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Wingham Times, 1892-04-29, Page 3
Wia't■�, agar Xenia. make .% half pound more cheese fromare also es serious, Payne under tbe t horse eau live twenty -live days Avery 100 pounds of ttai1k without in. influence of the weed are constant sub - without eelid 'food., merely, drinking : creasing the •expenee, cheese from jet/As of discipline, are not truthful, pram water., aeveutoen days without eating theexperimental stations nea, Perth tics deception and contact be depended upon. A change in character ina for- . or drinking, ;and only five days when; and London had been. branded atad merry good boy is a very Strong indica- eating solid too without dxiaaking. i •sent to England, Ny,hene it bad sold tion that some habitis getting bold upon indica- , An idea prevduile among horsetlaen that' well, He gave a long d•issertatiou on- him whose tyranny must be broken a horse shoold newer be watered often- expe imeuts at Mount Elgin creamery before he will again be olothed in his er than three tinies•at dav,'or in twenty.' ann t n p000uut a •his own experiment _right mind, The worst characteristic of four Hours. 1Chie -la not only a antis with •.cattle in .connection between feed the habit is a lossof personal self-respeet • .and ofpersonal regard for the customs taken idea, ,t}ays ,the Horseman, but a, and atlillk-giving, showing that milk and wishes of ladies and gentlemen, es - brutal practice. A horse's stomach is •eau be .altered incolor, in ricbnhess,but pecially when amongst strangers. If extremely sensitive., sod wii9n. suffer nor, ire salie. Farmers had been paid 'these observations mean anything, they under the least :interference, causing a 15 ,een•ts per pound monthly, and the declare that something ought tab's done feverish ooaxditioe. Ueeclinga horse batter sent to Englund and British such as prohibiting minors until eighteen 4" 4/' principally •on grain laud •driving it five Columbia at net realization at the years of age as has been done by the .t gsnipping oint ,ot 24 and 20 cents Outeri° Legislature, as it is evident that hours without water ie title giviu s P teachers and parents are not sufficiently n:an salt ,mackerel for 'dinner and not; per pound. He estimated that after aroused regarding the magnitude of the allowing, flim to.thinik before supper, a few years :$5,(000;000 worth of hate evil of tobacco using by children. time--Veay naaaaatitsfaotor�y #or the man. ter might be sent to England each FlonbowA1r s Pima°. --Impurities of • If you know anything about the care' year.. Experiments at Woodstock the Blood.—To ensure health it is of horses and have any sympathy for creamery showed that butter sent to absolutely necessary that the fluids .them, water them as they want to England, fetched 10 peace per hundred- and solids of the human body should drink—once an:ho�tw if }possible. By I weight less •than that from Mount be kept free from those impurities "`"doing this,you will not only .be merei'' Elgin., England last year imported w• inch are continually by getting lcltnis- a g p mon into the system by erroneous live ful to your animals., but you will be tl x0,000,1000 worth of butter, of which ing,.nnwholesome atmosphere, or dis- benefactor to yourself„ as they will do 40 per cent. went from Denan.atk. ordered scomaeh: The only safe and more work, they will work Better and Danish ,hitter was worth 10 pence per certain way to expel all impurities is p hundredweight than highest Cana- to take Holloway's Villa, which have Jive longer. If ,you area skeptic and the power of cleansing the blood from • know more,aboutlaorses than anyone dian butter., but the cause of this was all noxious matters, and at the same else, you are positive ,that the fere-ii that butter made from milk from time removing any irregularities which going is wrote;;, becauseyogi have had freshly calved cows was worth 10 their presence may have already '•'hbrses die with watering them too ' pence to iii pence a hundredweight produced in any organ. Holloway's omuch, and boldly .say that agitators of : more then other butter, and m order fis Papel an humors which taint they impnoverish the blood, which they frequent watering etre &Gels lo your es to compete w,i�th'other countries Cana- purify arid invigorate",and give general timation,'and you would mot •dosuch a' dian farmers must have at least one tone. They are flpplicahle ro all aline thing. Just reason fox amoment and. freshly ,ca I ved •cow in every herd. —young or old, robust or deliuete. ;figure out whether -the mutual would Freight +Erman Woodstock to Liverpool - ,have over -drunk and •overehilled his' was 1.5 •eeaats per 100 pounds. Quebec Virtue and laziness may live together .stomach if be had net been .allowed to, cheese fetched;•cent per pound less in but they are not nsnally on good .become over•thirsty. the English market- than Ontario, terms. A horse is a great deal late a Stan, , whilst Idem Prunswick and Nova Is life worth living 4 EI.e who an. :Let him get overworked, overstayed Scotia cheese fetched the same as On- ewers that interrogatory with a yes or I ®LL0WAY'3 P9 LAS AND 0 �� . .or allured, particularly fax the want of • tali°. > no gives an incorrect answer. The true l ,sufficient drink in waraa weather, andreply to the .question, is life worth liv- I These remedies have stood the test of fifty years esurience, and are pronounce 1 the best Medicines 10 the consequences will always be bitty- School Hays and Tobacco. ing'I is—It all depends on the kind of, fells Sensible llostlers in large cities. The Bill recently introduced into the lives you live. w ro Ur APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES DANDRUFF 0 4" - D. L. CAVTN. Toronto, Travelling Passenger Agent, 0.1' R.. Says: Antl•Dandruffis aporfoctremovero[Dan. aruit—its action la marvellous—In my own vaso a foW applications not only thoroughly removed GUARANTEED, esIiIngvo dandruff accumulation but stopped falling o[ rho hair, made tt soft and pliable and promoted o visiblo growth. FF Restores Fading hair to its original color. Stops Lalling of hair. Keeps the Scalp clean,. Makes hair soft and Pliable Promotes Growth. A Blessing to Every Householct.- TIKE PILLS :are awakening to the advantage of • Ontario Legislature relative to the DSO Vit•tlle i8 certainly the most noble Purity the blood, correct all disorders of the 11Vea, sTOMAOH•, KIDNEYS AND now EIS end 1 invaluable in all cosoplainks incidental to,femalos of all ages. frequent watering. Street car horses of tobacco by minor`s may have a sato. and pure possession a man cue have. I are watered every hour, and sometimes tary effect iu checking the habit to a Beauty is worn out by time and sick• t • • r COUGHS,COLDS,. GOUT, RY.EUAtilpli GLADULAit liIR'ELI.INGS AND tit slorNn plenty of water that supplies eve Ora• population of the country. This AX= rather than welfare,and without prud ' DISEASES IT ROMA AS NO I CiUAL, lrranuta g 1'11 nttly at i8, New Uxford. hate 68:3, U\ford moos., Lmtdan p P p y and sold by all Med[cino Vendors throuy;bout the .world. and Pots. If • 0I1\711111M.71' oftener, while they are at work. Itis large extent amongst the school going nese; riches leads youth to destruction THROATS, s e only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old Wounds, Fon RRONC11I11S, !scam TE�7C tion or perspiration and keeps down hats to a muck larger extent amongst ecce are soon lavished away,while vir- f'purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes the temperature. What old fogy school boys than most parents are tue always remains with the person not. 5313 Oxford Street, Loudon. they are spurious. methods amount to may be seen 'by aware of, and it is time that some that entertained her. 1 the obange in medical practice to definity action was taken. From a man. 'Twenty years ago a person. careful study by eminent physiologists, The Head Surgeon. I having a fever of any kind or peen• it has been found that boys who begin Of the Lubou Medical Company is now at I ,Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted . =ilia., was allowed but little to drink, the habit Si an early age are stunted either ill person or by letter on all chronic ' and these it had to be tepid.physically, and never arrived at a diseases peculiar to man. tea, youug,old, or tuiddle.aged, who Lind themselve Dery .To•dag practitioners preser.iloe all the normal bodily development; and that. cue, weak and exhausted, who are broken iced water ,tlbe patient can possibly !mem/Denied with the use of this nar- down from exeees or overwork, tesutting in many of the following symptoms \rental drink,'and iu addition cold bandages, eotic were certain disordered functions deprossion, premature old age,loss of vital. which are applied to reduce and coil such as indigestion, impaired taste, f �igbt, ss of of the bad hearmt,semissioss trol the temperature of the blood. defective eyesight, dull hearing,nervous lank of energy, pain in the kidneys; head- aellc, pimples oft tlhe�face or laody, itching I What is applicable to manwill never affections and diseases of the heart, or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, ' injure a horse. t lidcommon sense With regard to ite mental effete; B. H. wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks ba, and human feeling. Uon'tbdnk it is Seerley, Principal of the. Iowa State fore the eyes, twitching of the masoles,eye lids, and elsewhere,• bashfulness, deposits a horse, and capable of enduring 503' Normal School, foundthat tobacco, of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness ° and all things. A driver who sits in used in any form, destroyed the ability we of cles,he tdesire toand pilteep,fttilure to be rested' his waggon and lashes his. worn-out, to apply ones self to study, and' pre- by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice. desire for solitude,excttability half-eurritld, half'fed and half -water- vented his comprehending or remem- of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with ed team should never eomplttill of any boring his lessons. The mental fecal- LEADr3.S' lime, oily looking .skin,. etc, are abuse he may receive front his master ties of a boy tinder the influence of all symptoms of nervous debility that leadto insanity and death unless cured. The or employer, for he is lower in agorae. the narcotic seem to he in a stupor, spring or vital force having lost its tension ter, harder in sympathy and less noble andsiuce depraved nerve power nullities Phos wllotltl>tough tyabusettcomtmittedt in than thebrutes he is driving, and de. and overcomes the will power, there is ignorance may be permanently cured. but little use for the teacher to seek to Send your address for book on all diseases serves, in the name of all that is hit -peculiar to mail, .Books sent free sealed. mane, the same pdnishment as a trim arouse the dormant, paralyzed ener- Heart disease, the symptoms of which are }nal, Lillassachw8etts Ploughman,. gies,or to interest and the fagged faint spells, purple tips, uumbuess,palpttit.. d fte� tion, akin beats, bot flushes, rush of blond • desire. The' seine .authority says he to the heap, dull pain in the heart with Dairying in the Dominion. never met a• that is addicted to beats strong. rapid and irregular, the p p secondboutbeatquickorthan the first,pain ° —`" about -Abe breast bone, eta, can positively be cured. No cure, no pay, Send for book. Address M. V LU73ON, 24 Slacdon- A YEAR. titer says : I have ' never had one ell Ave. Toronto, Canada. i1T'rAlyet, April 21. Professor Rob,whose scholarship iecord wasgood,and. 10 about every ease the deportment ertson, Dominion •dairy commissioner, was below the average stitndard. At gave evidence before the rlgricultur9• the regular examinations for promotion - l arid Colonization Committee this thorn nearlyy every one of the tebaoco using r M. fug. He referred to' his appointment pupils fail in doing the ,most reason, two years ago,' and has since rioted it able test work, even if this is not the great increase i,i the ilhterest llranifes• first time tbe warp has been passed ted in dairying throughout the Dsmtti• over ill Mass. 1 have had uut.nbtlrs of. loll, His original appointment was eases in which they, have remained in s 1 1 for the purpose of delivering lectures the saner grade for four suecessiv'e n "t on dairywork and proved agricut`ture, yeti,; and then they were not ready i t i During 1891 his branch had addressed to l advanced into the next higher Q"f �' 291 meetings, 'They had visited 194 class` ' 1 cheese factories tend creameries. 'Phis According to aha observations of j resulted ill cleaner buildings a d het, this authority, extending over a number ry� AN �N fit 1 ter productions In Ontario LIf y'altad 'of years, nee a single bey has passtid the f �+; given instructions in iii o gees lad, examination required far admission to. LONDON 1 i LL PRESS tories on the hest methods. They want the high School after he had acquired • , . . . to discover the best method of tall? lig the tobacco habit, and not one hae grad- to and obtain the grestestqualht ty hated Exam the nigh School. who began the habit ate beginning his oours° in f ahem, ;Cully t s�arrd UM t caned biro l ti h l atdaoot But the mroral roan PRoFESSO atoBRRTSON PIU8SNETS AN IN= the habit who will go through a day's TERESTING RESUME OS' TIIE worm OF work and have good lessons. He fur- rlitt SUPPLY'; the address 1t URDOCK BLOOD BITTERS THE GUIDING. STAR TO HEALTH. A POSITIVE CURE FOR . ]3 yr: PyPSIA, CONSTIPATION, E S�ADACRE. SCROFULA, BAD BLOOD, FOUL HUMORS, BILIOUSNESS, RHEUMATISM, JAUNDICE, and all•diseases arising from a disordered condition of the STOMACH, ,LIVER, BOWERS Ane© BLOOD. B.B.B. acts on all the organs of the boCy to produce regular action, to ct: cngthcn,' purify and tone, and to, remove all impure accumulations of morbid matter from a Common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. • Thousands of reliable hien and women testify to its good effects in the above diseases. Is it not worth at least a trial in your case? Price $x per bottle, 6 for $5, or less than rc. a dose. HALSTED & SCOTT BANK.OF A7%.Ay.I1 WING I-IA1VI B L_N15��RS_ Capital, $11,200},000. Rett, $600,00(1 I MART., ziriecTons i Jolrx PnecTolt, CHAM. OVUM, Giro ito.tcu, A, WOOD, A. 13. Les (Toronto), Oasbier--,1. TUENBULL. • Savings Bank--liout'e,10 to 3 AatordayD, I Deposits of t'1 and upwards reed% ed and inter. i allowed. 1 rates off alintb opostts also received at cum 1 Lou Matte to on heat Britain and 'Lilo t Ititetl 15ta T3. WILLSON, Aors i411!;Y'LYi-<fr DICIf.INSONT, Solicitors. Money to Loan on Nate; trestdent-Join Josephine Street • - Wingham, lint, i Vice•i hosaleut--A tI 1,An iAl J. A, IIA1,sT1tD, I .t, 1t'. SCorr,histowpl. Mount'kOteso, Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and • Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral seourity.Sale notes bought at a fair valuation, ;Honey remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col. looting Accounts and. Notes. • • Agents in (Y nada-•'t`hQ Mero1 obits' .0 It et Caanacla Oftl le ltcure 4'rani,9 a. m. to s p: ln. A. li. '$MITlI,. Notes fisoouu.te+ All' IiEA.SONAl1LD ItA"S'3' Money advatietd en :Mortgages at 6 pdr cont rci privilege of paying at 'the mitt of any year. \' and, Recounts collected. HAIM, llatollND001 Agora Qrrrue,--11carer Mock, Wlnaltar+r, Ont.