HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-02-10, Page 11S. 31014 Jcknirmi,4140ocrm QNT AM 19$ $ • t1, Profitabl Relief r Coming PYelL4 10. scd Cars 'for Sale '62 Ponti, e 6 A.Utoniatic, radio, good shape. No plates, .$85.00 or best offer. Joe Dillon, R.11.92, Dublin. . 10-22-1 11; Articles far Sale 8-Track Titan automobile tape player, still under warranty never been installed $40:00. General Motors 3 speed auto- matic transmission, just -rebuilt, will fit '65 - G.M. cars, $35 , Wm. Southgate, 527- 0131, - 11-22x2 15. Property for Rent THREE bedroom home with rnodern-„eenveniences in the town ort eaforth. PlIQPe 527- 1657. 15-21-3 19.. Notices 19. Notices SNOW plowing, Phone Medd's Supertest, 527-031.1: 19-18-6 24t Car+.of Thanks' 22, Legal Notices VALENTINE Dame at Statfa,,Hall featuring The Country Cavaliers on Fetzruary 11, 1972, $2.00 family; $2,00 - couple;$ 1.25 - person. Ladies please bring lunch: Everyone welcome. 1-21x2 'REG, SMITH SIGNS forth, in the P941.47 Of •finron housewife, deceased; who on the' 41th day of kr.c!YelPheit.: 1971, are hereby 119440, to send in full particniars.01:their claims to the unclerAighefi-PilPr before the and 144Y, 14,47:01, 1972,"after which date the assets will be distributett„haViug regard only to -claims then received, Dated at seaforth, this 3rd day of February,-1972. '1i4cCONNtLL STEW ART Seaforth, -Ontario Solicitors for the Executor, . 22-22-3 AinOre.:7thgt.*$! .thoso, *49 04)00000 ImOlvItt.c.c9,04$ tlowgrg, ;g1Xt.g y444..30410- - wAs x'0#WIt. 4t04405.1i9s- ii71.:Kitehettert41(4W40001i ' • Drive in truck lettering, Op,. up, two sides. All magnetic sheet signs hand lettered $13;50 Per pair and up, Cutout wood letters. Sale bitiners, etc. 149,3an unbreakable plastic for signifaces windows, etc. Adveziising changed on pastic sign faces or faces replaced. , USed outdoor signs. RE6, SMITB.SIGNS- Cor. of East and High Streets -Clinton Phone 482-9793 19-22-2 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 1965 Meteor Montcaim 4 door H.T., V8, AT PS and PB. As is $200. Jim Thompson, R.12.2, Seaforth, 527-1819. 10-22-1 OFFICE SPACE -FOR RENT MOTOR Coach tours to Florida ' • Feb. 26 for 16 days from $205.00 and March 1•7 10 days mid-term school break from $135.00. Good' Times Travel 527-0050. 1-20-6 A giinqgto.#101CA,49eYOUPPO,w1p. visited rue, sent cards, an the lovely gift' from the Legion. Special .$14114. to -Dr..iiratly and Dr,,maIltus And1hg thanks., ' to the :nurses ,wbe. insisted I shou1daq: Sleei qn #i,. floor, It ....,.was all very. much ; appreciated. - Frank P,4040g, Z44;0: Clinton, Ontario We are now paying $5.00 - $15.09 for fresh dead or dis- abled 'colas and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better, . Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to you. Call collect - 482-9811 7 days a week - 24 hours a day License No. 3713-72 • Call us first; you won't have to call anyone else. 19-21-tf APPLES, Coitlands, Delicious, Northern Spies, top quality, prices very reasonable, on week ends. Ross Middleton Storage. I mile east of Hayfield, North of the river. 11-22-3 11. Articles for Sate A shciulder length hair piece in medium brown, also a light orange formal length gown, size 11 - 12.Phone262-5477,. 11;22-1 16900 sq. ft. close to No. 4 Iiialiway.at former CEil Clinton ould be suitable fur small Ii'. This accommodation serviced. COME to Blyth Lion'A Club Bingo every Saturday night 8:30 P.M. in the Memorial Hall. Ad- mission $1.00, 12 reg. games at. $10400 each, 2 share the wealth games,$25.00 special and $125/00 jackpot in 60 calls. Every time it doesn't go there is $10.00 added. , • 1-21-U 1971 Nordic Ski-Doo in good condition, electric start. Phone 527-0971. 11-22-1' 1960 General House Trailer for sale, -41' X 10', 2 Bedrooms, fully furnished. Contact Gordon Byers at 345-2344. 11-22-3 KROEHLER apartment size chesterfield and chair (brown nylon); New 54" Boshart bed (Fruttwood); 19" Portable T.V. ,and Stand (Like New); Durp water softener complete. Phone, Seaforth 527-0901. 1 1-22-i 1971, #292 22 H.P. T,N.T. Ski- Dot), Slid..ers, excellent condit- ion. 527-0446. 11-22x1 so 23. Business Direct-00' C. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hoSpital beds for rent FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth 23-21-tf W. J. CI EARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EM3ALM ER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and. Day Calls - 527-0510 23-21-tf we wish to express our thank$ to neighbours, friends and latives, who remembered uswith flowers, cards, gifts, treats and visits while we.were patients in Seaforth Hospital and since re,. turning home. Also i #hank yob to Dr. Moyo and hokpital staff. Your kindness, was deeply ap- preciated. - John and . Murray Drake. 24-22x1 Remember!" It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Ware Ad and be money in pocket. To advertihe, Jusik Dial Seaforth 527-0240. T AND L . SALES • I. 490, Clinton ' I r fnrtl, r information contact 1%..n 1'horrim.0 it • Phone 527-1915 -15-22-2 ST.VALENTINE'S Euchre, Feb. 1§th at 2 P.M., I.O.O.F. Everyone invited': Rebekahs. 4, 4 1-22 -1 AR-ROW undercoating machine° practically new. cost $475. will sell for $200. Jim Thomp- son, R.R. 2, Seaforth, 527-1819. 11-22-1 SNOW Blowing in and around Sea- forth. Prompt service, reasonable 'rites. Wm.Sbuthgate, 521-0131, 19-22x2 WANTED DEAD or ALIVE WOOD for sale - Hardwood slabs delivered to your yard $4.00 per cord, in 6 cord lots. Phone Craigs Sawmill, Auburn 526-7220. 11-21-3 Take your' Valentine \I)ArIC I I% at the Crystal Palace in Mitchell Saturday, •Fehruary 12, Skippers Orchestra, Refreshments. Couples only. Sponsored by The Mitchell Agricultural Society. , 1-22-1 Dead and disabled 'cows and horses $10.00 each. $1.00 cwt: will be paid for animals from' 500 lbs. to 1000 lbs. Calves and pigs pick-tip free. Around the clock. pick-up ser- vice 7 days a week. Call collect 887-9334. Lie, #273-c-70 TEST DRIVE DATSU.N Full line on display. GERALD'S DATSUN 17. Wanted to Rent Nte......ralo••••• I wish to express my sincere thanks to all who 'visited me,, sent cards, treats and, flowers while- I 'was a patient iii vic- toria Hospital,. London. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus; Dr.Yurte and the nurses and staff on 4th Floor N. and M•rs, Moore VON since returning home and all who have helped out at home. Your , Mildness stias been grate- fully appreciated. - Joyde Miller 24-22-1 I wish to express ' filly sincere thanks to firs. Moyo,. Underwood and the nurses aod staff of the Seaforth Community Hospital for the kindness and. care given me while I was a patient there. Special thanks to Rev. 'Sharples, Anglican Church Women, lat- Killop Fire Insurance Board and all those who visited me, sent card's and gift's. ff was-- very -- sincerely appreciated.; -; Robert Archibald— 24-22-1 I swish tb--,ewess my sincere thanks to neighbours, friends and relatives for cards.• and visits also a special thanks to Dr. Underwood and Rev. Mr. Patter- son and to the relatives and neigh- bours who provided trans- 'portation for my, wife to visit me during my stay in Stratford General Hospital, it was very fnuch appreciated. - -Russell Fleming., 24-22x1 art THREE bedroom home with modern conveniences in the town-. of Seaforth. -Phone 527-1657. , 17-22-3 - USE EXPOSITOR WANT ADS Phone 527-0240 APPLES $1.50 a bushel and up. Spys, Kings, Maclntosh, Delic- ious, Greenings, etc. Phone 482-9141. Fred McClymont, Varna. 11-20x4 • 19. Notices ANY magazine, any time, any- where, Special to Feb. 29; Good Housekeeping $4.14, regular $6.00. Your representative Davis. Agency , London, Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Hensall, Phone 262-2278. -19-18-7 Auctioileer f,4 , 4. Help Wanted GOOD' used television for sale -.$30.00. 527-1082. 11-20-3 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies 19-21-tf 527-1-010 - Seaforth 19-22-1. HENSALL Legion requires 'a bar steward. 262-2400. 4-22-2 FARM AND Ft RNIS. LIRE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465 - Monkton 23-21-tf SNOWBLOWERS, farrowing crates, feed stalls, gates, carts and repair, Geo. Troyer, 262- 5282.. ' 11-21-tf .12. Wanted to fitly HELP WANTED General office, clerical and maintenance duties. No special„ training required. Apply to Seaforth VETERINARY, CLINIC 4-22-1 Every -week more' and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527- 0240. WANTED girl's bicycle in good riding condition. Call.,527-0032. 12-22x1 TRI ,TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ADDING machine tapes .for most, standard adding machines avail- able at The Huron Expositor. 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-21xtf Rathwell's . Auction Service .APPRAISERS SOUND 'SYSTEM Phone 482-3120 Brucefield 23-2I-tf a. WANTED Man's bicycle in good shape. Phone 527-1529, ask for John. 12-22X1 BABY carriage in good con- dition. Apply to Box 2055,Huron Expositor. 12-22-1 ATHWELL'S TROP I CAL 'F I SH BUDGIES, CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies. PAT'S PET SHOP FIE AN AVON REPRESENTAT- IVE( Let .rne show you how easy • it Is' to make money and have fu n .in your free hours. For a personal interview, eall MRS. M. MILLSON LONDON, 451-0541 Income Tax Record Preparation .Business -.Farm - Individual Returns LAWRENCE BEANS' Bruceffeld - phone 482-9260 19-21-tf QUANTITY of baled hay suitable for hOrses, 345-2667 after 6 P.M. 12-22x1 Auctioneers and Appraisers 4-22-1 350 Main Street, EXeter Phone 235-1951 11-21-tf • 'INVEST your money safely whae it will earn the most. Contact Ted Savaug.e Investments, Regis- tered' Retirement and low cost • Occidental Term Insurance. 527- 1522. ' 19-21-tf OHN LQNGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Only Seaforth Office Wed., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30p.m. Thursday evenings ' Monday only Clinton Office. For Appointment Phone ,527-1240 - or 482-7010 23-21-ti 14. Property for Sale• Wanted Male or Female SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS. • No experience required. HABKIRK TRANSIT SERVICE LTD. - 527-1222 • COPIES Copies of your irriportant papers or documents While you wait, Letter size, 24 each. THE 'HURON. EXPOSITOR 4/7-2 I -tf 'F REE. LISTINGS! ELECTROLUX Canada Limited Sales and ServiCe, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, '153 Lighthouse St., Goderich, Phone 524-6514. • 19-21-4 • It costs. nothing to list your property. With us and we do all the advertising: LLI ACS, II, HART Salesman - Seaforth Phone 527-0870 ,.„. representing GEORGE R. JOHNSTON- "Auctions are our business" • .11tathweirs....Auction ...Service BRUCEFIELD 4824120 The family- of the late • Mrs. George Eaton wish to express their sincere, thanks-to friends, relatives-41i444ighb4‘;' f(lit.4he 'lovely floral tributes, donations to Pioneer , Mausoleum, cards of sympathy and the many acts of • kindness shown us. Special thanks to Rev. M. E: Rebber, W.A,Whitney, Funeral Home,and Edleweiss• Rebekah -Lodge and a big thank you to the nurses and staff Of 'Huronview, for their good care and attention given our,molhfr,all these years. 24:22.k1 4-21-tf GESTETNER- ink available at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, SeafOrth. 11-2141 • 8: Farm Stock for 'Salk TWENTY-FIVE York. and Hamp pigs. Jerry Cronin, 345-2574. 8-22-1 SEAFORTH ELECTRONICS ANY TREES TO' CUT? STOCK YOUR FREEZER . side of Beef 67C lb. -Hind 741b. Fronts 54. lb. Cut and Wrapped Free 1low-7 'to 10daysfor Delivery S E AFORTH MEAT • MARKET 20. Auction. Sales tict kn. Sa les WILLIAM ALBERT Phone 345-2583 ),ZENITH 3 . PH I LCO' . DEALER • SIXTEEN pigs 9 weeks old.Joseph Dorsey, Dublin, 345-2824.8-22-1 19-21-tf AUCT I ON. SALE -4)F BUILDINGS . E.ox REMO V A L Qr DEMOLITION TIME - Saturday,February 12th, 1972+,10: A.M. PLACE - Approximately 3 miles North of Clinton in, the •.? Township of Hullet. (1 1/4 miles West of ' Kinburn) CONSISTING 'OF 25 BUILDINGS 8 - HOUSES. - - BARNS 8 - SHEDS• CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Furniture,' ousehold Effects, Antiques; efo. "alt •243' in the Town of Mitchell, on No. 8 ' Highway at the east end of town REAL ESTATE LIM TED NOTICE TWO calves, one week old, black - with white, ace; 2 Holstein bull calves one month old.. -also..-_30,. chunks. Donald Kelly, Lot 11, , Con. 4, McKillop. 8-22-1 West Lorne 14-22- j We are shipping cattle every —Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up 'at your farm phone by $aturday night. WILLIAM3:- DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 ' 19-21-tf Service to ail ninkes - - T.V's., Radios, Etc.' 17 Sparling St. - Phone 527-1150 23-21-tf 27. Births • 9. Poultry for Sale BAILEY On SATURDAY, FEB: 12 at 1:30 P.M. , Consisting of Beatty refrigerator with across top freezer; rebrid Alining „table,' 4 chairs, buffet; '2 beds, 'springs and mattresses; .dresser; 35 lbs. scales; large antique coffee grinder; 'odd tallies; odd chairsj antique coal and wood stove,. in A-1 shape; dishes; glassware; including some_ antique pieceS; crocks; 3 oil lamps, 1 coloured; 3 rocking chairs; antique clock; drop leaf table; partial toilet set; hand'. and garden tools, and •many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash. No Reserve. MARTENS, - To .Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Marlene of Da.shwood, Ontario at Victoria Hospital, London,, on February I, 1972, a. son, Steve Arthur. 2.7-22x1 .1.CIMBR LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY . FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 ' 13ox169 9-21-tf PERFICE1111,?HT AUCTIONEER -11 - 527-0040 , . Real Estate VACUUM CLEANERS. Sales & Service. 82 Albert Street ° Clinton 14'- 5 Ft. Skis , poles and size 6 boots, size 14 ski pants. Like new. Make me an offer. Frank Phillips, 527-1302., 11-22-1 KNECHTEL - To Mr. and Mrs. Keith Knechtel ,of Stratford in Stratford General Hospital on.' February 4, 1972'a son, Michael' William. 27-22x1 Kippen, Ontar'o Telephone 262-5515, Hensall 23-21-ti New 3 bedroom home near •Seaforth, .with• electric heat," attached 'garage, completely modern. R. S. BOX • FUNERAL HOME COLLIE pups; 13 weeks old for APPROXIMATELY 500 yearling sale. phone 527-1915. Ken • .hens .for sale , just been molted, Thompson,,R.R.#1,Londesbaro. ready to lay. 523-4368. 9-22-1 11-422x1 TERMS -7Cash at Time of Sale , Performarice Bond of $100.00 relatfired to en- stire removal within 90 days from date of sale. LILYCROP - To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lilycriv in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday, February 1st, a daughter. 27-22x1 ***** 87 acre dairy farm in McKillop Township with-large modernized home. Good frame barn and milk house. Well located and priced to sell. All Makes BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 • Phones:. Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 23-21;tf CLASSI F IED RATES . word Count FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.: ' • Dept,. of .Lands ,& Forests, Division Office, Box 490, Wingham, Ontario. (Phone 357-3131) 20-21-:2 f9-2I -y. ****** 50 acre farm in Hullett Towne__ shit) with excellent buildings. Spring possession. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS : Dial 527-Q240 SEPTIC TAN KS . 'CLEANED 'NI•odern equipment. We, guar- an'tee all Work. ,Write or call Harvey- Dale, •Seafinith.. 'Phone Clinton. 482-3320 19-21-tf Charges are based on the number of words, sets of .numerals such as serial numbers, street nurnhers,phone numbers or prices count as one word per Set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate_Words. EIRST-1-1-1,4111-0.14--2-5-wori-ts-tF±-2574cl'Or word thereafter MR.S.LAURA BOWES EST,AT, Proprietor R. G. GETHKE, Auctioneer Notresponsible Ler aecicients day of sale. 20-22-1 ***** Listings needed on good homes Contact Office BAILEY - 482-9371 14-22 -1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE -Of HOlstein cattle, dairy equipment, etc. at north 1/2 of lot 10, ton. -7, McKillop Township, 7 miles northeast. of Seaforth on SURSEOCit:NT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4 per word, minimum 75' 22. Legal Notices 110111.CE TO CREDITORS , S EMI DISP1-,A Y BUILDINGS FOR SALE FIRST INSERTION - .$1.40,per column inch- SUBSEQUENT INSER'T'IONS $1,26 per column inch • Minifflum sire 1 inch, Accepted in Multiples of half inch 'LEGAL , ADVERTISING - Rates on request. • BOX NUMBERS to this oilier: - 24 per insertion BIRTHS - No charge when in mrtnimum form. MARRIOGES, Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks and' Births (ethee: than in minimum form) - curds $1.25, oPah additional word 4. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 pins 105' per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 25 words $1.25, each -additional word 4C. IN THE ESTATE OF " MYRTLE PEART All persons havirg claims against the Estate of Myrtle Peart, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County' of Htiron, honse- keeper, deceased. who died on the 8tli day of December, 1971, are hereby notified to, send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on •or before the 17th cia5: of February, 1972, after which date the assets will' be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this 25th day of January, 1972.- WEDNESDAY FEB-123 at 1:36 P.M. • Cattle: 34 Holstein cows due from Feb. to May: 7 Holstein cows milking and rebred; 2 Hol- stein' cows fresh in January; Reg. Holstein bull 2 1/2 years old; 1 Holstein heifer due' sale time; '2 Holstein Meters bred; 7 open Holstein heifers; 2 cross- bred calves. Equipment: 4 surge milker units; Surge• milker pump and motor; Forty 8 gallon milk. cans; Star 8 can spray cooler nearly new; Double stainless steel wash sink. ..„. NOTE: This is a young herd of good cows-,..so plan to attend. All cows checked for pregnancy by veterinarian day'of sale. • Suitable for farm or industry. These buildings are located or the former,Ch li Clinton and.can be moved in sections. All steel arch construction huildlnes fully insulated: 4 buildings '32 feet by 170 feet 2 buildings 35 feet in. 17e feet 3 buildings -32 t'tet by 50 feet Frame buildings: 1 fully insulated building .-towle" ideal workshop 35 feet hy 107 feet' 1 building, not insulated 32 feet F,t• '1 building, not insulated .32 fe,et by These last too bullrings are ideal for flour,, fret s'or't. McCONNELL & 'STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. 22-20-3. No cancellation of ;multiple insertion advertisements, after noon Mondays.- , • AND L SALES - P.O' BOX!. 490, Clinton or further informatiori t -10.n Thompson . 527-1915 . 25 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT OF ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE 6:00 - P.M., WEDNESDAY, the week following publication, • DEADL DEADLINE TO INSERT ADS IS 5:90 P.M. - TUESDAY • Phone 527-0240 or 527-0241 PHONE 527-0240 NOT ICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of I1ELEI' CAROLINE GLEW Terms: Cash No Reserve JAMES G. Si OAN Proprietor . R. G. GETHKE Auctioneer 347-246a Riot retPenSible for day of sale. t UM ifs‘' &PA* ?.04- All persons having'claims against the Estate of Helen Caroline Glow, late of the Tol,Vn -of Sea- 14-22-2 accidents 20-22-2