HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-06, Page 4E, WILLIAMS
tickets, or passes and the free trans..
portation of voters by railway or
steamboat is made a corrupt act. Apy.
one hribiugg a voter is liable to six
mouths iuiprisouuient; in, addition to
$200 aline. •
I ondesborOngh.
Mr Thomas Cole, ntetbo 10th con-
cession. Hullett, lead a coww dropped a
calf which weighed 102. 1%. It is of
the Barham breech—The following
officers were elected in Collet Pride of
the West, No 31; Canadian Order of
T I Caron charges, whish were so 1 oresters,onl Friday last; Geo ,Newton,
^i + I E 0 It ; J T 0•Brine, V O R; J C
D. (lightly treated by Sir John Thompson, Adams, 1'w S , Goo Snell, I' S ; t1
,. iwhen•they were made by Mr Edgar in \Vaadman, Trees ; Jas Onilinsou,
the House of Commons, have been Chap ; Geo Oociterliue, jr, S \V ; Nel
It .vitt, • full b tl e i �tle en- soil Lingle, J W ; °Nos Riddle, S B ;
R Adams, J 13; R•B Jeffery.; Delegate
Opp. Brunswick House,
.0 ham, — Out.,
,14 CI, tin b int I1fl !
Minn, , MAY G, 1892.
enE Redistribution Bill, as was
cipiated it would be, le, 'a Gerry-
pder of • the first order.
t United States -House of Repree
4atives tans passecl'the free binding
ie hilt. Yeas, 183 ; nays, 47.
eE Conservative papers have been
Meir wits' end, the past few days,to
e:xcnses for their defeat in Tore
r is said that the Quebeo Legisla-
vvill reduce the sessional indem-
e from $800 to $300 and abolish the
'Nile; privilege,
�r'lagMitchell- Advocate Renounces
Mr S R Hessen, ex -M P, is soon
e called to the Senate. What's
matter with 131yth's would-be
Ater ?
e'nEsIAENT VANHoRVE says there is
Wrath in the statement that the
adieu Pacific is endeavoring to
nitre enutrcl of the Buffalo and
Willett branch of the Grand Trunk'
s also•,sa3's there is no foundation
l ]iii rumors of an amalgamation of
];.two toads.
rioT political battle is being; waged
ast York just now, for the seat
ea:ta nt by the death of the late
oci Mackenzie. ackenzie. Thecatididtttes
''EAld J K Leslie,of Toronto, for the
°ends', and Mr W F Maclean, of the
ri.onto World, is the Conservative
(lard hearer:
Foway.htst, Bigt•loiv, tho Re -
ti candidate for the Ontario Legis,
re,was elected to fill the seat made
ant in Tomtit()bythe death of the
H E Clarke, by a utejerity of over
tone" Mr Kent, the Conservative
Witte. Even Conservative Torou
anxious to do honor to an honest,
1`r bb Government.
Iia election in W,'Iluud, on Friday
i , to fill the v�aeottoy c:tnsed by the
truing and disqualification of Mr
(men, resulted it' the return of Mr
, (ell, the Liberal candidate, by 267
4,4 nodality, notwithstanding the
ora were warned by the Censer-
s •"e press and speakers that by so
'tg they -would cut themselves off
it any hope of public expenditure
jtet eau My.
ItsIA. Observer : Why is the Citta.
blocking inquiry into
Caron boodle and London
pion case' Innocent men, such as
n and Judge Elliott are said by
organs to. be, should' not be cone.d to bear in silence the reproach
the guilt of having dishonored
4bigh position they occupy. in
e to them, the charges should
oraptly;tent, end • full opportunity
the accused to eatabiish their
tion the changes made in the
kw at the recent settsion of the
to Legislature are not very rads.
hey are itnportant, anti it' the
ireectiion. Hereafter it will riot.
ry to demand et poll at.it
nateettarn notnination.i ve'y voter
rice ire the polling divi.elon in
f r rnaidei,ft Litt has vote therein.
be only t*o farms of ,milt
nit goring of rniiroisd
den pretty y y i n p
dent press of Canada, and the Govern to EIigli Court, The Court is in flue
meet has beet' forced to abandon the condition, having over 100 members.
position taken by it at first. At the —A good time was spout in the 1 0 G
meeting of the House on Wednesday, T, at its last regular foaming, a supper
Hon M Powell moved an amendment being given by the losing eine it' the
to 21r .Edgar's motion referring the recent contest in the lodge The
following are the officers of the Lodge
charges to'the Privileges and Elections 'f this'quacter : 0 T, A `Llooiltuan ;
Committee. The amendment of Mr V 'l', Edna Alien ; R 8, Maria Riley ;
l3,lwell sets out ten charge]=,sowe from A S, Jennie Woodman ; F 8, B Law -
resort; Tress, Lizzie McLaughlin •; 111,
'Nelson Bell ,e.D M, Mrs J 'Woodman ;
• Chap, W Cunningham.; G, Orgiha
Whitely S, Howard Riddell ;,S J T.
Mary A Lee; P 0 T, Jas Woodrow;
Trustees, A Woodman, R Adams and
G Newton ; Lodge Deputy, G New-
ton ; Grand Lodge •delegate, Geo
Newton. — Buying eggs .by weight
seems on take very well, frost parties
acknowledging it tee fairest way.—Mr
A. \Vdodrnau attended .the Hensel',
Court of Foresters as District Deputy
and installed the ousters, Mr A
Walker also went,—Mrs Walker has
gone away, owing to the sickness of
her sister.
Mr Edgar's charges and others said to
be the interpretation placed upon
those charges by Sir Richard .Cart-
wri.ht, Mr Mills and Mr Edgar,during
the debate thereon, arid asks that the
matter he referred to a royal commis,.
sion, and the evidence to be reported
to Parliament. Sir Richard Cartwright
utoved the following as au amendment
to the amendment : "'.Chat this House
refuses to allow, the investigation into
the charges preferred by J D Edgar, a
member of this House, against Sir
Adolphe P Caron,hlso a•rnember there•
of to be removed from the control of
Parliatnent and to be committed to one
or more commissioners to be appoint..
ed upon recommendation of Sir
Adolphe P Oaron and his- colleagues
That this House views with repugnauee
the proposition to permit the person
accused to vary and •alter the charge
preferred against hitn, and instead
thereof to substitute a new Net of
The pastor preached a short sermon
on Religion in Child Life. The child-
Quarterly services of Betgrave Oita
euit were held list Sabbath at Sun.
shine. The set•
vices were refreshing,
nearly all staying to partake of the
sacrament., Belgrave, an evening
service was hail in theintetests of
the Sabbath School. Mr• Betigough
gave a blackboard lesson in good style.
charges gotten up 1)3 ton.ate ar on, , ren sang several pieces, led by Miss A
colleag;ues,anci that such a demand -no' Ltttlefair. The interesting service
was closed with the kenediettou.—Mr
less than the proposal that the said - Frank Wheeler bits finished the stone
charges shoukt liitewise be investigated . work of Mr Watson's house. We ex•
by persons to be appointed by himself pest to see a neat house there this
aiid.colleagues—is entirely uupreceden . summer.—Mr James Dow, of tVawa-
ted and opposed to Parliamentary law nosh, near Brick 'Church, met with An
accident while rolling land, whereby
and Usages as settled by the Parliament lid jo.dtwo ties broken.
of the mother country and. is a viola,
tion of the privileges of the members • Turnberry.
of the House, and is designed to elude At the last meeting of Court Turn'.
berry, Cauadien Order of Foresters,
The the ends of justice. ' rhe the following officers were elected for
debate was still in progress at 8 a in, the ensuing 'teau : •Robert Hastings,
on Thursday, the Government refusing J P 0 R ; 1Vfli a►n Deans. 0 R ; Jos
to adjourn the debate until a vote is Higgins. V 0 R ; Peter Hastings R S;
111r Samuel MuGee, sun of Mrs Jas
McGee, and brother of Mrs John
Gardner, of Bluevale, paid' them a
short visit last week. Mr McGee hes
not been • home for 22 years, He is
an inspector on the G T R, and lives
in Battle Creek,111iobigan.— Miss Ball,
of Brussbls, filled the position as orga•
uist set the Methodist chureh,onSunday,
very acceptably,—A new blacksmith,
shop is waking its appearanee in our
town. — Miss Jennie Hugean, of
Witigham, is visiting at Mr Walter
Rutherford's,•— Miss Maggie Bur
gess, who has been in Ingersoll,
for some time, returned c.n Tues.
day.—Mr John Patterso;r, of Blyth,
has moved to the house vacated
by Mr John Clark. Population in-
creasing, --•Rev Mr MoQuarrie, of
W Ingham, was it' Bluevale on Tups4
day.—The football for the, -season has
arrived and is pronounced by nn'ex-
pert to be a 4daudy". The team . is
likely to he organized shortly, ---Mr
John Farrow is painting tbe inside of
the l3'oresterin Hall. --We ere sorry to
sky that Mr Benjamin Saults and
family have loft Btnevti•e, to take up
their abode in Goderich. Mr Saults
has kept hotel here for a number of
years. Mr and -Mee Saulta will be
missed by their large cirele of friends.
We hope Go'erioh will appreciate Mr
and Mrs Snits as Bluevale does. --Mr
John MacDo'ralrl, of Winglinm, occu•
pies the Royal Hotel, vacated by Mr
West Wa aranos1lt.
A. distressing ease of saicide took
place on lot 22, eon. 6, West Wawa -
nosh, where Wm Leidy, sr., a era
,peeled farmer of that township,
Winged himself ou Fridey last, De
cee,ae 1 trail tied himself to the harrows
and vans dragged through the nett) for
home OM, lent finding this would not
aerotnplish his purpose he completed
his insane net by hanging to a small;
tree in the field, Temporary insanity
brought en by financial trouble was the `
t:enSe. The retnaius whore interred
in St. Augustine mastery ea filo dn9.
Were Malcolm Jones, F 13 ; William 1
Jobb, Treas ; Aaron .Poslitl, Chap.; l
John Hastings, S W ; John Oanieson, I
J W ; Elijah FJ,jggins, g E ; Arthur
Prior, J .5.
Death has again visited the home of '
Mr Peter McLaren., our respected
Township Treasurer, this titne taking 1
Ins only sows young man of seventeen
years. Tite deceased•had not beer,
seriously ill but a sbort time, from I
liver trouble, attd died on Sunday '
evening. Mr McLaren and family
have the sympathy of the entire
neighborhood in their 'sore bereave.
ment. • It is but a short time since
:Emily McLeen,of Wingham,Sundayed
with friends lucre.—Rumor has it that
there is yet another woddnug to take
place. '
'T'he following is the report of S 8
No 1 for the month of April ; Sr 4th
--\V Ferguson, Cr' Taylor, Ii Burns,
Jr 4th ---\V Hailey, S 13e11,5i Cathars.
Sr 8rd-0 .Dane, I: Gathers, M Giallo.
way. Jl 3rd -S E'inlay, W `Tremble,
It Finlay. Sr 2nd—W J Sangster, 13
Dennis, G Pomeroy. Sr pt 2nd --T
Ferguson, E Burns, M 'Gathers. Jr
pt 2nd—O Finlay, A Sangster, A Fin
lay. Pt 1st—R Niohol, G• Dennis, W
Alorrie• -
. lir" A Jttoksou,of the let concession,
returned •ou Saturday last from a
business and pleasure trip to Ottawa.
.Mi Jackson spent a few weeks very
pleasantly with friends amid the scenes
of his boy hooddays.
West Huron Licenses,
The License Qomntissiouers met
as Clinton, Friday week, and granted
the following lieenses,for the cturent
year: •
CLINT0N— J Rattenbury, Chas
Spooner, 5 Pike, 0 Milne, L Kennedy,
J Lee. J Rossier (_conditional) Shop,
J •W Riter.
Gornuitcia—G 13 Cox, J Miller, J 0
Martin, W Babb, Lt' Swarts, J Mc•
Oaughey, D Currie, W Craig, .Shop,
W L .Horton.
\VINcUAI—J Swarts, A Roe, 1) Mo.
Cormick, J Diusley, Te' Karmen, A
Orr. .
Bx rt'—J Emigb, J Kelly,. Two
applicatious bete were held over for
further consideration, and the ap•
plication of J Patterson,refused.
ASIIFIELH—J McDonald, T Gtriffiu,
' ) . Maltough, L Smith; R D«Long.
Ool.noaNE•—W Lasham, Ii *Martin,
F McDonagh, J Hamilton, A Allan
HuLI,ET-3 Ltiulitz, J Hell.
In the case of Blyth, the commis-
sioners have slice granted Mr Watson
a license, and J Mason one for three
months only ; they took the view that
it was only fair to the north end of
the town that e. ,license, should be
MY DEAR Tn Es, --•To tune myself
up a bit, 1 started yesterday morning
to be in time for Mr. Hartley's Bible
class and the forenoon sermon. As
the dandelions were an asleep I knew
rain was impending: However, the
emerald green of the roadsides was so
gladdening, and tht' turf made my step
so elastic as to remind the of the time
where, some twenty ye'irs ago,' walked
from Huddersfield to llanchester,when
at roll among the blooming heather ou
the watershed between the counties of
York and Lancaster oxygenated the
blood to sum, a degree that I reached
Cottonopolis in good shape. The Hen.
demon holdings celled up Biggar and
its Radical. worthies, 13'oghall Castle,
where kings of Scotland have feasted,
where my father took shelter as a cow
tender, and whither 'icy grandfather
retired to wrestle in prayer. The old
homestead was hot f•irgotlen, where;
Hector Litbgow -was horn, who was
the first or third to scale the heights of
Mrs ,\icLaien cited. Abraham, died the soldier's death in
India, leaving some eighty thousand of
prize money to ' tbe Lithgows of the
Olyde. Brother David went out to
India as mason boss over • some thirty
miles of railway and left his bones
there. But the cheerful chirp of a
chick.a dee breaks up my reverie, and
1 am sitting in a window recess of Flora
Manse. The ladies are throwing out
Word was received here this week
of the death of Mr Alex Wiggins,
wliicln oitcurred at Los Angeles, Oali•
fornia, ou Friday - last, of diphtheria.
Deceased was a son of Mr Henry
Wiggins, of this village, and was well
known anti well' liked elowick boy.
Ire was married about two years ago,
almost itumediatedly after which he
removed to Los Angeles.—On Tuesday
night of last week,Tatnan's tailor shop
was burned to the ground. There
was no insurance en the building, and
the origin of the tire is nukuowu. The
building belonged to Mr W S Bean,
and was being veneered with brick.—
The East 11 uroii Gazettes Saga there
is a standing reword of $500 made
n fsu•'years ago by the dotin°il for the
arrest of patties proven guilty of akso•I
in the township, This ought to he
s)utlinient to induce a good detective
to attempt to as.ert,tin whether or
not there is any foundation tor the
suspicion held by nonny of our resits
dents, that the fire the other evening
was the work dna incendiary.
The recent warns ruins have caused
rapid growth.—Seeding hg'ing earl•
plete,d a breathing spell is now tieing
enjoyed,- Mr A .ck Orowston spent
a few dityaMttt boom—Mrs drs Win Dick.
hell, of atrotnurss, is ti e'ntling a few
weeks at Kelvin Grdae Penna.—Mrs J'
Otnwstoa owl her sister, Mrs Smith,
of Derreit, are en A tour here. --Kiss
A Taik. With Our Customers,
House Cleaning, with its attendant
worries anxieties and perplexities—its
removals and replacing n new carpet for
this room, and a change of cixtains for
that,—willbe upon us in a few days;
and we wish to sarto the Ladies, Dither
of the town or country, that we are pre-
pared to the utmost of our ability to
bele them over this trying season, by
submitting for their inspection and sen
lection a very nice assortment of Carpets,
in Brussels, Tapestries, All Wool and
Unions, of different weights and prices.
Tho most interesting part of this talk
with you is that the prices aro all in your
CanrAlxs—Yes, we have them ingreat
variety, Dither by the pair or by the yard,
in white anti cream Laces, Also, very
pretty patterns and shades in Art Muse
tins. .
Prints are receiving considerable at-
tention, notwithstanding the ohillyu
weather. The reasons aro that they are
very pretty and cheap, We give you a
most cordial invitation to call and select
the beet, the newest and most stylish,
Boots, Shoes'and Slippers, at reason-
able prices.
Wo aro constantly turning out very
nobby, well -made and faultless -fitting
suits, but our prices are romarkably'low.
We buy right, therefore we can, sell
TeaseSugars and general groceries,
we always leafs; still giving twenty-five
pounds of a pure, bright sugar for Si.
Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs,
Cured Meats, &e.
The Big Brown Anchor.
Winghani. April 21st, 1892,
Great Fire in Winnipeg.
WINNIPEG, May 1.—The most -ex-
tensive fire it' the history of \Vinni.
peg occurred this morning, and before
it was got under control sixteen or
eighteen buildings were totally des.
troyed, spats' couverieg' nedrly three
acres now beiug a mass of smoulder -
in; ruins. Tee fire started uti*r the
stage of the Princess Opera douse,
and was burning, it is supposed, about
an hour before being discovered. Tbo
flames spread with terrible rapidity,
and fifteen urinates after the alarm
had been souuded had crossed an
alleywtty,and caught McGregor's large
livery stable, in wbiclt thousands of
dollars' North of carriages, etc, includ-
ing all the wagons of the Dominion
Express Company, were stored. So
hot was the fire that noun of these
were saved. Then, in spite of all the-
e1'noits of the firenten,the flames seized
upon the buildings ori the opposite
si'ie of the street, Frost & Wood's
agricultural implement house, Green's
extensive feed store, Bimini ware••
house, the Salvation Artny barraeks,a
carriage repainting shop and three
private residences across the street
being all on fire at the same time, and
alt being burned to tbe ground, except
Bemif'e grain warehouse, which was
partially saved. Three residences sari
;two large stables on Ross and Jemima
streets were also destroyed. and little
or nothing saved, The GXrand Union
Rotel was in imminent danger, but
the firemen greatly aided by a favor-
able wind, saved the big hotel, Russo
Swift's Uncle Tom's Celan Corny.
pany lost everything.. including special
scenery. WardrobeI
wearing; appare ,
etc. The ,proprietors of the opera
house are heavy losers. They carrier]
only $8,000 insurance, which would
barely cover the scenery and proper.
ties. The total losses are 'very heavy,
but cannot he estimated, while the ins
surance appears to be exceedingly
light, principally because insurance
men regarded tide as a risky locality.
WINNIPEG, May 2,— The total losses
crumbs, where birds hop down from a in Sunday morning's big fire here are
spruce and partake of the same with about $80,000; iilsurnnds 810,000. In
the window sill fare a table. Dr. all 10 buildings were burned. Rey
Aliddlemnss is giving gee their unties, building will commence at once and
tbere are several schemes on foot for
a new and improved operas house.
and if I bad had his patience and per-
severance, I might have done for
Oanitdiau natural history,wbat Wilson,
a Paisley weaver, paokmanand poet,
did fur American ornithology, The
band of one of the ladies is now cold
Tir.autyflro strong colonies of well bred Italian
it' de'ath,. a hand ever ready Dorcas. Bees, lib flrst•cla$s movable 8rams htves and on niicv,
Ince to help the poor and ,needy in naYcaimotatt,orid'Eo lion�tst bo soil tblaspring,
Salem and Elora. T was up to titne w. r. 1108, D. D. s.,
for the Bible °lass and olden textI'ltnadeipitla, I+a,
r 'g Apply at Apiary, Lot ie, 2nd Lino, Itorr'a,
cltttichisin and memory verses over, he • ----. r r_____.__ .. _. .
gave tis a running comment 011 tent $50 00 �i0� p CHICKEN
portion of Isaiah containing the pre I W 1D FOR /� Y (i
diction regarding the capture of J era" To create an interest in the breeding
Salem by Chaldean, Rowan and of high-class poultry, 'will award a spa.
Saracen invaders. Sermon over and clal prize of $50.00 cash to the person
the threatened shows, in full bleat, I raisings the heaviest Plymouth Rook
chicken hatched from eggs purchased of
felt grateful for an invitation to dinner chicken
and the promise of a ride into Wing Plymouth Rocks are unquestionably
ham. W. Lrmlroow. the best breed of fowls known for the
Canadian farmer. Send for desorfptive
oiroular of this valimble brood of fowls.
I'3ggsfor hatching, guaranteed fresh
and true to name, carefully packed in
baskets and delivered to Pxprees Conn
pent', $2.00 per sitting of 13. Andreas,
inretede sof P1ym ut�h Rook Pawls,
Weston, Ont.
IN Woodstock the hour for closing
barn in titverns has been fixe:] at 10
p nt teetotal of 11 as formerly. There
seems to be a pretty general movement
in favor of curtailing the opportunities
tor drinking 3ntlantitsetthan livers.