HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-02-17, Page 10Action Ads PHONE DIRECT 527-0240 1,9-411/11 HURON EXPOSITOR:_ SEAFORTH, ONT.; FEB. 17, 19.72 .• READ acid tISE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIE i. TAX SA,VINGS with Registered Retirement Plan No need to settle for less when the best Is available. Before you add to your ex," Ming R.R.S.P. or start a new one, CONTACT Fred (Ted) Savauge-527-1522 Representing Regal Investment Services., Occidental Lifelstsurenee • 22. Legal Notices .r77.."-- • - 22 Legal Notices Stricter regulations for the operation-of school -buses were approVed Monday by the Huron- Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board. ' The regulations were intro- duced by Arthtir Haid, RR #4, Listowel, chairman of the trans- portation committee, based on the findings of tire coroner's jury .on January 12, 1972, investigatl- ing an October 26 fatal -bus acci- dent near Moorefield on Welling- ton county Road 10, which rec- ommended. stiffer controls over bus eqUipment and _operationsa A seven-year old girl, a pas- senger in the, school bus when it left the road and ran into two hydro poles, was killed, and eight, 'other children received minor. • For Complete , INSURANCE on your HOME; BUSINESS, FARM CAR,. ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE - SEE JOHN A. CARDNO - Insurance Agency Phone 527,9490 — Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth' Motors 4 ar The First Brucefield Cub Pack visited the Huron Expositor on .Monday evening of this week. Seventeen Cubs were shown the various steps involved in printing a newspaper. along with Cdb leader Mrs. Olive Broadfoot and assistant leader,. trry McGregor 'were: Ken Aikenhead, Ron Taylor, Shane .Elliott, Richard Johns, Ray Dallas, Murray McGregor, Andrew Davidson, DaVid Townsend,. Danny Elliott, Bill Gibson, Roy Brown, Phillip Packman, James Ferris, Lyle Kinsman, Brian Thomkins, Brian Falkner and Stephen McGregor. They are not necessarily in this order in the picture above. (Staff Photo) Huron -Perth RCSS Board To Erift4ce Stricter Regulations For School Busses ry BY-LAW No. 875 • Y. RWOM RI TO R .• j. 7j.. • ,.4Nrt N aft- '?'! 0 J 4.1. 7, 1 riaalownossindea daddrOMM111 .1.14[11 5,0 ••-•-••••••• t!. 0000 0IC. 5,(7 4 ••• I • •.x• • jY7!' • • ! d 2 CEOPS, L E G'E N —1] 1!E 5.0E 11, Al Ion. ,1,3E!"11,11 014 1.1F 7•.141' •, Aid •d.4 C IAC ZONC • H ,A. '",,,YERS,I. ZONE 0k1P.CTF.0 70eir HA., 1101.1"...ti 20 ,E i uC'EN 1PACE r- 1100,1111 ZONE i ZONING MAP nvim sn LOT 12 LO T 1 1 0I A _L I MOO t 0 144NSLe 0 f T u•O N E A sui Prddhold 1.1.604 rNynarro no Taro enshara TO 0HIHdiddl kee.1 I.Proort '900 D.. N. III-0.1 / 22-23-2 CHRYSLER Ooduolturlis ,SALESISEPACE Your HQ for *At Dependable USED CARS 1970 Plymouth Sedan 2-1969 Dodges, one HT., one Sedan 1969 Chrysler Sedan - 2=1968 Chryslers; one HT.,•one Sedan 1967 Dodge Sedan 1967 Dodge Dart Sedan Several Older Models on the Lot 7 ROWCLIFFE MOTORS . 8g/in:nail Phone 527.1670 Dodge Home-Made Pure Pork . . SAUSAGES 04aart 59, SCHNEIDER'S SPECIALS Skiniesl WIENERS tasty • BOLOGNA' SEAFORTH figAT MARKET Lean Sliced Cooked HAM lie -Ib. 59c Fresh Cut Chicken WING I Eli 1 woo T 22. Legal Notices 22 Legal Notices Zoning Map forming part of By-law 794 is hereby changed' for those lands described' in Schedule ',A", attached hereto, from Restricted Residential Zone (R1) toGeneral Residential Zone (R2)., Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 14th day of February, 1971. F. C. S. Sills Mayor • Ernest M. Williams Clerk SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 875 All and Singular those certain parcels' or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron and the Province of Ontario and being composed of: Firstly: Lots Number 100, 101, 110, 111, 112, 113 in registered 'plan number 3 for the Town of 'SeafOrth, in the County of Huron. Secondly:Parts of Jarvis Street, Market Square and Market' Street in the said Town of Seaforth, previously dedicated as a highway and more particularly described, as follows: That portion of the said highway, 114.84 feet along Jarvis Street by a , 46.2 feet along Market Street, abutting on part of Lots Number .111 and 110 according to Jarvis survey of part of the said Town of Seaforth. Thirdly: That part of Jarvis'Street, the Market Square and Lot NO. 121 as shown on registered plan number 3, for the town of Seaforth,,ln the County of Huron, the boundaries of -whieh part are more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersec- tion of the easterly limit of Jarvis Street with the' northerly,,limit. of Lot 111 as shown on registered plan No. 3;• Thence" westerly along the production of the northerly limit of said Lot 111, a distance of two and. twenty-five one hundredths (2.25') feet; Thence southerly rn a straight line,.a distance of one hundred and forty-seven and four-tenths (147".4') f'e'et to a point in 'the productibn westerly of the, northerly limit of Market Street, said point being- distant two and One7tenth.,(2.1') feet, measured westerly *along said production from its intersection with the production southerly of the easterly limit of Jarvis Street; Thence easterly along .the prod- uction of the northerly limit of Market Street, a distance of two and onetenth (2.1') feet to the production southerly of the easterly limit ofjarvis Street; Thence northerly along this last mentioned production of the easterly limit of Jarvis Street a distance of one hundred and forty-Seven andfour- tenths (147.4'). feet more or less to the plaCe of beginning. • injuries, and on the following day the driver of the' bus committed suicide. The jury ruled the girl died of head injuries after she was thrown against a steel crossbar on the backaf a bus seat. , A breathalizer test taken by, the bus driver three hours after the accident, had. shown a con- centration of .08 per cent alcohol (the legal "limit) or higher, est- imated, at the time of the accident to be 9 1/2 ounces of alcohol in the blood stream. The new school board regu- lations call for the installation of padded coverings for the steel crossbars on all buses carrying separate school students. The padding is to, be installed on the five board-owned buses, immed- iately. Contract bus operators have until September 1, 1972 as a deadline to have this precaut- ionary measure taken to .have the crossbars on the back of '2,111 seats, covered, with padding. other are: Board transportation com- mittee members will make personal visits to all bus driv- ers on a regular basis. Copies of all school bus drivers' licences (for board-owned buses) be made available to the bodrd" office, updated with renewals and changes affect- ing the licence. Copies of schoolbus certifi- cates of mechanical fitness be made available to the' board office by all independent contractors before_September 1 and January 2 of each school year. Certification by all school bus contractors that guarantees••• th"at drivers suspected of being under the influence of alcohel be barred from driving the vehicles. Violation of the guar- • antee gill automatically term- inate the board's contract with the operator. James Morris, Stratford, board chairman, said copies of the new regulations will be sent to all area bus operators as well as the Huron and Perth school boards. In McKillop Township separ- ate school students are presently transported on a pro rata basis on Huron County Board of Edu- cation buses. In other bpsiness the board approved a resolution to be pre- sented by Arthur Haid to the Ont- ario Separate School Trustees' ASsociation and the Ontario School Trustees' Council that the Ontario Government be re- quested to amend the legislation to allow school boards to pay 15 cents per mile to trustees to attend board and committee meetings because it has been found that after three years of operation under the county sys- tern that the present 10 cents per mile 'now ailoWed is not sufficient. The board endorsed a reso- lution from the Leeds and Gren- ville Board of Education that in view of the difficulties of operat- fng a transportation system for students within the allowances established by 'the Department for grant purposes, especially in relation to Kindergarten and other elementary pupils that the Minister .orEducation be reques- ted to imprOve 'th,e allowances in order to enable boards to keep their costs within ,those allowances. Endorsed, also, was a reso- lution from the Kent County Board of Education requesting the Min- ister of Municipal Affairs to 'amend the •Planning Act so that all notices Of changes of 'zoning by-laws within a Board of Edu- cation's jurisdiction be corn mun- icated to the board involved. (This resolution results from the fact there is no provision for this notification, and rezoning can cause unexpected changes in population which affects est- imated enrolments and future five-year forecasts of Boards of Education.) John Vintar, Superintendent of Education, .„reportea •on the various publie speaking contests in Whidh, separate school stud- ents, are taking part. NOTE TO BY-LAW 875 OF THE 'TOWN OF SEAFORTH It is -the . intent' of by-law 875 ••to provide for changing the land uses or zoning affecting those portions of the town described in Schedule "A" which forms part of by-law 875. By-law 875 provides for changing those parcels of land and lots listed in Schedule "A" from the present zoning of Restricted Residential (R1) to General Residentidl (R2). The area concerned includes all land in., the western half of the block bounded by John Street, High Street, Market Street and JarVis Street; if the by-law is approyed the whole block will then be zoned as General Residential (R2). • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH BY-LAW NO.875 A by-law. to amend Zoning By-law ^94. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Eeaforth enacts as follows: 1.• Notwithstanding any other provision of By-law 794, the • 1' 0 W N 5 ol Notice of Application Mr.. Vintar announced that • Ted Rooney, special education consultant with the board, would 0 report on special education in the „Huron-Perth system • this year. Vincent "young, chairman of the buildings • and 'maintenance committee, gave a report on the maintenance work being carried On in the nineteen separate •" schools in the two counties. Jack Lafte, Business Admin- istrator, reported that .from a letter from' the St. Marys town council an invitation was extended to a delegation from the board to discuss council's decision to refuse the board's request to have the north end of Peel Street ,, closed. Trustee. Chris Walraven, St. Marys, quoted a story from the ' St. Marys Journal that council would receive the delegation but did not 'intend to change its decis- ion not to close the street. The a board decided that the committee' --David Teahen and Howard' Shantz of Stratford, Michael Con- . nollf Kippen and Francis Hick- • nell of Seaforth would attend the meeting to discuss the problem. * let 4- 4 1-T• T T A * * IIANTED * * SALESMAN FOR * ** FEED AND FARM -.0( * SUPPLIES FOR 44 .• * HURON AREA * -1( * 'AP P-LY BOX 2057 .-4r *** HURON EXPOSITOR .K a ** /et *AL* 4t At• * *4( . NOTICE OF APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act. ' TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisidn of Section 35 of the planning Act for approval of'By-law No. 875 passed on the 14th day of February, 1972. A copy of the by-law is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the. by-law and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith. , ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or .deliver to •the Clerk of the Town of Seaforth notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law, together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. ANY RERSON wishing to support the application for approval of the by-law may within fourteen (14) days after the date of this 'notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Seaforth notice of his support ,of approval of the said by-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also thename and addiess,to which such notice should be given. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said by'-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk. undersigned, the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS will be the 3rd day of March, 1972. DATED at the Town of Seaforth this 17th day of February , 1972. Ernest' M.' Williams, Clerk, Box 610, ! f'1i • Seaforth, Ontario. •