HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-02-17, Page 3WALLPAPER AND PAINT SUNWORTHY ,A '.Selection of rti Patterns for All Rooms %iv Wall paper, 1/3 OFF M" LOTS From 2,99 up We Loan Wallpaper Sample Books and Moor.O-Matic Paint Color Books MOORTONE Benjamin A 4.49 gall" Moore,aintS P INTERIOR LATEX v 20 Too LATEX PRIMER , 0 . moola, ts SATIN FINISH ENAMEL Anal; Etwit tliP"' HIGH GLOSS ENAMEL U I 1 L.P.L. LATEX Graves' Wallpaper & Paint DIAL 527-0550 SEAFORTH • • News -of News of 11P.0014tiXPQM9R. cAfk).RT.14;,..voNT4 gtL.111,.. VE YOUR STAFFA ST. CO ' Cor ndent Mrs. John'Templernan The Hibbert C▪ ommunity Young People held a successful dance in the township hall Friday night. " Ivir. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family and Mrs. Sam Norris visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Burleigh and family, • Goderich. Mr. • and Mrs. Bruce Eaton, Kim, Elizabeth, Andrew and Richard, Cedilla visited Saturday with Mr. and- Mrs. John Temple= man and family. Mr: and Mrs. Lorne, Ross, Fullerton visited Saturday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. , Loyd Miller and family. \ Sunday visitors with Mrs. Sam Norris and M'r. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Steele, Stratford and Mrs. Ron Dolmage, Debbie and Larry, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mauer, K.irkton visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller. Correspondent Mrs. Joseph Kale daughter of Mr. and Mrs. :Joe Nolan was baptized on Sunday in St. Columban church. The sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nolan.. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Melady yt}d Mr. and Mrs. Martin Murray Spent the weekend at a.cottage in Bracebridge e Miss Regina Van Bakel, a student at Lambton College, Sarnia, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and family of Acton visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albe"rt Cronin. Two student teacheh from Stratford Teachers' College spent last week in St. Colurnban school, observing and. practice teaching. They were in Mrs. Malady's room, Grades 3 and 4. Ronnenberg., Inscw0 Agency OPEN IN BRUSSELS • - • TugspAYs AND FIODAYS MONKTON OFFICE OPEN 6 154YS A 1VEK - Brussels 887;666P3HTESM: onktou 347;2241 McKILLOP IV piEkt-:: McKillop IV met for the pro-. sect, "Sleepwear" at the home of the leader, Mrs.- Raymond Murray, with twelve members present. The assistant leader is Mrs. Clarence Maloney. Officers elected were: President, Cathy Murray; Vice-president, Mary Beth Downey; _Secretary, Joanne Maloney; Treasurer, Cathy Duffy; Press Secretary, Mari- anne kale. The „leaders distributed the members' pamphlets, and out- lined the •requirements of club members. The girls . practised the 'proper method of taking measurements. The topics for discussion were .'"choosing the pattern" and "fabrics". . , • Ted Melady went ice fishing to Lake Nipissing a week ago. He was accompanied by Jim Melady, a friend of his from London, and Fergus Kelly Jr.- Their catch was small, owing to blizzard conditions. A few days later, Martin Murray, Laverne Godkin and Bruno Braecker went fishing. the weather had cleared but was very cold. Pamela Marie Nolan, little - INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS - • Qur terms are annual, not three years in adv4rice. • 4-H Qroups Are Active Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Action A s have returned home from Florida. Mr. "red Feeney, Kitchener, was visiting with his mother, Mrs. Mary Feeney on the week -end. .Mr. and Mrs. Lou Masse and family, Zurich, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Ryan on Sundays aj Mr. and Mrs. Don Benninger and daiighter, Toronto, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger over the week end. Mr. Peter E. Maloney is a patient in -the Stratford General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Loris Looby and daughter are In Florida vacationing." Mr. and Mrs. Jim Krauskopf News of ' Correspondent Mrs.Bob Cronin DUBLIN COLLEENS #1 Dublin Colleens No. I met at the home of Mrs. Bob Cronin on February 8th when ,the roll call was "What colours do you plan to use in your bedroom* Mrs. C. Friend talked to the girls about hanging .pictures and Mrs . Cronin discussed how to arrange dresser and bedroom furniture. Mrs'. Friend gave the girls pointers on how to purchase material and what tQ look forand Mrs. Cronin showed. how to cover a lamp shade, Lunch was served by Maureen Delaney and Mary Lou Kraemers. DUBLIN• COLLEENS #2 Dublin Colleens No. 2 met at, the home of Mrs. David Brown Feb. 8th. • The president, Lorie Fergus- on, opeded, the meeting. Secre- tary, Angelina, read the minutes and Rhonda. Ferguson gave the treasurer's report. During the meeting Mrs, Frank Van Bergen demonstrated the bias stitch with the assistance of Mrs. Brow. The girls discussed bedroom arranging arid colours. Lunch was served by Angelina Arts and Susan Maloney. Winthrop a I STAFFA I 4-H Stella No.-1 4-ItHomemaking club Met ateethe Mine of their 4 leader Mrs. William Butson and discussed colour qualities, hue, value, and intensity. The girls chose as their club name "The Staffa -Decorat or s Inco rporated". There are 13 members in the club, Officers Were elected, namely: President, Joanne Ross; • Secretary, Ruth Jeffery; Press Reporter, Elizabeth Templeman; Telephone girls - Linde Miller and Mary Jane, Templeman; Leaders - 'Mrs. Spencer Jeffery and mrs. William Butson. The Stella Decorators Incorp- • orated met ,again .on Saturday A at the home of Mrs. Butson. Twelve members answered the roll call "The colors I plan to use in my bedroom". The lead- ers discussed arrangements, the three characteristics of good arrangement being organization,, elarreibny and convenience. Miss Debble Hulley had as birthday guests Misses Lisa and McClure, Mr.and Mrs. Otto Walker, Miss Olive Speare, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner,Steven and Lise,'Cromarty. ' Mr. Robert Harris returned home recently frornrn Victoria Hospital, London. Danny Hulley is home from Seaforth Community Hospital. Mrs. Harry Johnston has re- turned home from Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. News of Brodhagen C Of C Entertains At • Annual Ladies Night Correspondent Mrs. Ken Elligsen Ile was thanked.hyT,avernHoegy. The Osborn sisters sang musical numbers during the - The annual -Ladies Night was evening. held by the Brodhagen Chamber Progressive euchre was of Commerce on Thursday even- played for the Social part of inge whee, thee wi ve sekti4,,Reenee, AO the pr e$5,,,going bertae,wer ,their ReVs..,71s „; towL a;c1V, high, Mrs.William I;.4.Ae. 1,ePete.,es ,Ientieeirape_ nannignen MrseGeorekat- Church catered to the meal. muth; Meds high, Carl Vocke low, Bob Osleorn; Mrs. Wm. Flan- nigan won the, prize for sitting on the lucky chair. At the close of the evening. an 'auction was held for the table centres, with the proceeds going to Bunny .Bundle. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Alirens of Burlington spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ., • at tiI March 4 Following usuaLope•ning pro- cedures, Ken Srnith made the chairman's remarks. Morris Schneider proPosed a toast to the ladles. Gifts Were presented to all the ladies and Mrs. Ronald Gethke replied -on behalf of all the women. , Frank Murray presented last ID-W INTER years President, Allan Siemon with a Plaque for the fine ser- ‘Vilfred Ahrens. vices he had rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connelly, Wartburg. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Siemon.on the,s,aiv arrival of their new baby girl. e. ¤ Eugene Bannon introduced the guest speaker, Roy Jewell, Farm Editor for CFPL-TV and Radicle lie showed a film and described a picturesque tour to the Arctic. 2 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH HAIR SPRAY BABY CARE DEP'T. JOHNSON'S BABY POLD ER oz. LADY PAT Hard toold 10-oz. 59 SHAMPOO PROTEIN 21. 14-oz. $1 .1 9 77 594 83 79 59{ ALBERTO 110515.5-oz: BRECK 15-oz.. BRECK ONE LOTION 6-oz HAND CREAMS - NOXZEMA HAND LOTION6.3-oz. $1.39 $1.35 33 ti HAIR COLOURING NICE N 'El-M, BRUNNETTES ONLY. BATH PRODUCTS 2..5-oz. SOFTIQUE BATH-OIL FEMININE M-PDESS REt. 12's VITAMINS FLINTS TONES lows NOXZEMA LATHER SHAVE TUBE 1.3-0z. ....49 h NOXZEMA ,BIZUSHLESS Shave Tube 4,3-oz. 49c HOUSEHOLD.NEE DS SWAN LIQUID ETERGENT 37 JOHNSON'S - "RAIN BARREL '? Fabric Softener -• 834 SYLVANIA LIGHT BULBS Pack of 2 LYSOL SPRAY MOUTHWASH LISTERINE 20 TOOTHPASTE CREST and 37 $1.79 $2.19 PERSONAL CARE SKINNY-DIP 4 '-ANLSOO W LOTION• 8-oz. at TRY BUBBL E THE BATH 6' - oz. NEW BATH OIL at $2.19 arid the AFTER BATH COLOGNE at 7 9' Family si ze, 7-oz. ...... $2.69 PAPER PRODUCTS WHITE SWAN A. TOILET TISSUE 2-roll pack 4/ ;01.00 FACIAL TISSUE 3/$1.00 PAPER, TOWELS 59t 9 M • $1.69 $1.49 -$1.69 69C• $1.49 $1.69 $1.09 544- $2.59 PAIN 'RELIEVERS BAYER ASPIRIN. No's* BROM() SELTZER Family size VICKS VAPO RUB SKIN CREAMS NOXZEMA 4-oz. ja r BAN SPRAY 7-oz. OLD SPICE STICK SHAVING NEEDS WILKINSON BLADES 5's GILLETTE SUPER STAINLESS 'BLADES 5'859 WilScr2F01220101 SHAVE Cream 8c) ' rt. % PRAPARED E 0111aralltged /vice Phone Today for an Plloiiittri,ent SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs ' Phone 527-0270 r"---- S EA F ORT H MONUMENT WORKS All Types of CEMETERY MEMORIALS,,. OPEN> DAILY T. PRYDE & SON Inquiries are invited - Ttdephone Numbers: , EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482.9421 . SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas Or Bill Pinder 527-1382. Bus. 527-1750 ... • Correspondent ' , Mrs. Robert elulley CAVAN U.C.W. The United Church women of Cavan held their first meet- ing' of the year in _the church. Mrs. Ralph McNichol led in prayer. Mrs. Artmann thanked the ladles for their support during her term of office. Rev. uber installed the officers for 1 2-73 using as his theme "Those we- lead and those who iollow". The new President, Mrs. Robert Campbell presided over the remainder of the meeting. After the roll call Thank You notes were read froiD. our little boy in Korea, the Pryce family and Betty Rapiene Reports were given by Mrs. Don Dodds, secretary's report by Mrs. Stanley. Bitten. Supply secretary by Mrs. Jim Axtmann, in the absence of Mrs. Boyd and Cour n En iity-Fri endseip-by M-r-s. Gib' Smith. Mrs. William Dot- rnage took the devotional part of the meeting which opened with hymn 350. She chose as tier topic "Hope". Scripture read- ing 'taken from Psalm 98 was read by Mrs. Den Dodds. Mrs. .Robt. Campbell 'read an inter- esting article on "Can You Spell" and introduced the new study pamphlets on Africa. ; T..he U.C.W. met in the church beaeneent for their February meeting with 12 members. Mrs, Robert Campbell opened the meeting. Mrs., Robt; Campbell read a letter about the Presby- erial to be herd in ,Stratford. Mrs. Axtmann and Mrs. Bitten were named as delegates. The March meeting will be held on the regular date rathee than on, the World's Day of Prayer. Mrs:- Hoegy presided for the Worship service. After reading a poem Mrs. Olive Little read the Scrip- Sere taken from Matthew 19 and followed by Prayer. Hoegy, re,a,d article on "The Jesus Movement of Youth." Mrs. Betty Koehler sang a solo "Just a Closer Wale with Thee". Mrs. Reuber took the study of Africa, her personal-interest since her son Paul's visit to Afric'a made it very interesting. She showed pieces of jewellery and articles which Were from Africa. Miss Linda Godkin and' Miss Sandra Hulley were among the B top students in' the semi-finals In. the Public, Speaking' Contest held at Seaforth Public School. Linda chose "Drugsr as her topic and Sandra chose !!Cancer-", News of . Auburn Mrs. Raymond Boyle has returned from the west after attending the- funeral .of here-- mother, who died on Feb. 1st. Bill Kinahan was in Toronto attending a convention of _the Sun Life Assurance. Mrs. Angus Kennedy returned with him from •Toronto and is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. leill -Kinahan. ' , Friends of Rev. Father Tot are sorry to hear he was in a car accident, fracturing his leg. He is hospitalized in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Jack IVfacInnis' had their baby baptized in St. Augustine on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Don Maclnnes of Dungannon were sponsors. A card party was held in the parish hall with eleven tables playing.- Winners were: Ladies first, Mrs. Raymond Boyle; low Mrs, Jack Maclnnis; Men's high, Bill Kinahan; Low, John Bogle; Door Prize, Mrs. Cyril Boyle; Lunch was served by the Youth Club and afterwards 'the young people attended a.../1-H dance in Auburn Hall'. . Miss Ann Foran, R.N., of London, and Mr. Con Foran of Exeter spent the week at their home wit h Mr. and Mrs „John Foran. TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN 'Nee "eee• HEALTHY AND HANDSOME You can tell Rick full of high spirits. Just look at that ,smilee He is a healthy, good-lOoking young fellow, almost six years old. with dancing brown eyes, black slightly wavy hair and medium complexion inherited' fro,m his Indian ancestors. Ricky is an active boy., sometimes hoisterouk aseyou'd expect a five-year-old to be. But he enjoys quiet times when he likes to watch TV, especially, Sesame Street or Friendly Giant. He is happy at Kindergarten where he gets on well .vith the ether children. Bat he does relish the undivided attention of adults and one of his 'favorite times is When he helps his foster mother clear the table and do the dishes, because he has her all to himself. Ricky is a good singer and picks up tunes easily. He is generally cheerful., and amenable but is occasionally uncooperative, especially among strangers. He needs a family where the children are older or much younger than himself and where the parents will be able to give him attention, understanding, and love. To inquire about adopting Ricky, please write to -Today's Child, Box 888, Staten K, Toronto, For general adoption information ask your 'Children's .Aid Society.