HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-03-16, Page 4ANNA ' liOc!AFilr 170*11)=No;,THAARET,L- • Saturday, March 25 ,AND CONTINUtNG ALL DAY Sunday. March 26 GAMES COMMENCE AT 10:00 a.m. EACH DAY - Adm.: Adults, 25c - Children Free - Everyone Welcome ti frt itgs SEAFORTH; ONTQ MARCH 16, 972 WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Information concerning the Huron Home Care program was . discussed .by the Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary when Mrs. petty Cardno, Home Care Ad- ministrator, talked with the group at a meeting in the Hospital Tuesday evening. St. Patrick's DANCE FRIDAY, MARC-11-17 FORRESTERS'• HALL KINBURN MUSIC BY The Silver Wings Admission $1.50 a couple Children under 12 free. Ladies bring ,sandwiches Clinton's First All Night Sing Featuring. "THE PROVERBS" Canada's Galileans - The Revised Version WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd at 8:00 p.m.' " Central Huron Secondary School AUditorium, Clinton ADMISSION: Adults $1, Children (under 12) 50c •• EVERYONE WELCOME SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL 8:00 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME SEAFORTH OPTIMIST CLUB ORATORICAL CONTEST Thursday, March 23rd HURON COUNTY 4-H ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGS Seaforth District High School; Seaforth,. WED., MARCH 22nd at 2- p.m.„ -,Tuckers'mith 4-H Corn Club - Seaforth 4-H Calf Club ' - North Huron 4-H Swine Club The Huron, County 4-H Machinery Maintenance Olub and the Munn County 4-H Conservation Club be or- ganixed at a later dale. Enrolment foams can be filled out and handed in at the Organizational meeting tor these dubs and any other clubs that you mia wish to join. You usay also enroll by spdhrg your application toms to 'the Ontario DePart- mcint of Agli6ultarre & Food, Box .l9, Clinton, Ontario. All boys and gas ktherhare leashed; their 11th birth-disly by January lost, 1.972, end have not readied Oleic 21st bkiiiittay by Deeember 31st, 1972, are invited to join anent these clubs. you are a parent who would like to see your child join a 4-11 Club, please feel free to Contact Leonard MacGregor; Extension Assistant, ozubaeio Department of Agriculture he Food at 482,1428 or in the evenings at 482406. Huron county 4-H Agricultural Club Leaders' Association Brodhagen Chamber , of Commerce ANN UA L S U .PERP Pigtails, Spareribs and Sauerkraut Brodhagen Community Centre FRIDAY APRIL 7 Tickets $2.50 per plate GAMES OF CHANCE -- HAM RAFFLE, REFRESHMENTS • Supper to be served from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. 2833; Caterpillars, 2830; Lady Bugs, 2757; Termites, 2364. Ladies' high single and triple, P. Hubert, 266 and 639. Men's high single and triple, J. Coleman, 317 and 827. Team standings: Caterpil- lars, 105; BeetteS;-• 103; June Bugs, 100;' Bed Bugs, 79; Lady Bugs,,70; Terrnites,0 47. , `MINOR LEAGUE Team standings: Born Win- ners, 90; Pro's, 85; Ball Bounc- ers, 84; Bombers, 80; Tornado's, 73; Pin Knockers, 70. Ladies' high single and triple; Deanna Nobel, 220' and 542. Men's high single and triple: , Doug. Dietz, 271 and 639.• • COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Team standings: Sharp Shooters, 97; Irish Tigers, 95; Challengers, 88; Sharp Dutchies, 73; Irish Dutchies, 67; Grey- hounds,61. Laies' high single and triple: 253 and 667. Men's*high single and triple: V Gordon Nobel, 350 and 851. C.Y.O. LEAGUE. Team standings: Super Stars 104; Humans, 102; Africans, 99; Gorillas, 79; Pullets, 63; Bab- oons, 62. Ladies' High Single and triple: Mary Nobel, 245 and 671. Men's high single and triple: Herb Broome, 279 and 714. EGMONDVILLE LEAGUE (Standing March 13)' • Team standings: Whippets ' , 123; Cougars; 100; Datsuns, 99; Lincolns, 8'7; Grey ports, 74; Fords, 65. Ladies' high single, Joan Hildebrand, 258 and 646 high triple. Average Helen Nott 185. Men's high single, Pete Gridzak, 258; high triple, Gord Nobel, 663; average, CordNobel, 246. TOWN AND COUNTRY (Play off standings) • Team standings; Pinstickers, 5559; High Flyers, 5519; Potato Kings, 5504; Diggers, 5446; Tricky Six, 5406; Packers, 5313. Ladies' high single and triple: .Gerda Nobel, 28'7 and 713. ' Men's high single - Dalton Diegel, 237; high triple, Bob Read, 636. ST. JAMES' LEAGUE Team standings: Blue Jayes 108; Ostriches, 96; Rambling Ravens, 96; Crows, 83; Orioles 64; •Sky Larks, 59. Ladies' high single -Marion Houwert, 209; high triple - Joan Betties, 511. Men's high single - Jim Barry, 2'78; high triple - Ray Menelle, 674. STAG EUCHRE . Wed., March 22 8:30 p.m. Seaforth Legion Hall Admission $1.00 4 • • 54 • i. • 4 CANDLELIGHT • •RESTAURANT and TAVERN -- ENTERTAINMENT- - Friday and Saturday "CAVALIERS" BAYF$ELD ROAD IN GODERICH -PHONE 524-7711 ********************** , CABARET DANFE BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE SATURDAY, MARCH 18th MUSIC BY 'BLUEWATER. PLAYBOYS' 4 10-4 DUBLIN and DISTRICT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION CABARET DANCE . MARCH 18, 1972 Seaforth Legion Hall Music by "Country Cavaliers" REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE -7 Admission $3.00. per couple - Tickets purchased °for February Dance accepted. ********************** DANCING at FAMILY PARADISE DANCES „ , , Fri. 'March 17 - Ken Wilbee (Advance sale only) Sat. March 25 - Ken Scott Family Paradise Camping and Snowmobile Club Refreshments Available -0-- Lunch Served SIRE WE ARE ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL PLAYING NIGHTLY THE VERSATIES You've seen them on the Tommy Hunter show, + + + • MARCH 20 to APRIL 1 For an evening of easy dancing and listening DON'T MISS THE CHAPARALLS (Country and Rock) APRIL 3-1 5 +++ PEABODY and HIS' FUNKY LITTLE BAND • MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON 4-6 P.M. 1 lb ,..rwirrnrervIrwwwwwwwww........r...wwwwr SNOWMOBILE RACES ONTARIO LAKESIDE Two miles East of Medina off Highway 19 "A" tr 4 ° , SUNDAY, MARCH 19th Last chance- races for Kids, Women and Men. Stock, Semi-stock and Modified. -- CASH PRIZES -- RnisTRATioN: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m, Lunch Available Don't -Miss It LAKESIDE RESORT m...20 N..21, ,11••1 I %I, 11141 PEI hillF3,7D3Brr TALES OF BEATRIX POTTER 11111.111+111,1. 11001 • /•••'• THE ' ROYAL BALLET , PARA/ GODERICH, ONT. 524..78.11 SAT. MAT. 18 Au Stil 'tar I Z;;Ir Gin aver • ,saer.„111111151.111111111 0Ai WALKABOUT "AN EXCITING AND EXOTIC ADVENTURE!" h6C lv C01.0141, DEI.U.E. • wet. 2L GISOldi PECK DAVID WEN ANTHONY QUINN or V THE GUNS ARONE "C''.? \ "...we were sinking faster..." • - ' 7.. the waves were 35 feet above us..." . more and more shark fins " cutting he water... - - THOR HEYEROAHL EXPEDITIONS ROAO SHOW NO PASSES ACDEEPTEO You must see RAI An astounding true -life adventure for the whole family! Academy Award Nominee Royal 'Canadian Legion Hall, Seaforth MONDAY ONLY - MARCH 20 SHOW TIMES: 6:30 8:30 Adults $1.50 - Children 15e Vlop01, Down At The Lanes By Lee Hee Beavers Gain. Series hen Kincardine Team Leaves Ice Elgin next Tuesday evening here. The second game IA scheduled for Thursday night at Porgy Elgiq,.. On March 8, at Seaford:Arens. Seaforth Midgets tied Goderich 2- 2. . Sandy McClinchey and Gary Eisler scored for Seaforth. ' On March 9, the teams again met in Goderich with Seaforth winning by a score of 2,, O. Marvin Kale and Tom Murray scored Seafortb's goals. Seaforth 1.4neup: Gerry Feen- ey, Gary Eisler, Kevin Hender- son, Steve Southgate, Marvin Nale, Dave McClure-, Randy Mc- Clinchey, Tom Murray, Gary Phillips, Brian Lane, Barry Lane G. O'Reilly and J. Wright. ky„k- quit: Last Wednesday two rinks of our lady curlers went out of town, Flo Smith, tielen Davies, Ariel Wood and Ann Laverty, went to Exeter winning one and losing one .with too small a plus to get in the money. Leone Rowat, Margie Wright, Marlene Raker-' ton and Ruth Beuttenmiller went to Brussels coming home with third prize. The final game for the SCott Ha bk irk trophy was played on Tuesday night between J. Pat- terson Sr.'s rink of Mari Peo- ple, Bill Fleming and Clara Brug- ger and Don Morton's rink of Marg Willis, John Patterson Jr. and Vi Peterson, with Don com- ing out on top in a close one., on Wednesday night the final game in the middle draw for the men saw Bill Campbell Jr's rink of Don McKercher, Murray For- bes and Everett Storey coming up against Doug Riley's rink of J. patterson Jr., Ken Lingelbach and Doug Kirkby with Campbell winning in another close one. On Wednesday afternoon ap- proximately 40 members of our club enjoyed one light end game and a beef supper put on by Ste w McCall and .his commit- tee of Stu Humphries and Bill Campbell Sr. After consuming 28 odd pounds of beef plus the extras it would be needless' to say anyone went home hungry. Thanks boys for all your time and skill from all of us. On Sattirday we had an open men's spiel which mother neature forced us to cancel a few weeks ago. It was catered to by the ladies under the watchful eyes of Leone Rowat and her very able staff. The winning rinks were: On the 9 A.M. draw, .1. Patter- son 1st, C. Bogie 2nd, and, J. Brownridge 3rd. On the 11 A.M. draw, the top rink was Ivan Riv- ett of Goderich winning over Bill Campbell's rink, Bill Jr. and two sells, Carl and Dennis in a very close one. Second prize went to Lloyd Rowat's rink with third prize' going to Si Simmon's rink from Exeter The prizes were turkeys for all winners. An informal dance was held after the spiel was over ending ups'in the small hours of the morning with a bacon and egg breakfast. Classified Ads pay dividends.' series. - • Scoring for Seaforth in the first period were Jim Dick and Jack McLlwain. The game was tied 2 - 2 at the end of the first. In the second period Seaforth scored three in a rev+ in the first five minutes, Bob Beuttenmiller, Bill McLaughlin and . Murray Henderson, before Kincardine scored. Jim Sills scored for Seaforth at the 9:12 mark. Jack McLlwain scored two, one at the 11:08 mark and again the 18:18 mark. Ken Doig scored at the mark and JIM $111s scored the final goal at the 18:45 mark. Seaforth Beavers start a four out of seven series with Port FORESTERS Team standings: Green Acres 109; Hay makers, 89; Combines, 87; Hay Seeds, 82; Hee Haws, 54; Hillbillies, 41. Ladies' high single and triple, Dorothea Williamson, 23'7 and 63'7. Men's high single, Don Nott, 248; high triple, Geo. Love,693. EGMONDVI&E Team standings: whippets, 120; Datsuns, 97; Cougars, 95; Lincolns, 87; Gray ports, 70; Fords, 58. Ladies' high single, Vi Mulli- gan, 23'7; high triple, Helen,Nott, 627; high average, Helen Nott, 185. Men's high single, Jim Barry, 317; high triple and average, Gord Nobel, 765 and 246. SEAFORTH MIXED LEAGUE Team standings; Beetles, 2907; Bed Bugs, 2905; JuneBugs, . 0.B . A. E UCH R.E at the Seaforth Orange Lodge Hall . Mon., March 20 at 8:30 p.m. Everyone Welcome Lunch Served CASH. BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRI., MARCH 17 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES - $75.00 Jackpot • to Go - TWO DOOR PRIZES ADMIS§ION $1.00 Extra Cards 25e or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN PER UNDER 16 NOT IIMITED) -Proceeds for Welfare Work- Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Royal. Canadian Legion LEGION SOCIAL SAT., MARCH 25 Dancing 10 to 1 Seaforth Legion Hall MUSIC BY THE TRUETONES Adm. $2.00 per couple Everyone Welcome - - • 111111111111111111111111111110111 THIS WEEK AT THE ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL ' Thursday. LOU and PEARL Friday and Saturday "ALPINES" " In the, Crown Room Dining room. open on Sundays from 12 noon - 2 pin and 5 gap, to 8 p.m, in the evening. IIIIIII11111111111111111111111111/ QUEENS SEAFORTH THIS WEEK . . 'CAL McQUIGGAW Saturday Matinee NEXT WE EK ..• "NUDGE" In the Huron Lounge • Seaiorth Beavers -were awarded the best of three series • against Kincardine Bulldogs by reason of default it was learned here Tuesday. In game played at Seaforth Arena Sunday. afternoon the Bull- dogs were pulled from the ice at 37 second marl of the final per- iod. Bulldogs were trailing Sea- forth Beavers 10-5 at the time they left the ice. A dispute erupted in the final period when John Magwood of the Bulldogs Was called for cress- checking by referee Pat .O'Brien of Hensall. 'Bulldog defenceman Clair Pollock knocked O'Brien down while arguing the call, and was give,n a match penalty. when captain Kirk Davidson got involv- ed he was given a misconduct. At that point the team left the ice. An earlier best-of-seven semi-final ended deadlocked, was thrown .out by the WOAA execu- tive and replaced the present Set Plans For , Soccer A general meeting of the London and District Soccer Association was held onSaturday at the London YMCA. St. Columban is again entered this year in the First Division and- the opposition includes 6 London based teams, Scottish,' Celtic, Croatia, Roma, Greek' Olympians, and Dutch Lions, along with Stratford, Sarnia and Tillsonburg. League play begins on May 6. • This year most of St. Coium-: ban's home games will be played, on Sunday afternoons which should add to player 'and fan availability. A Meeting will be held shortly, probably on Sunday, March 26, nad it is hoped that all interested parties,. players or otherwise, will attend. Future notice Of the meeting will be given. •