HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-01-27, Page 3T Monday, January 17th'S old tyme M 1SiC session saw ' Mrs. Mary Taylor, who plays the mouth organ, absent. s However, though Mrs. Taylor was missed, Mr. Norman Speir and Miss Della Peart handled the unexpected in- s convenience very capably. On Wednesday, entertainment for the monthly birthday party was provided by the HuronView Ladies Auxiliary with Mrs. Colclough serving as master of ceremonies. t A great variety of numbers i highlighted the program. A sing song of a few old tyme favourites' got the party off on the right foot and the whistling solos and step dance by Mrs. D. H earl and Mrs. D. Sutcliffe respectively fit the atmosphere and pattern.of the program- perfectly. The most unusual and very-evidently enjoyed by the130 residents * and guest in attendance were The dancing numbers proe vided by Miss Sylvia Wilson. \Showing her dexterity she performed an Irish jig, three Scottish numbers and a sailor's hornpipe. Her time and 'effort' Was veryrnfich appreciated by everyone. As a change of pace, Mr. Erlin Whitmore sang two well-loved religious songs, "The Old Rugged Cross" and "Beautiful Garden of Prayer". Round- • t Jog out the entertainment portion Of the program in apprci- s. priate style was a.guartette of Mrs. McMicel, Mrs. Nevens, S 'Mrs. Heard and Mr. Whitmore singing "Beautiful Isle of ; Somewhere". Mrs. Alicia Leyburne expressed.gratitude, • on behalf of the audience, to all those involved in the presentation. .Immediately following, gifts were presented ,1 by the Auxiliary to all those residents Who celebrated their birthday in January. A luncheon, cOmpbsed of tea and cup- . .s cakes concluded the party, making the entireaffair a very tremendous success. There was no. Thursday night program. However, every- 4 one is looking forward to Bobby Burns night with Jim 'e,aurie s on Thursday, January 27th. •t Correspondent . Mrs.Rena Caldwell • The Citizenship' meeting of Kippen 'East Women's Institute was held at the home of Jap., reeve Triebner when Mrs,'M,I'Ye- Van Valkengoed, a nailye ,,,of , Holland, told of her experiences bothf:pleasant and unpleasant in obtaining permission to come to Canada and-- until stte received • her Citizenship Certificate. All agreed that it took a great deal of ,courage to leave family and friends to start- a new life' "in a strange land. Mrs. J. Sinclair gave the Citizenship, and Education Report and ,Mrs. E. Whitehouse gave the Historical and Current Event Report. `The roll call was answered by what, I have learned from' someone of another country" and the motto -. f 4 A happy person enjoys the scenery even when 'he has to take a detour" was • given by' Mrs. James Drummond and was prepared by Mrs.Robert Kinsman. Mrs.,James Chalmers gave a reading es "What's cook-, ing in our house." , Mrs. M. COnnolly gave couteey remarks. Mrs. J. Sinclair condttCted a:4 contest. Mrs. James Chalthers . chaired the program. Mrs. Robert Bell, President, chaired the .btesiness portion of the meeting when it was decided not to set up exhibits at Exeter Fair, to have each .group seiv for the Sick Children's Memor- ial Hospital in London. The 4-H , leaders for the next club will be Mrs. Grant McGregor, Mrs. Angus Hummell, Mrs. John A, B; Bell, Mrs. Ferris', Mrd. D. Brodie and Mrs. Poitma. Lunch was served by Mr,S. M. Connolly and her committee. MrS.Janies Upshail is vieeiting with her brother, Mr. J. Mc- Dougall in Hensall. Wm. J. F. Bell underwent surgery 'in Londots last week. Mr. Frederick Slavin, a former resident of the Kippen Compete In Bowling Tourney Correspondent Mrs.Joyce Pepper ... SCHNEIDER'S SPECIALS For This W6ek Schneider's RING BOLOGNA7 Schneider's - CORN BEEF, 2-oz. - Schneider's HAM STEAKS .7•-• . lb. 690 4 for 99 6-oz. 650 , York Smooth PEANUT BUTTER • • • • 16-oz. 490 PRODUCE Indian River GRAPEFRUIT 8 for 790 Ontario No. 1 CARROTS 2-lbs. 250 Florida TANGELOS doz. 49 COME, CHECK OUR COMPETATIVE PRICES S EAFORTH UPERIOR TORE • -:SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY Salacia Orange PEKOE TEA BAGS" :Kraft MIRACLE WHIP Viva • BATHROOM TISSUE CIL, Heavy Duty GARBAGE BAGS 60's 830. 16-oz. 430 7-oz. 530 3 f" 1.00 10's 490 Clover Leaf SOLID WHITE TUNA • e,ereereeeee,rem-e•e'r..--e-l't-r,,ree'rer" SEAFORT MOPIUM „An Types O. MEMORIAEs / 0 N T. PRYPE iti ii2les3$4a6o r;i nvi,ted Telephone Nomberq; EXETERf CLINTON 402442.1. .$,EAFOIITH: Contact Willis Oundas Or Bill Pinder 527.1382 — Bus, 521,1740 0 e. • AIR CONDITIONING and. REFRIGERATION ARE NEW ADDITIONS TO 'the SERVICE OFFERED FINK PLUMBING-HEATING & ELECTRICAL LTD. Wish to thank their many patrons who, over the y6rs, have been so faithful to them and ask their continued support` for B. J. FINK MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Plumbing - Heating - Electrical - Sheet Metal Air Conditioning and Refrigeration 24 HOUR SERViCE. PHONE 262 - 2114 HENSALL • .11 ailing 27.2 traillio booklets Jib bi r-. ••- A .1 a. News of Huronview Couple Hai -45tirlAniversary-, News of KIPPEN Holland Native • Tells Of Experiences area, died Tuesday, January 18th -in London., The funeral was held •from Bail & Mutch Funeral Home Clinton,, on January 21. One teaft from Hensall Legion, Ladies Auxiliary competed in Z one Cl Bowling 'tournament Saturday at Clinton Bowling Lanes. The Members taking part were Wanda McClinchey, Iva Reid, Mona Campbell, Mary Bis- back, Marg. Vatistone, Helen 4' Roberts. They finished in third place qualifying them to compete in the Regional HOwlIng competitioh to beheld to Hanover on April 8. The Clinton Legion Auxiliary were hostesses to the compe- titions in whiph twelve ' teams participated. Seafort PRONE 527-0990 We Deliver ' Correspondent Mrs. joyce Pepper Open House was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pyre, of R.R.#3, ,Exeter, in honor of their parents, Mr. and,Mrs. Ern- est , Pym, on the occasion of their 46th wedding anniversary. Over 60 relatives" and friends tmried out, in spite of the weather con- ditions, to congratulate tike peo- ple, Several phone calls were re- ceived from people who could not be present. Mr. and Mrs. Pym were mar- ried in January , 1927, by Rev. Duncan McTavish, at the James Street Parsonage .lp Exeter, and resided on the farm now occu- pied by, their son •at RR #3, Exeter. Upon relining, they came to Hensall, three years ago and now reside bithe maples. The Pyms have 2 daughters, (Nona) Mrs. Tony Shulman, Em- bro, and (Lois)Mrs. Allan Wanner of Sarnia, 1 son, John of R.R.Os Exeter, and 12 grandchildren. su's'an Luther was success- the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luther, fiensall. Mr. Art Hallam is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he underwent surgery. For the January meeting of sHensall Women's Institute, a tour of Boise Cascade was arranged. About 20 members and friends enjoyed a tour of the plant too, conducted by Mr. Claus Van Wierari, who was very-informa- tive about each stage of the man- ufacluring- of the mobile homes, beginning with -the- frame and ending with the completed pro- duct. .• A business session was later held in the Legion Hall when plans were completed fora Euch- re -to be held on February 9th. All members are asked to, pro- vide lunch. Hostesses were Mrs. E.Riley and Mrs. A.Reid.' gramme Convenors Mrs-.C. Pay- ne and Mrs. J. Skea. The Kinette Club of Hensel' met at the. home` oft Mrs. Marg, Knight. Guest for the evening was Sharon Brokenshire, Dona- tions were made to the Salvation Army and to the Hensel! Minor Athletic Association. LetreY•g , were received from the 2 foSter children in Italy than the club sponsor. The raffle was won by Mrs. Ann Maxwell. Hensall .,United Church Mes- sengers held their January meet- ing last Monday after school. The meeting opened with everybody listening to a record on Africa. Leader Mrs". Shirley McAll- ister told the Bible story called "The Broken Window" using scripture from , Romans 13, Verse- 13 - "We must be honest and true". Offering was taken by Randy P arker. Leader Mrs. Joyce Pepper introduced another country of REBEKAH LODGE The regular meeting of-Amber Rebekah Lodge was held on Wed- nesday evening in -the Lodge rooms with a good attendance. N:G. Mrs, Ernie Chipchase'pre- sided and was assisted by V,G, Mrs. Bev. Heaton. An invitation wayteceived • and accepted from Thamesford Rebekah Lodge, to be their guests _an the visit of the Assem- bly President, Mrs, aetty Robin- son and their District . Deputy, Mrs. Rosser, Tickets are available to mem- ' 'leers of the District Lodges for a banquet, 'to be held at Carmel Presbyterian Church in honor of Mrs, Robinson, Assembly Presi- dent and Mrs. Ruby Bell, Deputy of District 23. PERSONALS • . Mrs. Larry Mason of Dash- vood, spent a day visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Bertha -finks, who is making her home with Mrs. Gordon Schwalm in liensall. Euchre A euchre party 1,vas held lathe I.O.O. F. Lodge rooms, Hensel', on Friday evening with a good attendance. Sponsored by the C.P. T, Committee, 11 tables were in play. Mrs. percy CaMpbell won the Ladies' high and' Mrs. Robert Parsons, Lad- les' low. Howard Lemon won the Men's high and Jim McAl- lister, merits ,,low. Lone hands were won by Harold Parker. Draw for a dinner ham was won by Mrs. Al Hoggarth, and a bag of apples /I Mrs. Jim McAllister. "Highlights for Individuals- and, "Valuation Day -. These should provide answers to most of your. questions. Some taxpayers will receive additional informa- tion; according to their specific needs. Read your bookleiti. Afterwards, if you have questions, ask us. We'll he glad to You find that your boakts .will make it easier to file your income tax return in 1973. because they will help you to Prepare now. • National Relvenu 4, I . 'Revenue, national, Taxation Impot OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY ful in passing her Grade 2 Theory Africa - Congo, and much dis- cussion was given to customs", from the Royal Conservatory of, food, dwellings, and celebrations. Music, with honors. Susan is a It was learned that the world's pupil of Miss. Greta Lammie and smallest people, the Pygmies and the tallest, the Batutsi, live in this country of jungle, lakes, " mountains and the great Congo, River. A story "Three new Friends" • was read. It told of a little African girl who was sick in the hospital and of the two little friend's she made while there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klungel returned this week end from Acapulco, a town about`250 miles southwest of Mexico City which has the reputation of being die most beautiful of Mexiee's beach resorts,. Mr. and , Mrs. Clarence Pill- ing and family of Sarnia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Pill- ing on Saturday. HURON PRESBYTERIAL Huron Preabyterlal annual meeting was held in Knox Presby- terian Church IdGoderich last (Wednesday. Officers installed from Hensall were Library Sec- retary - Mrs. Rochus Faber; Associate Members Secretary - Mrs. Harvey Hyde; Glad Tidings Secretary - Mrs. R. A, Orr; Children's Work Secretary - Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. Also attending the. meeting were Mrs. Ruby Hoggarth, Mrs. Earl ,Campbell and Mrs. John Solder'. ..... 01. Tax reform .legislation has been passed by Parliament and is now law. What does tax reform mean to you? -How ‘01 it affect you? To answer these questions, the Department is conducting a masi;iv,e• national mailing program. Booklets are now being printed and mailed to all tax- payers as quickly as they come Off the press,. The complete mailing will he finished in about air& weeks. - . All taxpayers Neill receive at least two booklets THE fogtoN Exf0PAITOR, AP.k.FORTM. 01.41V. 44ti, P4,..19*4