HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-03-02, Page 4By John D. Relations Branch 156 PREJUDICE When we firstlearned of our Government's decision to recog- nize - the Government of Com- munist china, some of us were outraged to think that we would have diplomatic' ties with the Communists instead of the Nat- ionalists. It seemed to be a slap in the face to the one-time rec- ognized Nationalist Government of China. But the events of the last teen days, with the meeting of the leaders of two of the world's most powerful countries, we realize that our Government played an important role in laying the foundation for President Nixon'a visit to China. Our attitude on becoming allied diplomatically with the •Communists in China was not surprising. Communism in our view is suppression of freedom. young Canadians fought and died in two world wars for freedom, so naturally our ,prejudices will be •hard to overcome. We will never regard communism as being anything but- bad, but we now ,know that, in order to get along with China we have to communicate with them and Understand them while not nec- essarily agreeing with them." President Nixon's historic visit will go. down in history, whereas' Canada's role will no doubt go unnoticed. Whatever the outcome we must always remem- ber that Canada acted for the best in spite of heavy opposition. Such action took great courage • and •leadership. Nevertheless we should always be alert to pro- .tect. our,.freeddin. and remember, that extreme socialism is akin to communism, because it de- prives us of our individuality. We are blessed with an effect- ive weapon to fight suppression Public Baker Officer Woodham tiVR9N Pce041T0R/ SEAFORTH, ONT.. MARCH 2, 1972 of freedom', this being the demo- cratic use of the ballot box. PAST EVENTS Brotherhood night sponsored by thd Optimists last Thursday, Feb. 24th, was a great Success. we of the Legion would tike to thank our hosts for a splendid meal and enjoyable evening, during which Brotherhood was very "much in evidence. Bingo last Friday attracted sevety-five players. Prizes to the value of $305.00 were won. At the recent finals of the Shuffle Board tournament, Les Leonhardt and Don Eaton beat wilsen Allan and.B111Herulerson. 4H CLUB MEET The Staffa Decorators Incor- porated met at the home of their leader, Mrs. William Butson. The roll colt was what each was making for, her bedroom. During the meeting the leaders and girls made samples of the bias tube, invisible hemstitch and corded bias piping for their books. The club met again at the home of Mrs. Wm. Butson with 12 girls present. Roll call was • CRO MARTY Correspondent Mrs. Ken McKellar CONESTOGA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY If you are unemployed or' under employed You may be, eligible for these furniture operator training courses. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING: sough Machining and Assembly Operator'(717) • Finish Machining and ,Sanding Operator (718) Veneering Operator 4719) Finishing Operator (720) Cutter—Power Sewing, Machine' Operator (721) UpholStering—Fabricating Operator (122), * Many positions are_presently_ vacant in Wood Producti MantifeCtiiiing Industries and .graduates of these CiiiirSes—Wril- be offered jobs immediately. Under the Occupational Training Act you may qualitry for 'complete 'living allowances with tuition paid by Canada -Man-,. power. Under a plan Of the CO/lege you may obtain train. kg by the payment a Isnalll fee. These courses are alipooved by the Department of -Colleges and Universities. • YOU MAY APPLY TO: A Canada Manpower 0 in your locality OR USE THE COUPON BELOW YES, I AM INTERESTEDAN FURTHER INFORMATION: NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE .1 lam • unemployed under employed interested in Cou5se"No: Return this 'coupon to: The Admissions Office Conestoga College 299 Doon Valley Drive Kitchener, Ontario 'ITiSBURGH°PAINTS U ITT INTER"11 PAINT SALE ENDS TUE'SDAY, MARCH 7 ON THE WHOLE LINE OF PITTSBURGH PAINTS CROWN HARDWARE 527- 1420 — Seaforth FIRE, EXTENDED COVERAGE, - WINDSTORM, THEFT, PROPERTY DAMAGE, LIABILITY, ETC. , — COMPLETE FARM COVERAGE, including Machin- ery and Livestock Floaters. — URBAN PROPERTY — We now Order Composite • Dwelling Insurance as' well as Homeowners In- surance. - — SUMMER COTTAGES, TRAILER HOMES, CHURCHES, AGENTS: - JAMES KEYS; RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. LANE, RR 5, Seaforth; WM. I.E1PER, RR 1, Londesboro; SELWYN BAKER, Brussels; HAROLD SQUIRES, RR '8, Clinton; K. J. ETUE, Seaforth; • DONALD G. EATON, Seaforth. • WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 IF YOU NEED A DINETTE OR KITCHEN SUITE HE OUR LARGE SELECTION. AT_ALL PRICES • NO LAND&MOORE tetadiee, IN SURANCE OP ALLKINOSA4 GUARANTEEO 'INVESTMENTS DUBLIN mrrCHELL 34 -2.512 34 -9067 MILL S1 RE8T • DUBLIN,ONT, r - EVENING AUXILIARY The Marian Ritchie -Evening, Auxiliary met at the home of the president Mrs. Larry Gardiner. Mrs. John Templeman presided and opened the meeting with a valentine reading. Mrs. Charles DouglaS intrediiced the study book on the new generation in Africa and 'Mrs. John Miller gave the topic A Plea for Prayer from Rhodesia. A contest on • an old fashioned dinner was led by Mrs. Ivan Norris. The remainder of the afternoon was spent quilting. Mr. Alex Ramsey has re- turned home .from westminker Hospital, London where -he was ..confined for two months. We are pleased to report. his health is much improved. Mrs. John Jefferson visited on Sunday at the home Of her daughter Mrs. Bruce Cleland and family; in Listewel., SCOUTS AND CUBS BANQUET First' Cromarty toy Scouts -and Wolf 'Cubs held their-annual father and son banquet on Tues- day evening in.aromartyChurch. mark 40th Wedding Anniversary More than eighty boys and their Dinner guests at the home of • fathers sat down to a ham dinner Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dowson and whiCh• was served by the moth- family on Thurs'day evening to ers , under the convenership of celebrate the 40th wedding anni- Mrs. Alex Miller. versary of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Head table guests included' Dawson were Mr. and Scoutmaster Jarvis who was ,vin Webster and Karen,' Miss chairman for theerening, James Rachel Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis, Carlyle Meikle, repre- Cecil DowSon, all of linton;-Mr. senfative of the group commit- and Mrs. Geo. Dowson 'of Hen- tee, Douglas Meikle, Larry Mc- sail and M and Mrs. Harold Intosh, 'president of the Perth DoWson an Mr. Glen Dowson District' Roy Scouts Organization of Varna. Over 200 friends and rela- tives gathered at the Bayfield Arena on Saturday evening to honor Harold and Margaret Dow- son on their 4Qth, Wedding Anni- versary . After dancing to mdsic by the Star Trex, Tom Censitt read the' address_ and gifts were carried in by the grand-Children, Brenda, Bonnie and John Dowsbn of Varna 'and Danny, David and Jamie Tipping of- Sarnia. Mel Webster and 'Elmer Hayter also spoke ,on behalf of 'the friends and relatives.; , Mr. and Mr's. Bill Dowson,' Brenda, 'Bonnie, arid John- -Sport- Sunday with Mrs. Ella Jewift and. -boys to celebrate Kevin's sixteenth birthday. • ' March 3rd - Bingo as usual at the Legion Hall March 4th 7 there will be a social at the Legion Hall, every- one welcome. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * All Legion members would like to express their deepest sympathy to the family of the late Jack Dorrance. Jack was known and respected by all the Legion members that knew him. * * 4, * * * * *.* * *al NOTE: The General Meeting will be Ort-Thursday, March 9th at 8:30 P.M. ' COMING EVENTS March 2nd - there will be Executive meeting News of VARNA Correspondent — Fred McClyrtiont Correspondent Mrs. John Templeman W.I. EUCHRE Staffa Women's Institute, held a successful progressive euchre party in the township hall on Wednesday afternoon, February 16 with 10 tables in play. Circle II was in charge of the afternoon with prizes awarded to: Mrs. V. Morrison, Kirkton; Miss Olive Speare, Cromarty; Mrs. Mac Lamond, Cromarty; Mrs. John Miller, Staffa,.mrs. Roy McCul- lough, Cromarty; Mr. Roy Mc- Cullough, Cromarty; Mr. Alvin Barbour, Staffa ST. COLUMBAN Correspondent their record books for the next • Mrs. Joseph Kale meeting. Good prices were realized at' CAR for SALE 1966 Plymouth Sport Fury Automatic 383 'BEST OFFER Phone after 6 p.ni. 345-2127 the auction sale held by James Sloan Jr.. of dairy cows and dairy equipment on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Purcell and children, Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver. and Paul. With Mr. and Mrs. John Tem- pleman for the weekend were Jo- anne Templeman, tondon, Darlene Templeman, Orillia and Rob Templeman, Guelph. Miss Rpsanna Worden t Tor7 mptu, visited recently with her father, Alvin Worden. Dianne Miller was a weekend guest of Gwen Dougall, Mitchell. THE IVIckILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE — Main Street. Seaforth — Phone 527:0400 Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Secretary-Treasurer - Correspondent Miss Jean Copeland ' • • Mr. and Mrs. Herold ThornS'on of Parkhill visited on Thursday with Misses Blanche and Rhea', 'Mills. Mr. and Mrs. David. Wheeler were Sunday afternoon guests with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ax- ford and Mark of Mosley and also. visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Lannin of Dublin. • „Mr. 'and Mrs. Gerald Brint- nell, Terri and Scott wereSuriday supper guests with Mr. .and Mrs. Clare- Elston, Janis, Laurie and Cheryl of London. Mrs. K. Cacciotti of Capreol is, visiting for sometime with her daughter ) Mrs. Fred Park- inson, Fred; Margaret -arid Janet. Mrs. Clarence Thomson and Janice attended open house on Saturday for Judy Fergustui prior-- to her fOrthcoming marriage at 'the home of her parents Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheel- er, Mrs. John Butters, Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland and Mr. and Mrs„ David Wheeler attended the fun, eral on Saturday of their nephew, 'snit cousin, the late Jack-Cooke- • at the Carruthers Funerld Horne in Thamesford. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brint- ,nell were Saturday. supper guests' with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond paynter of Fourth Line. The sympathy: of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Ellis' Strahan In the sudden passing of her sister in Scotland last week. Miss Jean Copeland enjoyed the bus trip with the St. Marys Horticultural Society to 'the Keefe Centre. Toronto On Saturday fo r the twenty-fifth anniversary show of the Tor- onto Garden Club. The memorial flowers in the -, church on Sunday were placed by the relative's in memory of the late Jack Cooke of Thamesford. The Sacrament of Baptism was performed by Rev.John King during the chtirch service Sunday morning when Jastm Andrew, ,.infant son of Mr: And Mrs. Dennis Monteith of Uniondale and Chris- topher Stewart, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vanexan of London were baptized. • SEAFORTH r JEWELLERS for MAW:it:MS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS 'FOR EVERY OCCASICM MI Types of Repairs .Phone 527,0270 News of Staffa WI Holds Sincessful Euchre Party answered by what rearrange- ments I have made in my bed- room. Achievement Day and the upcoming trip to the Ice Capades in London were discussed. Sam- plea of the mitred Corner plain and trimmed was made for the girls books. STAFFA W.I. District President, Mrs. cal- vin Christie, Cromarty was guest speaker at the- International meeting of the Staffs Women's Institute in the township hall on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Christie showed interesting slides and told the highlights of her and her husbands trip to Australia and New Zealand last year. She also showed souv- enirs which she had brought back. Mrs. John Miller presided Roll call, name an import and where it came from, was answered by 9 members. Fees for the Guelph conference in May were forwarded, Short cour- ses were discussed but held over for the March meeting. Members were reminded of the anniver- sary celebration for the district in sebringville early in April. Plans are underway for a des- sert euchre to be held in the hail on March 15 with Circle III in Charge. Mrs. Christie gave a report of the recent Ontario 75th anniversary which was held in Toronto. Mrs. John Miller chose as Lei` ',Lotto - Work does more than give,, us a living, it gives us life. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Miller. Lunch McKillop IV held their third meeting at the home of Mrs. Ray- mond Murray with •10 members present. ,The roll' call was answered . The topic of the meet- ing was seams. The girls are to sew their garments and work' on Smiles . • . An elderly woman bought two .sweaters for her son-in-law and mailed thenif lb him for his birth- day. Some weeks later she paid a visit. Being a dutiful and peace- loving man, the son-ins-law was wearing one of the sweaters when his mother-in-law arrived. She immediately glared at him and barked: ',What's the matter, didn't you like the other one?" All you need to grow fine, vigorous grass is a crack in your sidewalk. was served by the hostesses, Miss Veraliambley, Mrs. Frank Hamilton and Mrs. Russell Wor- den. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roweliffe, Rensall visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. Miss Bonnie Miller, Guelph spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Miller 4, 4 . and Thomas L. Scott, represen- tative of the session of the church. The,. toast' to the fathers was given ,by Stanley Christie and his father Calvin replied. A toast to Lord Baden Powell, founder of the world scouting, was pro- 'posed by Rev. W. Jarvis,. Fol- lowing the banquet three films on pollution were shown. 'when it's TIME TO ACCT R-emember when I Arsed to be iarve,--with a pot -belly? Well,-it was-n't funny carriing"that loadv around. I got rid of it-and now I feelmuch better. Being I'm not as big as I used to be, I can no longer carry the big load of st.ock we rave. I' must must get rid of it, just like I did my weight. Visit Our Store For That Occasional Chair You. Need. We Nave Many Styles in Top Fabrics. MY LOSS IS YOUR GAIN BIS SLEEPING COMFORT IS NECESSARY TO EVERYONE ATTRACT4VE GIFT To Nnd Married Couples leurchoelog Any Hew Rosoui el fUrnihre: THIS CHUMS MMUS Att. 1O/72 FREE 0 It • .10 There's nothing funny about a long and difficult, illness . . . especially where the family budget is concerned. Let us give you all the details on one ot our Major Medical In- surance Policies this week. WISE-BUYS IN HOME FURNITURE FASHIONS SPECIAL NOTEI AU. MERCHANDISE IN OUR STORE PURCHASED FROM CANADA'S LEADING MANUFACTURERS W SEE THEM ON DISPLAY PLEASE NOTE; ITS NOT W .0 MAKES A MATTRESS ITS CHOOSING THE' PROPER SUPPORT THAYENSUR ES YOU OF THE BEST SLEEPING COMFORT. GINGERICH'S TWO STO 8 FOR YOURSELF AND CHOOSE THE MATTRESS OR BOX SPRING THAT SUITS TOUT COME IN ' SEE q• BEFORE YOU BUY A SLEEP SET VISIT OUR STORE Choose the Right Set For Your Best Comfort BODY REST IS MUCH NEEDED BY There Is Sleep Set Built For Everyomes Sleeping • Comfort 6 SEAPORTII