HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-03-16, Page 3Ask us about our exclusive Free Home Decorator Service Make Gingerich's Your Decorating Headquarters irfek.40„.k.z, !MV0A4r V4MZ4 Off All Discontinued Lines SEW UP SAVINGS FLORALS, GEOMETRICS Delicate prints to bright, bold fabrics are here for your Spring, Summer hpme sewing. Select ... soon. Just Arrived Complete Line of Sewing Accessories ROOKS AND STATH ERY STORE The Friendly Store In Seaford; — "the friendly town" YES, I'M LEAVING!! Yes, I, am leav to Afghana-s tan me have a last ship, whic'h during the las right to make lagf -few days. and say "Good ing for 3, years V.S. , so drop in and let • chance on salesman- so thoroughly enjoyed t 15 years,. I have a a special deal theSe . Won't •„you stop in Bye with a Good Deal" Thanks a lot - Carol Rofrigerators as low as $209. w.t. Dishwashers as low as $289. w.t. .0011110011 Color Television Special at only $650- Unbelievable Prices On All Our Stock To Make Way For. New Merchandise! CHESTERFIELD SUITES as low as $169: GINGERICH'S LTD. ZURICH ,TWO STORES SEAFORTH. 111 Cranbriook lighting Streets in CranbrOo will be Grey council Clears .. THE wok* pcppsiToRt sliFoa Legion Auxiliory Makes Plans lighted for the first time as a O result of a decision of Grey council to enter into ae. agree, ment with the Hydro Electric Power Commission. At a meeting of council last week council passed an enabling by-law to make possible the agreement. In all plans call for the in- stallation of 15 lights and it is expected work will get underway later in• the spring warding to Clerk Mrs. Edythe M. Cardiff, In other business council ap- proVed the following resolutions: • - That the report of Gamsby and Mannerow Limited, Guelph, of the Pollard Municipal Drain dated January 3rd; 1272, be 4, • Ronald J. Agar, son of Mrs. Gerald Agor, London, Ontario and son-in-law of Mr.and Mrs. Ed. Stapleton, Dublin,attended 'a the convocation exercises of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario in Toronto on Friday where he received his certificate of Chartered Accountant. A graduate of Mitchell District High School, he is employed with G. H. Ward & Partners, Chartered Accountants ,, in Windsor and reside,s in Essex. As -.plans are advaneed'to extend Home Nursing Care• across Huron those who may benefit from the service enquire • as to what it indludes. Mrs. Betty Cardno, director of Hotne Nursing Cafe, who was responsible for setting up the initial program in Seaforth late last year, has answered the questions ih this story. A house gleaning service? * Home Nursing Care? These are the questions to be answered, as the Huron County Home Care program is expand- , ing to cover all of the county. Home Care is a co-ordination of services that, allow a' patient to leave hospital early or avoid admission to hospital, but 're- ceive adequate care in their home where surroundings are more familiar and they are not sep- arated from their family and friends. . Home Care is financed by the Department of Health so there is no charge tb the patient for the services provided. • In order to be' eligible for care in the Home Care Program the patient must be referred by the Family Physician and must require ,one of the following: Ntirsing. Care, physiotheraPyi Oecupational Therapy or Speech Therapy. If one of these ser- vices are required, homemaking, the cost of drugs, lab and x-ray costs and transportation, if needed, may be provided. The Home Care Program does i-not offer twenty-four hour care, so the family and friends 'of the patient must be willing anti able to help provide some ,assistance in the care-of the patient. There is no age limit for patients. Nursing Care for the Home Care Program is being provided by the Victorian Order of _Nurses, and the cost is covered by the Home Care Program. However,. individuals needing nursing care for bed baths, foot care, and general nursing assistance can obtain this service by calling the V.O.N. Nurse at ClintonPub- lic Hospital. The' charges for * this service are calculated on the individual's ability to pay. Homemaking is another ser- vice that is Utilized by the Home Care Program in providing ade- quate care. The Homemaker ser.- vice may be provided to the Home Care Patient if nursing or phy- • siotherapy care is needed. While nursing and physiotherapy ser-- vice is on a visit basis, detere, mitred by the care needed, hoMe- makers provide care on an eight . (8)* hour or four (4) hour basis, five (5) days a week. The need or amount of homemaking is 'fietermined by the Family Phy- sibian, the Nurse Administrator of the Home Care Program and the family receiving care. The homemaker assists the family in giving the necessary care. Many inquiries are received by the Home Care Office for * homemakers whci are willing to liVe in or to be emplOyed priv- ately. Anyone injerested in off- ering homemaking privately may leave their name with the ome Care ()Mee, 527-0440 or to Huron County Honte Care Pro gram, )3ox #659, Seaforth, Ont- ‘ provisionally adopted and By- LaN/ No. 5 of 1972 be given first and second reading. -. That the tender of Donegan's Haulage Limited, Listowel, the lowest of two received, for crush= ing and hauling approximately 25,000 cubic yards of 5/8" gravel at .881 per ciibic yard be accepted and ByzLaw No:3 of 1972 be passed as read a first, second and third times . subject to the approval of the Department of Transportation and Comminicat- ions. That all Township • of Grey • insurance policies be renewed with the Frank -,Cosvan Conal3n4 Limited, Princeton. - That Huron Plowmen's Association •be given a grant in the amount of Twenty Dollars: • News of VARNA The Sbuth Huron District Orange Lodge held their spring meeting in the local Orange Hall on Tuesday evening last with District Master Ivan McClyrnont in charge. A classof dandidates was advanced to the Royal Blue Degree. Plans were made to participate in the annual 12th parade Which will be held in Goderich this summer. , A group of Boy Scouts and their leaders from Londesbor- ough. held a skating party at the local rink, Thursday evening. Mr. Floyd McAsh of Hamilton spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pilgrim are both patients in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Whyte,. DaVid , Crystal and Brian of Seaforth spent Sunday at the home' bf Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCly- mont. Mr. and Mrs. Fred• McCly- mont spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCiymont and family in Guelph. MRS. BETTY CARDNO ario. • Homemakers employed by the Home Care Program are required to obtain a ,Certitied Visiting Homemakers Certif- icate.' To enable homemakers , to receive this certificate, a course is being offered by Con- estoga College in April. As the Home Care Program extends its services to all the residents of Huron County, homemakers are needed in the Exeter and Wing- ham areas. Further information may be obtain,ed by contacting the Home Care Offide,Seaforth,Oet- ario. Cprrespon_d_ent ' Mrs. Joyce Pepper. Henson Legion Ladies met in the Legion Hall • with President Mrs. Irene Davis presiding. A donation of $10 was made to the Salvation Army. Plans were made for the Annual Penny Sale to be held the first week in June. The members decided to cater to a wedding and a Men's Bonspeil. An invitation was accepted to a birthday party at the Seaforth Legion Ladles Auxiliary on April 19. For the April meeting, the Zone Commander, Mrs. ElMlyn Caroll, will be visiting, and also a penny sale will be held with each member to bring. 2 or•more articles, Sports Officer Mrs. Iva Reid, announced there wilt be a bowling, tournament in Goder- ich on April 26, and a zone Card party in Exeter on, Marft 29. Mrs. Martha Roosebeem won the mystery prize, and the attendance draw. Mrs. Mary Bisback won the guessing prize. UNIT 1 HENSALL U.C.W. Unit .1 met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Don Joynt presiding. Her devotional entitled "Genu- ine Brotherhood" was written by the famous Indian Chief, Dan George. A vocal solo "MyJesus I Love Thee" was sung, by Mrs. Ceorge Hess accompanied at the • piano by Mrs., Albert Shirray. The roll call was answered with 10 present and two visitors. It was announced that---the Spring Thaw Supper will be, held April 5. Mrs. Harvey Keys gave the study on Angola,, and als9 the story of Dr. Sid Gilchrist, a Doctor who worked Angola. Mrs. Audrey Christie was Hostess for a social hour. W.I. Notes Hensall Women's Institute met in the Legion Hall, the theme being Citizenship and -Education. ' president, Mrs. J. McAllister welcomed members and guests. Members reported on visits made to, sick and. shut-ins, A .nfotion As made to renew membership in the Association for the retard- ed. Mrs. G. Coleman chaired the programme which opened with Mrs. C. Payne leading in a se- lection of Irish songs accorripan- ied by Miss Greta Lammie. Tony Kyle entertained the members with his prize-winning entry in the Public Speaking Con- test which he won at S.H.D.H.S. Mrs. Bev Beaton introduced the guest speaker, ,Rev. Cliff Britton, who gave an interesting view of Citizenship - its growth and development from 'pioneer, News of . Mr. Wm. McGregor returned from-hospital last Week-end. The residents of. the Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich enjoy- ed a variety program at the monthly birthday party when the Kippen 'East Women's Institute .• entertained on Thursday ,with games, humorous readings by Mrs. '11. Caldwell, silent skit, sing song, and lively square dan- ces with costumes having a touch of the Irish. Those having birth- dayi in March were presented with a gift by the Hospital. Auxi- liary. Lunch was served. Mrs. Wm. Bell and Mrs. James Drum- mondwere in charge of arrange- inents. Mrs. RoSs Broadfoot acted as accompanist. • - days. Courtesy remarks were. made by Mrs. E. Riley. Befqre cioging, Mrs. J, NICATITSier con- ducted an auction sale. Lunch was served by Hostesses Mrs. Elgie and Miss Greta Lammie, and their committee.' PASSES IN NEWFOUNDLAND Mrs. Kenneth Campbell died at Deerlake Newfoundland, on Saturday, March 11. She was in her 78th year. Surviving is a large family, some of whom are residing, in Newfoundland, and others in and around the Toronto area. A daughter Mrs. Eric(Shirley) Lu- ther resides in Hensall. Mrs. Luther left on March 4 to go to Newfoundland and expects to return March 17. The funeral service was held March 13, with burial to be made in Newfound- land. CARMEL PRESBYTERIAN EXPLORERS Carmel Presbyterian Church Explorers met on Sunday morn- ing* at the Church. The roll call was answered by eight members,. Fpur children, presented • their scrap books on Africa, with Bruce Thompson having made an excel- lent start on his. The Ctrago and Ghana flags were drawn. Every- one daeced around the table Afri- can style. ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN WOMEN MEETING The Anglican Church women of St. Paul's Anglican Church met at the -home ,of Mrs. D. el ind- over. The President,Mrs.Scra- buik opened the meeting with the members prayer. ' Devotions were taken from the Living Mes- sage. Scripture lesson ,was read by Mrs. G. A.Anderson, and pray- ers were offered by Mrs: Wind- over and Mrs. F. Fbrrest. The roll call was answered by a Bible verse having the word "Love" in it. :rhe study,book was taken by .Mrs. F,Forrest. Mrs. G.A. Anderson read about, the life of St. -Patrick. Convenors were appointed for the smorgasbord . to be held May 6. Plans were made for the 95th Anniversary of the Church which will be held May 28. A donation of $100 was made to the General Account of the Church. Mrs. G.A. Anderson closed the meeting with prayer. UNIT 2 U.C.W. 'MEETING A film on Africa called "Sing to the Glory of Africa", high- lighted the March meeting of Unit 2 on Monday evening. Mrs. Pat Venner ,chose this film, as, her study. . ' The roll call with "Did you know?" was answered with 14 Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Wood of RR 3, pen were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wood, London, Mr. . and Mrs. Ronald Eyre, Steven, Karee and Kevin' of Guelph, Mr. andNmrs. A. G. White of Kingsville, Mr. and Mrs. Ray White, Hagers- ville, Mr. Alex Irvine of Sea- forth. miss Karen Eyre is spending this week with her grandparents. Michael Binnendyk son of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Binnendyk re- turned from Seaforth Community Hospital follraVing an appendec- tomy. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson attended "the funeral of an Aunt in Chatham. members. present., lad.. Julie. Brodie acted as chairlady for the meeting and read a poem entitled "Happiness". Mrs. Elva Forrest , .for ,her devotional, choase an article from the local , newspaper called "Genuine Bro- therhood", written by the well- known and famous Indian Chief Dan George. It was announced that the April meeting will be a Thankoffering meeting with the special guest speaker to be Dr. Moyo from Seaforth. It was suggested that each member bring a guest. Unit 2 are responsible to put flower •S in the Church for the• month of April. Volunteers are asked for, to help with the Spring Thaw Supper to be held on, April 5. Mrs. Brodie read an article called "Recycling trash begins in the kitchen". which was very interesting. Mrs. Ella Drysdale as hostess, and' her assistants served a lunch. CARMEL W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Carmel Pres- byterian Church met Thursday. President Mrs. Rachael Schwalm opened the meeting with a poem. The devotional using a poem, and Scripture from Psalm 122, was taken by Mrs. Blanche Doug all and Mrs. Pearl Love. I The study on Africa was con- tinued by Mrs. Dougall. The roll call, "A sign of spring" was answered by 14 -members. Mrs. Myrtle Orr read a prayer, from the Glad Tidings, and Mrs. Edith Bell read a por- tion from 'the Presbyterian Rec- ord. Members of the W.M.S. are responsible for 'drafts at the Queensway Nursing Home for the month of April. .It was announced that the April -Thank-Offering meeting will be on April 10 with a special guest speaker, Rev. Chan from Thedford. It was.de- cided to invite guests from Zurich United and Lutheran Churches, the Arnold - Circle and the Home Helpers. Mrs. Aldene Volland and Mrs. EstherWright are in charge. • Mrs. Grace McEwan gave an ."interesting resume- of her trip -to the Barbados.- Mrs. Ruby Hog- garth closed the, meeting with the Benediction.'•"' HEkSALL KINETTE CLUB The Hensall Kinettes met at the home of Mrs. Murray Baker. Guest for the evening was Mrs. Jim' Stan. A . donation was made to the Canadian Mental Health Associatioh. The Kinettes have been busy preparing for Inter- club, which they are hosting for District 1, Zone B, in April of this year. Mrs. Ron Wareing won the raffle. . CARMEL C.O.C. The C.O.C. of Carmel Pres- byterian Church held their meet- ing at' the Church Sunday morn- ing. The C.O.C. motto was re- peated and the roll call of 7 was answered by giving a sign of spring. The offering was taken,, by Danny Reid. Mrs. Robert Tay- lor offered prayer. A discus- sion on the structure and the animals of Africa was held. The children, did further work on their booklets drawing pictures. Next meeting will be the Easter - meeting on March 26. Mrs. Pearl Passmore spent the weekend visiting 'with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passmore •and family, London and while -there attended the 'Knights and Ham- ilton hockey game in the Gar- dena. — (Continued from Page b 0 An accident free record, he said, depends upon-the job-Site super, visors and foremen, "Their contribution has never-been more clearly evidenced than on this occasion!q, he said. In addition to the Citation awarded to the company "One year accident prevention award" certificates. were presented to: Leonard Clarke, Gordon Gonyou, Dennis Housh, Vernon Marriott, -Ralph Murphy, Wes. McConnell, Joe McLaughlin (Seatorth), Don Pilon, Patrick Ryan (Dublin), William Siemon Walton), William Smith, Mr. Looby presented...the company Award of Merit for over , 25,000 accident-free man-hours in one year to: Dennis Housh and VernoniMarrlott. presentations 'of the company Two-Year Safety . Award were made to: Leonard Clarke, Gordon Gonyou, Wes. McConnell. The morning session was spent on company business and the opportunity was taken to co- ordinate new policies and, in par- ticular, emphasis was placed upon recent changes in design and tolerandes as applied to bridge construction. Engineer Stan Cop- nelly conducted the technical pro- gramme and concluded his remarks with an expression of approval at the quality of the questions -posed by the foremen who, through their daily contact with the on-site problems, were involved in a constant process of decision-making and respon- sibility. Following luncheon reoresen- tatives from the C.S.A.O. held an interesting 'seminar which covered detailed aspects of safety araninistration. Alex MacKay presented his most recent film and explained that candid-camera type productions had also been made through the co-operation of the employers. These productions were „ made with television camera and tape equipment and played-back immediately after- wards so that the personnel on the site could see exactly how they were progressing. Mr. Wheelan lectured On the subject of accident reporting and covered the relationship between the prime and sub-contractors where each had a company Safety cPolicy. eiorC.S.A.0; Joseph Looby, Others who attended included: Geoff i Hoyle, Safe Practice Coun- P, resident; Clayton Looby, Secre- tary, Stanley J.-Connelly, P.Eng, Engineer and Ralph McLeod,, Field Supervisor of the Looby firm. • Foremen who attended were, Leonard Clarke,' Tom DeWan, Gordon Gonyou, Dennis Housh, Vernon Marriott, Ralph Murphy, Wes.McConnell,Joe McLaughlin, Don Pilon, Pat Ryan, BillSiemen and Bill Smith.. The office staff included Carl, Lefneski, Ken Oldacre and Dave Wills. , fa W Correspondent Mies Jean Copeland The United Church Women joined with Kirkton for theWorld .• .,Day of Prayer $erviee United -Church op Friday. A -ladies quartette, Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Mrs. William Spence, Mrs. John Rodd and Mrs. IJoyd Cowdrey rendered a number dur- ing the service, Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler, Mrs. Robert. Corsaut, Mr. and Mrs. Don'sBrine and Cheryl and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copelaacl, Cynthia ,-Ellen and Dea.nna and Miss Jean Copeland attended,the Ice Capades at the Treasure IS- .0-4.47,4 J40100n er4aVi. 14P, ancl•Msq carepeeTholp.,, . son Oct JanOe Were.guests at thP RPhiierfe.X0494. Weclollng: the Thatnea 'Watt 0400.. Church' on aturc;ay,'" Mr• and Mrs. Pam§pe000-44. .6, Marys and Mr. 40:1)/1.mi wungw.pe,pcip, PaY14../.'SOW and Steven:. were supper MP* with Mr. and mre,.ii.ormattPrgq. - of Exeter on saturclay.twening id celebrate David'Jr.'s birthday. • Mr. and Mrs, 'E.arlPullj!blanle of London visited Sunday after- noon . with Miss--Jean Mr. Calvin ROO spent PridaY evenieg- anct SatilidaY with`baiid Spence.. Detail Requirements For Home Nursing KIPPEN GINGERICII L, TD. I/