HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-01-20, Page 11CLASSIFIED RATES Word Count Charges 'are based _on the number of words, sets pf -numerals such as serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words „ Jpet.ogeLby hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-25 words$1.25m per word thereafter • SIOSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4 per word, minimum 74 • SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.40 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.26 per column inCh Minimum size 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch LEGAL ADVERTISING - Rates on request. BOX NUMBERS, to this office - 25e per insertion BIRTHS - No charge when in minimum form. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of. Thanks and Births other than in minimum form) - 25 words $1.25, each additional word 21. ..... IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 104 per line of verse. . . COMING EVENTS - 25 words $1.25, each additional word q. No cancellation of 'multiple insertion „advertisements after noon Mondays. 25 DISCOUNT FOR CASH'PAYMENT OF ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE 6:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, the •week following publication. DEADLINE DEADLINE TO INSERT ADS IS 5:00 P.M. - TUESDAY Phone 527-0240 or 527-0241 A"PPLICAT1ONS will be received by the undersigned for the following positions in Ontario'Street United Church, Clinton: 1. ORGANIST and CHOIRLEADER OR 2.,ORGANIST ONLY • 3. CHOIRLEADER ONLY There is an excellent opportunity for the successful applicant to teach music lessons with free facilitilis provided at The church. - •. Applicants will please- state qualifications and salary expected. For further information contact: Mr. John B. Levis, , , Choir and Organ Ccitnniittee, 482.9678, Clinton, Ont 4-19-2 • HURON pciosyrok, ON; 4AN. ?..41 Want Ads: ,Prcifita* Relief For flea 7. Situations Wanted NINETEEN year old girl would consider any type of job, Phone 887-9378. 7-19x,1 11.LArticle-s for 8a1e - GESTETNER__Inle available at The Huron gxpasttor, 527-0240, Seaforth. " II- I7xtf 19. Notices 21. -Tentters Want 23 1k siiieis R.-s. BOX' FUNERAL 1,191VIE -Phones: _Day 527-0680 - 527,000 23,17,,t2 4. Card of Than s., e SEPTIC TANKS - CLEANED Modern eq.uipriient. We guar- antee- all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton, 482-3320. . 19-17-tf 1.i1c4 thaM;i: PreUnder- 'w-Opd, and: theeloctprA, 4,14 staff "‘at the 40spiW,, ler friends;-and.-the for 4arfi#1 trPOt;"'APWeT,S . • 414 1/411§-.PP104040P. to Jack; CAse very P1144 aPPrO0-'' WO, m• MelvP1.4c4k*Phrg4-141"- BABYSITTING job wanted - apy night of the' week. 521=1435. 7-19-I SAVE $50 . 00 - on White's Deluxe Automatic WILL take care of childrenein ,C my ow n• home from 7 A.M. - 5 P.M. Mrg. Ken Morey, 527- 0065. .7-18-2 24. Card of Thanks SEWING ilACH I NE But hurry. ' We haVe reduced 10, only. One of the finest in automatic sewing, np • discs, just dial, blind hem- ming, buttonholes, new stretch fabric stitching, gives countless decorative stitches. Se good, the machine is guaranteed by White for 20 years. SEW 3 SAVE CENTRE 26. rorsoi)4I I.fr. and Wire. peter mcPasstali., R.R,I, Sea•ferth wisp to 00.914te0' the forthcoming reatriagep$ORAr only daughter, re' Marie tce Mr. Frederick ,J S. Stevefise% son pf Mr, and Ure,. Stuart e. Stevenson of R.R. 2, Brussels, The wedding to take place on Saturday, FebruarY 12th, 197g at 5 Ine,NerthOele United Chlirch; Se4fOrtilee, A Sincere thanks to everyonefto visited and remembered nice with' cards ,and letters too While a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital 'and special thanks to nurses and Dr. Whitman. it was greatly ,appreciated. - Mrs. Clarence Martin. e4a41 COUNTY OF HURON • 'TENDERS FOR TRUCKS SEALED 'TENDE'RS on forms ...and in envelopes available from .the liTkice of the undersigned will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on: Wednesday, FEBRUARY 9, 1972 F.LECTROLUX Canada Limited Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Lighthouse St., GOderich, phone '524-6514. - 19-17-tf RELIABLE lady available for day care. 527-0533. 7-17x3 8. Farm Stock for Sale . . . NEW born calves from''one to two weeks old and two Springer Holstein heifers_ 4Reeesog_ , 8-184 ANY TREES TO-CUT?- WILLIAM ALBERT Phone 345-2583 I, wish to thank everyone who visited me and sent 'cards while a patient in hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Malkue, Brady, nursing staff and Rev. Hancock. - Lyle Haney. 24-19x1 Sincere thankg to neighbors, relatives and friends for the lovely,. cards, gift's and flowers, while I was in Seaforth Hosal. Special thanks • to Dr. Whiten, Dr. Brady and Dr. Malkus, ur kindness will never he forgotten. - Mrs. Clara . (Bill) Brown, E gm ondville. - . 24-19-1 HEREFORD and Cross-bred beef cows due to calve Soon, or with calf at side. Ed. Bezaire, R.R.#2, Seaforth, Phone 527-0468. 8- 1 9- tf •. 19-.17etf 10'7 Downey St.(2 doors S.of Avon Theatre) Stratford, Ontario. Phone 271-9660, 11-16-5 • . 27. Births soLDAN To Mr. and Mrs, Soldan, Hensel', Ontarie at Seaforth Community hospital on January 14,1972,, a son. - 27-19x1 WESTERHOF - To Mr, and Mrs. Walter Westerhof, Egrnondville., at_ Seaforth Community Despite' on January-. 13,. •197.21. ,a son. 27-19x1 _ for the following: HC-72-101 - 5 - 1/2 ten pickup. trucks 11C-72-102 - 1 - station wagon, Tiade-ins will be offered on each new unit. The lowest or any tender 'not necessarily accepted. VACUUM CLEANERS 14. Property for Sale. HOLSTEIN bull calves. C. De Corte, 527-1628. 8-19x1 A number of crossed Lacombe .1-lamp open gilts. Geo. Townsend, 527-1629. .8-19-1 tee PUREBRED Hampshire and Duroc serviceable age boars, good weigh probe figures; also open gins. Bob Robinson, R.R. #4, Walton, Phone 345-2317. 8-19-1 BAILEY Sales & Service All Makes BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 19 -17 -tf • J.W.BRITNELL,P.ENG. Real Estate Huron County Engipeer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 21-19-1 82 Albert -Street Clinton • New 3 bedroom -home near Sea- forth, with electric,heat, attached garage, completely modern. BUY•SEIL•RENT•IIIRE... Tenders will be received by the underSigned until Saturday, January 22, 1972 inclusive, for approximately 5000 gals . of approximately . FUEL 0 I L to heat St. Peter's Lutheran' Church and the church parsonage, Brodhagen, from February 15, 1972 to February 15, 19'72. Please quote prices• with furnape services and prices with- out furnace services. Lowest or any tender not , necessarily accepted. • Ken Elligsen,-sec. • TWO week old Holstein hill calf. Edward Melady, R.R.#2, Dublin on Highway -•8. Phone 345-2183. 8-19-1 WANT TO LEARN TO ' DRIVE- SEMI'S?? 87 acre dairy farm in McKillop Township with large modernized home. Good frame barn and milk house. • Well' located' and priced to sell. Nearly new 2 bedroom home in Clinton, with all conveniences, well located, quick possession. FIFTEEN -pigs 9 weeks old. George Love, Walton. 8-19-1 • 9. Poultry for Sale KIMBER. LEGHORN- Day 'Old, and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847. Box160 9-17-tf 1. Coming Events BUS to 'Buffalo Auditorium Sabres vs Philadelphia Flyers February 13, 1972 - $12.00 in- * clud6s hockey ticket, Good Times Travel Agency - Phone 527-0050. 1-18 -2 4. Help Wanted NO W you can train right here In Canada and be paid while doing so. For appiication and inter- view, write: Safety Department Trans Canada Transport Training Suite 315, 207 Queens Quay west TprontO 117, Ontario • or call: 416-864-9381. 19-18-2 SNOW' plowing, Phone Medd's Supertest, '527-03.11. 19-18-6 Full Time BAR TENDER LISTINGS NEEDED ON GOOD HOMES Contact MASON BAILEY office 482-9371 14-19-1 Male or female, no experience necessary, Must have reliable reference. Apply Garry Arnbruster BLYTH I NN HOTEL Blyth 'ST PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Brodhagen.,-Ont. 21-18-2 LO.O.F. Euchre January 26th at 8:30 P.M. 1-18-2 • 8 1/ LOTS In the Town of Seaforth. Can be purc,hased as a block at less than $500 per lot. A good investment for the future, 6 lots on James Street. Choice building sites. . .• * * *.* * Nearly-new home with electric heat, full basement, paved drive, 10. Used Cars for Sale 1965 4 door Ford sedan, 6 cylinder standard transmission with- radio, 527-0132. 10-19-1 SPECIAL bus to Cobo Arena, Detroit. Country Music Spectacu- lar starring Charley Pride, George Jones. Feb. •6, 1972 - $12.00 includes ticket. Good - 'Times Travel Agency - 527-0050. 1-18-2 ....... _ . ...... TURKEY Supper, Northside * United Church on Wednesday February 9th' from 5 to 7 P.M. 1-19-1 22. Legal Notices and many, many extras. 23. NOTICE Township of ,McKillop ', Ratepayers and inhabitants of, the Towns* of McKillop are requested by the Council: 1, • C: Ralph Young will -not be held responsible for any debts incurred by. anyone Without my`- written consent .after Jan. • 13th,' 1972. 2Z-18-3' 1964 black Volkswagon station-' wagon, good' condition. Best offer. 527-0351. 10-19-2 4-18-2 .• 'BIG YEAR FOR "72' 11. Articles for Sale ALMOST new Viking wringer washer with timer- and pump. 527-1094. 1 1-19x2 4: -7 '-"- CAB for 5000 Ford tractor, also used Gehi P.T.O. Hammer mill, 482-9155. 11-19x1 •In Real Estate Sales, We re- quire a person who is interested in selling Real Estate as a career ' .tomrepresent-Mit, Corn.Pany. - eine Seaforth ancrara. OlirConipany offers unlimited allvertising, both in town and out-of-town news- papers, telephone, and personal help from Manager. If you enjoy , meeting the public, and want to eerie a •higher thah average ineame, , contact our ,District Selesmanager, Mr. Del Dieisdale at 'our 'Stratford„Office. Phone 271-2550. ' ***** Business Directory W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Em3 0ntaZmE. LICENSED, R AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 23-17-tf Park-Xors 3-bedroom home oil-heated. In- Nat Te appearance. Attrac ive --prieee ' , • ' h. sfde and outlet-4%1' niltletcitite CHARTER Bus to free Tax Seminar in London Thursday, February 3: Contact Tea Savauge 527-1522 to reserve ? le seat: 1-19-2 COME to Blyth Lion's Club Bingo every Saturday night 8:30 P.M. in the Memorial Hall. Ad- mission $1.00 12 reg. games at $10.00 each; 2 share the wealth games,$25.00 special and$125.00 jackpot in 60 calls. Every time it doesn't eget.there added. , on Towns ip Roads WILLIAM 11 . HART Seaforth SaleSman Phone 527-0870 or 527-1972 GEORGE R,..JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD West Lorne 14-19-1 TWO oil space heaters, one large and one small with fan'. tike new. 345-2386. 11-19x2 • Auctioneer , during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplowing operations. -Council will not be responsible for -damages to any vehicles parked on roads. • .Council.requests that the resie dents of the Township of McKillop: ONE only 6 ft. glass' showcase, in good condition $15.00e Stewart Bros., Seaforth. 11-19-1 PHONE 517-0240 ie~jarun"~,fxpositor FARM AND FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R, G. GETHKE phone 347-2465 - Monkton 23-17-ti DON HOLST 15. Property-for Rent Two upstairs rooms with kitchen facilities available. to lady .pen- stoners or a'couple. Private entrance, 527-1439. 15-19-2 DELUXE Lewyt' canister ..vacuum cleaner, less than one year .old. Baby bathinette good condition. 262-5190. 11-19-1 - Real Estate -Limited Realtors , Do Not Push or Dump Snow on Township Roads LUNG CAP/CITY TESTS Town Hall, Seaforth , • January 31,1972 10ra.m.to 12noon- 1p.m.to 3 p.m. Sponsored ,by Huron Perth TBRD Association 1-19-2 RathweIrs, Auction Service APPRAISERS SOUND SYSTEM Phone 482-3120 Brucefield 23-17-ef Waeted Male or Female SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS No experience required. HABKIRK TRANSIT SERVICE LTD. 527-1222 ,APPLES - $1.50 a bushel and up. Spys, Kings, MacIntoth, Delic- Jobs, Greenings, etc. Phone 482- 9141. Fred McClymont, 'Varna. • 11-17x4 HOUSE -to, rent well located on GodericieStreet, three bedrooms, Gordon Noble-527-0840. 15-19-1 Additional Copies of the Seaforth Women's institute COOK BOOK 19. Notices ANY magazine, any time, any- KEN STEWART where, Special to Feb. 29; Good - Housekeeping $4.14, regular '' Road Superintendent 1 $6.00. Your representative Davis' ,,Township of McKillop Agency , London, Mrs. Cecil , Kipfer, Hensel", PhOne 262-2278. e ' ' ^ 19-19-2 DRY shelled corn for sale 10 or 15 ton loads. Contact Ken. R. 'Campbell, 527-0249. 11-18x4 The 61st Annual Meeting of THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY • of Huron COUnty W1.1 be held in • • the Copncil Chambers, Court Applications will be received by House, Goderich, Ontario, at the undersigped until noon 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, , 16 • ^ 'FEBRUARY 1st, 1'972 4-19-tf ZENITH sem! automatic square wringer washer. In very good condition, Mrs. Gordon Muegge, 527-0362. .' 11-18-2 • APPLES Cortlands , DeliciOns, Northern Spies, top quality, prieei Very reasonable, onWeek ends. Ross Middleton Storage;,1 mile -east of Bayfield„ North of the river. 11-18-3 APPLICATIONS WANTED/ TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT 19-18-7 HURON DEAD JOHN E. LONGSTAFF • .TR I -TOWN . BOOKKEEPING SERVICE. IncOnie--Tax - Mcord Preparation Business- Farm" - Individual "Reurns " LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield e Phone 482-9260- 19:17-ti OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Only Clinton), Ontario Seaforth Office ' wed., Tburs.,. Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. We are now Paying $5.00 - $15.00 for 'fresh- dead or dis- Thursday evenings abled cows and horses over 500 e Memday only, - Clinton Office , For Appointment - Phone 5e7-1240 - or 482-7010 23-17-tf STOCK REMOVAL FEBRUARY -2ND, 1972_ " far the position of CLERK-TREASURER • and TAX -COLLECTOR for the Township of Hibbert, duties to commence , April 1st, 1972: The applications are to.-be in applicant's own 'handwriting stating qualifications, ex- perience and salary expected. Any .application 'not necessarily - accepted. Ross McPhail, Reeve, c/o Clerk's Office, Box 64, Dublin, Ont., , - • 4-19-2 The public is cordially Invited to attend r eand_refiesheepents will be served at the close 'of the buSiiieSs lbg. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficeent • • service. All small farm stock picked,up free of charge as a service to you.- Call collect - 482-9811- -•-••- 7 days a week - 24 hours a day Litense No. • Call us first, you won't have to• call anyone else. .19-17 -tf ••• SNOWBLOWERS,• farrowing crates; feed stalls, gates, carts and repair. Geo. Troyer, 262- 5282. 11-18-tf G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich Ste W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE ,„ Adjustable • hospital beds for , rent FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527 e 1 390 - Seaforth 23- I7-tf 2., Lost, Strayed ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines avail- able at The Huron Expositor. 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-17xtf PROPERTY . VALUATION we have appraised Farm s, -•Bus i nes se s , Buildings, 'Estates, Cottages, and Land holdings. Call us if you require service of this kind. taken by mistake hall January 10e 2-19-1\e' ONE overshoe from I.,O.O.F. Phone 527-0607. -.Are Now Available' SKI Boose, Mark II, good shape, for sale. Phone 527-1140 or 527- 1,814. 11-18-2 4.. Help Wanted WANTED DEAD or ALIVE HELP needed for general repair welding, etc. Apply Seaforth Machine Shop. 527-1300. 4-18-3 TROPICAL FISH'' BUDGIES, CANARIES ' A complete tine of pet supplies. PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street, Exeter , Phone 235-1951 11-17-tf -WILLIAM 11, HART Dead and disabled cows and horses $10.00 each. $1.00 cwt. will be paid for animals from 500 lbs. to 1000 lbs. Calves and pigs pick-up free. Around the clock pick-up ser- vice ,7 days h week.. Call collect 887-9334. Lic. #273-c-70 SEAFORTH ELECTRONICS' ZENITH PHILCO DEALER Seaforth Phone 527-0870 or 527-19'72 19-19-4 INVEST your money safely where it will earn 'the most. Contact Ted Savauge Investments, Regis- tered Retirement and low cost Occidental Term Insurance. 52'7- 1522. , 19-17-ti' • Copies $2.00 ry 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 24 each; THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-17xtf ry SKATE Sharpening Service, -'1 Torrance, 50 Huron Street. 19-18x2 NOTICE ' THE HURON. EXPOSITOR .527-0240 - Seaforth Service to all makeS - T.V's., Radios, Etc. 17 Sperling St. - Phone 527-1150 23`-17-tf We are shipping cattle -every Moeday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. TO arrange for pick- up at your farm 'phone by Saturday night. PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER STRETCH fabric sewing classes will soon begin, daytime and evening. Make your own lingerie, panties, slips, bras, girdles and bathing suits: No previous sewing knowledge necessary, Leave your name and phone number at 482-9119. 11-16-tf 19-17-t$ .4. Remember! It takes but a Moment to jilace an Expositor • Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise,,, ,lust Dial Seaforth 527-0240. WILLIAM t. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 19-17-tf • Kippen, Ontario Telephone 262-5515, Monsen ?3-17-tt