HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-02-17, Page 11See you at our Snowmobile Pizza Party This Saturday Night, February 19th INTEREST FREE! Buy your new CHAPARRAL • The snowrnotaae that conquered the T4ocktes today. Hully-Gully will pay your interest to November 1, 1972: HOLLY-GULLY $NO-SPORT PHONE 262-5326 — VARNA For more information contact Huily-Gully or Medd's Supertest, Seaforth. OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED •T o. Hug* ggrosimpa, Q,..14t4 PhD. At...1977-11 ant Ads: Profits 4 or Hea ach 1 11. Articles f r Sale GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositer, 527-0240., Seaforth. 11-21-tf 11 Coming Eients u. Pus. Opportunities. SARAH SARAH Coventry 1iffeid -- An opportunity to housewives, students, teachers and office workers. Good earnings oppor- tunity. No investment, eollect- ittg or delivery. For interview appointment write Mrs. Joan Boshart, Gadshill, Ontario or phone 271-1558 between 5 and 7 p.m. 5-23-5. •14. Propeity for Sale A LITTLE PIECE 0 F lid I LLOP • $600 buys about a 3/4 aere•plot. WILLIA11.11. HART Salesman * * * Seaforth Phone 527-0870 or 527-1972 Representing GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL-ESTATE LTD. • West Lorne 14-23-1 19. Notices 21. Tenders Wanted, 23. Business Direetory 4:'Carti-Of Thank,, • akiii0iteit •-'•'.-141 0.rpalt$r1 . 0 , • 244a-A The annual meeting of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire ▪ i Insurance Csaripany will be held in the Rtisseldale Community Hall on Monday; February-21st, 1972 at 2 p.m. 1-23-1 - • NEW Bingo, at Clinton Legion Hall 8:30 p.m. Feb. 17th. Ad- ,mission $1.00 15 regular games $10.00 each. 3 Share the Wealth games, 1 Jackpot game fo,r $150.00 in 54 calls or less, er guaranteed $25.00. consolation. One call and $10.00 added weekly if -not won. 1-23-1 THE regular euchre of the L,.0.B.A, will be held at the Seaforth Qrange Hall on Feb. 21st at 8:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Everyone welcome. 1-23-1 SNOW Blowing' in and around Sea- forth. Prompt -service, reasonable rates. Wm.Southgate, 527-0131: 4 19-22x2 proximately 5006 liead Af cattle- • including supply .of 'warblelde • ^ powder. One man to be supplied -.Ha by the municipality. °- FUNERAL' PhOrieSi • Saturday , Day 527.0680"- Night a7-08EM slid inoeltihYbCgifilrt,S49fellti;Nee 41::617e4i 'We wish -to.. that*: 40r. tle0dP• •AREO undercoating machine practically new. . ,cost $475. will sell for $200. Jim Thomp- son, R.R. 2, Seaforth, 52'7-1819- 11-23-1 Tenders Close- at noon on DEAD W ;Nr TEDALiVE .341- ...... .. ...... ,,,,4,-,---t • it \yap aAvet;:k rmich apprecigeg John mill Jessie Boyd.: 410:-. FEB; 26,1972 H. H. G.. STRANG, Clerk Township of Usborne, R.R.3, Exeter, Ontario. Phone 235-2228. 21-23-2 IMATHWELL'S Dead and disabled cows and horses $10.00 each. $1.00 cwt. Will be paid for animals from 500 lbs. to 1000 lbs. '- Calves and pigs pick-pp free. Around the clods pick-up ser- vice '7 days'a week. Call collect 8187-9334. Lic. #273-.c-70 would 1.1.1se.• W Plank,i4v5rphe who rornek41)pre4 04 04- occasion -of rfiy.ninty4lith birth,-.• day. g was all' " in appreciated, Mary Afln Miller, 24-13x1 4/sincere thdh1cP to everyo▪ ne▪ who; itStted me and sent eards.40.141, thanks to Dr. Underwood and pr. Maikus, the nurses and stag. it was very-.:much- appreotat4. - James• Racho Sr. 2443 . '• I would like to expieSs sinnere thanks to Dr. Brady and ,,,:the nursing staff of Seaforth CPIR,- munity Hospital, to Rey. T, d., Mulholland and Aomapy frhentis_ who visited' me, sent cards !S.nd gifts while I was a patieet. in hospital and to those who have helped in any way since I returned - home.. All was sincerely; b.11-,--- preciated. - J'epnie41ogg. 24-23-1 I would like to thank my neigh- bors, friends and relatives who so kindly remembered me With cards, treats, flowers and visits 'during my stay in the hospital. _Special thanks to the 'doctors of the Clinic arid Dr. Quinlan of Stratford, the staff and nurses for the wonderful 'care given m6, also Rev. Reuber and Rev. Falconer for their calls. It was all deeply appreciated. - William Boyd. , 24-23-1 SINGLE Continental bed, box spring and Mattress in good condition. 527-1898. 11,-23-1 DRY shelled corn for salt in 8 or 16 ton loads., Contact Kea R. Campbell, 527-0249. 11 -23x8 8. Farm Stock for Saida SiXTEEN started pigs for sale. Apply to Oliver Wright, 527- 1727. • 8-23-1 Auctioneers & Appraisere Licensed and Bonded Ontario wide Aucti0,11 Service. 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITOR'S In the Estate of HELEN CAROLINE GLEW THREE Holstein heifers due in 2 - 3 weeks, between 1200 - 1300 lbs. Ferg. Kelly, Dublin, 345-2197. 8-23-1 GOOD young beef by the quarter or half. Cut wrapped audgovern- inent inspected. 482-7578. 11-23-2 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies 19-21-tf flOf ICE 17. Wanted to Rent Rhone Collect 482-312,0, 23-2-3-tf 7- - • . THREE black and white faced 'heifer. calves also 28 chunks.- Apply Donald Kelly, Lot 11, Con. 4, McKillop. 8-23-1 A three bedroom house wanted between Seaforth and Hensall.• Apply to Box 2056 The" Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario. 17-23x2 All persons having claims against' the Estate of Helen Caroline Gl.ew, late of the Town of Sea- ford), in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased, who died on the 30th day of November, 1971, are hereby notified to send In full particulars of their claims to 'the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of March, 1972, after which date the assets will be clistributed,having regard only to -claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 3rd day of February. 1972. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor. 22-22-3 NO. 8 — track automatic radio car stereo. Twin speakers and a few tapes. 527-0446. 11-23-1 -01-1ARTERED bus to Ice Capades Sunday •March 12th 6:30 perfor- mance. $6.50 includes admission. Good Times Travel,. 527-0050. „ 1-23-2 MOTOR Coach tours to Florida Feb. 26 for 16 days from $205.00 and March 17 10 days mid-term school break from $135.00. Good A Times Travel 527-0050. 1-20-6 21. Card of Thanks '9. Poultry for Sale THREE motors, 2 are3 H.P.and one is 5 H.P. All are 550 vol- tage also one, hand lift truck. Seaforth Creamery co. Ltd. 527-0610. 11-23-1 I wish to express my .sincere thanks to all who visited me,, sent cards books and treats while I was a patient in hospital. Thanks also to Dr. Brady, nurses and staff of Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to those who helped me and _the family during and • since my confinement. All kindnesses, deeply appreciated. - Glen Carter. 24-23-1 THREE bedroom home with , modern conveniences in the town of Seaforth. Phone 527-1657. 17-22-3 KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets • SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box169 9-21-tf Tradesmen and Contractors wishing to have 'their names ced on the TENDER LIST of t.ie Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board are invited to submit in writing a description of their service. Such information will be kept on file in the Administration Office of the Board for reference when services are needed. Please submit replies to: Huron-Perth County R,C,S.S, BOARD Box lop SEAFORTH, Ontario. 19-23-1 19. Notices '-MAPLE syrup and turnips for sale. Apply Percy .Adams,Blyth, Phone 523-4452 after 5, p.m. ll-23-2_ ANY magazine, any time, any- where, Special to Feb. 29; Good Housekeeping $4.14, regular $6.00. Your representative Davis Agency , London, Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Hensall, phone 262-2278. 19-18-7 COME to Blyth Lion's Club Bingo every Saturday night 8:30 P.M. in the Memorial Hall. Ad- mission $1.00, 12 reg. games at $10.00 each, 2 share the wealth games,$25.00 special and $125.00 • jackpOt in 60 calls. Every time it doesn't go there is $10.00 added. 1-21-tf ONE small dark brown Chihuahua male pup 3 1/2 months old. Phone 236-4752. 11-23-1 10. Used Cars for Sale 1965 Metebr Montcalm 4 door H.T., V8, AT PS and PB. As is $200. Jim Thompsoh, R.R. 2, Seaforth, 527,-1819. 10-23-1 I wish. to thank everyone who_ sent flowers, cards and treats. during my stay in hospital, or all who brought baking to the hollse, G.- McKenzie, nurses and doctors at Seaforth Hospital. It was very much appreciated. - Marie Johnson. 24-23-1 • TRI.-TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE income Tax - Record Preparation ,Business - Farm - Individual Returns 23. Business Directory G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HO.ME Goderictf St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent FLOWERS .FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - • Seaforth 23-21-tf BALED straw for sale, 527- 1729. 11-23-2 11. Articles for Sale - WOOD for sale - Hardwood slabs delivered to your yard $4.00 pet cord, in_6 c.'M lots. Phone Craigs Saw-m111, Auburn .526-7220. 11-21-3 ONE Kenmore oil space heater, complete with self-start fan, filters, all pipes and 200 gal: oil tank, also one Beatty 24in. electric range. Phone, daytime 527-0526, night - 527-1141. 11-23x1 RESPIRATORY DISEASE WORKSHOP in Stratford, April 12, 1972. Dr. C. Collins - Williams Director" of Allergy, Silk Child- rens Hospital, Toronto will be special speaker. Sponsored by Huron-Perth TB & Respiratory Disease Assoc- iation. 1-23-1 27. Births I would like 'to thank my friends and' relatives .for their cards, visits and ,,treats while I was a patient in Seaforth Hospital. With a special thanks to Dr. Brady and nurses for their good care and kindness. - Sandy Pepper. , 24-23x1 - DEDRICK - To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dedrick, nee Laura Hoggart, of Simcoe, Ontario in Norfolk General Hospital, Simcoe, • on February 6, 1972, a son, Gregory Scott. 27-23x1 'NOTICE. Would the party that took the' tarp and quilt from my gate Lot 23 Con. 5 'McKillop please return. 19-23x1 APPLES $1.50 a bushel and up. Spys, Kings, ,MacIntosh, Delic- ious, Greenings, etc. Phone 482-9141. Fred McClymont, Varna. 11-20x4 LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield - Phone 482-9260 19-21-tf LITTER carrier, 40 ft. pole about 200 ft. track. $70. or best offer. Phone 345-2765, Ken Britton, R.R. 2, Dublin. 11-23-1 INVEST your money safely where it will ,earn the most. Contace Ted Sava.uge Investments, Regis-' tered Retirement and low cost Occidental Terrn Insurance. 527- 1522. 19-21:-tf • W. 1. -C 1_, E Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMT3ALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 In-21-tf SIEMON - Hi! My name is Angela Marie. I was born on Friday,, February 11th at Llstowel Memorial Hospital. My proud Mummy and Daddy are Geraldine and Allan Siemon, R.R. #5, Mitchell. ' 27-23-1 - - My sincere thanks to all those who remembered me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits whiter. was a patient in Stratford General Hospital and since coming home. - Harold Rock. 24s23x1 My sincere thanks to all those who remembered me with cards, gifts 'and visits while 1 was a patient in Victoria Hospital. It was very much appreciated. - :Mrs. Louise Eckert. 24-23x1 NOTICE USED televisions.' PfiOne 527- 1082. 11-23-3 SNOWBLOWERS, • farrowing orates, feed stalls, gates;carts and repair. Geo..Troyer, 262- 5282. • 11-21-tf 1. Help Wanted - Township of Tuckersmith - • HENSALL Legion requires a bar steward. 262-2400. 4-22-2 PRICED TO CLEAR Quantity of late model Singer SN.ifing.rnachines. Singer straight stitch,. Singer zig •zag, Singer Touch and Sew also Singer's best 'Golden Touch and Sew With flexi-stitch (model 750) . This machine retailed at $479.95 and is a 1971-72 model. Machines - priced to sell from $69.95 . Also White demonstrators reduced up to 40%. SEW 3 SAVE .CENTRE The residents of the Town- ship of Tuckersmith are requested by the council: ELECTROLUX Canada Limited Sales and Service, •authorized dealer. • Alvin Riley, 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich, Phone 524-6514. 19-21-tf ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines avail- able at The Huron Expositor. 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-21xtf LET AVON COSMETICS INTRO- DUCE YOU to some of the nicest people in your neighborhood. Sell our world-famous products near your home during 'your spare. time hours. It's a wonderful, way to earn money for the things you want - and make..new friends, too! For details, write: • Auctioneer COOPER - To Mr.' and. Mrs: Gayle Cooper, Kippen, at -St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on February 10, 1972, a daughter, Amy Elizabeth, wee sister°for Stephen. 27-23-f Not To Park Cars on Township Roads FARM - AND. FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETI-IKE Phone 347-2465 Monkton 23-21-tf TROPICAL 'FISH. BUDGIES, CANARIES ANY TREES TO CUT? WILLIAM ALBERT Phone 345-2583 WILSON - To Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Wilson, Seaforth, at• Seaforth Community' Hospital on February 10, 1972, a • on, Billy Joe. ' • 27- xl A sincere thanks to everyone who visited me, sent ,flowers, treats and cards. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses and Father Laragh. It was very much A complete line of pet supplies. PAT'S PET SHOP 35,0 Main Street, MRS. M. MILLSON 17 Hawkesbury Ave:, LONDON 32. 4-23-3 JOHN -E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST • .. By Appointment Only Seaforth Office Wed.., Thurs.,-Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. ' Thursday evenings Monday only - Clinton Office Poi' Appointment Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 23-21-tf I during the winter months in 'order to facilitate "snow plowing operations. Council will not be res- ponsible for damage to any vehicles parked on roads or streets. ' Council also requests that the residents of the Township pf Tuckersmittr: 19-21-if Exeter ' Phone 235-1951. • 107 Downie Street 11-21-tf 2 doors south, of Avon Theatre, Stratford. 21-9660 11-23-4 Wanted for steady 4 , WORK ICI GRAIN ELEVATOR Apply Cook's Division of Gerbers Corporation, Hens 11, 262-2605. NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm phone by Saturday night. COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 250 each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 117 21-tf 8-Track Titan automobile tape player, still under warranty , never been installed $40.00. General Motors 3 Speed auto- matic transmission, just rebuilt, will fit '65 - '69 G.M. cars, $35 . Wm. Southgate, 527- 0131. 11 -22x2 .12., Wanted to Buy WANTED to illy child's crib in good condition. Phone 527-1227 after 7 P.M. 12-23x1 Do Not Push or Dump. Snow on Township Roads WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 19-21-tf COLLIE pups wanted. Call Percy . Adams, Blyth, 523-'4452 after 5 P.M.. 12-23-2 NURSES AID Prepared to work shift work. Apply SEAFORTH MANOR Phone 527-0030. 4-23-2 SEAFORTH - ELECTRONICS VACUUM CLEANERS ANY Seaforth Scout neeker- chieves which are not in use. Contact Mrs. Rhea Cameron, A.C.M., 345-2667 after ,6 P.M. 12-23x1 ZENITH 3 PH I LCO 'DEALER Bus: Opportunities MAN or 'Woman, or husband and wife. Full time or part time. ••-0116 of the oldest, • most res- pected companies in the country has an opening for a dealer. No cash outlay! Buy ‘vtioLesale, from ,our factory - sell retail. Tremen- dous profits! All products 'sold uncier replacethent or money raun guarantee.Car necessary. Write: Area Manager, box 91, Seaforth, 'Ontario. 5-'23-tf ALLAN NICHOLSON Road Superintendent 11. Property for Sale Sales & Service 'All Makes 2130'13 PECK VARNA • 262-5748 19-21 -tf APPLES, Cortlands, Delicious, Northern' - Spies, top.. quality, prices very reasonable, on week ends. Ross Middleton Storage. 1 mile east of Hayfield, North of the river. '11-22-3 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH 19-23-l2 service to all makes - T.V's., Radios, Etc,. • 17 Sparling.St, - Phone 527-1150 • 23-21-tf 20. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION , SALE 'Of. Holstein cattle, • dairy .equipmeht, etc: at north 1/2. of , Lot 10,• Con. '7, ,McKillop ' Township, 7 miles northeast of•Seaforth on 1960 General House Trailer for sale. 41' X 10', 2 Bedrooms, fully furnished. Contact Gordon Byers at 345-2344. • 11-22-3 PERCY WRIGHT . LICENSED AUCTIONEER LIVE IN THE COUNTRY 1 1/2 storey 4 bedroom includ- ing 5 acres with privacy, 75 rods in frOM Main road, lovely kitchen, newly' paneled, new • cupboards, -floor covering, tiled bathroom, F.A.O. furnace, 7 miles from Seaforth., Contact: ' - JOE O'REILLY, Dublin - 345-2465 H. KEITH LIMITED, REALTOR, 181 Eglinton Avenue E.; TORONTO 12, 487-3333.14-23-1 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar antee all work. ‘Vrile or call Harvey. •Dale..Seaferth. Phone Cli! ion, 482-3320 19-21-If CLASSIFIED RAT-ES Kippen; Ontario Telephone 262-5515, Hehsall 23-214f Word Count WEDNESDAY /FEB at 1:30 P.1Vf. a 23 CATTLE: 34 Holstein cows due from Feb. tb May; .'7 HOlstein cows milking and rebredi . 2 Holstein cows fresh in January; Reg. Holstein bull 2 1/2 years old; I Holstein heifer due sale time; 2 Holstein, heifers bred; 7 open Holstein heifers; 2 cross, bred 'calves. EQUIPMENT: 4 Surge milker Surge milker pump and motor; Forty 8 gallon milk can's; Star 8 can spray cooler nearly new; Double stainless steel wash nk. NOTE: This -1s --e, young' herd of good cows, so Plan'to attend, All cows- checked for pregnancy by veterinarian day of sale. SALE ORDER - dairy equipment cattle. lbe sold first followed by TERMS: .Cash NO Reserve Charges are based oh the number of words, sets of nurnerals such as serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or pt,eces count as one word 'per set. Words joined 'by,nyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION -25 words $1.25,40 per word thereafter SNOW plowing. Phone Medd's Supertest, 527-03.11. • 19-18-•6 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL [don't let lack of cash hinder a bargain buy! SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 30 per - word, minimum''74 ORDER SEED...GRAIN Forageand ' Clinton, Ontario We are now paying $5.00, - $15.00 for fresh dead 'or -dis- abled cows' and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to.serve you better. Fast, efficient service. All smli farm stock picked up free of • charge as a service to you. Call collect - 482-9811 7 days a week - 24 hours a day License No. 378-C-72 Call us first, you won't have to 6211 anyone else. ' 19-21-tf • SEMI-DISPLAY BAILEY FIRST INSERTION - $1.40 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.26 per colurrin inch MinithuM Size. 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch Red ..Estate 82 Albert Street Clinton LEGAL ADVERTISING -, Rates on request. • • BOX NUMBERS to this. office - 250' per insertion BIRTHS No charge when in minimum form. 11,11 11011, 111 I 1 ,11,11 k 10 l'uN 10d,t \ 01 a nu,I IL.Itr . . ,.‘,111 It 1),, 1/4 old) ilvivro um, Itituicr .111,1 look t'\ ,II,1ii Ir,olti in. I, tc,11,Tatc o‘tt bedroom home near with electric heat, garage completely New , 3 Seaforth, ,attached modern. Now While Stocks Are Available MARRIAGES. Engagements, Death NoticeS; Cards of Thanks and Births '(other than in minimum form) - 25 words $1,25, each additional word 2C. 87 acre dairy farm in McKillop TOwnship with large modernized home. Good frame barn and milk house.. ,Well located and priced to sell. EARLY DELIVERY and CASH "DIS1 COUNTS' ARE NOW IN EFFECT IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25, plus 100 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 25 words $ h25. each additional word 40. N6 cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after noon Mondays. REG, SflITH SIGNS 'Drive in truck lettering, $10. up. two sides. All magnetic sheet signs hand lettered $1:3.50 per pair and up. Cut out wood letters. 'Sale banners, etc. Lexan unbreakable plastic. Dor sign fares Windows, etc. Advertising changed on pastic sign' faces or faces replaci.d. Uses outdoor signs. REG,- SflITH SIGNS Cor. of East ,and High Streets Clinton Phone 482,9'793 19-22-2 JAMES G. S1,OAN Proprietor 0111t 111 ,111d di ,1 11101 1p lc, 10.1 n I,, hc11) 111,11 cd 110111c phi tio\i . ,),‘,0 It e,h1I6 .!1 101L1 ,11)(1 (11, 50 acre farm in Mullet township with excellent buildings. Spring possession. R. G. GETIIKE Auctioneer . 347-2465 Not responsible for •acchlents day of sale. 20-22-2 21. Tenders \V-a-nted *25 DISCOUNT Listing needed On good homes. ontact MASON BAILEY . Office 482-9371 14-23-1 „Remember' It takes but 'a moment to place an Expositor Want -Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, iust Dial Seaforth 527-'0240. FOR'CASH PAYMENT OF ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE 6:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, the week following publication. VICWRIA and GREY WARBLE FLY SPRAY TENDERS • TOWNSHIP OF' USTIORIsiE The council of the Township of Usborne invites tenders stating • price per head per spray on T ' • DEADLINE DEADLINE TO INSERT ADS IS 5:00 P.M. - TUESDAY • Seaforth Phone 527-190 Phone 527-0240 or 527-0241 •4' 11 A WY N.C" r 1889