HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-06, Page 5ST,Y:. IV svr IV ill ". If in the English language there is a diamond in the rough, it must certainly ba the homely* word "STEt[Vt+," Uncouth and unmusical, yet rich in meaning. )+tr r.K(, � eflert bas been to strive to do that which is right to our patrons, Brialy believing, he who sells that which is des;. of .its kind finds 1u' best advertisement in whist he sent,. • MERCHANT 'TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Our Merchant Tailoring Department Is nqw provided Wish the roost popular fabrics produced by the leading and most ct;leb't'ated mills ht the country, Our assortlii in'both variety and value excels. -that of any other shop to be found elsewhere and which we are prepared to make up with 11rst,-class trinlrnit::;i in the latest stylo of the art. a at prices that cannot fil to satisfy all parties. GENTLEMEN' naacccoarimasommormaxammovwscommuutormoras SPRING H e Our spring stock of gentlemen'sheadwear is now complete. ,You will fined our bat department filled with the latest products .of the faetories in i n ;land and Atiiei•lea, If y,i want to keep in fashion call: and get, one of our nobby hats and at prices that will astonish you. A.N.anomencrorrirracesoramsonossis BOOTS A_ND SPIORS. BOOTS :.. ; , t- I 0 1E4-4. In this department we outstrip all competitors. We are row showing the largest stock in this line to be found. in this part .of the country, bt all st '1 aHttili tivtcltl,>,+t 1d r� nit to make room for another large consignment soon.to arrive we have marked down our stock to prices, that are bound to cause a ready sale,,.r,y�i our invite) i5 "tie iu:nb " sixli�:r, is better than the slow shilling." Come early and often and get first choice, and bear in mind. am we .e'anttf'acturing to orde1',.and ±o neat repairing w."'carl c bi. l eft. • GE N T'S U MOS I -I ZLN GS.• N T'S F I N I S I`'I I i %r • . Our Gent's Furnishings wilt„be found coiul fete in everything that pertains. to correct dressing. We think we ,can suit the most fastidious,' • TRON K AND ,VALISE .E PAR TM.E.tNT. Our Trunk and Valise Department Will 'be found 'adequate to accommodate' those who are contemplating travelling. The Dominion Government still per- ' R �L. IT ON Gig JAS. �tI�TAL 'vA �! & 00.. �L V WINGFSAM FOUNDRY, Manufacturers of rind dealers in sists in its policy of retaining the tax on the farmers' banding • twine. The Red Parlor has a firm grip.of the Government yet—Wingham Timm 29th April. To the Editor of Co:Tants. This, Sir, is a good text upon which a great deal might he written It con'' tains two very important ideas: "Class Legislation” And an "unseen power" A,a `b O directing, and controlling the Govern' la went, First,we have no hesitation in saying that the most intelligent, nu - biassed legislators in every age have been opposed to tvhat is class legisla" tion. In every instance it has proved a failure. We have only to look at Spain, Mexi;o and l?rance. All conn• tries that legislated for a particular party and neces••ity compelled those nations' to repeal the laws which they and their fathers had made It is to may the least, very unpatriotic for any particular class of people to. claim privileges from any. Government that they at'e not willing to grant. to other. But yon say, the farmers speak for themselves only. Yes, we grant it, but when did they ever do anything else? In the interests of our country, we ask, what right has any particular church, any particular'society, or even the farmers, to claim particular privi. leges? Its doing so, they strike at the very root of theirpoliti;al unity which alone can mould and fashion a proper national charactor,and sow seed which will one daft dear fruit of its own kind, If the reason yoq give was the true ground of thntt refusal, it wa= certainly wrong, 1f'tbi's unseen presure which • you. Hint at.;'l;uides `. and directs our legislators, itis full time than they were done boasting of their iiidept•n- dence, meaningless loyalty and factious political patriotism. • CAMS, and be convinced that It Remember we will not be undersold. . J. HOMUTH & S`.- N, GRAIN DRILLS and SEEDERS, PLOWS, GING PLOWS, WIND MILLS. � , ROLLERS'. Sin MOWERS, &c., 1�4A CUTAWAY and DDE tt SPADE HARROWS. Speci Is the finest Wall Finish known.. General Foundry Worlt, Ttepairs,. Svc: Tire Platforms and Tire Upsetters for ' Blacksmiths. JAS MURRAY 4: 00. RUBBER PALNT.E is the best in the world. 3. £.. CLINE & 00, STONE BLOCK, - 8081+1'.'- B•urr,Attn--'In Wingham, on the 30th ult,the wife of Mr Jos Bullard; a son. JAoxcsoN—In Culross, on the 4th Inst, . the wife of lir Irwin Jackson; a daugh- ter, Wingham, Solo Ag' ents,for above. ADZES, SEND roil Illu strafed Catal ogue of adies' Specialties. ADD.r1.SS H. DEVERr tint rtaker and Ernbakier, Hr s opened out a first class for 1 ,Lttraction ek. 50Pieces of Flannelette at 6 cen IUNtk FALL per yard. oprosite L isholm's Drug Store, WIN' • E -I M- Aud is prepared to ke charge of anything 1 in that line that ata, be entrusted to him,• having, put in a stt'c equal to anything outside of the city, both in taste and quality. An All Wool 46 inch Silk Finis Henrietta at 40 cts. per yard, regal; price 50 cts. P13ICk'.t3 VERY 1V ODER4TE, THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE CO,, FIRST CLASS 19 QVEEN S. EAST, in attendance. TORONTO, ONT. • 14.1. H. Wingham, April Gth, 1892. Mention this paper, MARRIJSD. FINLAv_GA Uxt,t1'xa.'At the residence of the bride's mother, on thetth instant, by the Rev S Sellery, B D, Mr Wilt E Finlay to Miss Mary Ann Galbraith, all f , ni Wininghaut Gm)" ce a. o'rrAtn---On`Wednerday, 4:th instant, t4t sgt Paul's Church Rectory,, by the RevHushes, Thomas John Groves. to Annie, iaatghter of Joseph McDonald, E' SCI,ELETT ATIESON--At the Parson- age, Brussels, on the 95th ult, by Rev W T Chuff, lVtr. Harry A Scarlett, of Blyth, to bliss Mary 1 Maudson, of Mitchell, Dooxt;Ex--Altirxsrxlortci—Oil the 20th ult in Christ Church, Listowel, by Raw J, Parke, Mr Robert Dooket of the Town- ship of Grey, to Elias Christina Elizabeth Armstrong, of the 'Township of Elrna, formerly of the Township of_ Wttwnnoslt, daughter of the late P John Armstrong. DIED. 1V1rporut Bert, ,c ningoh kl on the instant, Wx. hart, y and Lucy StcDoxiald, aged 8 months and clays. I1ATt ns -Lin Wingham, on May 3rd Vlore, Patterson, wife of Mr W IIT Haines I rnrnriiA xItTbey on May 1stDaman, sort of aPii 8MaoL ren, age,tgO(1 1 years, 5 m''qn EA.RSE °`, Children • GPO/Wing become hottest, „'ctfu.ry d,:hOtit ontr• Lya, thin arid w alt, l t t cad build felon tip, by tato ,fie a , "▪ • m itt 't ,ow; r1 ,n''; Fri A i irp.21 w.+" 1«, �'••G:•Y ei� •ice ". tW PURE COI) :. H ;5)PNOSSC,.Of ZI.Estec Iliad B :.. pointably as Milk. A., 1 1':t;,l l.h ivy , or. tilt]', o>u' eetGtrs oft GOLDS, 111 1315Th THE OLD AND VOUN11, iT 18 IMElliiltLLftl, Danville made by Scott nr tlowha,, 6o11oviIli $tthtronr Wrappers it all Druggists, 50o, and 11.00* r.Mw.o EVER. r c`Nlyi elair, b1 U lsi i1., L, C.P. S 0., M C, P. S. M SPBJOI DIST., TORONTO. Jonathan Bushartr Listowel, says "After spending all my money and prop. erty to no purpose on medical mason, for what they termed a hopeless case of con- suitiption, Dr. Sinclair cured me, Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: "When •all others failed, Dr, Sinclair cured trio of fits." W: McDonald, Lakefiold, says Sinolair curod me of Catarrh." Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says -"Dr. Sin- clair cured ine of heart disease and drop- sy when all others failed." Diseases of private naturebroughton by folly OSIty CNULTATONEEE. DR, SIN'CLAIR will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL., Wingham GN TUESDAY, MAY loth, 1882, We carry the largest stock of Ca pets and Curtains in the county Hemps at 10 cts.up,Tapestries,Umio . All -wools, Brussels, etc. Oilcloths a number of widths, all at wholesa price to clear. - Call and inspect our stock and compare prie r�r Y 7 .i . A. MILLS, S 3 Wholesale and Be HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR SMF 'I POR SALA Lot No. 3, end the E. of Lot %v The understand has for unto on tot 10, Con. 4. 1 11th, Con, T'urnborry-;4.130 acres; 90 , '1`urnberrr four thorenghhrerl linistetn bulls. tang' I cleared; Well finical; frame hourtd, inr from 0'to 15 months old. The above mentioned 1 ether buildings; g°MI ort�harci; Cl ' animals aro all well marked and registered iu the] d; titlirs Apply to AAS l:t,t/OT, 1 Or Cloderi Canadian herd honk. They will Se sold cheap nti M. C. CAMERON, on easy terns to suit prarehaseru, '+I VM, '11± eNIERSO: are Qatar rt Ifelstelen ant" Glenfarrow P.