS CAVRAT9 TRADE MARCS DEMON PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etce for information and free Ra dbook write to MUNN c CO. 351 BROADWAY, New YORK. Every bureau patent taken by patents isnbrought before the public by a notice given free of charge in. the 'txeniiiic 11neYiUUf r largest circulation of any scientific paper In the . world. Splendidly ilinstratod. NoY in$telliR9nt rt 3150 etc months t it. MINN SSee(0., lllnuasah;Rs, 301 Broadway, New York TRADE BALE ! 1 ----- ' To General Merchants and Boot and Shoe Stores, full stock of IlA EVER .y DibKINSOa`#, - o H. W. C. MEYER, Q G i t L. D1oiousoN, 13.A i4garsTERS SpLICITORS, Ete., Ete., So Ile tors for B r• Iidnifiton. Commissioners for taking' attidat to for Manitotla, farm, Town and Village property bolhght and sold. Money (private funds) loanen mortgage security at 51, per cent. lone, invest ohh for private persons, upon the beat 'Inortggge securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North- west. Office -Kent's Block. \tfoghorn. ge Irlinga belie •-1S PU.$L6$I1NP-�. 1N S' IiY FItIAA'7i' MORNING - a AT TITS -- TIMES OFFICE,.iQ$EPHINE ST$EET 'itrlNGHMd, OleTA1tIO. $ ubsoripttonprtk0, ryear.tnsattvertee __ _ADvlsll`r'ISINO 3tASES ..M... Spagu 11 y r• .1 0 loot 3 mo 1 too. Ona Coluine . 410 00 $i0 00 $20 00 r '50 00 Half i' I 85 00 20 00 12 00 5 00 Quarter "" 1 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00 One Inch 111 5 00 i 9 00 2 00. 100 Legal and other casua advertisement*, Sc. per line kv. for lint in,crtkon, and 3o. per lino for each aubeoquent t Inaertlon. UY Local notices loo, per line for lust insertion, and n 5o, per line far each subsequent i iserticn. No local notice will be charged loss than 25o, Advertisements of Lost, Pound, Strayed,Situatisns, and Ilasiness Chaneee Wanted, not 0Xe0et ing 8 linea nonpareil, $1 per month lienee) and Farms for Sato, not exeeedlnir a ii,cea, a1 for first ntoiitit. 500. per auhsequ,nt nionth These terms will ba strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertiser:mute. qr-iter...... longer rerIode. Advertiseulonts with c !ie diroedohis, will,'. Inserted till torbi charged accordingly. Trana sitory advertlsentents ulu*t b0 paid le advance Changes for contract ad, s tiaementa must bo it the oillco by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT P*oratntoat SNP Ionise,) IR. MACDONALID, JOSEPHINE STREET. wimileall. • Ot(rAaia TXT B. TQW&.ER,1d,D.0.44., Meinber College P4401an3 and Surgeons, Ontarle • -Coroner for County of Huron- 0Ilto 7lp•stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wang. hath, Ont. Orrice llouts.-0 to 12 a, m., 1 to i p. in.. crit! Residence, Diagonal Street. D 16. J. A. MELDGraduate o 11 Honor Graduate of Toronto Univor,ity. an Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons 02 Ontario. Otlicoand Residence-Cornorot Centre end Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WUUeIIAM • • • • ONT "1 [L�i) "VAN STONE. • ,r BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc„ Etc Private tad Company funds to loan at lowest rate* interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town hind farm property bought and sold. OFFIIE,r-Beaver Block WtyoUAM, Orr .1. A. MORTON trRt1, ' BARRISTER. &c , tl`yyy' 1Vinghahn • Ontario In connection with my Loather Business I keep a ' SHOE DRESSING Hathaway, Whitmorc•s, Zanoni, French Dressing, Eclipse, Bixby's, Perfect KW, etc, in 10,_15 and '260 , sizes, by the gross or dozen. JacquOt's Frondh Blacking and Gray's cel na* waterproo�f.•i in Leather, Horsehide, English Rip, Porpoise &c, Cotton and Rifle. in all lengths. 51 .� Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, &c. • 1>E�TIaTRi".•-J S. JEliOaiE, lyixol,Aah, SHOE LEATHER. Simon Alma, bal and fit and Mez onia Kip and Calf ; i..J Is manufacturing Cetiuloki Plates, also native kip and upper. Spanish and slaughter ; Vulcanite plates of the best material solo.. "tibias. as cheap as they can be got in the _ _ Dominion. Alt wort, warranted. HARNESS LEATHER Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electrl.;• ity or Vegetable Vapor.. Best brands on hand in oak and hemlock. , Special ' elteb, IVorhex.-I Will extract teeth for '25 cants stock for traces in oak. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Patronage solicited. Prices guaranteed. A postal 1 Brunswiiek Douse. ,a, card will secure quotations ora call front my travel- ler. W. J. CHAPMAN W m. I. Macdonald, L. D. S., Twiner aud Leather Metohaut, DENTIST. W2ssarau. H rya Q rs 0 °rl Q jOSI:t 11 COWAN, diene, tem Dtv. Gotten 0o. Mums:, 18S1JElt 01? MAI1I3.UA.GIi LI(11.1NtiE ()o3tte sees rle xif lei. 0. 7., Vero, Wseet 4lrlra, 03(2, OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Oppoalte the Queen's Hotel, *Ingham. Will visit Gorrie lst and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL .INSURANCE AGENT WINetlA4. - O\•TARt1 P. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OP HURON. Sales attended is any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. DEANS, Ja,, Wisnti,N, JOHN CUERIL, WxxonA1, ONT., 7,70EN881) AUOTI0N313R Felt Tui; COt1Nr! er All orders loft at the Tim xaoffice promptly attend. ed to. Terris reasonable. '1'AMP.S HENDDEtRSON, lace:Pima Auerlo l,Kn 8016 Coirxrias xitillott 488 Berea j,//All sales attended to promptly and on the Shertte Notice, Charges Moderato And Satisfaotton0uarnntood. All necessary arranHon►onta can be made at the Truss' uitleo Wtsoliati Otrt 110f.TOX a IlAWRINS & 11. t"iSOnvktonn AM) CIVIL I;Not$nilaa LISTOWI.I, AND WIN(fllh3t All °races left at the nttlee 4f the Tim will re. wave ln'otlipt attention frit pA'fb:IisON, 0433,188 Qii EisliTlr I11vl81QR 0(831*, rsWrut or11IAd• 111420 I,1ek013La, WINCH/ AM oNT,' 7L' 3 M1SS1S WATSON, 1'i'HTittroTI()N given on Piano,Organ . And Violin, Moo In Minutely. Itesldanes as Mania street, opposite the Yoh IP' wlalltbers. kee 4.4 Ops From I have k to every capable of of their a strongly sit became the Secured it case we 80 that the mo world are tb secured, 110a value is lo lightly, to m doesn't hurt ib doesn't lite astonishing of a girl's tip kine in the m never strives one. And, esteem for energy demi, lose their res ly in proporti Any familiialri CONS An old pity:dela bud placed in his the Iormela of a speedy anti perm) chide, Catarrh, Affections, Mao Nervous Debility having tested it thousands of ens known to hie ttnff Motive and a des will -send 'free of recipe, in Gerin directions for pre addressing with s Novas 820 Pc•ver I think my s by far peed easiest of all. when I play, Monthly P The "Sunlight' lowing prizes ov boys and girls ui Ontario, who se light" wrappers Ol ; 5th to 14th, picture to those Send wrappers St., Toronto, not marked "Comp dress, age, ant names will bo p Saturday in can 1 don't ow Well, you're I'm over he I, too. The got on my h Eniihsh Spat calloused Lunt Spavin, Spline, Sore and Swell use of one bot Blemish Curet How did a beautiful Oh, replied tieing upon slip. Iter, brans; hmnan or anin • ford's Sanitary A. L. Ilamiltoi I am v Charles, sa muoll like Why, don' a buoy. Anetct To and broken of crying with p once and get Syrup" for 01 able. It wi Immediately. mistake tutu regulates the softens the G tone and enc Blow's Sooth pleasant to t the oldest ant the United 9 throughout bottle. 1 Be Beentma Sr 1 say, 81 fencing Of it wont Hodge, a the cows • itt'j� 1182 aruff and 1 uutll uslo Vous 01 w the dand found. Si'ou wi outing t that eve ie above Our dear Her bow Ti 1i'ieree's 1 Sulo Neve the 1i,1 iectivc 1 relief in nese an( work t effeote, take. Ilene U.