HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-01-27, Page 6•T iL E HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JAN. 27, 1972 CANDE. LITE • Joan Sills and Lloyd Eisler were among "members of the eaforth Figure Skating Club who entertained the crowds between games at the arena Saturday evening. (Staff photo) QUEENS .SEAFORTIf THIS WEEK . . "NUDGE" Saturday Matinee NEXT WEEK AL GREEN In •the Huron Lounge Classified Ads pay diVidends. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII THIS WEEK AT THE OPTIMIST CLUB OF SEAFORTH EXTENDS A SINCERE Td the Town of Seaforth, the Seaforth Police Department, ,Seaforth Agricultural Society, Sea- , forth Snowmobile. Club, Seaforth Lions Club, the individUals andcompanies who provided machinery and equipment at the track, all those merchants, businessmen and organizations who Contributed prize money and merchandise, as well as the many spectators and competitors who faithfully supported our Winter Carnival. Special thanks to Canadian Tire, Gingerich's1 co-operation, the Ontario Provincial• Police, all the It S. Box for imoviding. the ambulance and men, Dr. Ladies who helped in the booths and Track R. Whitman, the Seaforth P.U.C. for the excellent Announcer, Marten Vincent, J SEE YOU AGAIN NEXT YEAR, JANUARY 19, 20, 21, 1973 THE SEAFORTH. OPTIMIST CLU13 HARRY JOHNSON Co4hairman KEN CAMPBELL ProsIclent I• KEN COLEMAN Technical Adviser 1972 KEN CARDNO Winter CarnivarChalrfnan for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Alexander (nee Dianne Switzer) FRI., JAN. 28 FAMILY PARADISE CAMPING PARK Ladies please :bring lunch Refreshments Available TAKE NOTICE that the Annital Meeting of the producer • members of the Huron County Pork Pro- ducers'. Association will be convened at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. EST.-on the- 9th DAY of FEBRUARY, 1972 . , at the • LEGION HALL, 'CLINTON for the purpose of the proper business of , , the annual meeting. JAMES McGREGOR LLOYD -STEWART President - Secretary IVION., .TOES. JAN. 30, 31,•FEB. 1 4 MRS. .MILLER COUNTRY and WESTERN NIGHT • PINE RIDGE CHALET VA miles West of Hensel SATURDAY, JANUARY, 29th SNOWMOBILING Dancing 9io i General Admission $1.00 BILL' WEIR and WAYSIDERS Spareribs and Sauerkraut EVERYONE WELCOME mninniiiinnuminiiiunii81111111111111101111111111181111111111111111181111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111174 1 I Thu. 27 fa 28. ht. 29 . Geoiige L. Scott Last .•' anotherntend...rfvoR Run - • 8 MEIROOOLOR • PANR1MSION' METROCOLOr SAT. MAT.' 27 = = :i 41°1 •'• g, I A; I r. sst Wed., Feb. 2 •,PM1NE EDDIE. DUCHItt. STORY! with Tyronne Powers - • r, RESTAURANT and TAVERN — ENTERTAINMENT — FRIDAY and,SATURDAY "JUGGERNAUT " Bayfield Road in Goderich — Phone 524-7711 ; HIGHLAND BALL SATURDAY, JANUARY 29th Brussels , Legion MUSIC BY "THE TRU-TONES" Admission — $2.00 per couple Restricted to 18 years and over Sponsored by Brussels Legion Pipe Band PARENTS '..1 NIGHT MG*, •••• .1,1 re • 1 AND t XPLANATION OF THE CREDIT SYSTEM Which . will be in affect in all Secondary Schools' Conmenc- ing September 1972. PARENTS OF PUPILS presently in the grades hereunder indicated are invited to be present on the dates indicat- ed to discuss with merfibers of the staff the new credit system and how it will effect their sons and daughters. Parents of Pupils Presently Attending GRADES 1Q . and 11 Weci. Feb. 2 There will be an opportunity on each. of the evenings for parents of pupils presently attending Seaforth District High School, to discuss 'the pi-ogress of the pupils with members of the staff. p. • Each Meeting Will, Commence at 8:00 p.m. Seaforth Postmaster, Orville G. Oke, underwent an operation in Seaforth Community hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Susan Hutchingsr of Stanton, California, arrived 'in town Saturday evening, and is a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Hawley and brother Zach Me- Spadden. Her nephew, Rev. Bert McSpadden and Mrs. McSoadden INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life - Donald G. Eaton Insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 Seaforth ••• 4.. accomPanied her from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. sam McSpadden of Otterville, spent Sunday with the former's father, Mr. Zach Mc- Spadden. Sunday visitors of Mr. an Mrs. Lorne Lawson were Mrs. Allan Johns, Vancouver, Mr. Lloyd Heard, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Mr. Cecil Oke of London and Mr. and Mrs. toward Johns of Tuckersm t th. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan and Mr. and Mrs: Michael Will- iams spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stephen- son Of Clinton. . Every week 'more and more people discover what mighty jobs ' are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527- 0240. Annual Meeting OF THE BOARD AND PLOT OWNERS OF BAIRD'S -- CEMETERY WILL BE HELD THURSDAY February 3,1972 at 2 p.m. in the `100F HALL Brucefield CASH BINGO Legion Hail, Seat orth .FRI., JAN. 28th 8:15 pm. •LI 'A 15 RegularA Garnwitpr $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES — $75.00 Jackpot to Go — TWO DOOR PRIZES, ADMISSION $1.00 , Extra Cards 25e or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER, 16 NOT ' PERMITTED) L.-Proceeds for Welfare WOrk.:— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Royal Canadian Leolon ELM HAVEN, MOTOR HOTEL NOW PLAYING Shirley, Fields Show -Tv and Recording Artist ' featuring Twb Female and One Male Vocalist Each' Saturday afternoon enjoy' matinee entertainment from 4 to 6 p.m.. at the Elm Haven. Beginning on January 24 for a one-week engagement CLINTON WINTER CARNIVAL SNOWMOBILE RACES SUNDAY; FEB. 13 1:00 PAM. , • •, STOCK and MODIF,IED CLASSES Trophies and . Cash Prizes ,- 15 ,104ite STEVE BROWN at 482.9321 for information WATCH NEXT . WEEK'S PAPER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS lummemineummismertalowirrareseme Suggest (Contimied from Page, 1) R.R. 2, Staffa; Robert Tyndall, Seaforth'i and Jamec Papple, R.R. 4, representing the Junior Farmers. In the absence of the presi- dent, Earl Dick, ill in the Seaforth Cdinumnity Hospital, Robert Fotheringham acted as chairman of the meeting. A minute's silence was held in, memory of Guy Dorrance for many years active in the Wei* of the society. • Reports were given by the various directors in charge d of the numerous sections at the fair. Elgin Thompson of Kippert, past president of District 8 of Ontario- Association of Agri- cultural Societies spoke of successful fairs in the district, saying there is an upswing in all fairs. He had WordS of praise for the..work done by the mem- bers of the Women's Divisions in contributing to successful fairs. Mr. Thompson presented Robert .McMillan of R.R. 2, Seaforth,• with an Agricultural Service Diploma •for his many years of work at the fair. • Miss_Dorothy Parke, presi- dent of he Women's Division, reported for her section, com- menting on the garbage left in the Round House following the lyinter Carnival. '• Gordan Papple read a letter. from Mr.,Dick reporting On work done at the agricultural grounds inPreparation for the1972 Fair. The field crop competition' was discussed and will be carried on next year -as will the giRefll Eqrlier of the F4ir competition. Art Bolton reported over $1,000 was realized from the. two dances held to raise zone); for, the Society. 'Appointed delegates to the annul meeting in Toronto of theAgricidtwal societies. were; Earl Dick And alternatedelegate Allister Broad. foot. Thirty Mdorl7r: thl willisibge given each delegate for expenses, Mrs. Paul Malone, the for. mer Mary Lou Coyne of St. Columban, gave a talk on Gluing and showed Movies taken during the two years she spent there where she taught in a Teacher's Training College under the CXSO program. She said Ghana was about the size of Newfoundland, with a population of nine million divided into several tribes. Mrs. Malone is presently teaching at St. George's Sep- arate School at Byron. Smiles .. Husband: "Do you think yon can make a good portrait of MY wife?" • • Artist: friend, I can make it so lifelike you'll jump every time you see it." - If you can't get away for a vacation, just tip every third per- son you meet and you'll get the Same feeling. MITCHELL • Thursday LOU and PEARL Friday and Saturday THE WILDWOODS In the Crown' Room Dining room open on Sunday from 12 noon -.2 p..M and 5 pi to 8 p.m. in' the evening. 10111111111111111111111111111111 0. Local Briefi. BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH An Associated Gospel Church ' REV. D. L. PATTERSON, Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 30th 10:00 a.m, FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. — FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR 7:30 p.m. a. SOUND, COLOR FILM `THE BREAKING POINT' ASSESSMENT REVIEW COURT ONTARIO Assessment Ait 1968 - 69 TAKE NOTICE ,that the first sitting of the Assessment .1971 for., the klunicipalitie of ,the TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMI • TIA in the County of Huron •will be held at Council Chamber, Town Hall, Clinton, Ontario commencing at the hour of , 9:00 A.M. on Thursday the 3rd day of Febrilary, 1972. Dated attondon this 17th day of Jan. 1972. R. H. Fitzgerald, Regional Registrar, SOUTH WESTERN AREA. ASSESSMENT REVIEW COURT ONTARIO Assessment Act 1968 - 69 TAKE NOTICE that, the first sitting of the Assesjnent Reiiew Cotirt for the year 1971 for the Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF fikKILLOP_ in the' County of Huron will be held at Council Chamber, ToWn Hall, Clinton, Ontario commencing at the hour of 9:90 A.M. on Thursday the 3rd day of Febrtiary, 1972. Dated at London this 17th daY of Jan. 1972. . • R. H. Fitzgerald, Regional Registrar, SOUTH WESTERN AREA. r. .0)3. ‘4(Pi • • ONTARIO ASSESSMENT REVIEW COURT ONTARIO Assessment Act 1968 - 69 TAKE NOTICE 'that the first sitting. of the Assessment Review Court for the year 1971 for the Municipality of the TOWN OF SEAFORTH in the County of Phiron will be held at ouncil Chamber, Town Hall, Clinton, Ontario commencing at the hour• of 9:00 A.M. on. Thursday the 3rd day of February, 1972. Dated at London this 17th day of Jan. 1972. R. H. Fitzgerald, Regional Registrar, SOUTH WESTERN AREA. 4 ,t tI a