HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-06, Page 3How some Fainolts Pee,Idlee got or inconvenience would follow to the There is always latent talent in a
Their Staid in Lift, 'eyes or lungs ; unit as average '(louses ruining neighborhood, and some boy
Hots neatly 'chem have succeeded in we built the bedrooms are es suitable or girl may aateh the first inspiration
life to whom nat+tt•aingle ciroumstanoe liar sitting rooms ae for aleepittg" rooms, from you. a As Man is a social being,
was kited, tlllotiv'diten owe !hoar ;people and in many bedrooms 'these is 'te you will feel, mach happier than if
say of•iome+tvertltlesiefellow; 1 Ihwell,, ,enitable place + for a bed. ,repining at your loneliness,
he never had hallf a )lance'! But'' But however domestic architecture , if none of these suggestions Snit
there M1e(pleatty'df'troys whothaviecome may the at fault, the ingenious house- : your especial case, nay yeti grasp the
to the;tmont in I)ifei's;battle %3yltomever,'beeper, will contrive a way of making 'bits of happiness that conte to all who
had even' a'quar'ter•of a chance,the test of her advantages and of tarn- will not scornfully refuse thele.
Take 1Pllomas Ball, the ekeulptor,'fo'rl yin :disadvantages to probit. Draughts Working for the interest of husband
instance, VIE; tthe !YaliSlaks 'Compere-i'of'air may be ,kept from the sleeper by and home will surely bring its reward,
ion, l .curtains properly disposed about the while love lightens the task. A dear
He wlnasteveive`years old when hist bed, and soreens may be so placed old song sweetly 'Jaye;
father died. 'IChe,poor, widow„Thomae'I %with •respect to windows as to protect "There is beauty all around,
mother„ young 'herself, and ifar from ithe'eyes trom the 'bight without ex When there'sllove at home,'
strong, hal Sve children. 'There was eluding the.air. If light in the room Seven Years' Suffering -
no . mere 'school'for Thomas'tditer phis' ointerferes with sleep, a thin handker- Gineera;atex,-1 Lawe suffered, very much
father's deaelt;hetmust go to %work until chief of•somedarktint tied overthe eyes ihro
through wrong ag; treat►erne rn ugly , which
help stepped the lest. Hegot ,ii 08001 "will -shield them from the light and not Berea on my hand; and feet. With these I.
in•a grower =store, where they gavel ointerfere vitt the comfort of the sleep•. suffered for Bevels years, during which
tell one etgllar'a week, time a had neither shoe nor stocking ou,
1,er. 'This cast 'method was tried by a 1 oomrneuoed using 13. B. B. ,externally
Not touch, that, but what ,a:differ••i :lade/ ,who found it ;impossible to sleep and uuterually, hatiug the pills aloe, and I
ence it' wade' to. aipoor little 'family! I :after the dawningof the day. To car Say now that the Bores .are ime. 11
y cewned, and have �beeu for sma�ie 'limo. i
From the time he was twel re;youllle ;prevent waking at this hour, She was believe the bitters were the means of Balt-
Ball alwaws'had to work for+bhe•otlhera! ;acuustorned •to(cloee ter shutters light- Ing; may life. Mns, ANNIE a iu, l
Ly before . going to sleep. This, of tCrewsou's Cepuers, Acton Y. 0., Out.
TorQbto„Travelan,r_Paueneer Agent, 0 P B,•.
B ys” Anfi•PaodruRlisaperfootremonrerAan•
drurt-Its action is marreaone—ln mlv owl acre
a few applications not Anlr thoroughly removed
GUARANTEED excessive dandruff accumulation but atoppal
promoW4 a Yialbte growth.
Restores Fadins hair tp
Peals* color.
Stops fallino of halt.
Keeps the Seaip clan,
Makes hair sett and PIM*
Promotes Growth.
A Blessing to Every Household.
Theft remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the beet Afedie
Family use,
until they were grown up.
He hard ,l.ittle•instruction even listihiaf ,course, excluded air as well as light, Only one couple'& 11,5 3ilive -to cele -
art, and he a ever,had that littleruntili :aadrher aleap was heavy and unrefresh- Yarate their diainomd weddoing,
after he Iwval'earued.the money +t,naYI ping. A thin,daa•k elle bandage over Ofsapointment la love is clothing col-.
for it. lvt--,he•encceeded.
Then tlll•eee was ;that other seuliptoro ,illy light, and ;permitted aper•to keep; menthe Rascals Gut.
. I liner eyes sufficed to (protect them from geared with a 1,isappointmeot an marriage.
.Hiram rowers. Miran' was tbe'tiightli oyer,shutters wide:elpem. 'When her sleep, We refer to Bach rascals as dyspepsia,
of nine children, and he Was as 'very( was refreshing. i obad:blood, biliousness,, constipation,sink
small boy when this fatter died,'and at is difficult iso have too much air `
like Bali, he tad tto.,;o to work ltsrithei and -sunshine its bedrooms when beds'
,headache,etc., (infesting the aaatatiau hystem.
Turn thein out and keep them out by us.
.iuo Burdock Blood Bitters, the natural foe
family. fiGe had teen torn in Veennont,l :are tenantless. The beds should bel .stren<gtheus,ltboheutireisy a �. tones and
but his parents ,bat; removed to Obio1 opened 1reely,ased eo�leftt,till thorough- •
ill that waypoor }people have of'noeti-� ,Clothes dQ not make a mo, yet many
p 1P plly. *tired. It is not the neat laouse-I
ing hither :and yoit,after hWtter.ltve�lt. • 1 �,uaan owes a,good deal to txu] tailor.
'Fcueper who has all ter beds shade as
it was in (i►�h�lo ;that the father died f I .It's a mighty big pollitishum that
soon its the sleepers are out:o :teem. i went take off Luis hat to a millyn dollars.
and in Olti,o that iltl:irain fought his 'lobes .worn at night should be Being,
youthful battle. E'er seven( year ,hey' •up,during the day v►heme the air can.
had chargq of the 'wax figures pie a i theme ;free access tf, them :; net folded
,Oincinnati ruaasertuat,,and it was �le
Wtti'•and:lard under the pillow or in a ease
there that be felt an itnpulse tosva;a'd 'made' for the purpose. &eh part of
his future art and ,tried his 'prentaoel ,onr,dead'selves as we leave absorbed
, hand at mo'Ielliug ,clay. But it was in the :bed clothes and in garments
;not until he was tibirty years old
worn during sleep, air wad sunshine
that he was at Horsy to strike for' will, if 'permitted, remove to a great
(himself, and he vvas kelosirt3 ,two before , ,,ai`t.teet, find give us to lie down at
the had money eitflinesktti go to Italy. ' night to pleasant dream..
'het. was to to utliOsculpter of the
'Greek Slave.rs ' .'.•'
*s Eesme Parwyers' Wives.
Peter Cooper, who ' -of outided the 1t ,i.s the farmers boys and girls who
tC'vooper Institute, 'bas a .still herder,:fid%r the largest share of publie syui-
rstnuggle, because as a boy lits Health ' eathy. lire. farmer is ellen eou-
was of the frailest. (9ie went to •sideral a tiakture, with no hope or aim
sohool but one year in his life, and other than the worthy one of accoms
d:u,l+iilg that year he rocs:ltl only go plish,litig her dull routine of work.
,e.veny,other day. .But when lit, was
Yet daseoattealted farmers' wives do
,eight years old he was 'earning, his exist, some oho, in moments of dis-
iivi g, pulling hair from the skins of
' p coaaragelnent,:sigh for brick walls and
rabbits skis father . shot, to make hat
city confusion, anything to break the
pdA'lp. monotonous stillness in their country
He had not half a chance. It livesr
To such as these the unfailing
seemed ati>sllost literally thttt'lae had no remedy to think of our blessines may
chance at all. Ile went to New York sound too inucli like g'reaching,and we
when tae was seventeen years old to mix inn a little wca'ldly wisdom, by pro-
, waked 1 posing that Mrs .Farmer shall indulge
• P i, 4'', muscles, desire to sleep,failure to be rested
make ices fo,rttt J;L tl e
*mete tor days before he got a place, herself, so far as cnuvenieut, in any
and elsem apprenticed himself to a
amusement or recreation her nature
earriage•caaaker fir. five years for his craves.
board arta 2 a month. •Perhaps before her marriage there
An Enterprising Hotel Man. .
Vanity the t,teed,lcorrect all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND EOl\ El
Invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all ages.
Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR RRONCIII1lS
DISEASES IT HAS YO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late G;{S, Orford Street,
And Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world.
I Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Poto. If the mid
not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious,
It is stated that a hotel roan in Toronto
has posted up a notice stating that all
diners at his place who use Burdock Blood
Batter to tone up their appetite and
strength, will be charged 30 per cent extra.
We do no know how true this is, but 13. B.
B. undoubtedly does tete work and does it
quickly and well.
I received two orders 'to-day—one for
R full morroco, the other to get out,
wrote a book canvasser to a firm of pub-
lishers employing hint:
When the color beg'ias to det•ert a
woman's face she often takes to painting
.and then she never deserts her colors.
The Head 5urgepn.
Of the,Lubou Medical Company is now at
Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted
either in person or by letter on all chronic
diseases peculiar to map. Men, young,old,
or middle-aged, who fled thetnselve uerv:
ous, weak and exhausted. who are broken
down from excels or overwork, resulting in
many of the following symptoms : Mental
depl•ossiou, premature old age,loss of vital.
ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness
of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions
lack of euergy, pain in the kidneys, head.
ache, pimples on the face or body, itching
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be,
fore the eyes; twitching of the musclea,eye
lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits
of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness
of the scalp and spice, weak and flabby
• / (OF GUELPH,)
)3sg to inform the ladies of Wingham and
vicinity that they have purchased the
business lately parried on by Miss E
Murphy, and have opened out with a large
stock of
consisting of Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons,
Laces, Chiffrous, Colored Crapes, Irish
Guipure Laces, Black and Colored Laces,
Jet Trirnmiugs, Jet Flowers and Hat Or-
naments, Plain, Spot and Fish Net Veil-
ings, Pongee and Bengaline Silks. The
latest styles in Hats and Bonnets.
by Bleep, constipation, dullness of hearing,
loss of voice, desire for solitude,exettability
of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with
LLAuON Iarm., oily looking skin, eta, are
all syrnptoms of nervous debility that lead
to insanity and death unless cured. The
Cut and male to order in the latest styles.
The patronage of the ladies of Wingham
and vicinity is respectfully solicited, and
we will do our best to please.
Stand—Opposite the Queen's Hotel.
M. & M. I{ELLY..
Wingham, March 15th, 1802.
He had neither Lillie nor money for was some innocent hobby that was a spring or vital force having lost 1ts tension
what people call pleatsure, but he had ' ” every function wanes iu consequence.
special delight. If so bring out' the ,'Whose who through abuse committed in
the pleasure of hope. While he was paiDts and brushes, bright crewel, or 'ignorance may be permanently cured.
working for 50 cents a week het said to Seud your address for book 00 all diseases
and faueywork. It will not be a waste peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed,
himself, if I ever get rich f will build of time if they help to please you. Do Heart disease, the symptoms of which are
a place where the poor (goys and girls,faint spells, purple lips, uumbness.palpita"
not let your voice or finers get out otion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush of blood
of New York may have an education practice ; if you are the least bit to the hexa, dull pain in the heart with
free. And he did it. • beats strong. rapid and irregular, the
lnusioal, cherish and add to whatever secondhe trt neat quicker than the finst,pain
William Hunt, the pointer, used to you have in that direction. about the breast bone, etc, can positively
say : Don't taut of what you went to r
When a little girl you may have book.toAddress Md No eV LIMe no ON, 24 Macdoay Send i-
d—do it.. -Ladies' ITo;ne ,Tourrtal'• a stood on a chair and bravely recited ell Ave. Termite, Canada.
your pieces at a Sunday school concert.
Air and Light in Bedrooms,
Says a wi•iter,in the Advocate : Air Are not your voice and accent.pleasing
and light in bedrooms are essential to now to your family circle as you gather
health. Yet a great many people seers round the evening lamp ? Delightful
to be of opinion that both should be little poems, gems of literature and
excluded as much as possible,especially amusing sketches find their 'way into
during all the hours of sleep. Night homes through the papers. It is nice
air is considered by some as quite un- to have a scrapbook of them, Some
wholesome, yet night air is all we have evening when Ile will be sure to say
its night to breathe, from his easy Chair or loupe, can't
If our hedrooms were constructed to you read mo some short pieces 1 you
sleep in, the questions involved as to could readily turn to the scrapbook.'
air and light they would be lunch Ttle-• children will be delighted if
easier of solution than they aro. There Mother has a piece to say. Should it
would be in the architestual plan of be at sense social party or grunge
the bedroom a place for the bed ort of meeting, she will be a l.eroine in their
draughts, and so that the eyes could estilnatioll,
not open directly on a window. The Let Jigs. Discontent plan with some
free adutission of air and light would of her neighbors how to pass the
be provided for, so that if one were winter evenings pleasantly and profit,
compelled to occupy the bed all day ably.
oo,ery hi aveetthe wont
Nervous Debility Lost V
Failing Manhood; rete
weakness of body or
by ore -work, or the e
asses of youth Tills
soletely cursthe moat obstinate cases when
TBBLT$ZNT$ haveeefyyalledeveato relieve old
receipt gists at11 price er bykaddressing THEor six for �J'or sent AM S ME
CO.. Toronto. Ont. Write for pamphlet. Bold
Wingham by A, t. HAMILTON.
Saved Monc M y
our stock of new and desirable
Irg and.SHO
oes, Rubber
For old and you at prices which ety comp
Great Varity, 'Grr t Bargai,
Great ppof unity.
Having purchased th• bnslness lately own
Mr D McCormick, next t. he Bank of Harnilt
added to the already 1 stock, I wish to
the people of wingl3 m ar surrounding' c
that I em in a position to funis�sh them with an
in the Boot and Sh91 line at as'LVnishingly lour
Your patronage kindly solicited.
Don's for'•1t the stand—Two doors n
Postottice +�
LOGS ! Huron Wok
We arts prepared to pay the
'for tell kinds of good, sound
delivered at our Mill.
ALSO reit„
basswood Heading,. Bolts,
by the cord,
CMaAR POST -0, &C.
done cheaper than ever and sat'
tion guaranteed.
Call and get prices.
lerfgths to'cnt,
McLean & Son.
eggrAll !rinds of Lumber, Shiliglee,
Laths, teen., kept constnutly fiand.
lt* 1F.Yog Josephine Street • Wingham, Ont,
J. A. Iinsrlen,
Morvtt Forest.
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
\Ve wish to inform the public that we liar
Woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and w•
season give special attention to
in all its branches, and will keep in stock
class of first•clnss goods, such as -.
Stocking Val
&e., &c., -4
J, W. Sco•rr,
Listowel. •
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges.
Spacial Attention Given td Col -
looting Accounts and IsTotes.
Agents in Canada--rrha li orohants' Sauk
of Canada
Office ,Fleur0-*lu'rOrne9 a, til. to 1
A., F. SMIfiii,
(made from pure wool Only) cheap for ccs*
change for wool.
Customers from a distance can have the
home with them the same day.
darHighest market price in cosh for lnterclu
Ii\ GLJ:S & 00'
Capital,$ 1,200,000. Rest, ;GOO
President -.ions STUART,
Vlce•president-A. G. 1troism„
Tons Nacres., MIAS. Gtrnxxv, 010 Ron
Wool), A. 13. Las (xoront0).
Cashier -,J, TURNBULL,
Savings Bank i ltours,10 to 3 ; Saturda
1. Deposits Of 81 31td upwards received and
Special Deposits also received at
rates of interest.
Drafts ou Great Britain and the t•nitod
bought and sold
Money to Loan on ,11(
'' (litotes Discount 1,
prlrilt a of
paying Mthe end of slay 4eer.1
and ace an
os aalvanord ee )lort>,•sgesits.gper et
is eonemted, i1.oB1.
Me acg..-Bret et Block, Wlntthatta, Otrt