HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-02-10, Page 1Taking part in the Seafortimayprograrn'at&t. James School .1 Isabelle Campbell, Mayor "P, C. J. Sills and fahirVintar, on Monday were (left) Rev. H. J. Laragh of St. James Church, Superintendent of Huron Perth SaibolS." (Stiff Photo) Sister Mary, principal of the school, Seaforth historian Miss • -....s. Wae No. 5422 113th Year iDEAFORTH ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 1972 --12 PAGES. Announce Winners In PS Contest The Public Speaking finals were held at the Seaforth Public School Tuesday with results as follows; For Grades 1 ance2 the winner was six-year-old David Rimmer and Mark McLlwain7,runner-up. For Grades 3 and 4, Anne Rihey, age 9, won over Terry Marshall, age 9, who was second. e Elizabeth Johnston, age 42, placed first in the Grades 5 to 6 class with Jane Baker, age 10, in second place. For Grades 7 and 8 the winner was Elaine Hopper, age 13 and Sheila Prager age 14, was runner-up. The seniors will be competing in the Seaforth Legipn Public Speaking Contest Wednesday evening. • A new read grader was pur- chased by McKillop Township Council Monday when it met •In regular session. The tender of _Dominion Road Machinery Ltd. Goderich, was accepted for $31,447.50 (tax included) which was the lowest of five tenders. Approval was given for the purchase of. diesel oil at 19.4 cents per gallbn, furnace oil -at 19.9 cents per gallon and no. 2 gasoline at 24.5 cents per gallon from Ross Scott Ltd. Brucefield. The tender, lowest of six will be for a three year term - 1972, 1973 and 1974. Court of Revision was set for two o'clock on March 6th for the McQuaid Municipal Drain after the report on it was considered by council and it was approved. The 1972 road budget for an expenditure of $101,334 was ap- proved with the subsidy alloca- ^e--, r f. - • Kennetil SteWari; road super. inte'lident, was authorized to rod''" vertlse for tenders for gravelling- of township roads in 1972. Gary Davidson, Goderich, of thg Huron County Planning Board attended'the meeting and discuss- : ed plans for a zoning by-law for the township. Mr, Davidson isto draft a zoning by-law and submit • it to Council for clitciissionposs- ibly at the March 6th meeting. Lion 'from the Department' of Transportation and Corilmunicae tion amounting to $61,000. ,Last year road expenditures were $116,772 but' included in this aril- aunt was an extra $16,000 for snow removal costs due to the excessive snow fall in 1971.,, Approved for payment were road accounts totalling $10,209.05 and general accounts of $3,051.09. • MeKitioii Clears Forth. Of New $31,447 RO-"ad 4 ilullet Bylaws Restrict Weights And Parking ..... I a • ' r • tare • e , M .. dr :•.,'ea ort .. ay . Lillian Grum•mett and Mrk,Ruby She was introduced by Mrs. Bell of Hensall, district deputy - president of Huron District', was introduced by Mrs. Keith Sharp. Mrs. Robinson" said her em- blem for the year , is the Dove of Peace and her motto is "peace and Unity through Doing and.-Ser- ving". . • Some_ of. elite Humanitarian Sere:lees carried out by the Re= bekah Association art• the CPT ' hospital bed and wheel chair „program and the 100.F'and Re- bejcah Home at Barrie. They elk) support the Pilgrimage for' Youth each year and the Ontario' Research' and' Eye Bank program. :She ,read the ten commandments "for Rebekahs.::: • • ' -Mrs. Helen ReeC,Tes presided and poderich and Bre' seels lodges. , conducted the opening and closirig ' ceremonies and presented two beautiful tableaux depicting the work and teachings of the order. ' Following the meeting Mrs. Mae Habkirk Wee. in charge of a few games of Court Whist with the, winners teeing- Mrs.Matgaret McCUtcheon of Brussels, high, and Mrs. Gladys Willert of Goderich, low. Mrs. Adin. Forbes and com- mittee served -a buffet luncheon, The meeting was called Pupils At St. James to honoe the President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, . .. . Mrs. Betty Robinsceeof Dorches- . Hullett council at i February meeting approved. eratioh of a Class ,C''wrecking yard by Keith Holland in a bush owned by Wm: Holland, lot 11, con. 1. Goderich and 'Brussels Re= bekah Lodgers were 'guests at a special meeting•-of ,Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge last week. Other gueets were also present. • Entertain Visiting Lodges Council took no action on a letter- from P. Gibbings indicat- ing his inability to act as pound- keeper. A notice of an" auction sale of buildings in'the Hullett Marsh area, to be held on Februaryl2th was received from ttie" Depart- ment of Lands ande'Rrirests. Parettrig on the south side of Con 10 - 11, west yof No. 4 Highway for a distance of 600 - feet was prohibited by by=law and a second by-law adopted by council 'restricted the weight. of vehicles passing over a bridge. The' clerk was instructed to Advertise for Warble Fly requirements and staff for 1972. Accounts cleared for payment included: Administration - $9024,k, Drainage - $11,159.60 and RiEds - $7,149.02. At a ,special meeting of council on January 19th' met with. H'EPC representatives and dis- cussed a proposed line through the east side of Bullet, lots I & 2, Con. 14 and 3. It was agreed there was not any municipal de- velopment planned that the pro- posed new power line would in- terfere with. Also MP: Uderstadt had re- quested a meeting with several* of the ratepayers involved with/ a municipal drain to discuss the cost. Several of the •owners from Lots 1 were present and received (Continued ore Page 6) Seaforth Resident 9 Continues Quilting Mrs. W. P. Miller ' It was Seaforth Day in,Grade seven at St. James School on Monday, when students culminated an intensive three week study of Seaforth, its history, background and potential. The program featured costumes and activities reminiscent of early days such as , the dance in which Ken Menhere, Chfistine Groothius, Tom Costelldeelpan Devereaux, Ann Janmagt and Harold Van Doornick are leking part. In the hewer picture Pam DeGroot, awaits her tern. (Staff Pictures) Emphasise Economic Developement Morris Council Sets Plans For New Clark Bridge Seaforth Chamber of Com- merce will place emphasis on the economic ' development of Seaforth as its program for the coming year at a meeting of the executive Monday" evening agreed. - • Chaired by' John' enushall, viee president, the meeting In- structed -its industrial committed under Walter Scott tb arrange a.1 meeting with' council's industrial committee to ensure that the two were following common paths. Morris Towriship Council met Wednesday, of last week with all members present and Reeve Wm. Elston presiding. A dele- Re-elect At Baird Meet The annual meeting of Baird's 4 Cemetery Board was held Thurs- day in the I.O.G.F. Hall, Bruce- field, The follewinboard ineme ev hers were returned g ff.lce for 19'72. Chairman - Wa .; on Webs- ter; Members'- Ross Scott, John Broadfoot, Wm. McAsh, Gordon Richardson, Wilfred Chuter, Mac Wilson, Adam Wilson, Sec.Treas. Mrs. R.„, Taylor; Caretakers - Adam Wilson and Arie Verhoef, were rehired for the year. It was reported that work has been commenced on'the clearing oft the extra land preparatory to having It LeVelled this summer. gation of representatives from Township and County Federation of Agriculture' was present ask- ing for a return of the levy or a grant. Council .endorsed the "action being taken by Huron County Federation • of Agriculture's Telephone Committee • for a - larger toll free service and approved the thstallation of two way radio in Winghanir and Dist- rict Rural Fire• 'trucks. The Meeting agreed that the Township representative to the \Vingham and District Ilospital Board be _elected on the eoccasion -of the Township elections and for two years. •, Council entered into an agree- ment with IL M. Dawson.tb eng- ineer the ,new Clark Bridge, at lots 15 and 16 concession 6, Morris and approved advertis- ing for warble sprayer and a warble fly inspector. The meeting adjourned to meet again on March 6. Accounts paid included, Roads, $6,171.08 and General, $645.75 fete a toal of $6.816.83. Ability Fund Aids Youth .Ati area 'youth, crippled in a car accident last June and, in hospital in London since, will beridfit from the Ability Fund, The Fund - formerly, the March of Dimes - carried on..., a campaign in the' district last week. Mrs, William Grummett," who Jieaded this year's Ability Fund campaign has been advised by the Rehabilitation Foundation for the Disabled at Londen of the assistance that is being rend- ered. There is no repayment in- volved with respect to 'any of the services or assistance pro- vided, she said....,.. In a letter to Mrs. Grum- melt, Mrs. M. Elliott the admin- istrator says in part: "The young •man is at the Centre every day pridergoing a vocational assessment. He comes from the hospital by taxi, Please rest assured that everything nec- essary will be done to assist. He will receive the kind of wheelchair he should kave asevell as counselling and referral to the sort of training he is cap- able of undertaking. As you know he is still under- going treatment at the hospital and any plans for further training will depend on his medical and physical condition about which his doctor will keep us in- formed." Car Club Winner the development of Seaforth, Miss Isabelle Campbell discuss- ed her boek_On Seaforter:and an- swered numerous questions. Other guests included Sr. Mary, principal, Rev.'H.J. Lar- agh, Paetor Of St: James Church, John Vintar, Superintendent of Huron-Perth Schools, MiSs Mc- Cabe, two student teachers, Miss ellesitz and Mrs. Uniac from Stratford Teacher's College. Everyone was dressed for the occasion in old time costumes, and enjoyed a enrich •oi home- made bread and butter, apple butter and apple juice. Typical of the cantrebutions of the pupils are the following:-* A PRAYER W,e thank yoti, Lord, tile Peo- ple- o• f this town, for letting-as life here in peace and harmony. Also, thanks for letting, the idea- tion of our quaint little town be here in the midst of thriving Communities. we loy'e and praise you for the wonderful aura of love and friendliness shining and or- biting through and around., our area. We ask you to ceep this a pleasant and peaceful town. We, hope it will thrive in growth of industry and people, and in the generated feelings of warmth and friendliness to last forever. • By Nicky Hauwert eSEAFORTH e'S is f'de• swimming we have in -tile summer. E is for enjoyment all around the town: A is for activities which we hav,e all„yeee F is for friendliness y.ou can find anywhere. O is for opportunities to visit this town. " R is for recreation like the big skating rink. T is for transportation, which we haVe plenty of. H is for the happy_people we are any time. by Mary Devereaux 82.'Studen ts Are Enrolled Describes Homier Arranging With some chrysanthemums and carnations, some green leaves and a few sprays of 'free- sias to add spicy fragrance, Mrs. Keith * MacLean skillfully fash- loned 'several, lovely flower are, ranglements when she was the guest speaker at a meeting Tuesday evening of •the Seaforth- Hospital Auxiliary. With the addi- -Uwe of tiny 'ribbon • boWs she transormed two of 'them , into attractive Valentine arrange- ments. Mrs. MacLean was intro- Ouced hi/ Mrs, Joseph McCon- nell and thanked by Mrs. W. C. Bennett. Plans were finalized for the Auxiliary Dance to be held at, the Legion Hall on February 26. Miss Alice Reid- reported $231 had been received to date from hostesses of vanishing parties. Approval was given for -the pur- chase. of a card table for the patients' lo'u'nge as it had peen found that the one therealready was not sufficient; Mrs. Robert Nownham won the mystery prize and two special draws were won by Mrs. William Stnith Joseph McConnell. Quilting •and-crocheting- -for- her family and watching tele- vision keep life interesting for a Seaforth nonagenarian who cele- brated her ;95th birthday Sunday. This past year, Mrs. William' H. Miller of 54 George ST. South has made five quilt tops and cro- cheted innumerable' doilies. She enjoys• teleVision, with wrestling her favourite program. Ws. Miller is 'a native of McKillop Township and is the former MaryAnn Pethick, daugh- ter of Abe late Richard Pethick --and Margaret Ann McSpadden. She was married in Winthrop when she was twenty-one. Her hulea4;ci,. was a cheesemeker he.- -efore -111-health caused his retire.— ment. They lived in Winthrop, Hensall and in ,SeaforthIn. the _home ,where sheh now resides with herer le "P". Millers and etie 'Wife, Veirna: " Mrs. Miller has a daughter, Gladys, Mrs. William 'Barwick of Goderia. S-he has a brother, John Peth- ick of Winthrop, and a brother, Tom Pethick and a sister, Mrs. Annie Dean, both of London. "' Mrs. Miller has eight grand- children, fifteen great grand- children- and fiVe great great, grandchildren, A family dinner at her son's home was held in her honour. an international theme. Mrs. Gorden Papple ' thanked Mrs. Schenck on behalf of those pres- s ente Roll call was answered by "Should women enter politics and, (Continued -on page 6) Optimist Winner Monday was Seaforth Day in the Grade seven classroom .atSt. •J ernes School and was a final_cele ebration 'of a three-week -study session on Seaforth town. All teaching •and learning exper- iences had-been centred around the main theme, Seaforth. Pupils did a „great deal of research on the early history and the develop- ment of the town. Interviews were held with some of the town's peo- ple and seniorcitizeas. Each pup- il compWkd an individual project on diffeterrareas of interest in the community. ,,Many group pro- jects were undertaken , and were on display. Also on display Were numerous antiques of early times. Mayor FeT,Sills Spoke to the pupils On the beginning and The eighteenth weekly winner of $25. in the preliminary draws in connection with the Lions Car Club is Joe P. Czerwinski, Seae fofth. - Conestoga ,. College has enrolled 82 students in the Huron satelite it is Operating in Huron Secondary School. at Clinton according to Ross Whin who heads the Huron operation. The itafe consists of one full time and three part time teachers. The temporary accommodat- ion In the Clinton School Is being used pending completion of alterations to the former public school building at CFI] Clinton, which Conestoga has acquired. Mrs. Lorne Dale was hostess for .the • February meeting of Seaforth, Women's Institute, when the guest speaker was Mrs. David Schenck, who spoke in a most interesting manner on her stay in Moscow, Russia, last sumnrrer, where she attended the 21st Inter- national T. B. Association Con- venfion, Mrs. Schenck found a great contrast betweah the standard of living in our country and there, and' also found that the hospitality shown the delegates left much to be desired. The food and hotel accommodation was veryepoor e she said. Mrs.Schenck was intro- and Mrs. duced-by Mrs. Harold Hug ill , who ----chaired the program, planned on Describes Moscow For W.I. Members The second quarter winner in the Seaforth ,Giptim lets Million- aire Stag Draw was announced • Tuesday. He is Robert J.Camp- bell, Winthrop, who recelved$25,;•-• --