The Huron Expositor, 1972-01-13, Page 10Look For Our HALF PRICE DISPLAYS ..•••••••••.o.rme, JA NUARY CLEARANCE SALE! SALE! Outstanding Values on Many Items in the Store! 10% 20%, DISCOUNT During •Our January Clearance Sale on ALL SEASONABLE LINES crone's ROOKS :t \D ST ITIONI-Ail STORE The Friendly Store in Seaforin - "the friendly town" l(WIME FiV,R4r,PePOSITORI, SEAFOIRTH, ONT., JAN, 13,, 1912 I . 'For 1972, this„team has even better NEW hybrids all ready for you'—all 100% normal cytoplasm for 1972—every acre detasseled. Every 'hybrid farm-field- tested under varied growing conditions and PROVEN for at least two growing seasons. •• And, you'll be glad to know, many 1970-71 profit favorites will be again available for 1972. Hybrids that proved their superior yielding capacity in the' rugged competition of ' 1970 Project :200 with 35 entrants topping 200 bushels, per acre ! •Hybrids that won , the 1970 Iowa Master Corn Growers CoriteSt, the '19701-National •Corn Growers Association Contest for lion- irrigated Corn. . And—more important—on yours and thousands of other farms won the yield contest" 'you enter every Jime you, plant a field..to corn. For 1972, do not settle for less. Order-and plant the hybrids from the • winner's circle :'Funk's G -.Hybrids. Dependable' Hybrids. From Dependable People. "-N" Seed Corn is . in short supply ,,t47,pi 0. year-s drrder early. so . yOu worijt.be disappointed.' ALLEN HAUGH 1 Mile East of Brucefield • Phone 5274138 from Keith's Famil Clothin ei ON I After nearly,11.2 •YEARS• serving the wonderful pe-ople of Clinton, Seaforth, Goderich and surrounding areas we re-' '' QUITTING BUSINESS for keeps Needless to ,say this has been a very hard decision to mike, after all we havw enjoyed your loyal, support over the years, however, we feel we should e while we're still in reasonably good health soverve decided to Close --Out our entire stock to you our goad, customers at once, so . STARTiNG THURSDAY JAN. 13 at 10 aim. SHARP $18,000.00 STOCKW1LL GO ON SALE. NOTHING WILL BE HELD BACK. EVERYTHING will be SLASHED to the bone for Quick Liquidation/ Clothing for Men 'and Boys, Ladies and Children, outerwear, sleepwear, sweat &s, slack, jackets, men's and boys' pants, hosiery, mitts and gloves, work clothes and thousand of dollars worth of sundry clothing' items. , Our customers know that our stock is always up to date and new and the same can be saici.nPw, in fact, much of our present stock has arrived since "Christmas having made our final decision only this week. NATURALLY our CLOSE OUll- SALE will continue daily until stocks are gold, however, we cannot guaantee assortments to last long so our advice is • t OPEN SHOP EARLY! Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.' Fridays, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m,' Six Days A Week Margaret, Lorne and Keith Salzrnan KEITHS FAMILY CLOTHING PHONF 481) 771fi 1..1 IN ()NT Ank. A Qreek' fisherman. mall village. ‘it Camping near Naxos -the three travellers meet a fellow traveller, Pamela Sharp, a student from New Zealand, in front of an Athens hotel. • 4.0 McKillop Unit' Meets The December -meeting of the MeRillop unit was held at the home of Mrs. Glen McNichol. A noon, meal p1feceded the meet- ing when the losers of the copper contest entertained the winners. Christmas gifts were given out. Mrs. Stewart McCall presided for the devotions opening with the hymn VO Little Town- of Beth- lehem" with Mrs. Laverne God- kin as pianist. Mrs. Keith Rock read, the 'scripture lesson from Luke 2:8-20 followed by the med- itation, "Christmas overshad- ows petty things" by Mrs. S. MeGall. Prayer was given by Mrs. Merton Rackwell. Hymn t36, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" .3 was' sung. Mrs. Nell McGavin chose. as her Topic the "Trad- itions and symbols of Christmas of all lands". The collection was received and, dedicated by Mrs,. S. McCall. Hymn "Silent Night" was sung, followed with the clos- ing benediction on Christmas by. J Mrs. S. McCall. Mrs. Campbell Wey was i charge of the business, opening with a few lines from Phillip Brooks. Minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs, W.J. Leem - ing, also a Thank you card. Roll, call was taken with 19 members and 4 visitors, present. Treas- urer 'and Visithig and Friend- ship .eeports were given. Bus- iness was discussed and sug- gestions given for the coming' year programs. Mrs. C. Wey closed the meeting with Henry Van Dyke's Christmas Prayer. 1 5, 04 Three Seaforth students last summer spent-14 weeks touring the British'Isles and Europe. They were Janice Dietz, Elizabeth' MacLean and Catolanne Doig. 4,^4'.."'"..W.MtraneagareSaW"'". • • .',N ,,414A:04444afintr'''' 4 You Get a Good Feeling... Seaforth Students Recall. "*- European Travel Adventures . . . any year—and especially this year—when your most important' crop is planted to hybrids developed 'by the world's most productive hybrid research team. - (By Elizabeth ritacLedn) fine as it was good to be - able This was a vacation away When' classes ended at to communicate. for a change. , from vacation. For these days Seaforth District High School last Our first day in Athens was we Just swam and took, it easy. one to remember. First of all After. •a lot of travelling . you summer a whole new experience began for three students. we wanted to get to Canada House, find it's nice to •be' able to do •The three, Janice Dietz, in Athens. to piCk up mail before nothing in-particular. And since Elizabeth MacLean and Carol- finding a place to stay for the the water was so close we took anne Doig began a 14 wdek tour night: And as we were .in a full advantage and . swam a lot, that took them by air to London, hurry to get there before it Salt ••water isn't 'the nicest to "England,' through 'the' British closed we decided to really swim in. If by any chance you Isles and across to Europe: splurge and take one -of these swallowed any, and if you were" HereElizabeth MacLean re- grey taxis. This was a disaster not a great salt lover, the re- for we no sooner got' in and told sults could be sickening, The town .itself was quite calls their impressions of Greece - and the experiences they enjoyed him where we' wanted to go while touring the country. than it became apparent he, had. different. Donkeys were the different intentions. Instead of farmers main tranSportal'ecua as • We had so many experiences „going straight there he drove us a car or truck was; out of the this summer while'we hitch-hiked all around the city;,' pointing out queStien. It was a very friendly through eleven different Euro- places of interest ,but at our town and the people themselves pean countries • that it isexpense. • were quite interested in us, as impossible to tell everything. But' ' Meanwhile the clock is tick- . not that many tourists came to Since Greece was ,chosenas our - ing away. I kept telling" him we the island. favourite country, it seems ap- didn't want a tour and: to stop • The days seemed to go too propriate to write about it. going in, circles and to take us- fast here. -I ciOn't know if it was It all started in' Italy for - there. After awhile we got se because we enjoyed ourselves so • here we bought our tickets to - mad we demanded to get out, and.. much or because of the dreaded' go by boat to Greece, Since we• Istarted yelling' at him.. All he .were all students we were allowed trip back to Athens. As it a student rate Wiii6ramounted to about ten dollars. This is tourist rate" which by the way includes a bed, es it is a twelve hour .journey. The only thing is the bed is not as you'imagine a bed; but sleeping on the deck. This was the most popular with all the other kids .and believe me there were' enough. After spending. the night, on our luxury cruise we .all. un- loaded. Athens the main' city of Greece was our destination now. There . was only one problem though, it' seemed to be the des- tination of a lot of other hitch- hikers. We started walking down the road' to go. where there was e clear piece-of land big enough -lb': Ai' down 'airour equipment and wait. AS we were passing this 'one group, they started telling lit' • how they hadn't moved from the same, spot in. the last twenty- four hours. This; really en- couraged . But.as we*started down the road a car went .by and for the fun .of it : we stuck out' our thumbs, WOuld you believe it? . we 'got a ride plus a fewAngry yell8 from the others, bargain for the price. Price pays any -attention to signals, After•• loading all our knap- ,tags are on everything' but we- you'. just walkwhen you get, the sacks we, started on our way to --could n't see why; Nobody pays 'chance and hope for the best. Athens'. There was one more ,. ,the first price., You bargain and t The food, we found .was very catch. as we soon found out and by the time' you are finished the greasy but good. One particular it was that the people in Greece price is cut in half. Before dish' called isouflakr is eaten by seem to be the worst drivers, in 'buying the article you are cal - Europe. Anyway we ran into 5.11. It is like a sausage Ailed culating in, your mind what it in a pancake, with onions, tome.- another car. The police 'had to would cost in Canadian dollars; 'e;eg and spices added. Every kind come so we decided to- get out -but yet paying their money, - of fruit is plentiful and used and., ,,try again., The next ride which' sounds like a lot. This often in the,daily diet. It was came Soon after a 'truck. Here .se„-eetline scared us. atnazifig to find we,..could Speak we got 'all our things; and jumped After. shopping, night was ., one word in eyefy language. This in the back and signalled to go.on., again approaching, so made our It must have been all of five happens to • be, coca-cola. Only way to Constitution'Square which :'the.' tourists drink it and in Some -our was our bed for the night - a thc oiurnttyr-five vs e youce ntpaid for as' amuc hnl small swiped another car. So i minutes when We almost side - is a famous park in Athens. This -driver and the other driver got park bench. As it turned out this bottle. Coke here, though; aver- out and said a few words in was one of our most convertible :aged about the-saline as; it was in, Greek. Maybe : it was just as • parks that we had ever slept in. Canada. • well we never unerstood the lah- While we were here we met a We were sad to leave Athens guage. Now we were ready for friend that was on the same boat but we had already stayed longer anything. over to Greece from Italy. Our than planned. 'Our next stop for Rides were going fairly well intentions were •to go to Naxos, any length of time would be Up until about six that night. As a Greek-Island the next morning, Turkey. First tho^ugh we had to we were Walking down the road and when we nlentioned this she' getont, of 'Greece. The next night the same car that 'had been in decided 'to come along. She had we slept in a, field in-the country, the accident earlier in the day been travelling differently than This ,had to be the worst night picked us up. They drove us to we we're. Site carried a suit- 'ever to be put'in. Mosquitoes • the next town where we could ease and took trains and a few- . kept* us awake-all night. We had find a hotel. • , other luxuries. If she came with a decision to make, either stay Things looked better in the us we told her she would have to outside and- get eaten alive or 'morning. The Sop was shining rought it as we had, planned to suffocate in your sleeping bag. Rides now were harder to • get as the peopleof Greece aren't allowed in Turkey. Our next night we got 'to the GreeIrcustoms. As it was-late by this time, we stayed right at customs. Since our. friends, •the niosqUitoes, were' .bothering us again, we _were OAT_ most By now we had spent'most of our Greek_ money,. and at the border. ToinotroW we would I* in a different country, noW, the Money we had just got used to Would change, along with many other things. WhAt would Turkey have in store for us? did was grin so we might as turned out' Janice and I, decided well have saved our breath. we weren't.- meant to be sailors. Finally he got the message and This time we decided that we took us there. By this time our. would live in luxury for a few bill, was outrageous and, 'sti .'We days, since we had had enough demanded a reduction-for driving of eating and drinking sand. The all over. He didn't agree to this, hotel room we got turned out to but unwillingly changed his mind. be Our next place, for a week and - We got our mail and decided to • a half. For $1.25 a day we had leek for a place to stay. . our 'Own room with honest to good- It was unbelievable but, the ness beds and also anarticle that places were all full, Weel,-did, is seldom seen, a 'bathtub, also manage after awhile to get a a, balcony, maid service and place for a dollar a -night. All breakfast brought to the room in the' one room andthe 'same bed. :every morning. This was another -That's togetherness for you,: We' reason we liked Greece,. . The' were 'just glad to get a roof 'over prices were right' . our heads.. .,...For the week And . a half we Another new day in. Greece. .saw a lot of AthenS. As shopping So" far things harOt gene very Was a favourite hobby, it turned smoothly.. Welooked around the ' out we did a lot of 'stores which were reall • Everyone is up with the sun, interesting. The money called and then shortly tSr noon every- drackmas - was confusing at thing 'dies. • Yo c n't get a first. we found', out you had to thing even if yo life. depended ,multiply the amount by three to on it. After- everyone has a translate into Canadian dollars. sleep and it's not quite so hot the For' example - three hundred stores open which by now, is five drackmas represent nine dollars o'clock. 'Now the night lifebegins to us. . .." , which continues on until the early • It's really funny shopping. hours of the morning: 'walking We went to a street that is full across the roads here is like of Iittre shops and liere --you try,ing to commit suicide. Nobody ,.1 and the surroundings really Were 'beautiful. The ,mountains, although not high, made a very scenic trip all through the main- land of Grpece. In Greece ther re are very few privately Owned cars but taxi. cabs are everywhere. These are all government subsidized, and all the same colour. Kr,his would have been good exqePt-bur budget didn't allow for tali cabb. But 'Ike eventually made it to Athens. Athens the main city, was quite different' than what we had 'expected. A lot of _the people spoke English.• This -suited -ns sleep on, the beach for about four days. Which is just what we did. First we 'had te get to the island, and this was ?bore in itself. It involved an eiglit ride Oh a boat but Janice ancli didn't see too flinch scenery as both were sick all the way there, .Our home Was now to be on a beach - just outside of the small' town, Nax0S. Trying to find a plade to stay was kind of a chore. There Wasn't a tree to be !Mind on this whole island and it ws4 hard to-find shelter. At last we gave up and set Up house with- out our, desired tree. • 10 IA,