HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-04-29, Page 2* You oncowpuac t`aua chile . Joa 'yol the appointed time, and her egg was- But itought to .b here now, urged What Cued Him
t ., .Q nig tita Emus Immo, year no too' oat kind o' talk 1 still without au outside," ' Aunt Deb Mra Dodd, t3ornetbing must have The taciturnity of bnckwoodsuueu,
Yon gwine be toot, at your wed aowne was: net ee sanguine, find expressed detained her. Rem and bring it row. says'Youth',i L'oMpauion, used to be
day, t<n' struck dead wid a clap O. her surprise .at (blue An»'s cheerful- self, that's a.. good girl. mush illustrated by American writerin
KIILDAY. AP111I, 9, 1892. tunder des lute Anerias an' $+fu's seas nese
jaaw, nine Dndd ! You cudn't'peit+ but clow, perhaps because batikwoada,
done struck wen day wasn't mindin' Law, Aunt Debt 4i»t I twang up r an rue, nine D fer ter gin oat aig fupa � men are too frzw to ,font a,s tsotaaplaioas
tv'at day say. Go lair;; apt' fkkuh in a 'tang a' tribulation ? Aiut allers de house tea de school safe an' sena+. i a national element as formerly, their
armful o' light 'ood, an suet de Made out to fetch up at de head 1 I'ae 4,3pee' hit's ease. Fee etenc ' i1t repose peculiarities are not gften mentioned, 4'
abiok'u.lboueodo' an' look ter Black gwine out dis minute ter 'vestergate Tram Canada, which still has vast`
ole manners, she added,wtth a oltuckle.
June. sl done Set den ar ben die de store windere. 'Spec' 1411 *skiver . areeit of almost unbroken forest, we
,-v ell, it's very strange if a girt four
..ttnad>i our gems.
a•taal= H000.
Stand, yo gallant sous of freedom,
For your -emblem and your bowl
Oauadw ,vas never conquered,
Canada is still our own.
Where brave Brook did lead ilia aquadrona
Pierced. by bayonet, pierced by ball,.
Charged the rabid foe and conquered,
But the gallant Brock did fail.
Not in least abashed, Chloe Ann to saying,. OIU,oe Ann put eau her a Dodd, tientt of a conversation between a city sports.
i the
'to' I comer. lenge, teen y
este aid can't be trusted to carry received the foltawing verbatim report
P 1 stud tlUS od aorta Y•
bounced out of list chair and clapped hat and shawl and started ott, singin mala and his backwoods guide, gill
in a high k Just as the committee who were to
her bands, declining that she .rasa g i key : Bnolishaw
'zackly sv'et ter put in de inside dat . Hump yo'se't ter de load an' fergit de award file prize ware about to with,
1 ter scoff •
distress, draw for thein conference, Ultioe Aon You have .tilled moose, Bill, x sup,
i' r de harder de pullin'• Au' dem Wt &tantsYde longerrderee', opened the outside door, and tiaras# apase nme.
An' de bigger de feed in de trough ! veryanxious fare out into the Barite
In less than half en hour site was Auer nig bulls 1
back again. There was a package in
her arms, and a look of solemn joy on
her twee.
Come in do udder room, sire said in
a hoarse,wbisper, and Aunt Deb went
into .the other room without a aloe
inent's delay.
When the two emerged ' from the
little bedroom, they quivered with. the
awfulness of the secret to theirpoeses-
'Spec you got to sew de fus' Tot ter
de clof, said Aunt Deb. Atter dat
dey'll stick fas' 'Hough.
You'so alto' you kin make dat ar 1
inquired the girl, rather anxiously,
Aint I ase ter wake dem' balls for
Manse Ellis's•chillun, long 'fo.' you was
borned ? Does you 'magine oat dean
days an' dem dotn►'s done drap• oaten
my min 1 Bless gracious 1 1 lain tell'
dein d'rections wrei fer wud, an' 1 tin
(strangle uw' too. 'But you'se got to
clo soirre eeper'mentin', Chloe Ann,
"Chari;o,"harried,"for home and country," ' nig, ail' she shouldn't as' nobody, leas
Chill Cauadiq,u,bearts with terror, key tvas all b'longin ter Iter.
f uri the vile usurpers down,
Mulligan did hear' the thunders,
When the cannons lond did boom ;
Well they fought in.hailowed circles,
Where Tecumseh met his doom.
t1ons of veterans, now your fathers
.test within then. battle pyres.
Would you let a ioen,'tu trample
O'er the ashes of their sires?
Not lar boasted annexation,
Not for silver, nor for gold,
Will we let our fathers' freedom
From our threshold e'er be sold,:
Never let a despot's frown ,
You'se bean' ter spee10 tante fudder'n
dat, chile, said Aunt Deb. Dat aig's
'bleeged ter have tuo'n insides. Go
long au'do some o' yo' flouriehin' roue'
de woodpile. Atter ten we'll set roue'
de stove rut' pi•ojec' 'bout net 'riginal
It was atter ten o'clock when Aunt
Deb and her niece rose from their
seats before the fire.
Chloe Ann.'s 'Rights. Egg- An' atter all dis 'spectin' an' con•
• tendni', said Aunt Deb, despondently,
'Aunt Deb sat near the frant'windaw:•we sins make out ter kiver dal aig I I
kin ax Miss Cale fer.de ole -.boxes,---
{ you'11 git yo' pas'boa'd oaten dem,--
an'. like 'nougb she'll gimme de strong
w'ite muslin. But dunno 's'at you
' gwine ter do for de outside.
Don'you be troubled in ,yo' min'
;'bout dat, Aunt Deb. Law 1 •14se
'bottle ter lin' kivorin' fer dat aig:
.'Taint gwine out in de world naked,
cert•t, sho'. 1 aint nebber got ref'
behind yit, Aunt Deb 1
With this cheering assurance Chloe
Ann jumped into bed, and was soon
fast asleep. .
Aunt Deb spoke truly when she
said that the girl was clear grit, Until
the last eighteen months of her' life
she bad always been ill -feed and over.
worked. When she was seven years
old her sickly mother became a help,
less invalid, and upon Chloe Ann were
laic} burdens far°too heavy for one 80
Many a time alae lay awake'ali night
with hunger that the .notber might
nob suffer. Many a time she' stood
between her drunken father and her
mother's bedside,warding off the 'blows
doin's, said aha, slyly, as soon as she intended for the sick woman, and ree
was seated, but dey's gwine ter be ceiving them,at last upon `her own
mighty cornus. shoulders.
Vat dey gwine fer ter do up dar ? When the mother died, two years
inquired Aunt Deb, eagerly.
Chloe grinned. Dem gals, she said,
dey ►rine ter have aigs an' --
Ate/ exclaimed Aunt Deb.
Aigs, repeated Chloe Ann, impres-
sively. An' mon dat, dey aint gwine
ter have notbiti 'cep' aigs. Dey ]tin
make 'em as small as ..sparrers' gigs,.
or dey kin make 'ern des as big as 'dey
.kin tote. Day kin stuff 'em or dey
ken leave 'em holler ; but ev'y gal's
bleeged ter invent de aig by her own-
alone•self• An' Mist Dodd she done
tole us dat de gal w'at make de 'riginal
aig sho' ter bit a prize ob. ten dollars.
Here Chloe Ann paused au instant
to give Aunt Deb time to take in the
full import of this announcement.
Thenshe prnceeded with her tale,
Dat gal wid long yeller curls, she
filly ter me, Nobody aint 'spectin'
you'll make nothin', Chole Ann.' An'
1 say, 'Derr 1 'bleeged to 'sprise 'em,
After dat elle axed we of .1 reckon 1
ken make dat prize aig. An' 1 'lowed
1 bona' ter try, an' dat I aint nebber
lef' beltitne 1 Den she laugh mighty
.of her littte'hottee, darning' a ;great
hale to, the heel of Chico Ann's abet:.
lug,, and wondering w'at fer • dat ehjle
so14 te !
'Dar she come tenet 1 'elle exnlaimea;
glancing up the road,' an' fluorin' like
u evil' turltey 1 .
A Moment -later the door flew Open,
and Chloe Ann rushed iuto• the ropm.
Aunt Deb, she gasped, dem gels up
ter de schoolhouse— -
Look re'r 1 1 wants ter know w'at
you mean, bustin' inter de house dis
way. You'se lackin' in repose ob
manner., you is, Chloe Ann 1' Reckon
I done year old mis' tel!in' Misk Rosa
dot a tousan' tinier, an' you're des lice
her, Shot dat do' ! Bless gracious 1
'Pears like ,oat Jla'ch win' tryin' ter
blow all innien inter dis room. Now
yo des set o %nein' dat ar cheer, an'
don'•lemme year'nudder wird, fum you
ontil you ketch ye' breff. ,udlo
Chloe Ann, puffing an :. all
steam tug, roiled up her eyes despa"r-
ingly''nnti tumbled into a chair,
Co'se I'd oughter 'mowed you'd
'spise fer ter year 'bout dem Easter
Here 1 is 1 ptuted Aunt Deb. An'
you kin praise yo' stars t'se come. I
aint neves ott'ertttk no secli skittish
job as dis afa', 'An' you abut never
year no ' inch racket as come fum de
inside oldish yet aig 1 I alar ter good-
ness 1 'Twas tension totin' a clock I
An' I'se loos' .feared some er dem
tunnels dun drap ofl in,de road,
Here, Judge Carleton ! said Mrs
Dodd, taking the ;huge bundle from
Aunt Deb's relueteut arme, and gi vitig shot
it to a gentleman 11standiug near her. Hadn't only a muzzle loader.
It is se late that you will have to ex, Did he get close to you .?
hibit this eon froth' the platform. , Clod as you be.
Judge Carleton , proceeded to the 'then you killed him ?
platform, closely ,pursued by Aunt
Deb, who removed the wrapping of
tissue.paper as he mounted the steps.
Hullo ! shorted a small boy. A
pop>,00ru egg !
A popcorn egg sure and shining and
sparkling as if Jack Frost had breathed
lease you dint had nu 'sper'unce wid upon it ! A tnurtnur of surprise and
sech done's. I'ae mighty glad dere admiration ran thilough the room.
aint no school dis week. ! Look out dar, 'VIitrse Carleeonl eried
Some, '
Where 1
13ack yonder,
Were yon ever chased by one 1
How was that 1
He eat ne at me.
Had you wounded Mini
How did he conic 1
Across the aware.
Uouldu't you atop him with another
Chloe Aun'sdelight knew no bounds.
She danced and capered • about the
roetn until Aunt Deb was thoroughly
out of patience.
„The eventful day dawned at last,
but it seemed to Ctiloe Ann the longest
day of her life, She was dressed `for
the evening lung before the timo, and"
as soon as the clock struck seven she
ran to the schoolhouae. '
When elle opened the, door she was
dazzled with the s►gbt. The boys
bad trimmed the large room most
tastefully. with evergreens, and !laden.
ranged flags aced other draperies with
charming effect.
The Easter eggs were displayed on
later, and her'father declined to sup-. tables sear the wall. There were
port her, Chloe Ann begged and work. emerys, almost us small as sparrers'
ed her way from Georgi, to a' small eggs, with a rosette and loop of very
town in Pennsylvania where Aunt narrow ribbon at each large end; eggs
Deb lived. Her aunt bad sent money of dainty satin, filled with tempting
to pay the cost of the journey, but the candies; eggs covered with swan's -
father had discovered tie and gained • dawn, containing bottles of perfumery,.
possession of it.
The poor child could neither read
nor write when she entered the village
or waiting to receive a, lady's jewels.;
and eggs ree3plendent in blue . and red
velvet or plush; large enough to -hold
school ; but being :lar irk, she ignored comfortably the elegant dolls that 'lay
the ridicule of the little children with withiu,
whom she was obliged to recite, and Chloe Ann drew a longbreath.
worked with all her might to make up , Lan+ o' glory! she exclaimed at last,
for lost time. .Dey's ban'some 1 Oo'se 'twits all
Mrs Dobh, a wealthy and benevo- mighty foolish ter make calc'lations
.lent woman, was at this time
greatly 1 on dat ar ten dollar. But sakes 'live
interested in .raising funds for the I dint gwine ter bodder 'bout dat.
Orphan Asylum which she had been Somehady'll buy my aig, °ert'n sho'.
the means of starting in the village. Chloe Ann smileeenheerfully upon
She conceived the idea of interesting
the school girls in the enterprise, and
proposed that they should have an ex•
ltibition, of Easter eggs of their own it.
She would five a prize of ten dollars
for the most singular and unusual pro.
,an' toss up• her head. I. dint say duction. Ten cents. adtnissiou fee
xiothin'rrio', but Ides stian' raun' dery should be charged at, the door, The
,gals an' watches out, :, an' years der ladies should provide refresltntents,aok
talk. 1 knows fer sho' now des how 1 after the committee haddecided on the
;gwine ter wuk. most original egg, there should be' a
Aint 1 allers done tole de folks you grand sale of the eggs for the benefit
was czar grit, honey? cried Aunt Deb. of the asylum. c
13ut I dunuo'za3kly w'at you meat' The teacher permitted the girls to
•w'en you talk 'bout de'r'iginat nig. interest themselves m so deserving s
Ho 1 ejaculated Chloe Ann, Rigie cause, and presently the whole village
oafs de mos' diffbntest from all de' became very tnueh interested in the
res', an' I'se noun' ter make dat aig, exhibition.
gwrirte matte ate biggest aig' in all Ido one was more thoroughly excited
ara tions 1 than 'Chloe Arm. She talked about
Chloe Ann 1 shouted Aunt Doh, eggs -she dreamer' about eggs. Her
*Meshing her niece sharply with the hops and courage never failed, not
roftelthug which she bad just mended. even whoa it lacked only four days of
Aunt Deb, excitedly.. You'se gwine
tear keel hit over. tneep• hit de little
end up, sho ! . -
Mrs Dodd stepped upon the plat-
forna, and assisted Judge Carleton to
raise the upper half of the great egg.
When Black Jane, Aunt Deb's
favorite hen, we disclosed, sitting on
a nest, of white otton-..ansae, every. -
°body began to cap. Then a dozen
fluffy little black 'heads thrust then..
selves nut from under' the wings of the
old hen, and the *applause became
deafening. At this all the little black
heade disappearede and everybody
laughed. •
Of course Chloe Auuit's egg took the
e The committee were not absent
Then you killed him.
ps' -izYou could 'a' killed him yousself
from the room more than five minutes; then,
and'as soon as the sale began, Mrs With that, sys the sportsman, I.
Dodd was sorely perplexed, for it gave up the questioning, and imaginesi
seemed ata, if every one, wanted to buy the details. After a long silence Bill
said : That cured me of muzzle -load..
Chloe Anti's egg. What a jolly time• ers.
What then 1
climb up.
Where 1
On the root.
Wnat root 1
The big pine root.
A fallen pine
What did he cto ?
Lstmmed intotit.
Into what 2 44
The root,
How 1
Lickety pelt, . Head first. Twact.
Did you get off them 1
I near did.
Re shook the root, .eh 1
You bet.
But you held on 1
Were you sitting?
How could you bold on ?
Branches of roots.
Well, what then ?
1 fetched him.
Oh, you had another shot ?
Got loaded up, -
they all had 1 Ilow the people laughed
and cheered whin excited individuals
bid against themselves 1
At last dat 'riginal aig was knoclted
oft at fifteen deniers to aid Mr Glap-
haut,who bad been very much opposed
to, tate asylum.
Chloe Anu,howildid you ever happen
to think of putting that brood of
chickens into your egg 1 inquired one
of the ladies.
Law ! said Chlo i,1 allers 'bserved
oat chiek'ns was a natchul ting to be
the rival eggs and went • her way. inside o' Fags
osteutatiously tossing over het° shout'- inhere was a great.shout then. Chloe
der the long ,scarlet ribbons that Ann laughed louder ban any one else.
depended from a tight braid wltielt Judge Carleton patted the woolly
stood out at right angles to her head, head approvingly,
and was exactly three inches Iong. Chloe Ann, said Aunt Deb, as they
An hour tater she met b`lorenee ware walking rapturously home in the
Rvrtns, whom she described as chat gal moonlight, you're de outdoin'est gal
veld de long 'yeller earls.
it, oat ar schoolhouse I Pee proud on
' ;Where's your egg 1 inquired Piot- you, honey,1 cert'nly is. •
t1eis Law I exclaimed Chloe Ann with a
Becton hit's at home, wtis the cool little tremble in' her voice. Aint I 1
'response. done tole you I'se never lef' behitne ?
Reckon you're ashamed b show it,
saad the girl, n+oeltingly. •
Like 'nought -replied Ohloe Ann,
with apparent indifference, •
—Vendee Companion,
Amen 'ro Atortisas.•+,Are you ouetnrbed at night
and broken of your rest, by a sick child suffering ani
crying with min of cutting Teeth? tf so send n,t
once and gat i. bottle of ' MMrs.\Vin,low'r� boothin
Syrup" for Children Teething. Its vmluo 1s incalou
Why,t ltlee Ansi 1 Isn'tyour eggaide, it *ill relieve 4the poor ,little sufforof
immediately: Depend upon it, mothers; there tsar
musico about it, ft cures llysantary and blarrhota,\.
Iters yet ? ertclahme� Mrs Dodd. All re`ulat,t>i thoe�Stomaca and iio�elq cmr�IWindC ii e� g>=woos a
th tobel e
The Washing
1t will save you much trouble
It wilt bring you comfort and ease
it will save your clothes and hands
Tt does not require washing. powders
Is will wash in either hard or soft
It Cannot injure .the most delicate
skin or fabric
its purity and excellence have given
it the Largest sale in the world
., 'r o c R
so tons ,tu ams, ro acne rn amutatlon, and gives I.n1YAtI6Ns
e eggs were here at five o,ciock, tone and energy to aha whole system. "Mee. tVie. = "letA rs ONLY
Den's a tack, said 0ltloe Ann veryblow's soothins Syrup for ehlldren teething 11i = jSoa
lnleasaat to the taste and is the prescrEptton of ane f � oNs
gravely, Hut Aunt Deb's mighty trg ini ase, `ieor-slmlTg times S°dsfaeby.alt
special wid dar aig. She's gwine ter I throughout the world. Mee twenty-five con
fetch itberse'f, bottle, Be Imre and ask for "'Mas. Wilest.wotesnna+r,stttrrraax rn+t til9ttop., n
*Weida Smcr. and +Ake no other kind
aneaa nrais$tttetai, Tciteetti
•� wi
" eel
• ,.•dor
' go
'�•' hb