HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-02-10, Page 6Your Hospital (Comments concerning your hospital will appear monthly. Questions may he directed to the Public Relations Committee, Seaforth Community Hospital) Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall ,Tee 8th and 16th U.C.W. Unit meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Doug Fraser on Thursday afternoon, February 4th. Mrs. Ken McDonald opened with the Call to Worship, followed by prayer. "Fill Thou My Life" was sung. The Scripture from St. John, Chapter 1, was read by • Mrs. K. McDonald, -followed by the meditation and prayer. The Topic on the Lord's Prayer, "Our Father, which art In' Heaven" was given by Mrs. Don Fraser. A poeni, "Step by Step" was read by Mrs. K. McDonald. "C. For a closer walk with God" closed the devotional part of the meeting. The secretary, Mrs. George McCall read minutes. The Roll Call was answered by 12 mem- bers and there Were 8 members of the. U.C.W_ also present. Describes , . Hullet (Continued frbm Page I) •••••" answers to the questions asked About procedure with the new fine. As the meeting was origin- ally scheduled 'for the Council only, Mr. Fraser explained that he did not have all the Material he might have 'had to more fully inform the Individual owner if he had • known they „would be present. • Henry Uderstadt, drainage engineer explained the depth re' qUired to drain certain lowplaces and 'the size,of'tile necessary to carry the flow of water 'on the Hallam draip is going to Make it very expensive. He said it can, be done but he wanted further in- struction from the owners before preceeding. They are to give it eom.e4hought and inform the-clerk whether or not they wish to have , it completed. I STOCK — 0.29$ C.c. .."9.001 TROPHIES for let, 2nd and 3rd t'ASSIS p. /1*Am ore..e '1. rtsr %Home A4hir ' ice Pent C STOCK — 296.145 cc. ..,,- $2.00 -JUNIORS — 0.300 cc: .... TROPHIES 16r 10, 2nd and 3rd TROPHIES ter IsI, 2nd end 3rd . -. net Premium teem 01110% Is Vii .12y1 010,1 51,11111 D STOCK — 346-440 c.t. — $5,00 $ 4.0o- $21.00 SIR 00 5' 5,00 S 05.00 S 30.00' 120 00 510.00 3 5.00 3 05e0. s 7500 $50 00 $21.00 51000 5160.00' 5110,00 07 S og 350.00 525.00 5300.00 $ 30.00 130.00 520 00 110.00 5110,00 TROPHY donated IH, Clinton Snowmobile Club $ 75,00 $50 00 $25.00 S10 00 5160,00 5100,00 $60,00 , S30 00 510 00 000,00- 1100:00 $60.00 $30.00 $10.00 $20000 PRIZES SUBJECT TO WEATHEa CONDITIONS ARCHER'S FARM SALES R. SERVICE .111 donate a Large Trophy to he Tap Point Winner to be preartted .enmity and et replica fit be kept by the ',Wier, LADIES 040.0 F4• — 14" A MODIFIED 0.29$ co. — 50,00 MODIFIED --:4'651.1100 cc, — $15.00 I STOCK — 441-650 cc. $6.00 MAYORS I REEVES RACE— R MODIFIED — C MODIFIED — D MODIFIED — 0-345 ce, — 296,140 c.c. — 5500 341-440 e,e, —410.00 441.650 cc. $10.00 CLINTON WINTE RACES ----------- RNIVAL AT CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK • van- Sponsored by , THE KINSMEN CLUB OF CLINTON' SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1972 Snowmobile Registrations; 10 a.m.to 12:30 p.m. Racing Starts'at 1.00 p.m. Sharp ADMISSION TO GROUNDS: Sem PER ADULT - CHILDREN UNDER '12 FREE' FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: STEVE 'MOWN 482.9321 elLt. CHOWEN •-•• 4624740 COME. AND BRING THE FAMILY FOOD AND REFRESHMENTS NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice Is Hereby Given' That the 97TH ANNUAL MEETING F THE Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in-the Township Hall, Zuitai — ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY19, 1972 2:00 P.M.. • For the presentation of the Annual, Report; to elect three, directors to replace those whose term of °Mee has expir- ed; and to transact all business as may be done at a gen- eral meeting of the policyholders. , The retiring directors are Leonard Erb, .Hensall; Reinh- old Miller, Dashwood; and Max, tut:r:mil, Dashwood; who,„ are eligible for re-election. Notice is Hereby given that at a meeting of the 'Direc- tors held on 'January 17, 1972, all the general by-laws of the Hay Township Feemees' Mutual Fire Insurance Comp- any were considered ands revised to conform particularly with' Bill 81 (1971), an Act to amend the Insurance Act and Bill 48 (1 971), an .Act to amend the Corpoartion act and such other amendments as the Directors deem necess- ary, es they effect; Article 16 - Voting of Members Article 21 iOualification of Directors Article 23 - Directors acting as' Agents Article 33 - Remuneration Article 38 - Bonding A Copy bf the revised By-Laws may be seen at the Head Office of the Company, in Zurich, prior to the annual meeting. LEONARD ERB JOHN R.' .CONSIJT P resident Secretary- Treasurer Thu.10 Frill Saa 2 CHROME jj ENTWAMINI SAT. MAT 12 ILREP • r IT'S KM. OR BE KILLED in a cycle gang•wari. Teem ird lqt latter EMMA— S$WR MET TOME KICRALL RUNES PETER IRMO IURYIR ERR SICItilt SIMMS WHY BOUM LARRLOSHOP, • , . „ ... • s.0.13 Mon.14 Tue.15 IT'S SUPER "Artalritvg 2o, It" wean, Mill? 5501 5105 EBBW 6RE6ORYPECK WINKER JANEW1MAN . 0AM BAKE R. n101 TEMPO Wed.16 only AMES STEWART LEE REMICK ,BEN GAZZARA ARTHUR O'CONNELL EVE ARDEN KATHRYN GRANT B.S. i Icrve you COLOR Sr 0w:16 91, Gattontout 440 PARK GODERICH, .ONT. 524-7811 SATURDAY MATINEE SII6W -TIME BRODHAGEN BREWERS' — presents CABARET DANCE' FEBRUARY 11th BRODHAEN COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by RON JASPER S $2.00 per couple DANCING at FAMILY -711? ,,,,,,,,,,, TODAYS CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN. SPORTS MINDED • • This young lad with friendly smile .is Bill, 12 years-01cl. Anglo=Saxon in descent,' he is a handsome, healthy boy with light brown hair, green eyes and medium complexion. Thottgh stockily built, he Is rather email for his age. Bill is a shy •boy, extremely diffident in oefering to take part in any activities though..he•joins in eagerly when others make the suggestion. Recently he became a member of a hockey team on his own and his Childret's Aid worker was both surprised and delighted at this evidence of 'growing self-confidence. This lad takes Co all sports. lie plays basebalrin the summer and at school has; played both football and soccer. In the -suminer he attended day camp which he enioyed very much. (":,ra.g(kiE HURON ft,.;e4AFIATH, OWL FEED 10.. 111.2 roarororio Logan Council Amends By-Laws 20,000 cu. yds. of gravel on Town- ship roads at 1,07 per cu.yd. By-laws amending the Eisler Drain and setting salaries foe 1972 were passed. The treasurer was authorized to advance the Monkton Fire Area Board $500.00 on their 1972 levy. A request from the Mitchell Credit Union to accept Township taxes the .same as banks was ap- proved. The Clerk reported the Bush- field, McNaught,Bennewies,Gaf- fney A and the Ahrens Drain re- ports had been received. These reports will be read and consid- ered March 6. Road accounts amounting to $5,771.21 and general accounts totaling ,$3,121.68- were ordered paid. 'Total admissions to Seaforth Community Hospital for 1971 were " 1266 and come frOm: - Seaforth - 305 or '2 8.83% of total; Huron County - 495 or 39.10% of total; Perth County - . 332 or 26.22 % of total; Other - 74 or 5.85 % of total. Percentage occupancy for 19'71 - 76%. Average length of stay - 9.7 days per case. Emergency patients treated for January 1972 - 77 persQ11, Medical Staff officers re- cently elected for 1972 are: President - Dr. John Underwood; Secretary - Dr. Feldger Whitman; Chief of Staff - Dr, Chas, Moyo. "Dies". .1 'Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills, Scott, Cathy and David of Brant- ford visited recently ytith Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills, Walton,, Tweedsmuir 'History Book. The Roll Call will be answered by " A Common elausehold_Poison".' The conveners, Mrs. Murray Smith and Mrs. Jim Axtmenn for Historical Research and Cur- rent Events will be in charge of the meeting. Mrs. D. Docken is toeee be the guest speaker on CANDELTTE RESTAURANT and TAVERN- -- ENTERTAINMENT — FRIDAY and SATURDAY --.4.tamee",,ersonw Gingham .Dance SEAFORTH LEGION HALL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19th Music by THE TRUETONES', • ADVANCE TICKETS $2.08 Per Couple AT DOOR 0.00 -- Prizes for the Best Costumes — Sponsored by Branch 15 Canadian Legion Logue Couneil-eriet for their regular monthly meeting with all members present, the Reeee pre- siding. Thetender. of Jack Tann- er Construction was accepted to crush, haul and spread approx. Seaforth Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Ham Bingo TUES.; tFEB. 15th 8:30 p.m. Seaforth Legion Hall CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaf orth FRI., FEB. 11th 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES — $75.00 Jackpot to Go — TWO DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION $1.00. Extra Cards Pc or 7 for $1:00 (CHILDREN 'TINDER 16 NOT PERMITTED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion THIS WEEK _ AT THE ROYAL. HOTEL ' MITCHELL Thursday Lou and Pearl Friday and Saturday "Sound Wave"' In the crniy,n,Room CSining room, open, on Sundays from 12 noon 2 p.n.) an-c1 S. p.13. to 8 p.m. in the' evening: 11111111111111111111111111111111111 QUEENS SEAFORTH THIS WEEK . . . THE FREE SOUTH Saturday Matinee NEXT WEEK '. . PAY DIRT In the Huron Louie Administrator, Gordon Mc- Kenzie, reported at, a recent Board meeting that the budget of $652,861.00 was tentatively ap- proved for 1972. This is approxi- mately $500.00 below what was requested. He said' it is to be hoped no further reduction will be received but the picture for new programs across the prov- ince is not good. The ward rate for-1972 was tentatively set at $54.45. A new Micro-Film Reader Printer will be purchased. AlI records over five years will, be' micro-filmed and this will ree lieve storage space. By John D. Baker Public Relations Officer Branch 156 NOTE -' to Legion 'Members, General Meeting, 8;30 p.m. Thursday February 10th. KNIFE IN THE BACK Service personnel find it hard to .forget that during World war II the Irish Repeblic remained .neutral but harboured German submarines, thereby assisting the enemy to destroy thousands of tens of Allied shipping., and contributing to the loss of count- less lives. It .is to Britain's credit that they have not brought up Eire's support to the enemy In order to justify one Of the Mother Country's many reasons for' protecting Northern Ireland. Ireland's soldiers fought bravely in support of the Allies in both World wars, AS they have fought for the British Empire for cent- uries. For Britain not to pro- tect, the people of Northern Ire- land from tee LILA,. would be to turn their back on a faithful friend. A deep roded.hatred for Brit' ain and for anyone whose loyal-- ties lean towards the Monarchy has been festeriqg in Southerh Ireland for many years. ' This 'festering has poisoned an element of the population resulting in hostile.. demonstrations 'Inspired by theJ.R.A. The blame should not be e put ' on ehe youth but on the previous generation who have brought their children' up to be- lieve that they are being oppres- sed by a Protestant dominated society. This of course, is only pail of the problem. Ever since Ireland has been divided there has been no love lost between the North and the South,' - Rev. Ian Paisley has not helped to ease the situation by his tirade against the Pope. In the writers opinion, he has not acted as a man of God and instead is doing' the work of the Devil by !netting the Protestants • Countrymen. This surely is not a religious uprising. It Is rebellion born out of many things, including a depression many years ago, and thought by some to be fanned by Communist agitators. The sit- uation in Ireland will never im- prove until everyone recognizes and obeys the rule, "Do unto others as you would they dceunto you". In the meantime the British Government is committed to maintain law and order to pro- tect the majority of the people - North and South. PAST EVENTS - Last Friday Night, Ftb.4th, Comrade Gordon Scott made a score' of 395 at the Legion Bowl- ing. - The Bingo last Friday, Feb. 4th was' cancelled due to the inclement weather. COMING EVENTS - General meeting on Thurs- day, February 10th at 8:30 p.m. On Tuesday, Feb. 15th, the Ladies Auxiliary are sponsoring.. a Ham Bingo. - On Saturday, Feb. 19th there will be an old fashioned Gingham dance . Everyone is welcome. • =On Thursday, Feb. 24th, the Optimists are sponsoring Bro- therhood night at the Legion Hall. There will be a Buffet Supper. The guest speaker will be Rev. G. Lockhart Royal, from GoderIch. Membere of Branch 1% are sorry to lose the services of Comrade Archie Dobson as sec- . retary. He has done an exemplary job for the Branch over the last year and a half, but due to increased responsibilities in the school systern he finds that • he can no longer act in the capacity of secretary. However we are very fortunate to have the aer- vices of Comrade Richard V. Whiteley who has taken over Comrade Archie's duties. Euchre Orders were taken for new Hymn books. Mrs. waiter Bewley, the U.C.W. President, was in charge of the executive business. Plans were made for the World Day of Prayer which will be held in Duff's United Church on March ,3rd. Mrs. C. A, McCarrol, Brussels will be the guest speaker. The Thankoffering See- vice was discussed. • The Unit' held a bake sale at the close of the meeting. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stimore eof Stratford spent a recent week- end at., the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid. Miss Linda Traviss, Reg.N., of. Guelph, spent a few days with. her . ,,,,,,,,,,, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Traviss, Miss Mary Leeming is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital, following surgery last Thursday. 7. , r. ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL -. NOW PLAYING • GROUP THERAPY "A little bit for everybody" Each Saturday afternoon. enjoy Matinee entertainment from 4 to 6 p.m. at. the Elm Haven. 'Beginning on F ebruary 14 for a one-week engagement "The Chargers" A Quartette "THE DESJARDMES" B;yfield Road in Goderich -t— Phone 5244711 0411144P•••••00104141•11,0•444 News of Walton Mr. Area Church Groups Busy • The severe snowstorm that moved into the area Friday . caused school cancellations when visibility was reduced to nil and roads became impassable. The • (Continued from page 0 euchre scheduled for Friday why." Mrs. Hugill read a poem evening had•to be cancelled, with "Minutes of Gold" and also com- the next euchre to be held Feb. 18. mented, on the motto, "Thegreat- Mrs. John Bos has returned, est problem Of mart is man him- hotne from Wingham and District, self." Hospital where 'she had been a The business was chaired by patient following surgery. the peeSident, Mrs. E. Whitmore. Miss Diane Meehan, Kitch- COrrespondence included several' ener and Gary Bennett, Londob courtesy , notes. It was decided were recent' visitors with Mr. to send a delegate to the officers and Mrs. Ron Bennett and Joan. Conference in Guelph, May 2,3, Mr.. and Mrs. Murray•Smith 0 . Mr. and Mrs. •Gaty Betties and, 4th, Mrs. Gordon Papple, Kevin and Laurie, visited Mr. I and Mr, and Mrs. ferry Johhson district director; reported on up- and Mrs. Bob Smith, Keith, ' spent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. coming events at district and. Arlene and. Donna of Monkton. • Cord T'yndall of Goderich, area level. I , An Open Meeting, will be held,. Courtesy remarki were made next. Wednesday evening by the - Miss Jane Sills is a patient by Mrs. Whitmore, and the lunch 'Walton • W.I. Each member is in Seaforth Community Hospital. committee included Mrs. Lorne reminded to bring a picture or Carter. Mrs. Earl Papple, Mrs. items of interest for the W. Coleman and Mrs. John Mc- Gregor. Crib Bars Should Jle Close Mrs. Louise Buttell, Blyth; and Mr. and Mrs. , Howard 'Hack- well and family. Brenda Bos and Johnny Bos, children of Mr. ancteMrs. John Bos, spent holidays with their grandparents, yr.. and Mrs. Cor- neluis Super and family, 'Clinton. Mr. and' Traviss and Gail and AllessollTraviss, Kitchener visited with Mrs. Hilda. Sellers, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Humphries, Kathy and 'Jim of London visited Mr. and Mrs. Stewarteliimphries and Kim. Gordon McGavin, Ken 'Campe bell, Neil McGavin attended the Farm Show in Toronto. Mrs. Ron Bennett, Walton and Mrs. W, .C, Bennett, Seaforth visited Mrs. Pearl McFarlane in London. Among those from the Sea- forth Curling Club participating in' a banspiel in Quebec City were Stewart McCall, Walton; • William Leyburn, London; and :. R. S. Box, Seeforth. Mrs. Harold Wilson' is a patient in _Seaforth Community Hospital where she underwent surgery. ) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs-Gary McNichol. and Danny. Personals -Safety experts , generally agree that the 'bars of crib should be no more than 3 1/2 inches apart, The Hurep,Coupty, Children's Aid Society' warns more space • than, this' amount makes it passible - for a 'small baby • to 'strangle himself. by squeezing his 'body through the bars. In the interest of improved -infant safety and -the prevention of any tragic infant strangula- tions the Society urges parents 'to check the • spacing between the bars of infant cribs. The possi- bility of an infant having 'such an accident depends on.the•size and weight of the infant rather than the age. While there is no,sur.e way to improve cribs which may endan- ger children because of the bar spaces, the 'Society suggests the use of crib bumpers, netting, horizontal bars or enclosure with sheets. It is necessary to erfsure that the changes actually elimin- ate the danger and do .not pre- ' sent the possibility of different ones. • New cribs and many older ones do meet safety standardsebut parents are cautioned to cTieck their child's crib, and possibly avoid a tragic accident. .** *4** * * ***** ** * **** *-1 Lunch Avartatiln Sorvod Februtry 12 Carl Foel Polka Orchestra February 19 Country Cavaliers February 26 Mock Family Paradise Camping and Snowmobile Club DANCES against the Catholics. A true .- Christian respects the right of , his. fellow man to believe practice any faith 'of his ceooS- ing. He does not criticize the beliefs of others by saying he is right and they are wrong. He should live according to'h.is belief and allow others to do the same. There are many thousands in Ireland, North and South who are distressed and anxious over actions of ,.their rebellious Bill is a pleasant, eo-Operative boy who gets on well with children his own age. ,With them he is much more. outgoing than with adults. He is having some difficulties with his work in Grade 5 and is waiting to get into an 61).- portunity class. Though not academically inclined, he enjoys some aspects of school. He is imaginative and ilices.being In plays and doing projects. Physical education is his favorite subject. Bill very much needs •the security, and support of a family who will encourage him to ,realize his abilities and help him Refreshments develop self Oen-donee without pressure for academic excel- lence. To inquire about adopting F3111, please wine to Today's * * * * * * * ask your Children's Aid Society. Child, Station K, Toronto. For general adoption information so - f• .4 r 0' Happy Citizens' Club euchre winners last- Thursday were: Ladies' High," Mrs. John Dever- eaux; Ladies' Lone, Mrs. Mabel • • Scott; Ladies' LOw, Mrs. Edith Fox. Men's High, Zack McSpadden; Men's lone, Andy Crozier; Men's Low, Joe White,