HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-01-20, Page 311e
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The subject of professional
development for teachers in Hur-
on County wag explored in depth
Monday as a group of teachers
sat down with members of the
Board of Education to discuss :he
present system for teachers to
update themselves, as well as to
make suggestion, for the.future:
GordorrphillipS, F.E.Madill
SS in Wingham, was the comm-
ittee chairman. Those working
with him were Mrs. Barbara
Golding, South?' Huron DHS,
Exeter; Gina Jenkins, Hullett CP
S; John Ross, Wingham PS; and
Al Taylor, Usborne CPS. Trus-
tee Garnet Hicks sat on the com-
e mittee too, as did J.W.Coulter of
the board office who was absent
on Monday.
It was shown that professional
development is " that which in
any way-furthers the profdssional
competence of the teacher to
communicate knowledge or to
111 communicate the means by which
•knowledge is obtained.".
The teachers' brief pointed r. out that some opportunities for
profesSional development re-
quire financial backing.. Mrs:
Golding, who is also the profess-
ional development chairman ,for
ti the secondary school teachers in
the county, said there is hot one
penny" presently available to
teachers for an anegoing kind of
professional development inHur-
The report noted there is $10
per teacher at the elementary
• level' and $25 per teacher at the
secondary level for travelling
and conventions etc; and a total
for all schools of $36,500 is avail-
able for university courses. For
short term educational leave, an
amounCof up to one-half °tone
percent of the total teaching sal-
ary cost for the county is set as-,
fde. -
''There are not insignificant
%{ants and the board' is to be
mPlimented for their fore. thought," the reportestated.
`' However, Mrs. Golding said
that if $5 •per teach-6r was made
• available for an on-going type of e
professional development from
which all teachers could benefit-
not just the few who e'rere-rlecky,
enough to be chosen for spdcial
courses and seminars - it would
be a valuable addition to the Hur-
on system.
She said such a fund could
make it possible for spegiat
speakers to be brought into the .
county, for instance, as benefit
to all teachers who would attend
e the lecture. Special .workshops '
or subject seminars could also be ,
,arranged, she said, through this
• fund.
The discussion showed , that
professional development is en-
couraged by the board of educa,,, .
tion in Huron but that some
schools do not take advantage of
the oPPortuniffes.
"Where does' the push come
• from?" asked Mollie Kunder, '
Seafprth. i 4 IS that aboard respon-
sibility?" ,
The committee advised her
that it most certainly wal not
„board responsibility to see to it
that its teachers were concerned'
about profesSional development.
The committee agreed the tea-
chers should be.,,Colleerned about
their own betterment, and should
take advantage of any opportun-
ities offered by the board.
R,M,Elliott, ,chairman of the
board, suggested that the Depart-
ment Heads in all schools should
accept more rewonsibility in
professional deveit'DMent for the
teachers in tha department.
, Bruce Shaw, representative of
the' Teachers'. Federation who
-sits , in on ,all sessions with the
teacher committees, said the fed-
eration is taking a more active
0, role in professional development
of teachers, too.
' There was considerable dis-
cussion Surrounding the profess-
Board-And- Teachers Discuss
Professional Developement
HOlds inaugural
Hullett council held its Church hill and to put a 5 Ton
inaugural 1972 meeting 1n the limit on bridge on sideroad 30-
Londesboro Community Hall 31, Con. 7.
when Rev, Stanley MacDonald Accounts approved included
spoke briefly and invoked-bles- Administration $2051.34;
sing' on council deliberations, Drainage - $19,457.50; Grants -
Reeve Hugh Flynn and '$1,400.00; Fire Levy -$1,080.00;
members- of council reviewed Roads - $1-,587.74 for a total of
activities of the past year indi- $25,576.58.
eating' /appreciation for the co-
operation-that had been extended . •
News of WInchelsea by all ,,with whom council had
Following dinner fit Blytif, • , ..Correspondent
Mrs Wm Walters council-- recommended and
adopted the following -motions; Mr. John Hern
John and Bill,
- That we Jive -a grant of, of Exeter, visited recently with
$600.00 to the Hullett•Federation Mr. and..Mrs. Phil Hern and boys.
of Agriculture. Master Michael .Grubbe of
- That we the Township of- Farquhar spent a few days with
ficials move a vote .of thanks to his grandparents, Mr. and MrS.
Clerk Vincent for the fine meal. Freeman Horne.
and instruct the Clerk to send a" Mrs. John Coward spent New
note of appreciation to Mr. Mac- Years with Mr. and Mrs. Bev.
Donald -for the inaugural Parsons and family near Exeter.
message. Misd Janet hern of London
- That we make a Grant -of spent the week end with Mr: and
$600.00 to the' Londeiboro Corn- • Mrs. Phil Hern and boys.
muni'ty Hall Board, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford 'Hutton
- That we make a Grant of had as their guests on Sunday, Mr.
$200.00 to the Town of Seafoith and Mrs. GilbertJohns of Exeter.
re Comthunity!Centre expenses,, Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Walters
- That we appoint Hugh Flynn, had 'As their guests on Sunday,
to. act as representative to the ,:-Miss -Wendy Ityckman of Exeter
Ausable , River Conservation and Mr. Gary Dayman of Kippen
Authority for the year 1972•. ' and Miss Shelly Kipfer of Ifensall.
- That we appoint,,Joe Hunk- • .„...
ing and Chafles•Sceelon to Blyth •
Fire Area Board.
- That we-appoint Jim Mc-
Phee,' Geiald McDowell, Jim
-Glousher, Hugh Flynn, Joe Hunk-
ing, Ted Mills and President of
the Auburn Institute to the Auburn
Hall Board. _
- That the Road Superinten-
" dent apply for the balance of the,
'1971 road subsidy.
- That we appoint John Dewitt
to the Seaforth Hospital Board
to represent 'Hullett Tow,tiship.
- That we aPpointiMilton
Dale, Mrs. 'Bert Shobler k, Ken
Htilley, John Radford, Delores
' Howatt, Percy dibbings, Charles
Scanlon, also President of the
W.I., to the Londesbor6 Hall
Board.„ ,
- That the Clerk notify the
Land Division Committee that
we have no ,suggestions to add
to their questionnaire' form.
- That we instruct the Clerk.
to prepare By-Laws .to prohibit
.narking on the south .side of the
tonal development day in Huron
County - a special day set aside
for teachers to use for improv-
ing themselves. Chairmaie Ell-
iott saw great merit in these
days being held in Huron County,
with Huron teachers from vari-
ous schools meeting together and
exchanging ideas.
Some members of the comm-
ittee, on the other hand, argued
. that more professional develop-
ment could result possibly„ lteach
school was free to use the pro-
fessional development day as the
staff deemed necessary - maybe
Inside the county and maybe out-
side the county.
Al Taylor= said a spedific
school might require a very spec-
ial form. of "recharging" which
could only came from visiting a
specific school or area of centre.
He felt that 'opportunity should be
available to a school not wanting
to take part in a Huron County
Professional Development Day.
Eight recommendations were
put forth by the conlinittee to the
board. They were; •
1. School should be closed
early on occasion for the staff to
hear a particularly good sneaker.
2. New teaching methods
should be tried out before fellow
teachers with an evaluation of the.
Hullet Council
ed, to. attend a conference, semin-
ar or workshop and aremxnected
to be -a resource for the county,
it is recomtnended that the pres-
ent policy of underwriting all ex-
penses be continued.
6. Funds should be available
to subsidize professional devel-
opment and it recommended that
a policy be adopted whereby a
professional development fund of
$5 per teacher is established, the
fund to be administered. by a
committee of teachers or by the
7. Consideration should be
given to replacing , from time to
time, Department of Education
courses with board sponsored in-
service courses.
8. That all professional dev-
elopment aids already establish-
ed by the board be continued in Huron.
method used to follow.'
3. There should be an allow-
ance for released time, other
than an official professionaldev-
elopment day, for staff members
to travel to. other schools in
out of the county to observe.
4,. Professional Development
Day should be scheduled so that
indiviguals or groups may plan,
Neils of Huronview 5. When people\are request-
The Tuclwrernith VDU of the
u.c.w, Brucefteld United Church
met at- the home a xrs-mary
nato,,Rn IVforiday afternoon with
an att_endence of 12 and 4 visitors
from 5eaforth.
The Devotion was taken by
Mrs. Haugh and Mrs. Ross Chap-
man. ,,Mrs. Chapman opened the
meeting with a poem "The Glory
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Mrs, Haugh took as her topto .to011tlooetl that the grooP1401beed
"Joy" and WelActraed everyone aopfl to, cater tO -4,24:rigtiet
to, her home. The roll call was 0110, FOrAarY ftlhetink veill;13‘ answered by too word .abotit lkelcl,•OnlebrparY14 lit 00 liOPie0 the person on your left, • lairs. 1401aNglAgn,
The secretary's- report was The hoste.Ss 404• her cominitte ,.
given by Mrs. Erwin SillerY. WS, Broatlfoot, 11r. VPopoiaa los. Berry reported that $803.00 Serie d lunch.
Mrs. Luther of Hensall le. the -song service on Sunday
evening provided beeethe Christian Women's Club of South
Huron with vocal and instrumental numbers by. Mr. Hall
and Mr. and Mrs. Luther. •
The Family Night progra m which was to feature the
Keith Gingerich family oaf. Zurich, was canelled owing
to weather conditions and will be -rescheduled at a later
date. The next Family Night program will be on January
27th with Jim Laurie -of Blyth in charge of the Bobby Burns
night. Plans have been made with the Brucefield Centennial
School to have a full-length, movie "Run W.tld, Run Free" on
'Thursday evening February 10th. .. •
Has Meeting
The, regular meeting of the
Fireside Fellowship Group was
held in the Centennial room with
the new President, Harold Cole-
man in charge.
The meeting""•opened -with
Hymn 690 • ' followed by the
scripture lesson read by James
F. Scott. Hymn 697 followed and
the devotional period was closed.
with a prayer by Rev. Mulholland.
Discussion look plaee regard-
in g the Christmas decorations
for the Church, also that a letter
of appreciation be sent to Mrs.
Gilchrist Coppin for' the gift of
tapes to. be played over the
C az•Illon Bells. It wa'l also agreed
to help other church organizat-
ions regarding putting flowers in
the Church on Sunday mornings. '
Shuffleboard was played for
about an hour which was enjoyed
by all, followed by lunch. . ,
Hold Euchre
Euchre winners at a recent
meeting of the Happy Citizens
were: Ladies' High - Mrs.' Alex
Scott; Ladies' Lone - Mrs. Mc',
Lure; Ladies' Lew - Mrs. Mc-
Gregor; Men's High.- Joe Whyte;
Men's Lone - Elmer -Dennis;
Men's Low - John Tremeer.'
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