HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-29, Page 7f 4y TUE WORST. Or ALL TH' 1. ISMS. Don't talk to me about your politi, cal isms, said n facetious old valeta. dinarien, I tell you there's no ism an earth so bad as Rheumatism., The venerably sufferer was right, St Law =cola .gridiron or Qaatiinosiu's pallet — A, chaplain in a penitentiary never . leas to exert himself to hold his audi.. once. The only way to win an argument. with tt woman is to walk off when you. ltave'atated your side of it, A Hard Corner, of fire was not more emphatically a The age of 80 is a hard corner for a lied of torment than the couch of the Wo1nRu to turn, and 35 i{3 still harder, martyr to rheumatism. it is gentle. She feels that she is fast leaving 'her ally considered by the faculty one of youth behind her, But ratite is no themost obstinate as well as one of reason why a woman should be faded the most painful of maladies, end it and passe at 35, or even at 4t, The certainly does resist all' ordinary genie Chief cause of the early fading oftr dies with extraordinary pertinacity, .erican women is found in the fact - Skill and acienee, however, in this age that many of them suffer from same of progress seem to master all opposi, Dim of female weakness or disease tion ; and even this painful disease, which robs the face of its bloom,draws dark circles about the eyes, °brings early wrinkles and sallowness, and stamps the face and figure with sinus of ill -health, Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription will cure all these troubles, will bring back the lost bloom, and remove the pains and ailments which make women grow old before their time. Gnarapteed to give satisfaction in every case, or price ($100) refunded, entrenched among the muscles, and iuterknit, as it were, with the sinews and tendons of our frames, is compelled to yield to the curatives they have provided. We have it on unquestionable authority—the testimony of patients themselves—that rheamatistn, how-, ever deeply Heated, may be cured by the regular end persistent application of Holloway's Ointment. This, we feel assured, will be welcome intent- gence to thousands of sufferers, bed- ridden by the disease, or limping with stiffened joints along the pathway to the tomb. In a climate where the the quicksilver sometimes makes a leap of thirty degrees up or down, the couip'aint is uf_ course a pree valent one; and in our new settle nlents at the 'Vest, along the alluvial borders of our great rivers, in the hemlock swamps of the South, and in all low and damp locations, few persons reach the age of forty years without a rheumatic visitation. it is clear, therefore,, that a preparation whish will afford immediate relief, and effect eventually a thorough cure of the complaint, must be of especial value to the people of all countries. We cannot reasonably doubt, iii view of the well -attested statements which have been laid. before us, sustained as they are by circumstances within our Ow 1 knowledge, that the OCntment referred to will effect that object; and among all the benefits which the dis- coveries of that celebrated physician and philanthropist .have conferred up. on mankind, this js, certainly not the least important. Many an industrious tiller of the soil, whose services are needed in the field, is at this moment. languishing en a bed of sickness ; the . hands that should guide the plough or grasp the spade rendered powerless by ReleutnatlStn. t�iAh a. toiler in ever ohltis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung jY Affections, also a positive and radical Duro for tranoh.of productive labour is similarly huhu- tested I • ts wonderful ourattve {, powers in thousands of cases, he has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. ,Actuated' by this motive and a desire to relieve human snfferinv, I will send free' of charge, to .all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, With full direotions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. .a. Novas 52e Pc•vers .Block Rochester, N, Y. Nothing is denied to well directed labor, notliing is ever to be obtained without it. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred exeellenciss and endowments of the mind. Monthly Prizes for Boys and Girls. Tho "Sunlight" Soap 00„ Toronto, offer the fol- lowing prizes every month till further notice, to boys and girls under 10, residing in the Province of Ontario, who send the greatest number of "Sun- light" wrappers : n lot, $10 ; 2nd, $0 ; 3rd. $3 ; 4th, $1 ; 5th td 14th, a Handsome Book ; and a pretty picture to those who send not less than 12 wrappers. Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Office, 43 Scott St., Toronto, not later than 20th of each month, and marked "Competition" ; also give full name,• ad- dress, ago, and number of wrappers. Winners' names will be published in the Toronto Mail on first Saturday in each month. It may not be taken as discourteous to say that. \,fir. Sullivan is said to bear a striking resemblance to a futile. The light of friendship is like the light of phosliorous,seen plainest when alt around is dark. • 'There is no teacher like. Experience, no scourage of faults comparable to the last Time plaped in the handl of Res pentance. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician,. retired from practice, hoeing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tho speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, •Bron - Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after situated ; and we can. imaliue with what joy these sufferers would heil the means of immediate cure. To all such we fuel justified in recommending this balsamic -remedy, the application Of which, with the aid of a fee doses of Holloway's Pills16' regulate the internal orgtufs, would,we feel assured, restore them to health and usefulness. —Daily Arytcs. The man who dots his best in the place he has now, is ou his way to .a better place. Blood Will Tell. Good blood shows its quality. So will bad blood, the -one in a healthy body and ruddy complexion, the other in ill health, blotches, pimples, boils and sores, and frequeutly in intenser forms as ulcers, abscesses, erysipelas, scrofulous diseases, salt rheum, eto, Every organ cf the body depends upon the blood for force and vital- ity, and is but scantily served when the blood is impure. No remedy ie so potent as a blood purifier or more rapidly pro. duces new and healthy blood than Burdock Blood Bitters, which neutralizes the various poisons and restores the vitaliziug power of this all important fluid. As an instance of this read what Mr. J. S. Neff, of Algoma Mills, Out., says in a recent letter ; t SIM, —I year ago I was troubled with spots breaking out aft over my body. the affect of bad blood. I consulted three doctors, who gave me • meaioine but did not sure me. I was advised to try B. B.13. and after using two bottles I noticed the spots getting less.. 1 continued to use B. B. B., which entirely cured me, giving me also a splendid appetite. Since then 1 would use no other medicine. • Many men strive for fame who wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do with it if they had it. The commercial Man's Grip. I have Icing looked for a preparatiou c that would keep my hoed clear of Dict,. druff, but always failed to receive any ma- terial benefit until a friend recommended Anti -Dandruff, which I used with 'perfect success. It not outy removed the Dandruff ;with three applications, but stopped the annoying itchiug of the scalp and render- ed the hair soft and pliable without leaving an appearance of a dreesifg being used. It nonr occupies a perinaneut position iu my grip. It is pteasaut to use and with pleasure /recommend 1t. D,'0. Itoli,m% Representicg 1I.'Corby, tvhollellevill Out,' sleep. Some people's religion is just like a wooden leg. There is neither warmth. nor life..in it, and although it helps • then to hobble it never' becomes a part of them, but has to be strapped on every morning,. It is sometimes hard to tell where business sagacity leaves off and down- right rascality begins. -4Itch, Mange and Scratches of oyery kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Soldby A. L. Hamilton. Talk of the intense watchfulness of love. for the interest of its object, con • mewl me to the vigilance of hate. There is no sharpening of the perm, - tion like that produced by an intense, insatiable,tinappeased desire to wound. Bad blood bfFeeds divers distressing diseases, Burdock Blood Bitters banishes boils and botches, with every other symp- tom arisiug•from bad blood, They are never alone that are am.. confpauied with noble thoughts Weigh your words,aud do not throw in too many for good measure. Was troubled with continual headache and loss of appetite but before 1 had taken many dotes of B. 13.13. appetite and health returned. J. B. TiioussoN, Bethesda, Out, Genius begins great works ; labor alone finishes them. Rule yourself ; love your neighbor ; do the duty that lies nearest to you, Mrs, Jar 'Vansiokle, Alberton, Out.,was cured of liver complaint, after years of suffering, by using five bottles of B. B. B. She recommends it. Learn to read slowly ; all other traces will follow in their proper places. 'indolence is a stream which under- mines the foundation of every virtue. Virtue's guard is labor ; ease,her Beet •o arae syr Pt Tlta4esGia11•, tTW . . i�tl e.• by druri leen• 1 �' Ifist HT4 Wok Mi11, Wo wish to inform the publlo that we have those Woolen Mills In A 1 running order, and e4U this season live special attention 10 • CUSTOM WORK in all its branches, and will keep in stook a class of Iirst•clasa goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Etof s, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns &c., &c., (rade from puro wool, only) cheap for cash or ex change for wool. Customora from a distance can have their rolls hone with them the samo day. earIlighest market price in cash for iterchantuele Wool. INGL'IS & OO'Y., • Wingham LOGS! LOGS! LOGS! We aro prepared to pay the HiIHWST PRICES IN CASH for tC1 kinds of good, sound SAW LOGS delivered at our Mill. ALSO FO1'i Basswood Heading Holts, by the cord, CEDAR POSTS, az C. CUSTOM SAWING done cheaper than ever •and satlsfac., tion guaranteed. Call and get prig's, lengths to cut, &C. ,.. McLean & Son. mss' All Minds of Li:miler, Shingles, Laths, &u.. kept constantly ou hand. ZETLAND .SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSOI', Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. \VOOD delivered to any part of Wingham, 40T Orders by' mail promptly attended to. GLMRGE THOMSON, Winrbam P. 0. NERVE NERVE BEANS area new Ma. covery that cure the worst cases of -Nervous Debility Lost Vigor and BEANS:Failing Manhoat; restores the weakness of body or mind caused - by over -work. or the errors ot ea- cesaee of youth. This Remedy ab- solutely caro' the moat obstinate cases when all other gia$Pr pake,ooven relieve. for stb Umaon sDtontadgdrsoa,ld, 00,loront0 OwrteforPmhet.BS111— Wingham by A. I.. IHAMILTON-. Ess) MANI dd'11711 Im Leocoon In. the Coils of the fatal serpents was not morn helpless than is the man who oireote o ndis ease, excesses,. bverwork, worry- ete. Rouse yonr- self. Telco heart of hope egein and BLyy A MANI We d thous, ancle,t 1 o allow ne to tater to them. 'Wi CAN CUnwY00 DY WO Of our ox- clwdVO methods and appliances. 'simple, unfailing &routineut at home for Leet er. Lrn.iling AlahiteAtl. General ah: Nervetts Debility. Wusknesse'ntBod andMind,EffectsofbrrOre er Laoee eb id Old of Young. Robust, Noble MANBOop Fall Restored Improvementsecra the first deist. Hoge to aniar,feand atrengtben 'WEA1t UNDEVELOPED °ROANS, ANIS PARTS 00 BODER lif en �testity from 150 states Hod Foreign countries, write them- Book, GSM/nations *fidgroofs Mailed (soeled) free,. Address, M SAYE BInIIICAL CO., i3U1FF.I/LO, FOB THE: BEST VAL ORD URED CLOT IN ^r --'GO TO— . WEBSTER'S HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFF,, Cheap for K ASH, ��T -fit. ►---�-vATr.�..+.,� 3 v �' .i:.� 13 S7 J r 1��i T L, t S HORSIER .STEEL FRAME GRAIN DR Over 25,000 Hoosier Drills and Seeders with our Positive F Feed in Use irh Canada. 111 mm^mm�rmrrtmrmnraem,�mrxr-`.� _i n,aura;., c�����1�������1������11\\\���;.� �111i��'N\\k111���\ 1 .. 14-„p.0 i�.i _-_rlm7t-- It,•'�v,1._._ GUARANTEED THE BEST IN THE WORLD, and the only drill that can be instantly'regu run the desired depth in hard and soft ground while moving. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that sows all kinds of grain and seeds evenly, ail depth desired in all kinds of soil. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that commences to sow the instant the hose moves. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEED, and is the only drill that deposits the grafi just the depth you want it in hard or soft soil. Rnln•,Nnelc 11118. THE HOOSIER COMZBiNED DRILL with cultivator teeth is the best cultivator made,andis the on ment made with tenth on independent draw bars that can be set for hard and soft land while the t motion. THE HOOSIER is lighter on the horses than any other drill made. The points of excellen Iioesiaa that other brills do not have aro worth more to the farmer than any drill in the world, THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be changed from drill to seeder or seeder to drill in lees t;mc than made. Send for our new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheet. Beware of purchasingd, infringe our patents. . ' NOXON BROS. MFG. CO. (LTD.), INGERSOLL, The financial standing or this Company is first•class, they being rated at $245,000. No combin JOHN CAMPBELL, Agent, WHITECHUttCI:d, Also, dealer' in all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Organs, Sewing Mac &c., all from the best makers in Canada. toves, t0veS; St�v All intending purchasers of stoves for winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK S —111— 0 — —N.7" to choose from Every stove guaranteed against breakage to give complete satisfaction. D. SUTHERLAND Wingbare, Uotober 8th,1991.