HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-02-17, Page 6ELM HAVEN • MOTOR HOTEL NOW PLAYING "THE CHAR ERS" (Pop and Country) BEGINNING FEBRUARY 21. SUGARFOOT "A SHOW BAND THAT WILL DELIGHT EVERYBODY." MATINEE EACH SATURDAY AFTERNOON FROM 4 to 6'p.m. CASH BINGO _LegionilatIT-Seaforir) FRI., FEB. 18th 815 p .m.' 15 Regular Games for $10.00 ,,THREE $25.00 GAMES — $75.00 Jark-na t" TWO DOOR PRIZES ' • ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERM1TTLD) ' —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The “VanishingParties"pro- ject is still progressing. The committee wishes to thank all who have participated so far and to date we have received $232,00T- Any members who have not had theieinittal party please do so as soon as possible so we can reach our goal. The following ladies have held parties or donated money: Mrs. Jos, Hugill, Mrs. Cyril Kirk, MrS. Hattie Johnson, Mrs. Glad- ys Wright, Mrs. David Stewart, Mrs. Olive Traviss,Mrs. Albert Baker, Mrs. Frank Reynolds, Mrs. Jas. A. MacDonald, Miss Gladys Thompson, Ykr.s. Jas. F. Scott, Mrs. John Longstaff, Mrs. Lavina Wheatley, Mrs. R.S.Box, Mrs. Ken Etue, Mrs. Joseph Mc, Connell,Mrs. Evelyn Brown,Mrs. L.Ford, Mrs. Leo Teatero, Mrs. Steve Lupul, Mrs. Elsie Dins- more, •Miss Tilly Dundas, Mrs. Lou Sills, Mrs. Dave Cornish, Mrs. F.R. Cosford, Mrs. W.T. Teen, Misses Bess and Peg Grieve and Mrs. Wm. Hart. ' Egmondville Correspondent Mrs. Charles Geddes The Egmondville II 4-H club met for their first meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles Geddes. The girls welcomed their leaders Mrs. Charles Geddes and Mrs. Merl Glanville. The new execu- tive elected includes; President, Barnba:ra Doig; Vice president, Deanna Barry; Press Reporter, Sharoh Glanville.. The business was discussion of pickingk suit- able patterns and material for the garment for sleepwear. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Glanville. Visitors at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geddes and family were Mrs. Geddes' par- ents , Mr. and Mrs.' James Cam- eron of Sarnia, ant. liinillifilifflifill11,11111111111 Geography Club PENNY SALE. will.be held in the vacant store next to Whitney's Furniture Store, from SAT., FEB. 19th Mr, 'and Mrs. Alfred Better- man and Susan attended the 13ap- Om service for Boll:, Molyn, daughter of Mr. and Nils Larry Bemerman at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in London on Sunday. Jane Sills has returned home from Seaforth Community Hos- pital after a sueinessful append- ectomy. Mr. and Mrs.en Williams and family of Guelph spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Williams. Mr. Elmer Dennis has re- turned from Ottaw'a where he was a delegate at the annual meeting of the Liberal Party in Ontario. • The many friends of Mrs. R. K.• McFarlane will be pleased to know that she is out of hospital and Is convalescing at home: John Van Rooljen, formerly Assistant Manager of the Toron- 4 BRIEFS to -Dominion Bank, Kingston ont. has recently been appointed Credit SuperviSor over 32 branches in the Ontario Division. His transfer positioned him at the Toronto-Dominion Centre, 55 King and Bay, Toronto, Ontario. Mr. Van Bootle') is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Van Ftooi- len of Seaforth. Smiles * • * A man walked into an at- torney's office, nervously sat down 'and asked, "I would like to kpow if I have .grounds for divorce?" "Are you married?" Inquired the lawyer. • The man nodded and replied, ' "Of course." "Then," said the lawyer, "you have grounds." 0.*****414n04 CANDELITE RESTAURANT and TAVERN — ENTERTAINMENT — FRIDAY "CAVA9.1pS" SATURDAY "FRIENDSHIP TRAIN' Bayfield Road in Goderich — Phone 524-7711 #4.44.444~#~4~44.444#4444~#44~0~!..."4" Gingham Dance • SEAFORTH LEGION HALL. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19th Music by `THE TRUETONES' ADVANCE TICKETS $2.00 Per Couple AT_ DOOR- $3.00 -- Prizes for the Best. Costumes Sponsored by Branch 156 Canadian Legion ON — SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 197 2 AT 2:00 P.M. [-or the presentation of the, Annual Report; to 'elect three directors to replace those whose term of office haseipir- ed: and io transact all business as may .be done at a gen.- 'oral meeting of the policyholders. The retiring directors are ,Leonard Erb, Hensall; Reinh- old Miller, DasliWood:' andAvlax Turnbull. Dash-WoOd; who ,are eligible for re-electloii. Notice is liereh3 given that at a meeting of the Direc- tors held on January 17,1972, all the general by-laws of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Comp- any were considered and revised to coriform• particularly with Bill 81 (1071), an Act to amend the Inturapee Act: and Bill •18 (1971), an Act to amend the Corpoartion act and such other amendments as the Directdts deem necess- ary,".as they effect; s Article 10 - Voting of Members Article 21 - Qualification of Directors Article 23 - Directors acting as A gents Article 33 - Remuneration Article 38 - Bonding •• A Copy of the revised By-Laws•may be seen at the Head Office of the Company, in Zurich, prior to the annual 'meeting. 'LEONARD' ERB P resident JOHN R. CONSITT Secretary-Treasureri. DANCING at FAMILY 4 , PARADISE DANCES February 19 Country Cavaliers February -26 Mock III Family Paradise, Camping and Snowmobile Club. Refreshments Available - Lunch Served SF A FoRTH V 4-H. The Seaforth V 1VenennEking LILA, met on Tuesday night at the t.ume of Mrs. Van Doormk. Eleven club girls were present Leadets are Mrs, Van Doornik and Mrs. Dorssers.. Officers elected were President, Dorothy Van Duornik, Vire-President, Brenda Haney, Secretary, Float- ing; Treasurer. Jacqueline Van Doornik and Press Reporter, Marilyn Guicihelaar. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Dorsser's place. FGMONDVILLE 1 The first meeting of Egniond- ville 1 was held at Mrs. Eggert's on Tuesday night. The officers are: president, MaijorieJausen; Vice-president, Connie , Van Dyke; Secretary, Floating; Treasurer, Phyllis Patterson; Press Reporter, Diane .Nigh. The demonstration was taking meas- urements. Mrs. Eggert intro- duced Mary Van Dyke as the assistant leader. There are nine members in the group and the home assignment •was to buy a pattern and material and pre- pare for cutting.- Music Results The following is a list of successful candidates in exam- inations held _recently by the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto in Stratford: Grade 6 piano with honours, Lorie Savauge; Brenda Savauge. Grade 5 piano with honours; Tracey Baker., Grade 4 piano with honours: Linda Vincent; Jane Ribey; Michelle,Savange. -Linda Vincent is a student of Mrs. -Dave Tremeer, Seaforth and the other youpg, ladies are students of Mrs. Jane Vincent, Seaforth. „lime Williamson, R.' R. #3, Walton was successful-' in pass— ing her Grade B RianoExaminat- ion with Honors at the recent examinations held by • the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto in Stratford. She is a student of Mrs. Carol Carter,.A.R.C.T., A. Mus. * * ** * * * * *, i4 In sc5:nning the Zurich Citizens News we note that the Ontario Housing Corporation will coniinc.t„ a survey " to determine the need and demand for senior citizen housing in the Village of Zurich. The study, which begins Shortly, was requested by the Village Council. - - The. annual election and dinner meeting of Local 31'7, National Farmer's Union, was held Wednesday, in the Dashwood Community Centre. Ele on results- were • as follows: President - Lloyd Willer , Vice-president - Gerald Regier; three lirectOrs - y Intl; ut, Joe Miller and 4-21chard Ayotte; Secretary-T Mrs. Ursula Regier. - - - Two sisters who have given combined service cif TO • Years" to Calvary United Church, in Dashwood in the capacity of choir directors and organists were honored on Sunday• when Rev. Bruce 0u y and Clifford Penliale, a church official, presented gifts to,Mrs. Ken MeCrae and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan. •; Blyth voters, according to the Standard.. will decide Wednesday on liquor lounge question. - - - Bob Henry of Fllyth was elected as chairman of the Huron County Wheat Producers at the annual meeting in Clinton, - - Six men and two women were appointed to West Wawanosh Recrea- tion Committee. Appointed were Harold Errington, Vernon Hunter, William McPherson, David Black, Roy Taylor, Clare Millian, Mrs. Susan Clark pand Miss Marion Arm- strong... The Mitchell Advocate report's that some progress is apparent on channel improvement in regards`to a letter received from the Upper Thaines River Conservation Authority and read at council's recent meeting, Council also voted a $100 donation towards the ere( tion of a mem- orial at Stratford in tribute to the service of Perth Regiment during the Second World War. - - - Clare Rulph, bank ,manager in an Ottawa branch of the Canadian Irni:erial Bank of Commerce, has been transferred as manager of the Colborne Branch near Cobourg in Eastern Ontario, His wife is the formerJoanDletz of Mitchell. - - - C. E. Dearing, R.R. 2, Staffs, secretary-treasurer for the past nine years of Perth Federation of Agriculture, retired last Thursday from that post. - - Ellice Township Council has approved a network of radio equipment for all road equipment and the townships of thencounty according to Reeve Wyrnot Graul. Initial cost to .each township would be about $800 and a yearly maintenance cost of $100 for such radio equipment. A letter from the Department of, Social andnFamily Services, Toronto, to Wingham Council, according to the , WinghaM Advance-Times, indicated that apprbval had been given for the purchase and renovation of the old 'post office as the site for a day care centre., Estimated cost forwarded to 'rtepartment-nwas.for. for purchase of building 'and an additional ,•$15,000 to cover renovations ton bring --, the building to required standard. The letter also advised council that the services of 'a qualified architect should s be sought, to plan changes. 'Council decided to haVe further consultations with an architect in an effort to determine the' probable cost. - - - Mrs. Alex -McCrackin, Bluevale. observed tier 80th birthday recently, - A new brochure will be launched, by.the Industrial and Promotion Committee, Wingliarin at a planned"Industrial Appreciation Night" early in May. The Clinton News-Record reports that,Georg.-,e Vanstone., Grand - Master 'of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, visited'the Clinton lodge of Independent Order of Oddfellows, whiCh celebrated its 100th anniversary on Monday. - - - The Hospital, Auxiliary announced that .two R.N.A. bursaries.of • $75.00 each have been awarded to Eileen Poelman, R.R. 3, Seaforth ancl.Miss Grace Longman, Auburn. - - - A grckup of people have marked their birthdays recently: Mr. Gus Harris, 90; Mrs. JOhn Mulholland, 90; Mrs. A. McCartney,, 90; Mrs. Adam Cantelon, 91. Harold Walls was appointed by by-law last wednesday•. afternoon„ according to the Goderich Signal Star, to the position of chief administrative officer for the town of-. Goderich, Mr. Walls came to Goderich bout one year ago as clerk-treasurer, following the des of former clerk- treasurer Sherman Blake. The Listowel Banner 'reports that Samuel A. Donegen . marked his 103rd birthday recently. •Sca,nning the Weeklies By Lee Hee XEOSITOR.- SEAFORTH Lou and Pearl 'Friday and Saturday "Country Strangers" In the Crown Room Dining room open on Sundays from 12 noon and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the evening. THIS WEEK • AT , THE ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL', Thursday ONT.AEEI. Meet FRI., FEB. 25th inclusive ********************* CABARET STAG EUCHRE WED., FEB. ,23 8:30 p.m. Sedforth -Legion Admission $1.00 ,**********" 10.10`0 SpeCt*CUMf imoirtionsi knew:none Inc; SKI short *or ro.littams,OnnworMly. "tit Hot" 414 i1 , "PLAY MISTY FOR mr. an Invitation to terror... • • Thu.1.7 1 8 sit 1 9 , CLINT EASTWOOD •,? • * * * * * * * * * * * * * F-4t-tet***/- A( At 4/-****** *If*** Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Will be held in the Townstip Hall, Zurich • Brotherhood Night The Seaforth Optimist Club would like to extend a cordial invitation to all Clubs, Churches and Lodges "to. attend Brother- hood Night in the , SEAFORTH LEGION HALL - on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th at 6 p,M. **,*****************4-.* Spend ;Saturday "Night at the PINE RIDGE CHALET — rages West of Hensall SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19th Snowmobiling and Dancing To the KEN SCOTT QUARTETTE Roast spare ribs with dressing, roast pig- tails or steakburgers served with sauer- kraut or code-slaw. Everyone Welcome General Admission.$1 **********************1 DANCE SEAFORTH SIMS WINDMILL 9--12 p.m. FRIDAY, fEB. 18th ... - Admission: $1.25 DRESS CASUAL *****4-4-****-44-4-4,-*****-..* WE ARE ,SORRY' To have had to cancel the February 5th Dance due to weather conditions. • IT WILL.' BE iiELD , ON Saturday March 18th In Svaforth Legion Hall TICKETS PURCHASED for FEBRUARY Sth CAN BE USED for MAY DANCE. 'f DUBLIN sand DISTRICT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION *******4(************** Pictured above' are two ..of ,the Free Draw Prizes the Se;aio-rbh Optimist Club is giving away on. APRIL 15th at their MILLIONAIRE STAG PARTY (Proceeds for Park Lighting Program) FREE PRIZES INVOLVED ARE: (1) Electrohonie Color TV, Valued $85011:)' (2) Electrohorne Stereo, ,Valued $550.00 (3) 20 Pounds of Nickles (4) Four $25,00 Quarter Prizes (5) Several Smaller Prizes First quarter winner, Murray Cardiff - Second quarter winner, Bob Campbell - SOME TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE FROM MEMBERS (Max. 250 printed). • FREE SMORGASBORD FREE REFRESHMENTS Support the Optimists in Their Work for Improved Commun- ity Park and Recreational ' Facilities. "REMEMBER" APRIL 13th L972 CHAIRMAN, KEN COLEMAN QUEENS SEAFORTH. THIS WEEK . "PAY DIRT" Saturday Matinee NEXT WEEK . , DAVE ii0bD In the Huron Lounge 111111111111n1111Miiiiiiiii1111 w 1a 4. . . ...¤0 17, DANCE BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE SatUrday, February 19th MUSIC BY BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS MON. & TUES. 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. SUN. 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. wa.23014 oliiatatnOille• HER ,f, lc; 'ow :1,0 SAT. MAT. 19 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice Is Hereby Given That the 97TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE or it ' • 0 ii I I