HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-03-16, Page 8SEE THE NEW
Blazers & Pants .
Sixes 8 to 16
$18.95 to $32.00
Egroondviile ,
Mrs. Charles Geddes
Mrs. Greta McLeed is spend-
ing a few weeks holidaying in
Haines City, Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cam-,
eron are visiting from. Sarnia
due- to the death of Mrs. Cam-
eron's father, James Coutts of
BOYS' 8 to 18 YEARS
'Smart littat belted jackets,
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We haven't a big stock, but
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Order Yours Now
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We are also taking orders for Bulk Blend
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Phone 527-1910 .Seaforth.
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Celebrity White Crosi -- Savage White Cross Air Step
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Sizes S to 12 -- Widths _MA to EE
'WET LOOK BOOTS -- $9.98 •
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We have one of the most colourful line of childrens shoes available for dress
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Don Keast Quality Footwear
Main St. 527-0102
Seaforth , •
One Week of Great Events During Spring Holidays, March 20th to 25th.
11,-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SFalkia.rinti* ONT., MARCH 16, 1972
News of 26. Personals
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
McMillan, E • Goderich St.,
Seaforth, are happy to announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Noreen Mary, to Mr. Eric Jensen,
Guelph, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Hans A. Jensen, Olds, Alberta.
The marriage eto take place April
15th at 4 P.M. in St. James
Roman Catholic Church,
Seaforth. 26-27x1
27. Births
WAMMES - To Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Hospital on Sundae, ikarefrathaa.
son, Ronald Marti%. 27-2la1
VAN LOON - To Mr. and Mrs.
Garry Van Loon, R. R. #4,
Seaforth at Seaforth Community
Hospital on March 13, 1 97 a,a
daughter, Deborah Anne
KNIGHTS - To Mr. and Mrs.
James R. Knights, Seaforth, at
Seaforth Community Hospital, on
March 14, 1972, a son.
eaciNTOSH• - To Mr. and Mrs.
Eric McIntosh, 12.11.#4, Seaforth
at Seaforth Community Hospital
On March 14,.1272,•"a daughter.
ELLIOTT. - To Mr. and Mrs.
David R. Elliott, la.R.#4, Waltbn,
at SeafOrth Community -Hospital
on March 14, 1972, a daughter.
Phone 527-0240
During the past two weekends
Seaforth Bantams travelled to
Harriston to compete in the Har-
riston Minor Hockey Tournament
and were successful in bringing
home the Harriston Legion
Ladies trophy.
In their first game on March
4th they defeated Durham 2-1.
Their second game later the
same day they defeated Shelburne
3-2 to earn a birth in the filial
series on Sunday, March 1-2th.
Seaforth had to come from
behind the final game scoring
3 unanswered goals in the third
.period to defeat Palmerston 3-2.
Bill O'Shea led the Seaforth
crew in the tournament with 3
goals. Kevin Bennett picked up
2, Barry Lane, Brian Dietz and
Jerome Aubin. each picked- up
singles. Seaforth also received
some excellent goaltending by
their two goaltenders Ross Gov-
ler and Ray Hutchison and all
round team effort by each player.
The team and management
would like to thank the fans who
came out and supported them
with their cheers and encourage-
ment during the series.
Seaforth Bantams now enter
the zone B semi-finals against
Mrsa J. M. ECkert, Mr. Con
Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. Art peva .
ereaux and Mrs. Tom Melady
were in Scarborough, last
Wednesday, owing to the death of
Mrs. Eckert's, brother, Joseph
Mrs. Joyce Schenckwaa guest
speaker at a recent dinner meeta,
ing of Registered Nurses Assoc.
of . Bruce County, held at Kin-
cardine General Hospital. She .
also showed slides of her trip
to TB tki RD Conference at Mos-
cow USSR.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael wil-
liamS "S"Perit Suhday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Williams of. Guelph.
Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart
were guests at the Cassidy -
Chambers wedding in Ingersoll
last Saturday.
Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart
were week end guests of Mrs.
Clarence Parker, Woodstock and
also visited friends and relatives
in Delhi and Tillsonburg.
Rev. J. Ure, and Mrs. Stewart
visited Mrs. Lloyd Christner of
Kitchener. and Dr. Ken and Mrs.
Stewart of Waterloo last week,
(Continued from Page 1)
to the Seaforth Community Centre
A meeting is to be held between
the two councils at a convenient
date to discuss dump problems.
A resolution by the Huron
County Federation of AgricultUre•
concerning a larger toll tree area
was shelved by council. The
Federation asked council's
approval on an area that would
provide for Brussels and Blyth
to be added to the, pres area.
A slight increase in phone rates
would result.
Town employees were granted
a 15d an hour increase in
wages. The new salary sched-
ule is - foreman, $2.50 per
hour and others at. $2.85 per
A total of sixty trees are
to be planted this year and the
C.' of C,. arp being asked to help
in the planting.
Seaforth P.U.C. are being
asked to look into installing street
lights at the south end of High
Street, inside the sidewalk.
Councillor Betty Cardno
reporting on' a meeting held on
industrial expansion said the for-
mation of an Industrial Commis-
sion was impossible due to regu-
lations now in existance.
Clerk Ernest Williams told
council the financial statement
should be available early in
April and asked committees to
have their estimates in early.
Councillor Bill Pinder pre-
sented a report from the Protec-
tion to .Persons• and Property
Committee. Stating a discus-
sion had taken place. regard-
ing adding a fourth man to the
police, he said it was decided
by 'the committee that this would
be too costly. It was felt that
the three men now employed
along with the auxiliary would
be able to do the jqb at a lesser
cost. He felt a lack of com-
munication ' which perhaps is
creating problems could
be ironed out.
Councilor Dave Tremeer
reporting for the Arena Com-
mittee asked council to purchase
a used ice planer machine from
Goderich for $500, and $175 to
connect it to power. By planing
the thickness of the ice, it was
possible to have a better surface
and the ice machine did not
have 'to work as hard. Council
agreed ,that the machine be
A bylaw to appoint public
works staff was passed and also
one for the exemption' as farm
land of not less than five acres,
used for agriculthral purposes.
,DiscuSsion was held on the
possibility of Egmondville being
connected into the sewage lagoon
at present being built by.OWRG.
Engineers at the time the work
was planned stated an eight-inch
force main would be required to
handle town-wide sewage, but
OWRC 'had requirgd that a 10-
inch force main be installed:
OWRC had asked council if they
would have objection to Eganond-
ville being included.
Council asked Clerk Williams
to contact the OWRC asking that
they come up and explain the
proposal so that an agreement
would be worked out.
An additional $30,000 worth
of•fire insurance hap been added
to the arena with Donald G.
Eaton Limited being awarded the
contract. The cost of the insur-
ance was $2.30 per hundred with
a total premium of $690;00.
Hibbert Council at their regu-
lar meeting accepted the gravel
tender of Sandy Contracting Co.
Goderich to supply, crush and
deliver approx. 14000 cu. yds.
of 'gravel on Twp. roads at $1.48
cu. yd. if a primary crusher is
used and $1.36 cu. yd. if crusher
is not used. and $1.25 for stock-
pile. This was the lowest of two
tenders received. Farmers will
pay $1.25 Cu, Yd. for, lanes.
The Warble Fly'program will.
be continued again this Spring;
-with Fred Harburn hired to do
the spraying, •with the exception
that the cattle owners will be
charged for their oyn cattle and
to be collected with the property
taxes. A letter was received
from the Department of Agricul-
ture and Food informing Council
that grants for warble Fly con-
trol will be discontinued as of
March 31st, 1972.
A free anti-rabies clinic for
domestic animals will be held at
the Township shed April 6thfrom
9.30 to 12 o'clock in the morn-
Six tenders were.. received
for a box culvert St lot 12 Con.
4-5. Prices ranged from $8340
to. $10,872 with Maloney Bros.
Construction, Dublin. being the
successful and lowest.. bidder.
The Lannin Municipal Drain
Report has, been received by
Council and the Clerk authorized •
to send each owner a copy and a
notice of considering the report
at the next regular meeting of
Council. The assessment for
the Ausable Drain has been paid
to alsborne Twp, and the assess-
ments affecting the Hibbertrate-
payers- will be added to the June
tdxes for collection.
A cheque for $29,563.82 has
been received for the balance of-
the'1,971 Road subsidy and appli-
cation forms signed for the 1972
estimated Road expenditures.
Roadsides will be sprayed for
weeds by Fred Harburn at $4.50
per mile. „.
Council is givin.g authority to
sell lottery tickets in the Town-
ship- to raise money to send Perth
-County retarded children to camp
this summet.
(Continued from Page 1)
ing the taxes four times a year
and the regulations obvert the
payment of the levy."
NeitterMr. Shantz nor r.
Morris agreed with the sugges-
tion that the separate school
board should follow the policy
of the public schoOlaNaards in
accepting the levy twice yearly
from ..those municipalities who•
collect tales in one or two yearly
Mr. Shantz had another sug-
gestion for the board to consider.
He asked,if the board should be
- considering the vacant convent
of St. Joseph's parish in Strata.
ford as a board office in view
of the possibility that the pres-
ent board office inSeaforth would
'not be large enough soon for its
needs. •
Trustee Joseph Looby of Dub-.
lin disagreed vigorously with the
suggestion of rnQving the 'board
office to Stratford as he said it
should be centrally located in
the Huron-Perth district as it
is now in Seaforth. Mr. Looby
,s-aid this was the decision of
the Interim Separate School org-
anization committee when the
two-county board was formed
in 1968'. Mr. Shantz is to in-
vestigate the availability, of the
John McCarroll, physical
education consultant for the
James Coutts, 1 81, of 87 Main
St. died Tuesday morning in
Seaforth Community Hospital
after a six-week illness.
He was born in Grey Town-
ship, a son of the late Mr. and'
Mrs. Robert Coutts and was
married to the former liaael
Hackwell in ,Brussels in 1916.
He was a farmer, retiring to
Seaforth in 1960.
He is survived by hie wife;
daughters, Mrs. James (Marie),
Cameron, Of Sarnia, Mrs. Glenn
(Isabel) Huether Of Brussels;
Mrs. William (Jean) Wilbee,
of Seaforth; •a son, William, of
Walton;, a sister, Mrs. Mark
(Cecil) Cardiff of Brussels,
brothers, Russell of Marengo,
Sask., Benjamin of Red Deer,
Alta.; seven. grandchildren;
seven great-grandchildren.
' The, body was at the'R.S.Box
funeral home after 2 p.m. Wed-
nesday. Funeral service will be
at 3:30 p.m. Thursday at the
funeral home with Rev. M. E.
Reuber officiating. Interment
will be in Brussels cemetery.
• Pallbearers will to Allan wil-
bee, Edward Wilbee; Ross Coutts,
Donald Coutts, Gerald Huether,
Charles Geddes and Allan Carter.
Flowerbeaxers were: Joan
board, presented a eunimary of
his program in the nineteen-board
schools'. He explained that in the ,
Paegram of studies tea per cent
of school time is suggested for
physical and health education.
This amounts to about half an
hour per day but most schools
are programmed for two forty
minute periods each week and
a period of Health in the senior
level, while in the Grades 1 to
6 at least three half hour per-
iods per week should be devoted
to activity lessons with addition-
al time allotted to Health Edu-
cation. •
Mr. McCarroll used a movie
he has made to demonstrate to
the board ; members one of the
tumbling and climbing classes
as an example of the activities
carried out in the school terra
program, which includes touch
football, floor hockey, swimming;
skating, ice hockey, basketball,
volleyball, tumbling, soccer and4
softball type activities, running
and jumping, rhythmic activities
and folk and creative dance and
Health Education,
Approval was given for J.,. A.
MacDonald, London, to supply
and install soundproof tiles for
a wall in a classroom next to
a general purpose room at Im-
maculate Conception School in
Wilbee, Connie Colitts, Carol
'Geddes and Karen Carter.
Frank Lamont, 63, of 150
Main St. N., died at home
He was born in Seaforth,
a ,on pf the. late Frank Alex-
ander Lamont and Sarah Hogg
and was educated in Seaforth.
A c a enter by profession,
he was member of the Royal
_ y
Canaedian Legion, Seaforth
Brailch 156, and had served in
Europe 1943-45 in the Second
World War. He ,was a member
of First Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Lamont was married to
the former Agnes Case in
'Seaforth in 1942..
He is surved by his wife!
sons, Edwin (Ted ) of Chatham,
John A. (Sandy), and C.Bruce,
both of Seaforth; a daughter,
Mrs. Frank (Mary), Boyle of
Huron Park; a brother w.Keith
Lamont ,of Troy, Mich., four
grandch ildren.
The body is at the R. S. Box
funeral home where the service I
will be held Thursday at 1;30"(
p.m. with Rev. T. C. Mulholland
officiating. Temporary entomb-
ment-will follow in pioneer Mem-
orial 'mausoleum with interment
later in Maitlandbank cemetery. ,
Gemmell - Braithwaite
Mr. and Mrs. John iiraithwaite,
Chatham, Ontario, announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Linda Marie, to Mr. Robert Neil
Gemmell, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert A. Gemmell of R.R. 2,
Kippen. The wedding will take
place Saturday, April 8, 1992
at 4 o'clock at St. Andrew's
United Church, Chatham. 26-27x1
Mr . and Mrs. Peter Swinkels
of R. ta 4, Seaforth wish to
announce the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter,
Nellie Joanne, to Mr. Robert
Bruce Jeffrey, son oaMrs. G.
N. Jeffrey of London and the late
W. Walter Jeffrey. The wedding
will take place on April .8,, 19'72
al St. James' ChurCh, Seaferth.
, at 3 P.M. 26-27 xl
44,4it,t, •
• "-
Industrial Roarci Awits s't Bottrd. Queries
Bring in your drawing of
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come eligible for a Silver
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