HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-03-16, Page 11CLEANING DIAMONDS Diamonds get smudged, soiled and dusty -- lotion, pow- ders, soaps, even the natural skin oils put a film on diamonds and cut down their brilliance. One effective method to clean diamonds set in metal is the detergent bath. Simply prepare a small bowl of warm suds with any of the mild detergents used in the hoMe. Brush the. piece of jewellery with an eyebrow brush while it is in ;the suds. Then transfer it to a wire tea strainer and rinse unaer warm running water. pat dry with a soft • lintless 'cloth or gift-wrapping tissue paper. News of, St. Colemban • RED ROSE Instant Coffee 99c 6 Oz. jar AJAX 64 °il. Jug Apik agh LIQUID BLEACH 44V HIGHLINER 1F4R00:E.pikikg. COD 'N BATTER 59 litiEks With or Without Garlic or Polish SWEET MIXED PICKLES OILL PICKLES OR 24.32 az. jar 49C TOP UAW WIENERS 1 lb. pk, 55C MAPLE LEAF WIENERS 1 lb. pkg. 67, PRIMROSE MI OR VEAL STEAKETTES 65c TOP VAC/ MINCED NAM OR VARIETY PACK •9119c 16 oz. I lb. OW "1 ried• to get the phone company' complaint depart- ment but I lost my dime." Five year Guaranteed Investment Certificates, Get yours now! UCTORIA and GREY VG TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 MARTINS ASSORTED FLAVOURS FRUIT DRINKS' 28 48 oz. tin TULIP - PARCHMENT 'MARGARINE gill kgs. nor • FRASERVALE FROZEN COD FISH & CHIPS. 49c 2Q Os. Pkg. TOP .VALU 'WHITE tail (L2I.C.E.DprimEi 1 in CANADA GRADE 'A' COASTERS -GIFT IDEAS- - SERYIETTES • THE HURON EXPOSITOR • • Seaforth • Phone 527-0240 SEAFORTH IGA Is Open All Day Wednesda We will •als o be open Thursday night before cs Good Friday until 9:00 p.m. Ma''4-ch 30th. for your shopping convenience. COLEMAN'S FOOTIALL HAMS Either Hall lb. 83' SWIFT PICKLED BACK BACON Ai ch, NEW ZIALAND lamb Shoulder Cho ps Mothz 1lb. ii,Q1 YATTERCRIip OCEAN PERCH 18 ox. 79 RED JACK HEADLESS SALMON 95 c I.S lb. AV, lb. LB. U.S. NO. 1'. GREEN CRISP HEAD FLORIDA JUICY TEMPLE -ORANGES DOZ 59e U.S. NO I FRESH ASF ARAGUS 69c Florida Marsh Seedless Reci.nand White ,GRAPEFRUIT c9c U S NO 1 GREEN PASCAL 'CELERY 29c Conodo fancy Cant•i-, nil Atmosphere McIntosh Apples V 9c 5 lb. bag CANADA NO 1 P E,1 Table Potatoes 59c 10 lb. bag CANADA NO 1 ONTARIO PARSNIPS n5C 2 lb. bag Mier CANADA NO 1 ONTARIO MARSH • CARR?bTb S.25C lb. CALIFORNIA SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES59c dot SEAPORT • Seafodh Churd_Grou 0 THE HURON' EIXPOSITOH, SEAFORTH, OM MARCH 16f 1972-4-11 Mrs. Joyce Schenck Tells Story Of USSR Visit yener of used stamps. for Easter on March 28th. - An Executive meeting will be held on March 22nd at the home of Mrs. Dominic Murray, for the purpose of filling out re- ports for the, year. The annual meeting will be held on April, 5th. The meeting adjourned and closed with prayer by Father Oostveen. The. mystery prize, donated by Mrs.. Edward Melady was won by Mrs. Joe Barry. At a recent Executive meet- ing a donation was voted to the Msgr. Mahoney Bursary. Used stamps were asked for, to be given to Mrs, John Moylan,i con-. PERSONALS Among those attending the , funeral of the late James Lane from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Basil Lane and Jerry, Toronto; Mrs. Tom Lane, Tor- onto; Mrs. John O'Reilly and Dan, Stratford; Miss Catharine Moylan, St. Thomas; and Gordon Moylan, Douglas Point. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sloan and children, Peterborough spent a weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and family, Acton visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert-Cronin and Stephen. TOP VAL1J CHOICE SLICED PINEAPPLE 19 oz. tin ' 1 lb. bag ER IDEA PEOPLE BURNS LINK or FARM STYLE ,SAUSAGE lb. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS All Types of CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON T, C. mumoua,oft. Ethel Mackay opened the meeting With two poems, "Meditations atEafi, • ter" and 4 Easter".1.),440130119- Campbell read the scripture less son aeon Matthew and Mrs. W. J. Thompson to prayer. The minutes were read by Mrs. Reg. Kerslake and letters of appreciation were read lay ,Mrs. R. K. McFarlane. Miss Alice Reid. invited the ladles to show""" the antiqueS which they had Built to the highest quality standards in the TV 'industry by . . • bonus 0iscounb RED ROSE . ALL PURPOSE GROUND COFFEE bonus dISCOWth 24c „ 79c 55` Correspondent • Mrs. Joseph Kale Mrs. Joyce Schenck_ was the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Catholic Wohien's League. She showed slides and described her trip to Russia last July. She was introduced -by Mrs. Ed. McGrath and thanked ' , by Mrs. Richard Downey.. ' • There were 17 members present for the meeting, which Rev. Father Oostveen opened with prayer. It was reported that mat- erial for layettes was bought and made up by the members and sent to Birthright, London. Altars are being cared for dur- ▪ ing the .montki of March, by Mrs. Toni Kale and Mrs. Alfred Mal- orie.. Mrs. John O'Leary will' visit the sick. Donations will be made to Bunny Bundle and Sun- dale Mano'r. On March 13th, the members visit Kilbarchan Nursing Home 4 to entertain, ands =serve refresh- ments to the residents. The annual Good Friday Bake Sale will be held. • The nominating committee was named consisting of the three immediate past presidents, Mrs. Doris Ryan, Mrs. Vera Murray 6 and Mrs. Marion Murray. The auditors are Mrs. Albert Cronin, and Mrs. Roy Swart. • The church will be cleaned 4 RE • • Correspondent - Mrs. Ethel Thiel Mrs. brge Grant, Mrs. Cliff Fuller and Mrs. Ed. Jordan were hostesses and the Branch Cur- ators, Mrs. Herman Heckman and Mrs. Lorne Jackson were in charge of the Mara meeting of Goulds Women's Institute held in the Legion Hall, Mitchell on Thursday afternoon. The roll call was answered by naming the year in which each member joined the W.I. Arrangements are being made for a bus trip to Franke- muth, Michigan in June. Mrs. John Yosper gave interesting current events. Irish Eyes are Smiling was sung and Mrs. Wil- liam Drummond gave a. humor- ous reading ,(The Top of the Morning to You, relating to Leap Year and St. Patrick's Day. The Tweedsmuir History was on the table for viewing. Mrs. Andrew.Park gave the History of the Park Farm, Lot 29, Concession 2, Fullarton, tak- ing in time of over -one hundred years. Mrs. Clifford Fuller also read the History of the Fuller farm, Lot 5, Concession 2, Logan Township. Much research and thought had been given to these histories and recalled memories to many. Mrs. Herman Heckman gave interesting facts on the life of Adelaidelloodless, the Foun- der of,,.- the women's Institute, seventy-five years ago. South Perth Women's Institute will eel- ebrate the 70th anniversary of Perth District's ,.,70th• Anni- versary in , Sebringville on April 5. Mrs. Harold Thiel, President, was in charge of the business. Mrs. Bill French had 5,3 coppers in her purse when the ladies were asked to count their,peji- nies, and Mrs. Alvin Elliott had the birthday nearest St. Patrick's Day. Mrs. Thiel gave the high-- lights of the Seventy-fifth Anni- versary Banquet which she at- tended In the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. Lunch was served by the hostesses -and the lunch committee ) Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer, Mrs. Harvey Robinson, Mrsa,Wil- liam Schauber, Mrs. Alvin Schel- lenberger, Mrs. Sam Sidwell, Mrs. Robert Davidson, Miss 'Myra Stoneman and Mrs. Amos 'Thiel. NORTHSIDE Northside Church U.C.W. Meeting Unit 0 met at the home of Mrs. Alex Dennis on Tues- day evening ..with 15 members and three visitors present. Mrs. Lorne Dale and Mrs. Frank Hunt had charge of the program. Mrs. Wm. Ball discussed Africa, with a question and answer period. Business was presided over by the unit leader, Mrs. Frank Hul- ley. Minutes were read by, the secretary, Mrs. Peter McCowan and roll call was answered with something Irish or a place in Africa. Lunch was served by Miss Net Sinclair and the hostess. Mrs. Ure Stewart thanked all who took part. FIRESIDE FELLOWSHIP GROUP Rev. Ephriam Gingerich of Blake, was ,the guest speaker at the MarcI "ineeting or the. Fireside FellOwshir grEnlp On Tuesday-evenieg. He and his wife had been to Argentina apd Bra41 in South America as MillSion- aries and he gave the commen- tary and Mrs. Gingerich showed pictures of that interestingcoUn- try. F. R. Cosford read the scrip- ture lesson and Rev. T. C. Mul- holland led in prayer. Mrs. Har- old Coleman served lunch. Mr. Harold Coleman, the president was in the chair LADIES AID OF FIRST CHURCH- Mrs. Ed. Andrews presided over, an interesting meeting of the Ladies Aid of First Church on Tuesday afternoon. The meet- ing was I n charge of Miss Alice Reid and Mrs. R. -S. Habkirk. The hymns were chosen by Mrs. bonus niscounb 3c bonus discounb LIPTON CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX Pkg: of 2's FRYING CHICKENS • 2-3 lb. Size FRESH CUT CHICKEN or LB. TURKEY LEGS ONTARIO BROWN GRADE .'A FRESH TURKEYS V lb Site 49 FRESHLY GROUND MINCED BEEFc3c 3Ibs, or mere %a BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA lb 29' CANADA,3GRAND.ISI ROASTING CHICKENS die 9c NC, (Indlviduolly,Wieiped) RAINBOW TROUTelb, lb. toped, . . • Miss ..Ethel 15.4t4e.,• well- lil§04.00t .telitthR'st00' Pf ,A1arge 4009r ..91 ..:110.4qggst: 1.004••#.0. 44# collected, during • the-Mast y9.girs,..1914Py#01404404:•:' Pa* to. 440, .0443, la00'01,Mts4 4.7e44 $cott OprOocl'tOila.'tor•:•• Miss Beattie' end' all- • Witnleek part in the meeting., Mrs. **V r.wrAnce hard completed. Iwo,. quilts and. these are to be fie-'IShed and quilted and then sold. Inquiries are invited — Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 4(42.9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas Or Bill Pinder 527-1382 -- Zus. 527.1750 FRESH Ocean Perch 110015 CCIc lb, — MAPLE LEAF PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS yoi pot 69c ,RED OR BLUE BRAND BLADE STEAKS 05, lb TOP VALU SIDE BACON .79, I Ik pg. I DEVON SLICED SIDE BACON Pi r p 69' korot • • 4 •••••• (Assorted Colours) I BATHROOM TISSUE 3 Pkg• of 9` HOLDAND1A - 5 VARIETIES COOKIES 1_9 op pkgs. 311 1---. 7 lb. bag GROUND COFFEE bag SUNLiwo LIQUID DETIRGENT (Prow:wed 20 _ - -' KISMET SOFT 14 oz. pl. btl. •NO. MARGARINE 594 . . I SHOP THESE POPULAR IGA LUCKY PUCK I BONUS BRAND PRODUCTS I BABIES ONLY, PLEASE _ _ 2 rolls MONARCH Ast'd Co e or SQUIRREL • SMOOTH ICING MIXES PEANUT BUTTER I 7..5 to 91 a. Pouches .41139c 3111. jor or tin I .29 Chinese Style, 12 ox. pkg. 1 MONARCH DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION I PASTRY FLOUR . 85c. (Assorted Varieties) i DOG FOQD I lg.:Z.17Zr VIVA (Assorted Colours) 89c PAPER TOWELS a 5 oz. tin POWDERED DETERGENT (Prepriced 1 .29 • 1.691 5 tb. box DAINTY INSTANT - FRIED RICE Beet, Chicken, Pilaf ' 6/ 39 59c 35` PAIL •C KAM LUNCHEON MEAT 12 oz. square tin PERSONALIZED ' If the III'St three scores or the lost three scores •on your form 'ore the sonie •mortbe6 . . goals - • winner, (A form indicating o score 'Of 9 will be oteeptert if that team scores 9 Or riot* ' •' If the team scares on your form. correspond identically to the official, scores for ioime played on the date indicates:1pp the Lucky Puck focal, you are 6figible io become 0 -1A1) as the official N,H,L scores you are. eligible to become o 5.00 winner. • . . A BEAUTIFUL 'PHILCO IR" PORTABLE COLOUR TV . Dons discount, bonus fliSCOunb CAPRI - Assorted Coliurs BATHROOM TISSUE 4 roll pkg. SHIRLEY GAY FRESH APPLE -PIE 24 oz. pie 9 I Top Vol. - in jorthdo Sauce Beans with Pork 2 cic 28 oz. tin Ver KRAFT PURE RED RASPBERRY-JAM 7 9c • . 24 oz. ler ST. WILLIAMS SPY Apple Pie Filling 3/1 19 ox. tins 111 PARAMOUNT COME SA* N 59c /4 oz. tin 9C GRADE 'A' • LB. 69c SWISS LB.89c DUCKLINGS 1 STEAKS RED OR BLUE BRAND CANADA CUT THICK We Sell Only Canada's FINEST Red or Blue Brand Beef Su nilail and SeiMaatI by 1MI. Loeb Ltd. tRICO BROM 0titl li CIMINO EAI.1010 le, Etr 'WE RESEitlIrTlit tOtiRIE ATTENTION FARMERS You are cordially invited to attend an in- - formative meeting on Weed 'and Insect Control in Beans and Corn. Place --- SEAFORTH LEGION HALL Time--12:30 to 3:30 12:30 --- Dinner Supplied Date—WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd. Please. Contact Us for Free Ticket MILTON J. DIETZ LTD. Pisticides and Custom Spraying SEAFORTH, ONT. — .R R. 4 — PHONE 527-0608